
条目 in The Altar

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The Altar

Nice steep sport routes.

20 Holy Fatima

The leftmost line of bolts in the cave. Climb the blocky chimney feature to finish on the single bolt anchor as for McChurch.

27 McChurch

Starts immediately right of Holy Fatima. For the full 27 points, climb straight up through the steepness on heinous slopers. Trending right of the bolt line up the grotty crack yields an easier variant, at around grade 25.

31 False Idol

Starts on pocket and sidepull right of the corner to the right of McChurch. Surmount the roof using cruxy underclings.

29 The Power of Christ Compels You

The line of bolts between 'False Idol' and 'The Alter Boy', which links into the latter route below the final roof boulder problem.

27 The Alter Boy

Start off of the detached boulder and ascend on pockets and huecos. Upon reaching the overhang, bust left on pinches to a single bolt anchor. Knee pads not required, but appreciated!

32 Charismania

Climb up to roof right of 'The Alter Boy' to a nails compression boulder problem. Bust out right to hit the awesome jug on the lip. Finish on Kneel to the Pope anchor.

30 Kneel to the Pope

Start with relative ease up the line of bolts to the right of Charismania. Climb through the roof using knee trickery to attain victory!

27 David and Goliath

Awkward moves up the corner near the right side of the cave lead to a short horizontal roof.

30 The Supreme Pontiff

The rightmost route under the cave, before the angle begins to taper off. Compress the overhanging prow on small holds, then ascend the face veering left.

21 Thor's Hammer

On the vertical face to the right of Supreme Pontiff. Climb the right-facing corner and crack, trending right at the top, then step left to the anchor.

17 The Pulpit

Climb with relative ease up the centre of the yellow and black face.

17 Werewolves of Diamond Harbour

Trad line following the arête that separates the cave area and the right side of the crag. Generally well protected. Finish left on the Thor's Hammer anchor.

19 Catholic Girls

Climb the corner and groove to the right of the arête.

20 Hindu Love Gods

Up the thin crack line to the right of Catholic Girls. Finish with some sinker handjams, or resort to laybacking if you must.

23 Rasta's Revolution

Ascend the clean-cut, left-facing corner using layback or chimney technique. Technical moves off of each of the ledges. Good to the last drop!

24 Altared

Tough line up the prow, with three angle changes, onto and over a sequence of ledges.

20 Moroni's Blues Band

On the right side of the arête from Altared. Start in the right-facing corner and climb past the flaring crack to finish left.

20 Joe's Route

Clip the first bolt of Randall, then move up the obvious corner to the overhang. Place finger sized cams beneath the roof then surmount it moving left. Belay at the tree. Buyer beware.

21 Randall the Horny Clergyman

The rightmost bolted line at the crag, and the first one reached from the access track. Climb the corner, trending right to a roof then up a blade-like flake feature to the right. Single bolt anchor.

15 Face Scratcher

Start up the arête next to the obvious finger crack. Balance up over blocks to finish on Randall's anchor.

Showing all 21 条目.

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