
Ogwen Valley Area Guide

A Crag Guide gives an extensive view of all sub areas and climbs at a point in the index. It shows a snapshot of the index heirachy, up to 300 climbs (or areas) on a single web page. It shows selected comments climbers have made on a recently submitted ascent.

At a minor crag level this should be suitable for printing and taking with you on a climbing trip as an adjunct to your guidebook.

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Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this crag guide:

Ed MANU John Stringer Jalon Avens Cualann jobangles Campbell Gome Matt Tranter Patrick Burr Katie Shane Ian.Grabowski

The size of a person's name reflects their Crag Karma, which is their level of contribution. You can help contribute to your local crag by adding descriptions, photos, topos and more.

Table of contents

1. Ogwen Valley Area 1,140 routes in Area



传统攀登, Bouldering 和 其它类型

Lat / Long: 53.141227, -3.950548

1.1. Bethesda Area 53 routes in Field

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.174359, -4.047204


Area encompassing the various boulders in and around Bethesda.

1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder 13 routes in Boulder


Lat / Long: 53.174533, -4.048354


Just outside of bethesda a single boulder in the trees at Braichmelyn, sometimes refered to as the Bethesda super boulder.


After passing the 30mph signs as you approach Bethesda from Ogwen, take the first turning to the right at the cross roads. Drive over the bridge, taking the immediate left turn that follows. Park here. Walk back over the bridge, cross the road and follow the footpath for 2 minutes.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Traverse

Full low traverse of the boulder from left to right finishing up Braichmelyn Arete.

{FB} 7B 攀石
2 The Ramp

From the left hand side of the boulder follow the obvious rightward trending rampline.

{FB} 5+ 攀石
3 Super Star

Start as for The Ramp but break out left on 2 crimps and rockover to the left arete.

首攀: Dave Noden, 2006

{FB} 7A+ 攀石
4 Shooting Star

Start as for The Ramp but go straight up on crimps before breaking right near the top.

首攀: Calum Muskett, 2011

{FB} 7A+ 攀石
5 The Crack

Follow the very thin crack line.

{FB} 7A 攀石
6 Klimov

The wall just to the right of The Crack.

{FB} 7A 攀石
7 Central Wall

Classic V5 on thin crimps trending left into The Ramp.

{FB} 6C 攀石
8 Central Wall Sit

The obvious sit start to Central Wall.

{FB} 7A 攀石
9 Spring Juice

Starting from the same start as Central Wall climb the wall left of the arête.

{FB} 7A+ 攀石
10 Bonjour Mademoiselle

Start as for Brachmelyn Arete Sit finishing up Spring Juice.

首攀: Calum Muskett, 2011

{FB} 7B 攀石
11 Braichmelyn Arete

The arete on the right side of the boulder taken from the left side. The tree branch at the top can be used to top out!

{FB} 5 攀石
12 Braichmelyn Arete Sit

The sit start to Braichmelyn Arete.

{FB} 7A 攀石
13 Au Revoir Cont

From the sit start of Braichmelyn Arete reach out left on crimps into Central Wall.

首攀: Ioan Doyle, 2007

{FB} 7A+ 攀石

1.1.2. Afon Caseg Gorge 7 routes in Boulder


Lat / Long: 53.175009, -4.047911


A small boulder not far from the Braichmelyn Boulder.


Approach as for Braichmelyn Boulder but as you enter the woods after the last house at the end of the side street follow the path off to the left until you find the gully on your left.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 El Pablo

Start with the obvious sidepull for your left and the crimpy rail for your right climb the big smooth wall directly.

首攀: Calum Muskett, 2011

{FB} 6B+ 攀石
2 Pools of Bethesda

Start as for El Pablo move out rightwards gaining the triangular hold with your left hand and the sidepull with your right before moving back leftward to finish as for El Pablo.

首攀: Calum Muskett, 2011

{FB} 7A+ 攀石
3 Ceunant Groove

Climb the groove to the right of El Pablo using the tree to finish.

首攀: Calum Muskett, 2011

{FB} 5+ 攀石
4 Undercurrent

Sit down start at the left side of the undercut wall to the right of Ceunant Groove.

首攀: Calum Muskett, 2011

{FB} 6A 攀石
5 Undertow

Climb the bulge to the right of Undercurrent.

首攀: Calum Muskett, 2011

{FB} 6B+ 攀石
6 Ravine

Sit start with left hand on crimp rail and right in a low crack beneath the bulge to the right of Undertow.

首攀: Calum Muskett, 2011

{FB} 6C 攀石
7 Wild Water

Start as for Ravine moving powerfully up directly to a good hold before moving up and left to finish as for Undertow/Ravine.

首攀: Calum Muskett, 2011

{FB} 7A 攀石

1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder 9 routes in Boulder


Lat / Long: 53.166958, -4.052032


A small roadside boulder on the A5.


Park up at the lay-by at Ogwn Bank, start walking up the road, climb over the gate on the right, follow the edge of the field to the left for a short distance, the boulder will be on your left(it's below the the third eshelon on the corner on the A5).

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Refuge Collection

From a sit start to the left of The Ogwen Bank Robber climb the short wall avoiding the cracks on either side. Start with a match on the low hold and feet on the undercut wall, snatch up for the better hold above and mantle.

首攀: Phil Targett, 2011

{FB} 5 攀石
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
2 The Ogwen Bank Robber

Low traverse of the boulder from left to right starting on good hold on the right rib, turn the arete using an awkward, hidden, low foothold finishing up Spider Crack.

首攀: Phil Targett, 2010

{FB} 6C 攀石
3 Get Some Slap On

Sit start at the arete, right hand on side pull, left on fat triangular pinch, slap up with the left then go right to the obvious lay away.

首攀: Phil Targett, 2011

{FB} 6A 攀石
4 Rob Da Bank

From a sit start, climb the diagonal right to left crack.

首攀: Phil Targett, 2010

{FB} 5+ 攀石
5 The missing Line

With a sit down start climb the wall between Rob Da Bank and Spider Crack. Start left hand crimp at head hight and right hand crimp, move up to sidepull onto sloper and throght poket to the top. Avoid using block and arete on the right, also avoiding the split block at the bottom of the crack for feet.

首攀: Jason Jones, 2011

{FB} 6A 攀石
6 Spider Crack

Climb the large crack up the middle of the boulder.

首攀: Phil Targett, 2010

{FB} 4+ 攀石
7 Tavistock Square

Sit down start to the right of Spider Crack. Start with the left hand on the right arete of Spider Crack and right hand on finger flake, use the arete before moving out right for the top.

首攀: Phil Targett, 2010

{FB} 7A 攀石
8 Grave Digger

Stand start to the right of Tavistock Square, gain the jug from small edges then slap up the flack with the right hand.

首攀: Phil Targett, 2010

{FB} 6A 攀石
9 Give it some Umph

Climb the right arete on its left side from a sit down start avoiding the protruding block. Start with a small side pull for the right and a high edge for the left.

首攀: Phil Targett, 2011

{FB} 6B 攀石

1.1.4. Caseg Boulders 24 routes in Field


Lat / Long: 53.178118, -4.015166


Two large riverside boulders.


Park at Gerlan, follow Ffordd Gerlan uphill, turning left onto Cil Twllan, after the road turns to track there's a sharp bend to the left, on the bend there are 2 gates, climb over the second one, follow the right edge of the field to a small gate leading into the trees, follow the river until you see the lower boulder, find somewhere to cross the river, the upper boulder is a little further upstream. Lower Caseg Boulder 13 routes in Boulder
所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.178111, -4.015301


The first boulder you come to, from across the river you'll be able to see the classic Caseg Groove.


Find a safe place to cross the river.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 NWB P9 {FB} 4 攀石
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
2 NWB P10 {FB} 4 攀石
3 NWB P11

From a hanging start on the left arete traverse right finishing up NWB P10 avoiding all holds on the top of the boulder as you traverse.

{FB} 6B 攀石
4 NWB P12

Tussle up the hanging prow.

{FB} 5+ 攀石
5 The Gimp

To the right of Mein Vein, poor feet and small crimps mark the way up the bulging wall.

{FB} 7B 攀石
6 Mein Vein

The slopey line to the right of Caseg Groove.

{FB} 7C+ 攀石
7 Caseg Groove

On the side of the boulder facing the river climb the obvious groove.

{FB} 6C 攀石
8 Caseg Groove Sit

Sit start to Caseg Groove.

{FB} 8A 攀石
9 NWB P16 {FB} 7A+ 攀石
10 Don't Think, Drink

Start just left of Don't think..feel on a lefthand crimp and righthand pinch/sidepull. Slap to a crimp then finish up right on better holds.

{FB} 7A+ 攀石
11 Don't Think, Feel

Tackle the burly hanging prow from a sit down start past 2 fat frictiony pinches leading to a wild slap up left.

{FB} 7B+ 攀石
12 On The Wagon

Sit start with feet on block under the main boulder with left hand on good pinch. Pull up into an undercut with right hand and slap into the groove with left hand. Sketchy move to the slopey lip, then slap to good hold. Top out directly (a bit mossy), or traverse off left into the top of Don’t Think, Feel.

{FB} 7A+ 攀石
13 NWB P18

Start off two crimps above the adjacent boulder, moving past another crimp to good holds on the arete.

{FB} 7A+ 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder 11 routes in Boulder
所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.178122, -4.015087


The second boulder you'll come to.


From the lower boulder follow the river upstream.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Scoop

Follow the scoop on the very left of the boulder, usually used as a down climb.

{FB} 3 攀石
2 The Scoop Variation

Start as for The Scoop but finish direct rather than following the scoop.

{FB} 3+ 攀石
3 NWB P1

On the face furthest from the river climb the left arete.

{FB} 4 攀石
4 NWB P2

On the face furthest from the river climb straight up approximately 1 meter to the right of NWB P1.

{FB} 4 攀石
5 NWB P3

Climb the central line on the face furthest from the river.

{FB} 3+ 攀石
6 NWB P4

Climb the right hand side of the slab face furthest from the river.

{FB} 4+ 攀石
7 Sheep Pen Traverse/Top Caseg Traverse

Low left to right traverse of the sheep pen wall finishing round the corner.

{FB} 6C 攀石
8 Caseg Arete

Sit down start under the arete crossed by Sheep Pen Traverse/Top Caseg Traverse. Climb the arete direct.

{FB} 5+ 攀石
9 NWB P6

The short wall to the right of Caseg Arete, has a tricky start move.

{FB} 6B 攀石
10 NWB P7 {FB} 4+ 攀石
11 NWB P8 {FB} 6A 攀石

1.2. Bochlwyd Buttress 7 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.117927, -4.008718


Sever to E2 5b. Good range of varied multinpitch climbing.


Great crag for begginners and expirenced climbers. Shaded in the mornings for those hot days.


Park in the ogwen, follow paths up towards llyn bochlwyd. When the path begins to steepen and follows a river the crag is on your left.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Wall Climb

首攀: F E Hicks, C V A Cooper & W E Woosnam Jones , 26 9月

HS 传统攀登 46m
2 Bochlwyd Eliminate HVS 5a 传统攀登 37m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
3 The Wrack

Easy start up to a steep groove. Climb to a undercut crack, jam right and follow to a virtual crack to a ledge. Tale the groove to the finish on the slab above.

E2 5b 传统攀登 45m
4 Chimney Climb (Direct Start)

Either start at the bottom of the Chimney (direct) or to the right of the giant flake. Climb until you sling the top of this flake for your first belay. Then move out continuing up the Chimney, avoid when wet as it becomes much harder. Continue to the top.

HS 4b 传统攀登 30m, 2
5 One Pitch Route VS 4c 传统攀登 30m
6 Two pitch route

25m. Climb upward to the right of the Chimney. Onto a small flake following crack lines to a small ledge big enough for 2.belay here.

20m. Traverse left over broken rock to then take the easier route up.

S 传统攀登 45m, 2
7 Five pitch route

Best climbed from the top of pitch 1 to 3 to 5.

  1. 7m. up the small slab.

  2. 4b.9m. Climb into the slot, with good gear bridge up, left and out to small belay.

  3. 9m. Climb up onto a good obvious ledge to belay.

  4. 10m zig left across easy ground the zag right up onto the ledge before the slab/buldge. Belay here.

  5. 10m. Climb straight up over the buldge until the top.

