
线路 in Bouldering in Lukenya for selected grade

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Showing all 93 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
Campsite Area Boulders The One with the View
V2 Quicky

Mental. Traverse left and up on good holds, just don't swing off and down the big drop underneath.

首攀: Henrick Reuhkala

Campsite Area Boulders The Roost
V2 Chickenhead

Sit-down start matched on really nice jug, moves left and up with a big move to a nice edge up at the lip. One of Lukenya's best!

首攀: Andew Andress

Campsite Area Boulders The Wave
V2 Ripple

Highball. Stand start and go straight up the face. A really nice technical boulder problem. Avoid using boulder on the right, though it could possibly be a V0 variation if used.

首攀: Nathan Brand

Campsite Area Boulders Whale's mouth
V2 Oversized shorts

Crouch start on far right of prow, traverses just a few moves left and then up the face

首攀: Lindsey Andress

Campsite Area Boulders Satellite Dish
{US} V2 Searching for UFOs

SIt-start to the left of Satelitte Dish, with left hand on good crimp on low rail and right hand on a low gaston crimp. Hard first move to stand up and reach a diagonal crimp up and right. Easier to the top. Useful to have a friend hold branches out of the way.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 5 3月 2023

Campsite Area Boulders Rookie Rock
V2 Ice Cube

Sit-down start with left hand on rail and right on low crimp, moves up the short problem using slopey compression and crimps. It's a nice lowball.

首攀: Andrew Andress

Campsite Area Boulders Cereal Killer
{US} V2 Cap'n Crimp

Stand-start on the lowest-usable crimps. Hard first move to a decent hold, straight up from there.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 15 5月 2022

Campsite Area Boulders Abstract Hyrax
{US} V2 Abstract Hyrax

If you hate it-starts stay away. Sit-start on big holds low on the lip, and awkwardly and with difficult mantle up. Straight up from there.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 17 9月 2023

Nemesis Area Boulders Paradise ladder
V2 Paradise ladder

Nice. #juggy

首攀: Emmanuel F

Nemesis Area Boulders Horse Boulder
V2 Farasi

Sit-down start on low jug and goes up left of arete on good crimps.

首攀: Nathan Brand, 3 5月 2017

{US} V2/3 Bigrock Horseman

Sit-start low to the right of the arete, go up on crimps and big left-hand gaston staying right of arete to the top.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 2 4月 2020

Nemesis Area Boulders Kichwa Kobe
{US} V2/3 Touching cotton

Sit-start at the furthest right and lower point of the big diagonal cracks. Work your way up this leftwards to get establish on good holds when the cracks end. From here either dyno to the top or use a poor intermediate crimp and bump up. Top out from there.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 31 10月 2020

{US} V2 Prairie-dogging

Same sit-start as for Touching cotton, the lowest holds on the right of big diagonal cracks. From here move up right on holds in cracks and mantle over the top.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 31 10月 2020

Nemesis Area Boulders Kizunguzungu
{US} V2 Mzunguzungu

Better than it looks. Stand-start in the middle of the overhang matched on okay holds and feet high. Get up to the big block and mantle above this to finish up the slab above.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 31 10月 2020

Nemesis Area Boulders Dhoruba
{US} V2 Mvua inakuja

Short but fun problem. Start on lowest usable hold on the arete, one hardish move up to the big flakes, then work your way left along the arete and up to finish.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 8 11月 2020

Nemesis Area Boulders Shinrin-yoku
{US} V2 Yugen

On the left side of the boulder. Start on a good rail, then a big move to a decent hold just under the lip. From there find holds further in and mantle.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 6 12月 2020

Nemesis Area Boulders Weakness Boulder
{US} V2 Weakness Protection Programme

Very similar to Witness the Weakness, but start further right with hand in the big crack and follow the line of the vertical crack above to the top.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 2 4月 2020

Nemesis Area Boulders Pâtisserie
{US} V2 Bolt-Free Froggies

Go up the arete opposite Witness the Weakness. Start on jugs on the left for easier, lower on crimps on the right for harder.

