
条目 in Friar Tuck

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16 Friar Tuck

The route starts around 10 meters left of the big groove/chimney that marks the start of Robin Hood route.

  1. Climb up, slightly diagonally to the right to reach a big ledge. Make an anchor just above the chimney from Robin Hood first pitch.

  2. Climb awkwardly up on holds and jams towards a yellow groove that can be seen from the belay station. Climb the yellow groove until reach a small roof and step right using a good hand jam. Step up and climb all the way up an easy corner to belay just by the left of two big blocks.

  3. Step up the big blocks and pull up to a small recess and traverse right and then up to a big ledge.

The descent is just walking to the left of the buttress (assuming you are looking to the top of the mountain).

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