S 4b 传统攀登

1.3. Carneddau Area 522 routes in Crag

传统攀登 和 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.151427, -3.963103

1.3.1. Llech Ddu 0 routes in Crag

1.3.2. Ysgolion Duon 0 routes in Crag

1.3.3. Craig Braich Ty Ddu 1 route in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.127451, -4.016244 Ogwen Pinnacle 0 routes in Crag Buttress 1 0 routes in Crag Buttress 2 0 routes in Crag Buttress 3 0 routes in Crag Buttress 4 0 routes in Crag Buttress 5 1 route in Crag
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Pinnacle Ridge VD 传统攀登 100m, 4 Buttress 6 0 routes in Crag Buttress 7 0 routes in Crag Buttress 8 0 routes in Crag Buttress 9 0 routes in Crag Boulders 0 routes in Crag

1.3.4. Craig Lloer 0 routes in Crag

1.3.5. Carreg Mianog 7 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.138322, -3.964120

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Zip Wall HS 4b 传统攀登 25m
2 Zip Groove VS 4b 传统攀登 25m
3 Cracked Arete VS 4c 传统攀登 25m
4 Pectoral Wall HVS 5a 传统攀登 32m, 2
5 Temper E2 5c 传统攀登 34m, 2
6 Biceps Wall VS 5a 传统攀登 34m, 2
7 Knee Cap VS 4c 传统攀登

1.3.6. Craig yr Ysfa 5 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.156221, -3.956718


A classic mountain crag with great views.


The crag consists of many heathery ledges. Most of the climbing is between two gullies. The right hand gully defines the epic 'Great Gully' route and the left hand gully the 'Amphitheatre Buttress' and epic route of the same name.


Located on the eastern face of Carnedd Llewelyn at the western end of the Cwm Eigiau valley. The normal approach is from the south via the Ffynnon Llugwy reservoir. From the A5 opposite the Gwern Gôf Isaf campsite take the access road leading to this reservoir and then follow a path going around the right side of it. This path then switch backs up to the pass between Craig yr Ysfa on the left and Pen yr Helgi Du on the right. For routes from the bottom of the crag cross over to the other side of the pass and then descend diagonally on a steep and loosely defined trail which as well as being quite vegetated in places is also rocky so take care!

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Amphitheatre Buttress

An epic mountain VD route.

首攀: G.D. Abraham, A.P. Abraham, D. Leighton, J.W. Puttrell, D. Leighton & J.W. Puttrell, 1905

VD 传统攀登 290m, 7
2 Mur Y Niwl

4b,4c,4c,4c,4c. Top end VS.

VS 4c 传统攀登 75m
3 Pinnacle Wall HS 4b 传统攀登 69m
4 Amphitheatre Rib D 传统攀登 90m
5 Aura/Pinnaclissima

首攀: R Carrington, A Rouse & B Hall, 1975

E2 5c 传统攀登 110m, 4

1.3.7. Craig Braich Ty Du (Pen yr Ole Wen) 43 routes in Crag

Bouldering 和 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.125819, -4.019080

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
9 Ar Dan E2 5c 传统攀登 15m
10 Dal dy Dir E3 5c 传统攀登 15m
11 Daisy World E7 6c 传统攀登 8m
12 Cellophane Rain E5 6a 传统攀登 15m Ogwen Pinacle 1 route in Sector
所有 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Pont Pen y Benglog Buttress D 传统攀登 61m, 2 Buttress 2 2 routes in Sector
所有 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Widdershins VS 4c 传统攀登
2 Apprentice's Route HVS 4c 传统攀登 Buttress 4 2 routes in Sector
所有 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Pinnacle Ridge Route VD 传统攀登 100m, 4
2 Pinnacle Ridge Route - VS Start VS 4b 传统攀登 100m, 4 Buttress 6 1 route in Sector
所有 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Custodian's Creep S 传统攀登 76m, 5 Buttress 7 4 routes in Sector
所有 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Decameron Rib VS 4b 传统攀登 57m, 3
2 Manic Monday E2 5c 传统攀登 45m, 2
3 Temptation VD 传统攀登
4 Patience S 传统攀登 Buttress 8 2 routes in Sector
所有 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Route Two S 传统攀登 33m, 2
2 Cuckoo Groove HVS 4c 传统攀登 45m, 3 Buttress 9 4 routes in Sector
所有 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Gargoyle S 传统攀登
2 Ogwen Crack E7 传统攀登 15m
3 Cluck's Nook HS 传统攀登
4 Alouette VS 传统攀登 30m Boulders 23 routes in Sector
所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.124207, -4.018595

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Ogwen Arete 4+ 攀石
2 Ogwen Arete - left hand 5+ 攀石
3 Renaissance of the Small Hold V8 攀石
4 Ogwen Wall 6B 攀石
5 Slippy Arete 6B+ 攀石
6 4B! 4+ 攀石
7 6B 6B 攀石
8 Lakeside Wall 5 攀石
9 Lakeside Wall - SD


6B 攀石
10 5a 5 攀石
11 Not 5a 6B+ 攀石
12 Three's a Crowd 7A+ 攀石
13 Menage et Toi V6 攀石
14 Ogwen roadside traverse 6C+ 攀石
15 Ogwen roadside traverse - left hand version 6C 攀石
16 45 Rpm 7A 攀石
17 Ogwen arete lefthand - SD


6C 攀石
18 Ogwen wall - SD


6C 攀石
19 THFMP 5A 4+ 攀石
20 Mr bo jangles 5+ 攀石
21 Moon pie 6A 攀石
22 Ugly arete 5C 5+ 攀石
23 Mr no Jangles - left hand 5+ 攀石

1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders 47 routes in Crag

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.125548, -4.005346

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Minority 7A 攀石
2 Problem 2 6C 攀石
3 Problem 3 6B 攀石
4 Problem 4 6C 攀石
5 Problem 5 6C 攀石
6 Problem 5 - right hand 6B 攀石
7 Problem 6 6C 攀石
8 Enough Lip 6B+ 攀石
9 Holly Tree Wall 6C 攀石
10 Dead Man's Shoes 6C 攀石
11 Dead Man's Shoes - low 6C 攀石
12 Purbed Noeth 5+ 攀石
13 Purbed Noeth - SD


6B 攀石
14 Yes Cymru 6A 攀石
15 Yes Cymru - SD


6C 攀石
16 Yes Cymru Direct - SD


7A+ 攀石
17 Push Pull 6C 攀石
18 PMT Arête 7A 攀石
19 PMT Short 7A 攀石
20 Panton Memorial Traverse 7A+ 攀石
21 The PMQ 6B+ 攀石
22 Problem 15 6B 攀石
23 Ogwen Groover 6C 攀石
24 Hipoposaurus 7A+ 攀石
25 Hipoposaurus - SD


7B 攀石
26 Hipoposaurus - Direct 7B 攀石
27 Welly Envy 7B 攀石
28 Problem 19 6B 攀石
29 Battle of the Bulge 6B+ 攀石
30 Trumplestiltskin 6C 攀石
31 Problem 22 6A 攀石
32 Rise of the Fruitbats 7B 攀石
33 Problem 24 6B+ 攀石
34 Skinny Boy 6A+ 攀石
35 Ogwen soul 6C+ 攀石
36 Little Groove 5 攀石
37 Noughts And Crossovers 6A 攀石
38 The Groove 3+ 攀石
39 Bite Me 5+ 攀石
40 Bite Size 5 攀石
41 Love Bytes 5 攀石
42 Tiny Dyno Arete 5+ 攀石
43 Tiny Dyno Traverse 4+ 攀石
44 Bounce to Jug Town 7A+ 攀石
45 Hip-op Potted Moose 7A 攀石
46 Ridiculishoush 6C 攀石
47 Homesick Tourists 6B+ 攀石

1.3.9. Lily Savage boulders 54 routes in Crag

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.131187, -4.000142 Lily Savage 18 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Danny LaRue V10 攀石
2 Madame Allure 8B 攀石
3 Lily Savage V8 攀石
4 Lily's left hand V8 攀石
5 Blankety Blank 8A 攀石
6 Nine pinch nails 8B 攀石
7 Paul O Grady V6 攀石
8 Paul O Grady - SD


V8 攀石
9 Pete Burns V8 攀石
10 Will's Prow / The Spawn stand start 7B 攀石
11 Desmond 2:2 6C+ 攀石
12 The Canon 7A 攀石
13 The Spawn 7C+ 攀石
14 The Fin 7A 攀石
15 Board Climbing 101 5+ 攀石
16 Noble Steed 5+ 攀石
17 The great below 8A+ 攀石
18 Lily goes left 8A 攀石 Academy Award Wall 7 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Lock, Slot and Two Sketchy Top-outs 6C+ 攀石
2 Pulp Friction 6C+ 攀石
3 The Crimplocker 6C 攀石
4 The Welsh Connection 6B+ 攀石
5 The Lobfather 6B 攀石
6 Snatch 6A 攀石
7 Hamburger Heel 6B+ 攀石 Drag Queen Roof 17 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 BenDeLeCreme 6C 攀石
2 BenDeLeCreme - SD


7A 攀石
3 Tom Daley 6A 攀石
4 Tom Daley - SD


6C+ 攀石
5 Tom Daley - SD - Sans Footblock


7A 攀石
6 RuPaul's Dyno Race 6C 攀石
7 RuPaul's Dyno Race - SD


7A 攀石
8 Robin Swallows 6B 攀石
9 Dixie Normus 6B 攀石
10 Soggy Slab 6A 攀石
11 Una Brau 6C 攀石
12 Britney Houston 6C+ 攀石
13 Britney Houston - left hand 7A 攀石
14 Groovy Baby 6B 攀石
15 Scudi's Slab 6A 攀石
16 Barndoor Betty 6A 攀石
17 Fresh Air 7A+ 攀石 Bear Claw Wall 2 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Bear Claw 6A+ 攀石
2 Bear Claw - left hand 6A 攀石 Enter The Wu-Tang Roof 5 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Helyg Crack 5+ 攀石
2 Master Of The Mantis 6C 攀石
3 Fatal Flying Guillotine 7A+ 攀石
4 Wu-Tang Sword Style 6B+ 攀石
5 Shaolin Shadowboxin 6C 攀石 N.W. State Of Mind 5 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 N.W. State of Mind 6C+ 攀石
2 Life is Parallel to Hell 6C 攀石
3 The Flake 4+ 攀石
4 The Ol' Slap and Go 6A+ 攀石
5 George Bush 6A 攀石

1.3.10. Craig Lloer 18 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.137191, -4.001809 Summer Rock Climbs 18 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Central Route VD 传统攀登 46m
2 Hhier VS 4b 传统攀登 34m
3 Good Egg HVS 5a 传统攀登 37m
4 Moonrise S 传统攀登 52m
5 The Eastern Arete D 传统攀登 49m
6 Kirkus's Route VS 5a 传统攀登 85m
7 First Trinity Groove VD 传统攀登 82m
8 The Rib S 传统攀登 79m
9 Second Trinity Groove S 传统攀登 79m
10 Third Trinity Groove HVS 5a 传统攀登 73m
11 Central Ridge VS 4b 传统攀登 76m
12 Grooved Ridge D 传统攀登 79m
13 North Arete D 传统攀登 67m
14 Bivouac Buttress D 传统攀登 67m
15 Slab Route II VD 传统攀登 46m
16 Slab Route I M 传统攀登 46m
17 Chimney Buttress D 传统攀登 49m
18 Hale Bop HVS 5a 传统攀登 60m, 2 Summer Scrambles 0 routes in Sector

1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth) 9 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.140451, -4.004782

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Sweating Peat E3 5c 传统攀登
2 Surrogate Soils E3 5c 传统攀登
3 Wet Roots VS 5a 传统攀登
4 Moving Moss S 传统攀登
5 Earth Summit VS 4c 传统攀登
6 Whole Earth E2 6a 传统攀登
7 Salt of the Earth VS 5a 传统攀登
8 Mother Earth D 传统攀登 2
9 Serendipity E7 6c 传统攀登 10m

1.3.12. The Sheep Pen 91 routes in Crag

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.141067, -4.026427 Huffys Bloc 3 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Arbiter 7C+ 攀石
2 Huffys Wall 7B 攀石
3 Lock and load 7C 攀石 First Block 9 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.140411, -4.026698

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 First Blocks V0 攀石
2 Bangor V2 攀石
3 Caernarfon V3 攀石
4 Caernarfon - SD


V5 攀石
5 First Blocks II V3 攀石
6 Wall 5 攀石
7 Klem's Arete V4 攀石
8 Life In A Northern Town V5 攀石
9 Little Groover V3 攀石 The Turtle 15 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.140809, -4.026581