首攀: Emmanuel F, 1 4月 2017

{US} V2 Pain au Raisin

Right of Pain au Chocolat. Stand-start on two crimps and go straight up, using an intermediate crimp and getting feet up.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 9 4月 2023

{US} V2 Chouquette

Right of Pain au Raisin and very similar. Stand-start on obvious holds, go straight up via a good horn and getting feet up.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 9 4月 2023

Nemesis Area Boulders Barabara Blues
{US} V2 On the Road

Stand-start with hands matched on the big obvious flake. Move right and up the arete to mantle.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 17 9月 2023

{US} V2 On the Road Again

Awkward problem on the left side of the boulder. Stand-start with hands on slopers at shoulder level. Straight up a series of slopers.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 17 9月 2023

Nemesis Area Boulders Teatime
{US} V2 Clotted cream

Stand-start on good holds just left of the cave. Move up on jugs then slightly left to a diagonal rail then to better holds to finish.

首攀: Livio van Enckevort, 22 10月 2023

{US} V2 Scones

Stand-start in the far left of the cave. Come out of this to a good crack then up and right to another good crack just above the lip of the cave. Up from here on decent holds.

首攀: Luca van Enckevort, 22 10月 2023

Nemesis Area Boulders Slabburu
{US} V2 Thunderthighs

To the right of Moran Therapy.Stand-start. Get established on a good left foot and slopey right foot, before popping up to a decent gaston - quite a unique move. Don't just jump up from the ground to the good holds higher up.

首攀: Peter Naituli, 10 11月 2023

{US} V2 The Last Gaboli

Just left of a small fig tree growing out of the rock. Get established from a stand-start on the best holds within reach from a decent foot next to the tree. Up on crimps to top out.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 10 11月 2023

{US} V2 Kupe Mweupe

Up the right side of the boulder, starting right of the fig tree. Get established from a stand-start, then straight up.

首攀: Peter Naituli, 10 11月 2023

Nemesis Area Boulders The Blade of Damocles
{US} V2 Tempered Steel

Stand-start under where the overhang starts, work up the slab and exit just right of the overhang.

首攀: Livio van Enckevort, 20 1月

Picnic tree Boulders Dinosaur Egg
{US} V2 Dr. Danger

This problem ascends the arete on left hand side of the boulder. Start stood on the ramp below the arete with hands matched on the slanting rail. Once established, the ascent along the arete is straight forward with good feet and decent hand holds.

首攀: Peter Naituli, 31 7月 2022

Picnic tree Boulders Tickfest
{US} V2 Ticki-taka

Full traverse of the boulder. Sit-start on the start jug of Ticked off on the left and work your way right and to the top-out of Tickle me Elmo. Avoid all holds at the top of the boulder before the top-out on the far right.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 12 3月 2023

Picnic tree Boulders Christmas Break
V2 Repeat the Sending Joy

Stand start on lowest possible holds facing each other, both have 90 degree corners and the left hand is small and sharp. Find your way up and across the ridge line to the top. Top out as far left as you can without getting stuck in the thorns.

首攀: Schunk

{US} V2 Easter egg

Sit-start with both hands as low as possible - left in a small crack and right on the ledge which is also used for the right foot. Go straight up the face, with some deceptively tricky and balancey moves.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 26 8月 2023

Picnic tree Boulders Sit-start Samburu
{US} V2 Screaming hyrax

Sit-start matched in the low crack on the left of the boulder, traverse all the way across following the gently rising crack, finishing on the far right where a small vertical crack splits the top.

首攀: Peter Naituli, 2 7月 2022

Watertower Power Cube
{US} V2 Transformer

Sit-start on the left of the boulder, with hands matched in a low decent diagonal crack. Couple of powerful moves up a jug above and top out.

首攀: Peter Naituli, 31 3月 2023

Watertower Tsunami
V2 Sugar rush

#crimpy #juggy

首攀: Eric Ducroix

Watertower Spiky tree Boulder
{US} V2 Arret de Toucher

Stand-start on the arete and the hollow flake, established off the slanting rock below. Straight up the arete from there - good to have a few pads and a spotter as the landing is not great.

首攀: Emmanuel F & Michele Leone, 2017

Watertower Steep 1
V2 Steep 1

Nice. Don't use the boulders on right and on left. #bad_dropzone #juggy

Stand-start with left hand just around the arete and right hand on the arete. Pull a couple spicy moves and then your top out of choice.