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Shell 6A 攀石
2 Mr T V4 攀石
3 Pacific Green V7 攀石
4 Lonesome George 6C 攀石
5 Lonesome George - Extension 6C+ 攀石
6 Sharkbait 5 攀石
7 Soup 6A 攀石
8 Leatherback 6C 攀石
9 Rat Festival 7A 攀石
10 Turtle head 6B 攀石
11 Turtle head independent 6B 攀石
12 Sheep Dipper V2 攀石
13 Pocket Puller V3 攀石
14 Head shot V5 攀石
15 Pacific Green Extension V8 攀石 Klem's Bluge 4 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Mack The Knife V4 攀石
2 Klem's Bulge V5/6 攀石
3 Klem's Bulge - Original Low Method V7 攀石
4 Dim Klem 7A 攀石 A-Frame Block 2 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.141392, -4.026163

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 InTents 7A 攀石
2 The Clegir Yurt-Dwellers 7A+ 攀石 Main Block 25 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.141586, -4.026284

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Ding Dong's Traverse V8 攀石
2 Ding Dong's Traverse into Dog Shooter V8 攀石
3 Ding Dong's Traverse into Kingdom Of Rain V9 攀石
4 Toe Dragon V5 攀石
5 Dirty Slapper V6 攀石
6 Toe Dragon into Dog Shooter V7 攀石
7 Toe Dragon into Kingdom of Rain V8 攀石
8 Dog Shooter V4 攀石
9 Kingdom Of Rain V6 攀石
10 Gnasher V6 攀石
11 Jerry's problem V10 攀石
12 Low Traverse 6A 攀石
13 No Head For Heights V4 攀石
14 NHS V2 攀石
15 NHS - Direct V4 攀石
16 Huffys problem 7A+ 攀石
17 The Heels Have Eyes V5 攀石
18 Gnasher - left hand 7A+ 攀石
19 The Menace 8A+ 攀石
20 Compact Culture 8B 攀石
21 Curtain Call 8A 攀石
22 Curtain Call - SD


8A+ 攀石
23 Jerry's Left Hand 8A 攀石
24 Kingdom of Fear 8A 攀石
25 Kingdom of Pain 8A 攀石 Pinch Block 15 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.141782, -4.027104

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Pinch Block V4 攀石
2 Pinch Block - Variation V5 攀石
3 Front Crack V1 攀石
4 Front Crack - SD


V3 攀石
5 Weight Watcher V5 攀石
6 Front Face V0+ 攀石
7 Inch Arete V0+ 攀石
8 Inch Arete - SD


V4 攀石
9 Pinch - left hand 7B+ 攀石
10 The Pinch V7 攀石
11 Pinch - right hand V8 攀石
12 The punch 6C 攀石
13 Groove 6A 攀石
14 Naughty but niche 6B 攀石
15 Little nipper 6B+ 攀石 Terrapin Block 9 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Slap And Tickle V3 攀石
2 Gollum 7A 攀石
3 Smeagol 6C+ 攀石
4 The Terrapin 7B 攀石
5 Shrek 7B 攀石
6 Another Whirlwind Adventure 7C 攀石
7 Shrekagol 7B 攀石
8 Rumplestiltskin 7C 攀石
9 Donkey 6B+ 攀石 Diggingest Dog 3 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Diggingest Dog 7A+ 攀石
2 Bee Cool 6C 攀石
3 Not Quite The Diggingest Dog 6C 攀石 Unsorted 6 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Weight Restrictions Apply 6B 攀石
2 Mr moustache 5 攀石
3 Mousehole Traverse 6A 攀石
4 Olive Ridley 6C+ 攀石
5 Bass guitar 6A+ 攀石
6 Hot lips 6B 攀石

1.3.13. The Burley Boulder 5 routes in Crag

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.140600, -4.029061

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Glock V2 攀石
2 Smith And Western V1 攀石
3 Smallville V4 攀石
4 The grapes of Rory Mcgrath V5 攀石
5 Gnat in a hat VB 攀石

1.3.14. Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders) 8 routes in Crag

Bouldering 和 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.148809, -3.990165

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Eastern Ridge M 传统攀登
2 Western Gully S 传统攀登
3 The King 7C+ 攀石
4 Here’s to the Kings 7B+ 攀石
5 Here’s to Here 7A 攀石
6 There 6A+ 攀石
7 Left of Here 6B 攀石
8 Away From the Flock 7A 攀石

1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab) 15 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.152686, -3.994705

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Central Route - Scar Face Finish VS 4c 传统攀登 130m, 5
2 The Great Corner E2 5b 传统攀登
3 The Groove E1 5b 传统攀登
4 The Great Arete E5 6a 传统攀登
5 Elliw E1 5b 传统攀登
6 Cupid's Inspiration HVS 传统攀登
7 Skid Row VS 传统攀登
8 Humour VS 4c 传统攀登
9 Commuter's Crack HVS 5a 传统攀登
10 Central Route VS 4c 传统攀登
11 Straight to the heart E2 5c 传统攀登
12 The Psychlist E2 5c 传统攀登 100m, 4
13 Y chimney MVS 传统攀登
14 Day Moon E5 6a 传统攀登 55m
15 Physically Distant E8 6b 传统攀登 57m

1.3.16. Carreg Mianog 47 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.137996, -3.964115 West Buttress 20 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Subsidiary Slab VS 4c 传统攀登 10m
2 Sidewinder E2 6a 传统攀登 10m
3 Dead Mouse Crack HVS 5a 传统攀登 20m
4 Rodent Wall E1 5c 传统攀登 20m
5 Button Up HVS 5b 传统攀登 22m
6 Zip Wall HS 4b 传统攀登 25m
7 Zip Up / Red river E1 5b 传统攀登 25m
8 Zip Groove VS 4b 传统攀登 30m
9 Unzipped E4 6a 传统攀登 30m
10 Cracked Arete VS 4c 传统攀登
11 Zippo E3 5c 传统攀登 35m
12 Moss wall VS 传统攀登 35m, 2
13 Redstart E2 5c 传统攀登 35m, 2
14 The Crawl Climb VD 传统攀登 49m, 3
15 Brexistential Crisis E3 5c 传统攀登 20m
16 Crack and Corner VD 传统攀登 40m, 2
17 Blood Red Moon E1 5b 传统攀登 35m, 2
18 Central Route VS 4b 传统攀登 25m
19 Macavity E4 6b 传统攀登 34m, 3
20 Macavity Variant E2 5c 传统攀登 35m, 3 East Buttress 26 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Angle Gully S 传统攀登 25m
2 Tramline Traverse VD 传统攀登 30m
3 Clavicle E1 5b 传统攀登 20m
4 The Wild Bunch E2 5c 传统攀登 20m
5 Pectoral Wall HVS 5a 传统攀登 35m, 2
6 The Regulators E1 5b 传统攀登 35m, 2
7 Ulzana's Raid E3 6a 传统攀登 22m
8 Carry on Cowboy E2 5c 传统攀登 30m, 2
9 Temper E2 5c 传统攀登 30m, 2
10 Triceps Roof E4 6a 传统攀登 30m
11 Biceps Wall VS 5a 传统攀登 34m, 2
12 Turtle Recall E3 5c 传统攀登 35m, 2
13 Turtle Tantrum E2 5c 传统攀登 35m
14 Young Guns E2 5c 传统攀登 30m
15 Funny Bone E1 5b 传统攀登 38m, 3
16 Funny Bone Variation E2 5b 传统攀登 16m
17 Laughing Matter E3 6a 传统攀登 30m, 2
18 Knee Cap VS 4c 传统攀登 28m, 2
19 The Outlaws E1 5b 传统攀登 30m
20 Mitre VS 4b 传统攀登 28m
21 Jane (If she doesn't mind) S 传统攀登 24m
22 Wisecrack E4 6a 传统攀登 20m
23 Right Chimney M 传统攀登
24 Wiley Coyote HVS 5b 传统攀登 12m
25 The Man From God's Country VS 5a 传统攀登 15m
26 Getaway HVS 传统攀登 13m Upper Tier 1 route in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Pinnaclissimo S 传统攀登 20m

1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress 15 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.139732, -3.963169

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Apprentice HVS 5b 传统攀登 10m
2 The Petrified Florist HVS 5a 传统攀登 10m
3 Melys Fedd E1 5a 传统攀登 12m
4 The Bulldog Bash E2 5b 传统攀登 12m
5 Indian Larry Legacy E2 5c 传统攀登 12m
6 The Booze Fighters E2 5b 传统攀登 15m
7 On the Wagon E2 5b 传统攀登 15m
8 Squitcha HVS 4c 传统攀登 17m
9 The Angel's Share E2 5b 传统攀登 15m
10 The Fallen E3 5c 传统攀登 18m
11 Electric Soup HVS 5a 传统攀登 18m
12 Nalmefene E1 5b 传统攀登 18m
13 Delirium Tremens HVS 4c 传统攀登 15m
14 Last Orders HS 4b 传统攀登 8m
15 Hollt y Gigfran VS 5a 传统攀登 7m

1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave) 15 routes in Crag

传统攀登 和 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.151554, -3.963939

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf E1 5b 传统攀登 65m, 3
2 Pentangle E2 5c 传统攀登 50m
3 Broadsword E2 5c 传统攀登
4 Gawain VS 5a 传统攀登 46m, 3
5 Gawain - Direct E2 5c 传统攀登 62m, 4
6 Launcelot VD 传统攀登 40m
7 Gwynhyfryd E4 6b 传统攀登 45m, 3
8 Cadwaladr E3 6a 传统攀登 46m
9 Mordred D 传统攀登 40m
10 Meillionydd HVS 5b 传统攀登 30m
11 Morgan La Faye E3 5c 传统攀登 30m
12 Clustfeinydd E2 5c 传统攀登 30m
13 Better than Lava 7B+ 攀石
14 Dazed and Confused 7B+ 攀石
15 Slideshow 7A 攀石

1.3.19. Craig Yr Ysfa 77 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.154557, -3.955694 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes 20 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Truant Rib D 传统攀登 91m
2 The Banister S 传统攀登 46m
3 The Staircase VD 传统攀登 55m
4 Gomorrah S 传统攀登 46m
5 Spiral Route VS 4a 传统攀登 37m
6 Angle Groove VS 4b 传统攀登 37m, 2
7 Arch Gully D 传统攀登 250m, 5
8 Cirque Rib HVS 5a 传统攀登 55m, 3
9 Arch Wall HS 4a 传统攀登 100m, 5
10 Cobweb Wall S 传统攀登 55m
11 Bending Gully D 传统攀登 180m, 2
12 Heron Slab HS 3b 传统攀登 3
13 The Slab Climb VD 传统攀登 5
14 Birch Tree Chimney D 传统攀登 2
15 Avalanche Buttress VD 传统攀登 6
16 Original Route VD 传统攀登 3
17 Beaumont's Chimney S 传统攀登 2
18 Troglodyte HS 3b 传统攀登 2
19 Sigma D 传统攀登 2
20 Enigma S 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress 21 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.154583, -3.954992

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Avalanche Gully D 传统攀登 2
2 Amphitheatre Buttress

首攀: G D Abraham, A P Abraham, D Leighton & J W Putrell, 1905

VD 传统攀登 320m
3 Figure Of Eight VS 4b 传统攀登
4 Pieces Of Eight VS 4b 传统攀登 2
5 Sentry Box Crack HS 3b 传统攀登 2
6 Dover Road VS 4c 传统攀登 2
7 Cockroach Crack S 传统攀登 2
8 Reed Rake D 传统攀登
9 Whirlwind E3 5c 传统攀登
10 El Nino E3 6a 传统攀登 2
11 Drought E4 5c 传统攀登 2
12 Coffin Scoop HS 3b 传统攀登 2
13 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest VS 4c 传统攀登
14 Cradle Chimney VD 传统攀登 2
15 Mother's Little Helper E2 5b 传统攀登 40m
16 The Nameless Rib D 传统攀登 5
17 B Gully VD 传统攀登
18 Amphitheatre Rib D 传统攀登 87m, 3
19 C Gully D 传统攀登
20 D Gully M 传统攀登
21 The Crack VS 4c 传统攀登 Mur Y Niwl 16 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.154594, -3.956612

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Plumbagin E1 5b 传统攀登 50m, 2
2 Solid Air E3 5c 传统攀登 2
3 Turn The Centuries, Turn E3 6a 传统攀登 2
4 Aura E2 5b 传统攀登
5 Griseofulvin E3 5c 传统攀登
6 Mur y Niwl VS 4c 传统攀登
7 Mur y Niwl - Direct HVS 5a 传统攀登 3
8 Faenaldo E3 5c 传统攀登 3
9 Amadeus E4 6a 传统攀登 3
10 Mother Of Mercy E5 6a 传统攀登
11 Agrippa E1 5a 传统攀登
12 Girdle Traverse Of The Lower Amphitheatre Wall E1 5b 传统攀登 6
13 Limax VD 传统攀登 3
14 Carpet Baggers E1 5b 传统攀登 3
15 Clean Rib VD 传统攀登
16 Skyline Chimey D 传统攀登 2 Pinnacle Wall 20 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.154704, -3.956997

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Gettysburg HVS 5b 传统攀登
2 The Grimmett VS 4c 传统攀登
3 Excalibur E2 5b 传统攀登 50m, 2
4 Spiral Scratch E2 5b 传统攀登 2
5 Pinnaclissima E2 5c 传统攀登
6 Ancient's Wall E3 5c 传统攀登 2
7 The Haunted E5 6a 传统攀登 60m, 2
8 Pinnacle Wall S 4a 传统攀登
9 Sea Of Dreams E3 5c 传统攀登 6
10 Low Climb VD 传统攀登 2
11 Nether Climb S 传统攀登
12 Vanishing Gully VD 传统攀登 5
13 Great Gully S 传统攀登 270m, 11
14 Great Gully - Left Wall Exit VD 传统攀登
15 Great Gully - Right Wall Exit VD 传统攀登
16 Great Gully - Pinnacle Direct VS 传统攀登 2
17 Invisible Chimey D 传统攀登 3
18 Great Gully Wall E2 5b 传统攀登 3
19 Shean Treuse VS 4c 传统攀登 5
20 Tranquilizer E3 5c 传统攀登 40m

1.3.20. Craig Bwthyn Eigiau 7 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.158528, -3.922048

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Tess VS 4b 传统攀登 22m
2 Greeny VS 传统攀登 22m
3 Mab y Maen S 传统攀登 22m
4 Mab y Maen - Direct Finish HVS 传统攀登 22m
5 Lichen Way HS 传统攀登 25m
6 J.L.S HS 传统攀登 22m
7 Ysbryd Cedryn VD 传统攀登 25m, 2

1.3.21. Eigiau slab 5 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.167913, -3.920286

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Y Bwncath a'r Jig-so HS 3c 传统攀登 65m, 2
2 Dam Busters VS 4c 传统攀登 10m
3 Chimney Arete VD 传统攀登 35m
4 Eripsa S 4a 传统攀登 60m, 2
5 Jaw Breaker E2 5b 传统攀登 55m

1.3.22. Crag DB 8 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.184018, -3.946775 Crag Db Routes 4 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 ABH HVS 5a 传统攀登 12m
2 Left arete VS 4b 传统攀登 14m
3 Little Leo HS 4b 传统攀登 12m
4 Ruthless VS 4c 传统攀登 14m Solo Slab 4 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Hanging around D 传统攀登 8m
2 Hanging around - direct start HVD 传统攀登
3 Killing time VD 传统攀登 7m
4 Solo slab right arete VD 传统攀登 6m

1.3.23. Craig Y Dulyn 0 routes in Crag

1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos 18 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.134336, -3.919174

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Wooden Heart HVS 5a 传统攀登 10m
2 Elvis Impersonator VS 4c 传统攀登 12m
3 Banana Republic HVS 5b 传统攀登
4 Witch Hunt VS 5a 传统攀登 12m
5 Rhiannon VS 4c 传统攀登 12m
6 Sarn Helen HVS 5a 传统攀登 15m
7 Banshee E2 5b 传统攀登 15m
8 The Weird Sisters E2 5b 传统攀登 15m
9 The Witch's Promise E1 5b 传统攀登 15m
10 Circle of Three HVS 5a 传统攀登 15m
11 A Hamster Called Barry John HS 4b 传统攀登 15m
12 Y Ceffyl Dwr HS 4b 传统攀登 15m
13 Y Wrach Fach VS 4c 传统攀登 15m
14 You Wyn Some You Lose Some S 4a 传统攀登 8m
15 Defaid William Morgan HVS 5a 传统攀登 8m
16 Fel Bys Mewn Tin E1 5b 传统攀登 8
17 Diwedd y Dydd M 传统攀登 8m
18 Gwawr HVD 传统攀登 8m

1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders 20 routes in Crag

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.136427, -3.965284

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Naughty boy V4 攀石
2 All Breakages Must Be Paid For..... V2 攀石
3 Nut stash 7B+ 攀石
4 Isles of Wonder - SD

#SD ; Initially graded 8C+ but downgraded to 8C by William Bosi in 2023.

首攀: Aidan Roberts, 7月 2022

8C 攀石
5 Isles of Wonder 8B 攀石
6 Pringle 7B 攀石
7 Pringle - SD


7C 攀石
8 Pintsized 7B 攀石
9 Super Scooper 7B 攀石
10 Pronk 7A+ 攀石
11 Sog Arete 6B+ 攀石
12 Sog Arete - Extension 6C+ 攀石
13 Drums in the deep 8A 攀石
14 Hot Pod Soft 8A+ 攀石
15 Deeply Fired 7C 攀石
16 Isles of Blubber 7C 攀石
17 Head smasher 7A+ 攀石
18 Mass Moiderer 7A 攀石
19 Antisense 6B 攀石
20 Reverse Compliment 6C 攀石

1.3.26. Dulyn Bothy bouldering 7 routes in Crag

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.178680, -3.942998

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Dulyn Arete 5+ 攀石
2 Dulyn Crack 6B 攀石
3 Dulyn Crack - SD


6C 攀石
4 Dulyn Crack - Direct 6C 攀石
5 Dulyn Crack - Direct - SD


6C+ 攀石
6 Sheepish Pebbles 7A 攀石
7 Bob Duyln 7B 攀石

1.4. Clogwyn y Geifr 0 routes in Crag

1.5. Clogwyn y Tarw 7 routes in Crag

Bouldering 和 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.116666, -4.018036


Trad crag with a small boulder field in front.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Righthand P6 (stand) {FB} 5+ 攀石
2 Righthand P9 {FB} 4 攀石
3 Righthand P15 {FB} 3+ 攀石
4 Pike Head {FB} 5 攀石
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

Eastern Buttress

Central Buttress

7 Zig Zag

May be a sandbag... maybe you want big gear...

首攀: S W Herford, J Laycock, W G Milligan & R Hodgkinson, 2012

HS 4b 传统攀登 42m, 2

Western Buttress

9 Flake Crack

首攀: O Thorneycroft, 2009

VS 4c 传统攀登 26m
10 Hereford's Crack

An absolutely stellar jamming crack that probably belongs in Indian Creek... Well worth seeking out.

首攀: S W Herford & J Laycock, 2012

HVS 5a 传统攀登 25m

1.6. Crafnant 224 routes in Crag

传统攀登 和 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.125006, -3.896106

1.6.1. Main Boulder Field 42 routes in Sector

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.123499, -3.895008

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Chocolate Elephant - SD


6B 攀石
2 The Mantel 5 攀石
3 Mantel Left 6B+ 攀石
4 NWB P4a 5A 5+ 攀石
5 Candyfloss Sheep 7A 攀石
6 Sweet Arete 5 攀石
7 Mule's Slab 6B 攀石
8 O.M.G. 7B+ 攀石
9 Crafnant Arete 7A+ 攀石
10 Crafnant Arete - right hand 6B+ 攀石
11 Mendoza Arete 5+ 攀石
12 Mendoza Arete - SD


6B 攀石
13 Grasswind 7C 攀石
14 Waveform 8B 攀石
15 Head Shot 6C+ 攀石
16 Cold Feet 6B 攀石
17 Question Mark 6A+ 攀石
18 Question Mark - Direct 6C 攀石
19 Frost Bite 6C+ 攀石
20 Breakaway 6A+ 攀石
21 Breakaway - SD


6C+ 攀石
22 Digital Destruction 6A 攀石
23 Digital Destruction - SD


6B 攀石
24 Go Motion 8A 攀石
25 Filthy Hunks 6C 攀石
26 Escape from Llanberis 7C+ 攀石
27 False Start 7A 攀石
28 On Your Marks 7C 攀石
29 Get Set 8A 攀石
30 Vanilla Ice 6B 攀石
31 Cuckoo's Knob 7A+ 攀石
32 Plan C 7A 攀石
33 Joe's Problem 6C 攀石
34 Reach for the Stars 6B 攀石
35 Thumbscrew Arete 7A+ 攀石
36 Fingerprints 6B 攀石
37 Pinch An Inch 6B+ 攀石
38 Slabby Arete - Left 5 攀石
39 Slabby Arete - Right 5+ 攀石
40 Sly and the Family Quiche V3 攀石 2m
41 Rat Trap 7A 攀石 2m
42 Ice Ice Baby 6C 攀石 2m

1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block 11 routes in Sector

所有 Bouldering
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Ratt Roof - Short 7A 攀石
2 Ratt Roof 7B+ 攀石
3 Ratatouille 7C+ 攀石
4 Phantom Power 7B+ 攀石
5 Phantom Power - Low 7C 攀石
6 Poly the Filla 7A+ 攀石
7 Poly the Filla - Low 7B 攀石
8 Ratt-Arete 7A+ 攀石
9 Mule's Traverse 7A+ 攀石
10 Option C 6C 攀石
11 Monk House Traverse 7A 攀石

1.6.3. Wonderwall Block 17 routes in Sector

所有 Bouldering
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Wonderwall Arete 6C 攀石
2 Wonderwall righthand 7B+ 攀石
3 Morning Glory 7C 攀石
4 Wonderwall 7B+ 攀石
5 Silence of the Lamb 7A+ 攀石
6 Riley's Arete 6B+ 攀石
7 Riley's Arete - SD


7A 攀石
8 My Own Private Idaho 8A 攀石
9 Cruella 7B 攀石
10 Parallel Lines 7A 攀石
11 Parallel Lines - right hand 7B 攀石
12 Special J 7C 攀石
13 Special K 7C 攀石
14 Porridge 6C 攀石
15 Slap, Crackle and Pop - Special K finish 6C 攀石
16 Slap, Crackle and Pop - SD


7B 攀石
17 Heelditch 7A+ 攀石

1.6.4. Sail The Seven Slopes 2 routes in Sector

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.130895, -3.876082

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 6B+ 6B+ 攀石
2 Sail the Seven Slopes 7A+ 攀石

1.6.5. Craig Wen Boulders 4 routes in Sector

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.124989, -3.898188

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Halftime 6C 攀石
2 Lian's Crack 5 攀石
3 Trife 7A 攀石
4 Genesis 7C 攀石

1.6.6. Retaliation 2 routes in Sector

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.127491, -3.895984

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Postaliation 7C 攀石
2 Retaliation 8A 攀石

1.6.7. Wrestling With Shadows 4 routes in Sector

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.121794, -3.900551

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Wrestling with Shadows 7B 攀石
2 Wrestling with a Badger 7C 攀石
3 Velvet Triangle 6B+ 攀石
4 Holy Ovaries 7A+ 攀石

1.6.8. Clogwyn yr Eryr 86 routes in Sector

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.126146, -3.892585 Main Crag 20 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Daisy Chain E2 5c 传统攀登 130m, 6
2 Oriole

Left side of the buttress. Start below a right facing groove/corner with a capping roof. P1 - Gain groove via hard laybacking moves and continue up to roof. Continue through roof direct or slightly left, clip the piton and move on up through good holds, moving directly up before traversing right over a seemingly solid but suspect block to a good belay. P2 - Cruise on up to finish on the arete. Abseil tat at top to the left.

Can easily be run as 1 Pitch.