Watertower Jenga
{US} V2 Arete

Sit-start on the arete to the left of the crack, with right hand on the arete and left low on the face. Compress up the arete to good holds at the top, maybe with a sneaky toe-hook?

首攀: Emmanuel Freudenthal, 2016

Watertower Stonehenge
{US} V2 Morning awakening

Pumpy traverse on the juggy handholds going above the cave, with a slightly tricky finish.

首攀: Eric Ducroix, 2016

Watertower Angels boulder
V2 Corner

Up the left-hand arete, bailing left before the overhanging top.

首攀: Emmanuel F, 2016

Watertower Perched Boulder
{US} V2 Slippery feet

To the right of Moja Maker, up the face. Stand-stat with hands matched in a good diagonal crack but with poor feet. Find your way up the face on more decent holds and more poor feet before reaching jugs for both.

首攀: Eric Ducroix, 2016

{US} V2 Warm-high-up

Highball up the face on the lower boulder below Go-Go Gadget Arms, etc., on the side facing Mombasa Road, in between two fig trees. Stand-start on the holds you can reach. Work through some deceptively tricky moves to reach better holds above and top out on jugs, making sure each one is solid before pulling.

首攀: Emmanuel F, 2015

{US} V2 Perched on a Royal Head

Just left of Sit-Start Pull Cross. Sit-start matched on a small rounded crimp (right and up from a more crumbly hold), with feet low. Slightly powerful first move up and right to a good sloping hold, then straight up through interesting moves.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 25 2月 2023

{US} V2 Sit-start Pull Cross

Not the most inspiring name but a fun boulder. Good to have a spotter as the landing is a bit slanted. On the first part of the perched boulder you approach from the left-side scramble up to the top. Sit-start matched on a blocky hold, then sort out feet to reach a cool tufa-like hold out left. Straight up from there.

首攀: 2016

{US} V2 Digging for Gold

On the perched bnoulder itself. Get in the cave and dig. Stand-start matched on the good blocky hold on the outside of the cave, facing Mombasa Road. From there chimney up to holds which enable you to come out of the cave and onto jugs on the face.

首攀: Vadim Kuklov, 2016

Watertower Cocktail Boulder
{US} V2 No ice

Stand-start just to the right of a small tree. Go up and slightly right to a topout on good holds.

首攀: Emmanuel F, 2016

{US} V2 Straight up

Sit-start to the left o the crack, on crimps. Get up to better holds in the crack and up this to a good topout.

首攀: Nathan Brand, 1 3月 2016

{US} V2 On the Rocks

Sit-down start to the right of Straight Up on the little jug past the arrete. Go left round the arete and up the crack.

首攀: Nathan Brand, 3 4月 2016

Watertower Midday sun jungle
{US} V2 Salty chicken, sweet chicken

Face left for salty, and right for sweet. Stand-start for both with hands on the lower boulder.

首攀: Emmanuel F

{US} V2 Kung Pao Chicken

Lovely tall climb. Stand-start with hands matched in lowest obvious hold. Go straight up, using the right side of the arete if needed but staying left of the crack and boulder on the right.

首攀: Eric Ducroix, 2017

Watertower Clam
{US} V2 Clammy traverse

Stand-start with both hands on the lip of the boulder on the far right. Traverse left along the lip on decent holds and heel hooks and top out at the highest point of the boulder, where there is a prominent chicken head. Landing gets worse as you go, so pad and spot carefully.

首攀: Emmanuel F

Watertower Logger's Boulder
{US} V2 Axe

Sit-start on obvious low crack. Straight up on good crimps.

首攀: Emmanuel F, Fish & Mathias, 2016

Watertower Sleepy hollow
{US} V2 Left hand squeeze

Stand-start with right hand on the obvious block in the centre of the boulder (where your left hand is for Right hand squeeze), and left as low as possible on the arete to the left. Go up and left to a good sidepull jug and top out above. Harder if under 1.70 m.

首攀: Emmanuel F & Mathias, 2016

Watertower The Hatchling
{US} V2 Hatch pull

Stand-start just right of Togepi, with left hand in the right hand start hold for Togepi and right in another sidepull. Get feet up then stand up to the lip.

首攀: kash ramli, 24 11月 2023

{US} V2 Hatch pulley

Sit-start using same crimps as for Hatch crimp, but go left and up instead of right and up. Boulder below is off.