E3 5c 传统攀登 40m, 2
3 Phoenix E2 5c 传统攀登 40m, 2
4 Screech Owl E3 传统攀登
5 Clonus E4 6a 传统攀登 40m, 2
6 Clonus Left-hand E4 5c/6a 传统攀登 40m
7 Carousel Waltz E5 6b 传统攀登
8 Connies Crack / Snowdrop E4/5 5c/6a 传统攀登 40m
9 Astorith Direct E4 6a 传统攀登 43m
10 Astorith Super Direct E3 传统攀登 2
11 Astoroth E2 5c 传统攀登
12 Into thin air E6 6b 传统攀登 20m
13 Beelzebub E1 传统攀登 45m, 2
14 gondor E1 5b 传统攀登
15 Prometheus E1 传统攀登 45m, 2
16 Mordor E2 传统攀登 40m, 2
17 The Web E3 5c 传统攀登
18 Jofad VS 传统攀登 45m, 2
19 The Hobbler E2 传统攀登 35m, 2
20 Gobeithio HVS 5b 传统攀登 45m, 2 Little Stanage 19 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.124693, -3.897762

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Summit Route D 传统攀登 55m, 2
2 Caterpillar S 传统攀登 37m, 2
3 The Pear VS 4b 传统攀登 37m, 2
4 Old Holly Wall S 传统攀登 2
5 Sweeper Chimney VS 4b 传统攀登 32m, 2
6 Deuteronomy VD 传统攀登 24m
7 First Peel Two Goblins VD 传统攀登 18m
8 Stoat VD 传统攀登 26m
9 Peechay VD 传统攀登 24m
10 Ferret VD 传统攀登 24m
11 Mole's Castle MS 传统攀登 37m
12 Monroe HVS 5a 传统攀登 30m
13 Shadowfax VS 4c 传统攀登 35m
14 Raven's Nest Wall VS 4b 传统攀登 37m, 2
15 Esque VS 4c 传统攀登 30m
16 Shelob VD 传统攀登 24m, 2
17 Bliss HVS 5b 传统攀登 12m
18 The Flue S 传统攀登 18m
19 Eeyore S 传统攀登 Two Tier Buttress 10 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.126211, -3.890986

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

Lower Tier

2 Yew Tree Slabs VD 传统攀登 35m, 2
3 Curving Groove VS 4b 传统攀登 30m
4 Orchid HVS 5a 传统攀登 25m
5 The Illusionist E4 6a 传统攀登 15m
6 The Right Finish VS 4c 传统攀登

Upper Tier

8 Piano Piece HVS 5a 传统攀登 18m
9 Hunza! E5 6b 传统攀登 15m
10 rainbow HVS 5a 传统攀登 20m
11 Pinnacle Slab direct HVS 5a 传统攀登 30m
12 Pinnacle Wall HS 传统攀登 30m, 2 Forestry Buttress 37 routes in Sector

Lat / Long: 53.127598, -3.887406

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

Upper Buttress

2 October Exit VS 4c 传统攀登 15m
3 Flash Back VS 4c 传统攀登 15m
4 Mianda S 传统攀登 27m
5 Flay HVS 5a 传统攀登 18m

Main Crag

7 Bertram S 传统攀登 12m
8 Much ado about nothing VS 4b 传统攀登 15m
9 Pigs in Space VS 4c 传统攀登 27m
10 Second Sight S 传统攀登 15m
11 Little Green Jug S 传统攀登 18m
12 Recess Wall HS 传统攀登 18m
13 Strider VS 4c 传统攀登 30
14 As You Like It VD 传统攀登 37m, 3
15 As You Like It - Original Start HVD 传统攀登 6m
16 As You Like It - Flying Start HVS 5a 传统攀登 8m
17 Hot Wall HVS 5b 传统攀登 8m
18 Hot Wall - Continuation VS 5a 传统攀登 12m
19 Jug Handle VS 5a 传统攀登 27m, 3
20 Golly VS 4c 传统攀登 27m, 3
21 Quiver VS 4c 传统攀登 29m, 3
22 Daddy Long Legs HD 传统攀登 30m
23 No-Mu HVS 5a 传统攀登 27m
24 Weasel HVS 5a 传统攀登 23m
25 Cymro-Sais HS 传统攀登 24m
26 Blaen y Nant VD 传统攀登 18m
27 Beer Stain VS 4c 传统攀登 30m, 2
28 Rocking horse E2 5c 传统攀登 30m
29 Forestry Groove VS 4c 传统攀登 45m, 3
30 Little Mollusc HS 传统攀登 46m, 3
31 Sylvian Crack HVD 传统攀登 46m, 4
32 Cascade VD 传统攀登 61m, 3
33 Waterworn D 传统攀登 64m, 2
34 Pinnacle Chimney D 传统攀登 8m
35 Pinnacle Face S 传统攀登 8m
36 Kin Bazzar S 传统攀登 8m
37 Truffle Hunter VD 传统攀登 58m, 2
38 Forestry Girdle HVS 5a 传统攀登 150m, 8
39 Graham's Groove VS 4b 传统攀登 27m

1.6.9. Craig Y Dwr 55 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.123888, -3.895579 South Crag 6 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Red Groove VS 4c 传统攀登 36m, 2
2 Python VS 4c 传统攀登 33m, 3
3 Vypon E2 5c 传统攀登 5
4 Brothers Start VS 4b 传统攀登 40m
5 Poltergeist D 传统攀登 76m
6 Scrooge VS 4c 传统攀登 54m, 4 North Crag 27 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Toffee Rabbits S 传统攀登 30m, 2
2 Kaleidoscope HS 传统攀登 30m, 2
3 Chocolate Elephant S 传统攀登 30m, 2
4 Route II S 传统攀登 82m, 4
5 Route I S 传统攀登 3
6 Tremor / Sad Landings E5 6a 传统攀登 52m, 3
7 Soft Landing E5 6a 传统攀登 25m
8 Crash Landing E5 6b 传统攀登 25m
9 Happy Landings E6 6b 传统攀登 30m
10 Helynt VS 4c 传统攀登 3
11 Brown Crack VS 5a 传统攀登 58m, 3
12 Sostenuto E1 5b 传统攀登 40m, 2
13 Allegro HVS 5b 传统攀登 25m, 2
14 Allegro - Direct Finish VS 4b 传统攀登 14m
15 Cross Cut VS 4c 传统攀登 30m
16 Vagabond VD 传统攀登 23m, 2
17 Snorkel VS 4b 传统攀登 27m
18 Aramis MS 传统攀登 21m
19 The Iron Lion HVS 5b 传统攀登 21m
20 The Zinc Sphinx D 传统攀登 21m
21 Crucifix S 传统攀登 23m
22 Blackstein's Theory S 传统攀登 21m
23 Chrome Molly Dolly HVD 传统攀登 21m
24 Owt S 传统攀登 18m
25 Wheelbarrow HD 传统攀登 13m
26 Short Cut M 传统攀登 12m
27 Girdle Traverse HVS 5b 传统攀登 91m, 7 Broken Slabs 4 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Balcony Wall VD 传统攀登 30m
2 Jackal D 传统攀登 18m
3 Fluellen D 传统攀登 24m
4 Llewellyn D 传统攀登 27m Christmas Crag 18 routes in Sector
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 January Crack VS 4b 传统攀登 8m
2 February Wall VS 4c 传统攀登 9m
3 Duet VD 传统攀登 15m
4 Honeysuckle Ridge D 传统攀登 38m, 4
5 Heather Crack HVD 传统攀登 12m
6 Pinacle Block Variation VD 传统攀登 9m
7 The Flake Crack S 传统攀登 9m
8 The Z Crack S 传统攀登 9m
9 Ladies Variation VD 传统攀登 12m
10 The Creeper D 传统攀登 11m
11 The Crack Finish VD 传统攀登 5m
12 Technical Rib VS 4c 传统攀登 5m
13 Minor D 传统攀登 24m
14 Ledge Ridge Climb VD 传统攀登 24m
15 Mole VS 4b 传统攀登 21m
16 The Crack VS 4c 传统攀登 21m
17 Curio D 传统攀登 5m
18 Blue Lights Wall VS 4c 传统攀登 32m

1.7. Caseg Fraith 5 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.120012, -3.969416

1.7.1. Caseg Fraith Boulders 0 routes in Crag

1.7.2. Craig Caseg Fraith Isaf 5 routes in Crag

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Diagonal Cracks HVS 5b 传统攀登
2 Llech HVS 5b 传统攀登 12m
3 Canol HVS 5a 传统攀登 12m
4 Bulge VS 5a 传统攀登
5 Olwithio HVS 5b 传统攀登

1.7.3. Craig Caseg Fraith Uchaf 0 routes in Crag

1.8. Craig Cwrwgl 0 routes in Crag

1.9. Creigiau Llynnau Mymbyr 16 routes in Crag

总体而言 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.102795, -3.927433

1.9.1. The Blocks 16 routes in Crag

总体而言 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.102774, -3.927429

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Partick Thistle Nil HVS 5b 传统攀登 10m
2 Blockhead S 4a 传统攀登 10m
3 Blockbuster E1 5b 传统攀登 10m
4 Evan's Corner VS 4b 传统攀登 10m
5 Ginnel Chimney D 传统攀登 10m
6 Kinell Wall E2 5c 传统攀登 12m
7 Ginnel Wall E1 5b 传统攀登 12m
8 Ginnel Wall Right Hand HVS 5b 传统攀登 12m
9 V-Groove S 传统攀登 10m
10 Chatterbox S 传统攀登 8m
11 Sentry Box VD 传统攀登 8m
12 Letter Box VS 4c 传统攀登 8m
13 Swear Box HVS 5a 传统攀登 8m
14 Slab & Crack VD 传统攀登 8m
15 Slab Middle {FB} 4 攀石 3m
16 Slab Right {FB} 4 攀石 3m

1.9.2. Clogwyn Wen 0 routes in Crag

1.9.3. Clogwyn Ddu 0 routes in Crag

1.10. Creigiau'r Dena 0 routes in Crag

1.11. Clogwyn Du 0 routes in Crag

1.12. Cwm Cneifion 2 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.110757, -4.019845

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Sub-Cneifion Rib VD 传统攀登 130m, 4
2 Cneifion Arete

First pitch is a Diff, until you reach a small chimney. After this you follow the arete where it becomes a grade 3 scramble to the top. It has increadible exposure and an alpine feel.

D 传统攀登 140m

1.13. Glyder Fach 3 routes in Crag

传统攀登 和 阿式攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
10 Bristly Ridge 传统攀登
11 Bristly Ridge (Winter) 阿式攀登

1.13.1. Penglog Buttress 0 routes in Unknown

1.13.2. East Buttress 0 routes in Unknown

1.13.3. Alphabet Slabs 0 routes in Unknown

1.13.4. Gable Buttress 0 routes in Unknown

1.13.5. Hawks Nest Buttress 0 routes in Unknown

1.13.6. Little Buttress 0 routes in Unknown

1.13.7. Dolmen Buttress 1 route in Unknown

所有 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Dolmen Ridge

Dolmen Ridge is the final part of the Glyder Fach trilogy and is one of the most sought after scrambles in North Wales. The crux is exposed and on immaculate rock but its seriousness has given the route an air of notoriety. Approach - Go right underneath Alphabet Slabs. Continue along the base of the crag passing below East Gully and past West Gully. This defines the right edge of The Dolmen Buttress, where a Quartz band arcs across the lower wall.

  1. From below the quartz band, scramble up to the right side of the gully, heading diagonally rightwards away from the gully on well-travelled ground. After 20m or so, start to zig back up and left to reach the rib of the gully.

  2. Ascend the stepped ribs to easier ground and trend right before heading up to a grass/scree bay just above a narrowing of the gully. From here you should be able to see where the route traverses left along a rampline to reach the crest of the Dolmen Buttress.

  3. Traverse out left from the gully along a rampline to gain the left arete of Dolmen Buttress almost half-way up it by some small spikes.

  4. The next section is one of the hardest and most sustained in this guide but the rock is immaculate. The line follows a well-travelled slabby groove to the top edge of the buttress.

  5. From here, go up the ridge past the Dolmen (a rock balanced on others like a burial cairn). Carry on up following your nose as the terrain is generally easier clambering over boulders.

D 传统攀登 150m

1.13.8. West Buttresss 0 routes in Unknown

1.13.9. Castell y Gwynt 0 routes in Unknown

1.14. Glyder Fawr Upper Cliff 0 routes in Crag

1.15. Idwal Cottage Crag 6 routes in Boulder

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.123312, -4.022682


From the A5 go through the car park at Ogwen Cottage onto "the old road", you'll go through some trees, as soon as you're through the trees the boulder is on your left.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 NWB P5 {FB} 5 攀石
2 NWB P11 {FB} 5 攀石
3 Trouty {FB} 5+ 攀石
4 Trouty Righthand {FB} 5+ 攀石
5 Idwal Slab {FB} 6B 攀石 4m
6 Idwal Slab RH {FB} 6A+ 攀石 4m

1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls 29 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.109861, -4.025353

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents

The East Wall

The slabby, ramped wall on the left flank of the main slab.

2 East Wall Girdle VS 传统攀登 150m, 7
3 Heather Wall VS 4c 传统攀登 52m, 2
4 Ash Tree Wall VS 4c 传统攀登 53m, 3

Suicide Wall

6 Suicide Groove E1 5b 传统攀登 34m, 2
7 Suicide Wall Route 2 E2 5b 传统攀登 46m
8 Capital Punishment E4 5c 传统攀登 49m, 2
9 Suicide Wall Route 1 E2 5c 传统攀登 30m

Rhiwiau Caws (Idwal Slab)

The magnificent main slab.

11 Tennis Shoe

首攀: N E Odell, 1919

HS 4a 传统攀登 160m, 7
12 Tennis Shoe Direct VS 4c 传统攀登 360m
13 Ordinary Route

首攀: T K Rose & C C B Moss, 1897

D 传统攀登 140m, 4
14 Hope VD 传统攀登 150m
15 Central Rib HS 4a 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
16 Charity S 4b 传统攀登 160m, 4
17 Faith {AU} UK:VD 传统攀登 150m

Holly Tree Wall

19 Cinderella

Starts on the far left of the ledge.

HS 4a 传统攀登
20 The Scone Run

starts a few meters right of Cinderella but careful not to go too far right. At about 8 meters, keep left of the protruding block.

E2 5c 传统攀登
21 Rampart Corner

Starts a couple of meters right of The scone run, go right and under the protruding block, and up again following the crack system until you are forced onto the right hand slab for a few cruxy moves and onto a little ledge, then through the second crux to reach easier ground. Well protected.

首攀: H I Banner & R Wilson, 1977

E1 5c 传统攀登 45m
22 The Rampart

Zig-zag your way up following the path of least resistance. starts right of Rampart corner but soon joins it, just to leave off to the right again when the corner gets hard.

VS 5a 传统攀登
23 Original Route

首攀: I A RIchards, C F Holland & D E Piley, 1918

VS 5a 传统攀登 40m, 2
24 (Don't use a) Piton Blade

Start on a vegetated patch and then follow the obvious crack that tends slightly leftwards. Very well protected.

HVS 5a 传统攀登
25 Piton route VS 4c 传统攀登
26 Lazarus S 传统攀登 43m, 2
27 Javelin Gully HS 4b 传统攀登
28 Javelin Blade E1 5b 传统攀登 37m
29 Javelin Buttress VS 传统攀登 37m

Continuation Wall

This is the obvious continuation for many routes on the "Holly Tree Wall". It is also accessible by foot (with a good scramble).

31 Groove Above

首攀: T S Knowles & H Poole, 1926

S 4b 传统攀登 24m
32 Continuation crack

Follows the thin crack in the middle of the central slab. Starts on the big step. Crux at the very start.

HVS 5a 传统攀登

Idwal Buttress

34 Idwal Buttress D 传统攀登 400m


36 Idwal Staircase and Continuation



1.17. Clogwyn Du Ymhen Y Glyder 3 routes in Crag

Ice climbing 和 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.103272, -4.024250

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Manx Wall VI 7 攀冰
2 Pillar Chimney Variations IV 5 攀冰
3 Pillar Face VD 传统攀登

1.18. Milestone Buttress 14 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.120864, -3.998084

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Holly Route M 传统攀登
2 Postern Gate And Holly Crack M 传统攀登
3 Canopy Route D 传统攀登
4 Ordinary Route D 传统攀登
5 Boot Crack HVS 5a 传统攀登 25m
6 Wall Climb

Typically linked with 'Soapgut' and 'Chimney Route' via an easy traversing pitch.

首攀: W R Reade, R P Bloor & C W Marshall, 1927

HS 4b 传统攀登 20m
7 Soapgut

首攀: J M Edwards & C W F Noyce, 1936

HS 4b 传统攀登 29m
8 Chimney Route

首攀: E W Steeple & G Barlow, 1913

HS 4b 传统攀登 15m
9 Superdirect HVS 5a 传统攀登 90m, 3
10 Direct route VD 传统攀登 76m
11 Rowan Route D 传统攀登
12 Pulpit route D 传统攀登 70m
13 The Sylvan Traverse M 传统攀登
14 Pulpit Groove & Chimney D 传统攀登 87m

1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders 38 routes in Boulder

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.121641, -3.999904

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 CC P1

On the boulder closest to the lay-by climb the slab to the left of the arete using pockets. Ogwen Climbers Club Guide P1.

{FB} 3+ 攀石
2 CC P2

The arete to the right of CC P1. Ogwen Climbers Club Guide P2.

{FB} 3+ 攀石
3 CC P3

Climb the obvious line to the right of the arete(CC P2). Ogwen Climbers Club Guide P3.

{FB} 3+ 攀石
4 NWB P1 {FB} 3C 攀石
5 NWB P2 {FB} 3C 攀石
6 NWB P3 {FB} 3C 攀石
7 NWB P4 {FB} 4B 攀石
8 Milestone Roof {FB} 6A 攀石
9 NWB P6 {FB} 4C 攀石
10 Monkey See {FB} 7A 攀石
11 Monkey Do {FB} 6C 攀石
12 Saturn {FB} 7A+ 攀石
13 Ding Dong's Wall {FB} 6B 攀石
14 Marilyn Monroe {FB} 7A 攀石
15 Bombshell {FB} 6C+ 攀石
16 Troll {FB} 7A 攀石
17 Einstein {FB} 7B 攀石
18 Dangleberries {FB} 6B+ 攀石
19 The Prow {FB} 7B 攀石
20 Two Boulders {FB} 6B+ 攀石
21 King Creole {FB} 7A+ 攀石
22 Tormented Evaporation {FB} 7A+ 攀石
23 Tormented LH {FB} 6C+ 攀石
24 Pit Traverse {FB} 7C 攀石
25 Pit Traverse and the Pendulum {FB} 7C 攀石
26 Harvey Oswald {FB} 7A+ 攀石
27 Harvey Oswald SDS {FB} 7B+ 攀石
28 Harvey Oswald LH {FB} 7C 攀石
29 Jez's Arete {FB} 6C 攀石
30 Jez's Arete SDS {FB} 7B+ 攀石
31 Old Boy {FB} 7C+ 攀石
32 The Pit and the Pendulum {FB} 7B+ 攀石
33 Pit Start SDS {FB} 6C+ 攀石
34 Pit Wall {FB} 5A 攀石
35 Crouchathon {FB} 5C 攀石
36 Ping {FB} 7A 攀石
37 Not a Slope In Hell {FB} 7A+ 攀石
38 Not a Slope {FB} 7A 攀石

1.20. Plas y Brenin Boulders 5 routes in Unknown

所有 Bouldering

1.20.1. Plas y Brenin Boulder 5 routes in Boulder

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Rich {FB} 6A 攀石
2 The Rich sit start {FB} 6B 攀石
3 The Poor {FB} 6A 攀石
4 The Cake {FB} 6B 攀石
5 The Cake rich finish {FB} 6C 攀石

1.21. RAC Boulders 53 routes in Crag

所有 Bouldering

Lat / Long: 53.096945, -3.947030

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 NWB P1 {FB} 4A 攀石
2 NWB P2 {FB} 4C 攀石
3 NWB P3 {FB} 5C+ 攀石
4 NWB P4 {FB} 4C 攀石
5 NWB P5

From a sit down start on the flat ledge left of the groove, move up the wall to gain the hanging flake avoiding the groove on the right.

{FB} 6A+ 攀石
6 NWB P6 {FB} 5B 攀石
7 NWB P7 {FB} 4C 攀石
8 NWB P8 {FB} 5B 攀石
9 Frontside Traverse {FB} 6A+ 攀石
10 Full Frontside Traverse {FB} 7A 攀石
11 On One {FB} 7B+ 攀石
12 NWB P11 {FB} 4A 攀石
13 NWB P12 {FB} 5A 攀石
14 The marsh traverse {FB} 6C+ 攀石
15 NWB P19 {FB} 3B 攀石
16 NWB P20 {FB} 3A 攀石
17 NWB P21 {FB} 3C 攀石
18 NWB P22 {FB} 4B 攀石
19 Trackside scoop {FB} 3C 攀石
20 Lefthand gully wall traverse {FB} 6A 攀石
21 Righthand gully wall traverse {FB} 5C 攀石
22 Backside arete {FB} 4A 攀石
23 NWB P16 {FB} 5A 攀石
24 Pump Traverse

Follow the sloping lip rightwards, turning left and following the boulder top up right, before dropping down past a jug to a tricky final groove.

{FB} 6B 攀石
25 RAC Arete Lefthand {FB} 4 攀石
26 RAC Arete Righthand {FB} 5A 攀石
27 NWB P26

Sit start, move up finger flakes followed by long moves to jugs above.

{FB} 5A 攀石
28 NWB P27 {FB} 4+ 攀石
29 Marsh Arete {FB} 6A 攀石
30 NWB P29 {FB} 5A 攀石
31 NWB P30 {FB} 5A 攀石
32 NWB P31 {FB} 5C 攀石
33 NWB P32 {FB} 6A 攀石
34 NWB P33 {FB} 3A 攀石
35 NWB P34 {FB} 3A 攀石
36 NWB P35 {FB} 4C 攀石
37 NWB P36 {FB} 4C 攀石
38 NWB P37 {FB} 4A 攀石
39 NWB P38 {FB} 3B 攀石
40 NWB P39 {FB} 2B 攀石
41 NWB P40 {FB} 3A 攀石
42 The Cutaway {FB} 7A 攀石
43 NWB P42 {FB} 3C 攀石
44 NWB P43 {FB} 5B 攀石
45 NWB P44 {FB} 4C 攀石
46 Dinas M.O.T. {FB} 7A+ 攀石
47 Jiggit {FB} 7A+ 攀石
48 Shezelefish {FB} 7A+ 攀石
49 Viking Invasion {FB} 6C+ 攀石
50 The 4th Emergency {FB} 7A 攀石
51 Will's Groove {FB} 6C+ 攀石
52 Violence {FB} 7A 攀石
53 Arete right of Violence {FB} 6A 攀石

1.22. The Red Slab 0 routes in Crag

1.23. Tryfan 33 routes in Crag

总体而言 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.116396, -3.994058

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
3 The North Ridge (Winter) 阿式攀登
4 The North Ridge


5 The South Ridge



1.23.1. East Face 30 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.116221, -3.993801

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Grooved Arete HVD 传统攀登 240m
2 Munich Climb HVS 5a 传统攀登 80m
3 Belle Vue Bastion VS 4c 传统攀登 45m
4 Gashed Crag

首攀: H B Buckle & G Barlow, 1902

VD 传统攀登 180m, 6
5 Pinnacle Rib

starting from the heather terrace climb from where FPR is carved in the rock

首攀: J M A Thompson & H Hughes 1894

VD 传统攀登 180m, 7
6 Bubbly Wall HS 4b 传统攀登 24m
7 North Buttress M 传统攀登
8 Spillikin Wall M 传统攀登
9 South Gully M 传统攀登
10 South Chimney M 传统攀登
11 South Rib M 传统攀登
12 Index Climb M 传统攀登
13 Bastow Buttress D 传统攀登 120m
14 Nor' Nor' Buttress D 传统攀登
15 Green Gully Buttress D 传统攀登
16 Eighty-Foot Route D 传统攀登
17 Little & North Gullies


18 North Gully D 传统攀登
19 Pinnacle Route D 传统攀登
20 Northern Rib D 传统攀登
21 Overlapping Rib Route D 传统攀登
22 Pinnacle Rib Route D 传统攀登
23 South Gully Rib D 传统攀登
24 Apex Route D 传统攀登
25 Arête Climb D 传统攀登
26 North Rib D 传统攀登
27 Anniversary Approach D 传统攀登
28 Anniversary Route D 传统攀登
29 Columbyne D 传统攀登
30 Shadow Arête D 传统攀登

1.23.2. West Face 0 routes in Crag

1.24. Tryfan Fach 15 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.121379, -3.987300


Moderate to hard server. Mostly around difficult.


Great crag for begginners as it offers many many easy routes, we'll protected and fun climbing. Gets very busy quilky.