首攀: kash ramli, 24 11月 2023

Watertower N'go Itatu
{US} V2 Aimu

Up the middle of the face towards the upper slope. Sit-start between two smaller rocks under the boulder, on decent crimps. Keep going up between decent edges to the top straight up. Aimu are the spirits of ancestors of the Kamba people.

首攀: kash ramli, 12 5月

Far Ridge Big Fig Lightning Tortue
{US} V1/2 Donatello

Start on a good rail under the overhang on the left. Go up under the overhang and traverse right to exit.

Tough start. #SD #juggy

首攀: Alex Mcbride, 6 9月 2017

{US} V2 Ninja

Sit-start below and left of the big rail. Make you way straight up on good crimps, delicately on the flake.

首攀: Eric Ducroix, 10 9月 2017

V2 Michelangelo

Highball. Start as for Leonardo, but then move right to exit through the right side of the overhang, without using the arete for hands or feet.

首攀: Sven, 2020

Far Ridge Big Fig Lightning Compressor
V2 Rolling house

Up the high boulder just to the left of Hug the Boulder. Landing is not great as it has fallen away.

首攀: Eric Ducroix, 2018

Far Ridge Big Fig Lightning The Wailing Wall
{US} V2 Feet Up

Problem on the left of the boulder. Sit-start on the lowest crimp and work your way up using a little flake and footwork.

首攀: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

{US} V2 Spring

Up the middle of the boulder to a good undercling. Get your feet up from here and reach for a slightly heady topout.

首攀: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

{US} V2 Spring Break

To the right of Spring, not using the hollow, creaking flake to your right. Up and over the boulder at its highest point on delicate hands and feet.

首攀: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

Far Ridge Big Fig Lightning Swiss Army Knife
{US} V2 Little knife

To the right of the hollow flake, stand-start with hand on decent holds. Get your feet high and reach up to a good hold. Easy topout.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 2020

{US} V2 Tweezers

With your left hand on the same right-hand start hold as Little Knife, and right hand on a good crimp further right. Again get your feet high and pull and palm to get etsablished on both feet and finish with an easy topout.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 2020

Far Ridge Big Fig Lightning Space Rock
{US} V2 Moon Landng

Stand-start up to a big blocky hold. Up past this on crimps, keep your head for the high, slabby finish.

首攀: Luca van Enckevort, 2020

{US} V2 Noon Heat

On the right of the boulder. Stand-start on decent crimps, move hands and feet up through a slightly sequency section to reach better holds above for the heady topout.

首攀: Luca van Enckevort, 2020

Far Ridge Big Fig Lightning Hungry Hungry Hippo
{US} V2 Kiboko ana Njaa

Problem furthest left, using the big undercling. Stand-start, get your feet up and easier at the top.

首攀: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

{US} V2 Anakuja!

To the right of Kiboko on decent crimps. Stand-start and get your feet up!

首攀: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

{US} V2 Kimbia!

To the right of Anakuja! Again, stand-start with hands on decent crimps, get your feet up and finish.

首攀: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

Far Ridge Big Fig Lightning Rocket Man
{US} V2 Lonely Out in Space

Goes up slightly to the left of the middle of the boulder on decent if small holds. Use your feet and stay calm, the topout is good.

首攀: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

{US} V2 High as a Kite

Goes up just left of the arete on the right of the boulder (a hard line is awaiting an FA just right of this arete). Slightly harder moves to start, with a delicate but solid topout at long as you keep calm.

首攀: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

Far Ridge Big Fig Lightning Crashpad Slide Boulder
{US} V2 Jambo

The blocky finish to rock slide, straight up from a stand-start. Cheeky handjam at the top for those into that kind of thing.

首攀: Luca van Enckevort, 20 9月 2020

Far Ridge Prayer Zone The Dark Side
{US} V2 R2V2

On the other side of the boulder from May the V4 be with you. Sit-start and up the obvious holds on the face.

首攀: Luca van Enckevort, 2020

Plains Area Tiger Shark
{US} V2 Gills

Start matched on rail at end of Shark's mouth. Proceed straight up the gills.