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Little Tryfan Arete D 传统攀登 70m
2 Crack 1 D 传统攀登 70m
3 Crack 2 D 传统攀登 65m
4 Crack 3 D 传统攀登 64m
5 Slab 1 VD 传统攀登 62m
6 Slab 2

Starting below the "white boil" (buldge of rock with slight discoloration). Climb up towards the right of the boil and belay just above it (28m). Then continue up to where most climbs finish in a big pocket at the top of the crag for a crowded belay. (23m).

S 传统攀登 61m
7 Crack 4

Just right of slab 2 and to the left of the big triangular ledge. Follow the obvious large crack up 30m to a belay. Then continue on your way into the wide Chimney and to the crowded belay ledge. 20m.

D 传统攀登 61m
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
8 Chimney Crack

Climb up onto the large triangular ledge then up through the Chimney and belay at 25m. Then follow Chimney to the top.

D 传统攀登 55m
9 Left-Hand Slab Route D 传统攀登 60m
10 Central Slab Route

Starting right of Chimney crack. Climb up the center of the slab and large flake up fine holds and little gear. When above the belay for Chimney crack move left until the slab leans inward more and belay here 32m. Climb up and right to the large ledge 20m.

VD 传统攀登 60m
11 Right Rib S 传统攀登 50m
12 Left Edge Route VD 传统攀登 55m
13 Stepped Crack D 传统攀登 55m
14 Mossy Slab S 传统攀登 65m
15 Overlap Slab S 传统攀登 65m

1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders 10 routes in Crag

所有 Bouldering
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Nwb P 1 {FB} 4A 攀石 3m
2 Bangor {FB} 5C 攀石 3m
3 Caernarfon {FB} 6A 攀石 3m
4 Nwb P4 {FB} 6A+ 攀石 3m
5 Klem's Arete {FB} 6C 攀石 3m
6 The Menace {FB} 8A 攀石 3m
7 Compact Culture {FB} 8B 攀石
8 Jerry's Problem {FB} 7C+ 攀石
9 The Pinch {FB} 7A+ 攀石 3m
10 The Punch {FB} 6C 攀石 3m

1.26. Gallt yr Ogof 10 routes in Boulder

Bouldering 和 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.119863, -3.958832

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Thin Slab V3 攀石
2 The layback arete V4 攀石
3 The Ramp V5 攀石
4 The overhanging north arete V4 攀石
5 Regeneration V7 攀石

1.26.1. Skyline Buttress 5 routes in Sector

所有 传统攀登
RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Cool Runnings E8 6c 传统攀登
2 Mission Impossible E9 7a 传统攀登
3 Heart of Stone E7 6c 传统攀登
4 Aftershock E6 6b 传统攀登
5 Afterburner E5 6a 传统攀登

1.27. Clogwyn Mannod 12 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.123128, -3.880256

1.27.1. Outside 4 routes in Sector

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Ordinary Route S 传统攀登 40m, 2
2 Overlapping Buttress Direct VS 4c 传统攀登 28m, 2
3 White Slab HVS 5a 传统攀登 38m, 3
4 Purple Haze VS 4c 传统攀登 40m

1.27.2. Bog Buttress 8 routes in Sector

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 North Wall Slant VS 4c 传统攀登 55m, 3
2 Rush Wall VS 4c 传统攀登 50m, 3
3 Izal Groove VD 传统攀登 17m
4 Nyd VD 传统攀登 18m
5 Quisling S 传统攀登 37m, 2
6 Squitter HD 传统攀登 43m, 2
7 The Bestest HVS 5a 传统攀登 40m, 2
8 Septimus HD 传统攀登 24m

1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt 29 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.118861, -3.892310

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Standing Stone Slab D 传统攀登 30m
2 Bear Garden VS 4b 传统攀登 30m
3 Bare Face VD 4b 传统攀登 25m
4 Grizzly Slab S 传统攀登 25m
5 Tony's Gift / Night Shift HVS 5a 传统攀登 20m
6 Market Street D 传统攀登 35m, 2
7 Hawk's Chimney VS 4c 传统攀登 30m, 2
8 Dawnwatch E2 5b 传统攀登 30m
9 Castle Crack HS 传统攀登 30m
10 Coruscation VS 4b 传统攀登 30m, 2
11 Quadrupeg E1 5c 传统攀登 35m, 2
12 Groove and Slab VD 传统攀登 35m
13 Rib and Slab VD 传统攀登 25m, 2

1.28.1. Corner Buttress 5 routes in Sector

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 O-Gam-I-Gam HD 4b 传统攀登 95m, 6
2 O-Gam-I-Gam - Ledge Variation VD 传统攀登 18m
3 O-Gam-I-Gam - Slab Finish VD 传统攀登 30m
4 O-Gamble-I-Gamble HS 传统攀登 18m
5 Bog Meander E1 传统攀登 33m

1.28.2. White Wall 6 routes in Sector

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Silver Blades HS 传统攀登 40m
2 Popov HVD 传统攀登 44m
3 Spectrum S 传统攀登 40m
4 Silky HVS 5a 传统攀登 24m
5 Sialom VS 4c 传统攀登 27m, 2
6 The Demented Snake VS 4c 传统攀登 130m, 8

1.28.3. West Wall Gully 5 routes in Sector

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Cascade of Prisms E2 5b 传统攀登 40m, 2
2 Refraction VS 4c 传统攀登 36m, 2
3 Star Trek VS 4c 传统攀登 42m, 2
4 The Godfather VS 4b 传统攀登 38m, 2
5 Joat VS 4b 传统攀登 36m

1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab) 13 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.110639, -3.884769

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Rain S 4a 传统攀登 12m
2 Needles In My Ears VS 4b 传统攀登 12m
3 Lucy Lockett VS 4c 传统攀登 15m
4 Cadence and Cascade VS 4c 传统攀登 15m
5 The Tumbler VS 4b 传统攀登 15m
6 Kitty Fisher VS 4b 传统攀登 15m
7 Humble Pie HS 4b 传统攀登 15m
8 Jericho Lane VS 4b 传统攀登 15m
9 Moch Daear HS 4b 传统攀登 12m
10 Dragonfly Wall VS 4b 传统攀登 12m
11 Sunday Driver VS 4c 传统攀登 12m
12 Stoneweaver S 4a 传统攀登 12m
13 Right Hook S 传统攀登 12m

1.30. Craig Bwlch-yr-haearn 20 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.124526, -3.824263

1.30.1. Northern Section 16 routes in Sector

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 The Clock of the Long Now HVS 5a 传统攀登 8m
2 Shamanic Wanderings E6 6a 传统攀登 20m
3 First Encounter VS 传统攀登
4 Johari Window E1 5b 传统攀登 20m
5 Bonsai Wall HS 4a 传统攀登 25m
6 Gorki Groove E1 5a 传统攀登 19m
7 Offcut HS 4a 传统攀登 19m
8 Final Flurry HVS 4c 传统攀登 25m
9 Heulwen VS 4b 传统攀登 22m
10 Ulex VS 4b 传统攀登 18m
11 Quercus's Route HS 4b 传统攀登 18m
12 Mistake VS 4c 传统攀登 18m
13 Provo HVS 5a 传统攀登 20m
14 Man of Haearn E3 5b 传统攀登 18m
15 Digger VS 4b 传统攀登 14m
16 Metro VD 传统攀登 12m

1.30.2. Central Section 1 route in Sector

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Suede Slide HS 4b 传统攀登 18m

1.30.3. Southern Section 3 routes in Sector

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Twin Cracks HVS 4c 传统攀登 15m
2 Oak Tree Jug VS 4c 传统攀登 13m
3 The A5 S 传统攀登 12m

1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl 11 routes in Crag

所有 传统攀登

Lat / Long: 53.105579, -3.846975

RouteGradeStyleSelected ascents
1 Impossible Object VS 4c 传统攀登 16m
2 Catch-22 E2 5b 传统攀登 16m
3 Ant on a Rubber Rope HVS 5a 传统攀登 13m
4 Achilles and the Tortoise E3 5b 传统攀登 13m
5 Ship of Thesus HS 4b 传统攀登 13m
6 Diana's Paradox D 传统攀登 15m
7 Hormesis S 4a 传统攀登 16m
8 Pulsus Paradoxus VS 4b 传统攀登 13m
9 Ignore All Rules VS 4b 传统攀登 12m
10 Second Wind S 4a 传统攀登 12m
11 Gabriel's Horn HS 4b 传统攀登 14m