首攀: Gabriel Jackson, 5 5月 2021

V2 The Shallows

To the right of Shark Bite. Sit-start matched on the low jugs and move up to a good hold above. To top out move slightly left and get feet high to flop over.

首攀: Peter Naituli, 12 2月 2023

Plains Area Gobi Head
{US} V2 Gobi Head

Start on the obvious jug rail at the center bottom of the boulder and go straight up, and most importantly... have fun!

首攀: Gabriel Jackson, 29 4月 2021

Plains Area Bahari Boulder
{US} V2 The Calm Before the Storm

Line going up the furthest right part of this big boulder. Stand-start with left hand on a decent square knob, right hand on a diagonal side-pull and foot on a big sloping ledge. Tension up using an intermediate to the crack, get your feet up and easier to top.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 12 12月 2020

Plains Area Upinde wa mvua
{US} V2 Rangi ya chungwa

Stand-start on crimps in the middle of the boulder, with left and right in two slightly offset holds about halfway up the boulder. Straight up.

首攀: Emmanuel F, 24 10月 2021

{US} V2 More bumps than Runda

Start matched on the right hand hold used for Zambarau, but go right of the arete via a big first move.

首攀: John Schunk & Schunk, 5 3月 2022

{US} V2 Sinking sun

Sit-start in the middle of the backside of the boulder, with hands on two quite low slopey holds in the black streak. Bump up to better holds, get a foot above the bulge and rock up. Nice exercise in sit-starts!

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 3 9月 2023

{US} V2 Rainbow Road sit

The sit-start to Rainbow Road. Start with both hands on the low jug, follow the crack up and right.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 7月 2022

Plains Area Mpira wa chini
{US} V2 Yai la upweke

Sit-start on decent holds on the rail, then move up and left to top out. Short and sort of sweet. Named after a lonely little egg sitting on the top for the FA.

首攀: Ian Thorpe & Ian Thorpe, 28 11月 2021

Plains Area Vue magnifique
{US} V2 Aplats magnifiques

More fun than it looks. Start matched low on a great sidepull/undercling and work your way up slopers and a ledge to the topout.

首攀: Livio van Enckevort, 27 3月 2022

Plains Area Kisu mfukoni
{US} V2 Kisu

Starting at the big obvious crimp on the right of the boulder, traverse left on the sloping ledge, avoiding the exit jugs above, all the way to the sidepull start to Kijiko on the left. Feel free to exit earlier for an easier problem.

首攀: Luca van Enckevort, 27 3月 2022

{US} V2 Chupa kopo

A traverse from left to right. Sit-start matched on the obvious low crimp in the middle of the boulder. Work your way across to the right side of the slopers before either mantling up from the slopers or continuing to the start crimp of Kisu and mantling from there.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 27 3月 2022

Plains Area Kupe coping
{US} V2 Kupe coping

Up the middle of the boulder. Sit-start with hands in the horizontal crack about halfway up. Straight up through tensiony, crimpy moves. Short but fun problem, requiring a good sequence to climb it well.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 3 9月 2023

Desperation boulders The Saw Mill Boulder
{US} V2 Virus 1

Stand-start. Up the arete on the left, getting feet high to top out whil avoiding the huge jugs on your right.

首攀: Sven van Enckevort, 2020

Desperation boulders Roadside Cluster Gladiator
{US} V2 Father to a Murdered Son

Start low on the right side of the boulder, up and over the bulge.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 2020

Desperation boulders Roadside Cluster Shadow Crack
{US} V2 That's How You Climb

Stand-start on the best two holds at the far left of the boulder. One big foot move, one big hand move, and you're in a second crack above and topping out.

首攀: Henrik, 2020

Desperation boulders Garden Centre
{US} V2 Sura Yako ni Mzuri Mwamba

Start, low, up to the triangular hold on the face, then up to the right to a good diagonal crimp. Can be done the fun way with a big dyno, or the lame static way with wide feet. Up good holds to the left to finish.

首攀: Ian Thorpe, 2020

{US} V2 Sveneration

Same finish as for Sura Yako, but starts crouched on the right and works left.

首攀: Sven van den Enckevort, 2020

{US} V2 Stigmata

Up the featured rock on the right of the boulder. High but good holds and feet all the way.

首攀: Joel M, 2020


Showing all 93 线路.

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