2. Index by grade

Grade Stars Name Style Pop Area
M Slab Route I 传统攀登 46m Summer Rock Climbs
Eastern Ridge 传统攀登 1.3.14. Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders)
Right Chimney 传统攀登 East Buttress
D Gully 传统攀登 Amphitheatre Buttress
Diwedd y Dydd 传统攀登 8m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Short Cut 传统攀登 12m North Crag
Holly Route 传统攀登 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Postern Gate And Holly Crack 传统攀登 1.18. Milestone Buttress
The Sylvan Traverse 传统攀登 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Index Climb 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
North Buttress 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
South Chimney 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
South Gully 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
South Rib 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Spillikin Wall 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
D Amphitheatre Rib 传统攀登 90m 1.3.6. Craig yr Ysfa
Pont Pen y Benglog Buttress 传统攀登 61m, 2 Ogwen Pinacle
Bivouac Buttress 传统攀登 67m Summer Rock Climbs
Chimney Buttress 传统攀登 49m Summer Rock Climbs
Grooved Ridge 传统攀登 79m Summer Rock Climbs
North Arete 传统攀登 67m Summer Rock Climbs
The Eastern Arete 传统攀登 49m Summer Rock Climbs
Mother Earth 传统攀登 2 1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth)
Mordred 传统攀登 40m 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Arch Gully 传统攀登 250m, 5 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Bending Gully 传统攀登 180m, 2 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Birch Tree Chimney 传统攀登 2 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Sigma 传统攀登 2 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Truant Rib 传统攀登 91m Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Amphitheatre Rib 传统攀登 87m, 3 Amphitheatre Buttress
Avalanche Gully 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress
C Gully 传统攀登 Amphitheatre Buttress
Reed Rake 传统攀登 Amphitheatre Buttress
The Nameless Rib 传统攀登 5 Amphitheatre Buttress
Skyline Chimey 传统攀登 2 Mur Y Niwl
Invisible Chimey 传统攀登 3 Pinnacle Wall
Hanging around 传统攀登 8m Solo Slab
Summit Route 传统攀登 55m, 2 Little Stanage
Pinnacle Chimney 传统攀登 8m Forestry Buttress
Waterworn 传统攀登 64m, 2 Forestry Buttress
Poltergeist 传统攀登 76m South Crag
The Zinc Sphinx 传统攀登 21m North Crag
Fluellen 传统攀登 24m Broken Slabs
Jackal 传统攀登 18m Broken Slabs
Llewellyn 传统攀登 27m Broken Slabs
Curio 传统攀登 5m Christmas Crag
Honeysuckle Ridge 传统攀登 38m, 4 Christmas Crag
Minor 传统攀登 24m Christmas Crag
The Creeper 传统攀登 11m Christmas Crag
Ginnel Chimney 传统攀登 10m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Cneifion Arete 传统攀登 140m 1.12. Cwm Cneifion
Dolmen Ridge 传统攀登 150m 1.13.7. Dolmen Buttress
Idwal Buttress 传统攀登 400m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Ordinary Route 传统攀登 140m, 4 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Canopy Route 传统攀登 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Ordinary Route 传统攀登 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Pulpit Groove & Chimney 传统攀登 87m 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Pulpit route 传统攀登 70m 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Rowan Route 传统攀登 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Anniversary Approach 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Anniversary Route 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Apex Route 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Arête Climb 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Bastow Buttress 传统攀登 120m 1.23.1. East Face
Columbyne 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Eighty-Foot Route 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Green Gully Buttress 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Nor' Nor' Buttress 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
North Gully 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
North Rib 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Northern Rib 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Overlapping Rib Route 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Pinnacle Rib Route 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Pinnacle Route 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Shadow Arête 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
South Gully Rib 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
Chimney Crack 传统攀登 55m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Crack 1 传统攀登 70m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Crack 2 传统攀登 65m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Crack 3 传统攀登 64m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Crack 4 传统攀登 61m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Left-Hand Slab Route 传统攀登 60m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Little Tryfan Arete 传统攀登 70m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Stepped Crack 传统攀登 55m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Market Street 传统攀登 35m, 2 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
Standing Stone Slab 传统攀登 30m 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
Diana's Paradox 传统攀登 15m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
2B NWB P39 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
HD Daddy Long Legs 传统攀登 30m Forestry Buttress
Wheelbarrow 传统攀登 13m North Crag
Septimus 传统攀登 24m 1.27.2. Bog Buttress
Squitter 传统攀登 43m, 2 1.27.2. Bog Buttress
VB Gnat in a hat 攀石 1.3.13. The Burley Boulder
3A NWB P20 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P33 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P34 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P40 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
3 The Scoop 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
3B NWB P19 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P38 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
VD Pinnacle Ridge 传统攀登 100m, 4 Buttress 5
Amphitheatre Buttress 传统攀登 290m, 7 1.3.6. Craig yr Ysfa
Pinnacle Ridge Route 传统攀登 100m, 4 Buttress 4
Temptation 传统攀登 Buttress 7
Central Route 传统攀登 46m Summer Rock Climbs
First Trinity Groove 传统攀登 82m Summer Rock Climbs
Slab Route II 传统攀登 46m Summer Rock Climbs
Crack and Corner 传统攀登 40m, 2 West Buttress
The Crawl Climb 传统攀登 49m, 3 West Buttress
Tramline Traverse 传统攀登 30m East Buttress
Launcelot 传统攀登 40m 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Avalanche Buttress 传统攀登 6 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Original Route 传统攀登 3 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
The Slab Climb 传统攀登 5 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
The Staircase 传统攀登 55m Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Amphitheatre Buttress 传统攀登 320m Amphitheatre Buttress
B Gully 传统攀登 Amphitheatre Buttress
Cradle Chimney 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress
Clean Rib 传统攀登 Mur Y Niwl
Limax 传统攀登 3 Mur Y Niwl
Great Gully - Left Wall Exit 传统攀登 Pinnacle Wall
Great Gully - Right Wall Exit 传统攀登 Pinnacle Wall
Low Climb 传统攀登 2 Pinnacle Wall
Vanishing Gully 传统攀登 5 Pinnacle Wall
Ysbryd Cedryn 传统攀登 25m, 2 1.3.20. Craig Bwthyn Eigiau
Chimney Arete 传统攀登 35m 1.3.21. Eigiau slab
Killing time 传统攀登 7m Solo Slab
Solo slab right arete 传统攀登 6m Solo Slab
Deuteronomy 传统攀登 24m Little Stanage
Ferret 传统攀登 24m Little Stanage
First Peel Two Goblins 传统攀登 18m Little Stanage
Peechay 传统攀登 24m Little Stanage
Shelob 传统攀登 24m, 2 Little Stanage
Stoat 传统攀登 26m Little Stanage
Yew Tree Slabs 传统攀登 35m, 2 Two Tier Buttress
As You Like It 传统攀登 37m, 3 Forestry Buttress
Blaen y Nant 传统攀登 18m Forestry Buttress
Cascade 传统攀登 61m, 3 Forestry Buttress
Truffle Hunter 传统攀登 58m, 2 Forestry Buttress
Vagabond 传统攀登 23m, 2 North Crag
Balcony Wall 传统攀登 30m Broken Slabs
Duet 传统攀登 15m Christmas Crag
Ladies Variation 传统攀登 12m Christmas Crag
Ledge Ridge Climb 传统攀登 24m Christmas Crag
Pinacle Block Variation 传统攀登 9m Christmas Crag
The Crack Finish 传统攀登 5m Christmas Crag
Sentry Box 传统攀登 8m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Slab & Crack 传统攀登 8m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Sub-Cneifion Rib 传统攀登 130m, 4 1.12. Cwm Cneifion
Faith 传统攀登 150m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Hope 传统攀登 150m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Pillar Face 传统攀登 1.17. Clogwyn Du Ymhen Y Glyder
Direct route 传统攀登 76m 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Gashed Crag 传统攀登 180m, 6 1.23.1. East Face
Pinnacle Rib 传统攀登 180m, 7 1.23.1. East Face
Central Slab Route 传统攀登 60m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Left Edge Route 传统攀登 55m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Slab 1 传统攀登 62m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Izal Groove 传统攀登 17m 1.27.2. Bog Buttress
Nyd 传统攀登 18m 1.27.2. Bog Buttress
Groove and Slab 传统攀登 35m 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
Rib and Slab 传统攀登 25m, 2 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
O-Gam-I-Gam - Ledge Variation 传统攀登 18m 1.28.1. Corner Buttress
O-Gam-I-Gam - Slab Finish 传统攀登 30m 1.28.1. Corner Buttress
Metro 传统攀登 12m 1.30.1. Northern Section
3C NWB P1 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
NWB P2 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
NWB P3 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
NWB P21 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P42 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Trackside scoop 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
3+ NWB P3 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
The Scoop Variation 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
The Groove 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Righthand P15 攀石 1.5. Clogwyn y Tarw
CC P1 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
CC P2 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
CC P3 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
HVD Hanging around - direct start 传统攀登 Solo Slab
Gwawr 传统攀登 8m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
As You Like It - Original Start 传统攀登 6m Forestry Buttress
Sylvian Crack 传统攀登 46m, 4 Forestry Buttress
Chrome Molly Dolly 传统攀登 21m North Crag
Heather Crack 传统攀登 12m Christmas Crag
Grooved Arete 传统攀登 240m 1.23.1. East Face
Popov 传统攀登 44m 1.28.2. White Wall
4A Backside arete 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P1 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P11 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P37 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Nwb P 1 攀石 3m 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
MS Mole's Castle 传统攀登 37m Little Stanage
Aramis 传统攀登 21m North Crag
HD 4b O-Gam-I-Gam 传统攀登 95m, 6 1.28.1. Corner Buttress
VD 4b Bare Face 传统攀登 25m 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
S 4a Pinnacle Wall 传统攀登 Pinnacle Wall
Eripsa 传统攀登 60m, 2 1.3.21. Eigiau slab
You Wyn Some You Lose Some 传统攀登 8m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Blockhead 传统攀登 10m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Rain 传统攀登 12m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Stoneweaver 传统攀登 12m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Hormesis 传统攀登 16m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
Second Wind 传统攀登 12m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
S 4b Five pitch route 传统攀登 1.2. Bochlwyd Buttress
Charity 传统攀登 160m, 4 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Groove Above 传统攀登 24m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
S Two pitch route 传统攀登 45m, 2 1.2. Bochlwyd Buttress
Custodian's Creep 传统攀登 76m, 5 Buttress 6
Patience 传统攀登 Buttress 7
Route Two 传统攀登 33m, 2 Buttress 8
Gargoyle 传统攀登 Buttress 9
Moonrise 传统攀登 52m Summer Rock Climbs
Second Trinity Groove 传统攀登 79m Summer Rock Climbs
The Rib 传统攀登 79m Summer Rock Climbs
Moving Moss 传统攀登 1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth)
Western Gully 传统攀登 1.3.14. Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders)
Angle Gully 传统攀登 25m East Buttress
Jane (If she doesn't mind) 传统攀登 24m East Buttress
Pinnaclissimo 传统攀登 20m Upper Tier
Beaumont's Chimney 传统攀登 2 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Cobweb Wall 传统攀登 55m Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Enigma 传统攀登 2 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Gomorrah 传统攀登 46m Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
The Banister 传统攀登 46m Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Cockroach Crack 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress
Great Gully 传统攀登 270m, 11 Pinnacle Wall
Nether Climb 传统攀登 Pinnacle Wall
Mab y Maen 传统攀登 22m 1.3.20. Craig Bwthyn Eigiau
Caterpillar 传统攀登 37m, 2 Little Stanage
Eeyore 传统攀登 Little Stanage
Old Holly Wall 传统攀登 2 Little Stanage
The Flue 传统攀登 18m Little Stanage
Bertram 传统攀登 12m Forestry Buttress
Kin Bazzar 传统攀登 8m Forestry Buttress
Little Green Jug 传统攀登 18m Forestry Buttress
Mianda 传统攀登 27m Forestry Buttress
Pinnacle Face 传统攀登 8m Forestry Buttress
Second Sight 传统攀登 15m Forestry Buttress
Blackstein's Theory 传统攀登 21m North Crag
Chocolate Elephant 传统攀登 30m, 2 North Crag
Crucifix 传统攀登 23m North Crag
Owt 传统攀登 18m North Crag
Route I 传统攀登 3 North Crag
Route II 传统攀登 82m, 4 North Crag
Toffee Rabbits 传统攀登 30m, 2 North Crag
The Flake Crack 传统攀登 9m Christmas Crag
The Z Crack 传统攀登 9m Christmas Crag
Chatterbox 传统攀登 8m 1.9.1. The Blocks
V-Groove 传统攀登 10m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Lazarus 传统攀登 43m, 2 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Mossy Slab 传统攀登 65m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Overlap Slab 传统攀登 65m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Right Rib 传统攀登 50m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Slab 2 传统攀登 61m 1.24. Tryfan Fach
Ordinary Route 传统攀登 40m, 2 1.27.1. Outside
Quisling 传统攀登 37m, 2 1.27.2. Bog Buttress
Grizzly Slab 传统攀登 25m 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
Spectrum 传统攀登 40m 1.28.2. White Wall
Right Hook 传统攀登 12m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
The A5 传统攀登 12m 1.30.3. Southern Section
HS 3b Heron Slab 传统攀登 3 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Troglodyte 传统攀登 2 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Coffin Scoop 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress
Sentry Box Crack 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress
HS 3c Y Bwncath a'r Jig-so 传统攀登 65m, 2 1.3.21. Eigiau slab
HS 4a Arch Wall 传统攀登 100m, 5 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Central Rib 传统攀登 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Cinderella 传统攀登 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Tennis Shoe 传统攀登 160m, 7 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Bonsai Wall 传统攀登 25m 1.30.1. Northern Section
Offcut 传统攀登 19m 1.30.1. Northern Section
4 NWB P10 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
NWB P9 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
NWB P1 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
NWB P2 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
Righthand P9 攀石 1.5. Clogwyn y Tarw
Slab Middle 攀石 3m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Slab Right 攀石 3m 1.9.1. The Blocks
RAC Arete Lefthand 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
HS 4b Chimney Climb (Direct Start) 传统攀登 30m, 2 1.2. Bochlwyd Buttress
Zip Wall 传统攀登 25m 1.3.5. Carreg Mianog
Pinnacle Wall 传统攀登 69m 1.3.6. Craig yr Ysfa
Zip Wall 传统攀登 25m West Buttress
Last Orders 传统攀登 8m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Little Leo 传统攀登 12m Crag Db Routes
A Hamster Called Barry John 传统攀登 15m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Y Ceffyl Dwr 传统攀登 15m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Zig Zag 传统攀登 42m, 2 1.5. Clogwyn y Tarw
Javelin Gully 传统攀登 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Chimney Route 传统攀登 15m 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Soapgut 传统攀登 29m 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Wall Climb 传统攀登 20m 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Bubbly Wall 传统攀登 24m 1.23.1. East Face
Humble Pie 传统攀登 15m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Moch Daear 传统攀登 12m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Quercus's Route 传统攀登 18m 1.30.1. Northern Section
Suede Slide 传统攀登 18m 1.30.2. Central Section
Gabriel's Horn 传统攀登 14m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
Ship of Thesus 传统攀登 13m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
4B NWB P4 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
NWB P22 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
HS Wall Climb 传统攀登 46m 1.2. Bochlwyd Buttress
Cluck's Nook 传统攀登 Buttress 9
J.L.S 传统攀登 22m 1.3.20. Craig Bwthyn Eigiau
Lichen Way 传统攀登 25m 1.3.20. Craig Bwthyn Eigiau
Pinnacle Wall 传统攀登 30m, 2 Two Tier Buttress
Cymro-Sais 传统攀登 24m Forestry Buttress
Little Mollusc 传统攀登 46m, 3 Forestry Buttress
Recess Wall 传统攀登 18m Forestry Buttress
Kaleidoscope 传统攀登 30m, 2 North Crag
Castle Crack 传统攀登 30m 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
O-Gamble-I-Gamble 传统攀登 18m 1.28.1. Corner Buttress
Silver Blades 传统攀登 40m 1.28.2. White Wall
V0 First Blocks 攀石 First Block
MVS Y chimney 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
VS 4a Spiral Route 传统攀登 37m Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
VS 4b Zip Groove 传统攀登 25m 1.3.5. Carreg Mianog
Pinnacle Ridge Route - VS Start 传统攀登 100m, 4 Buttress 4
Decameron Rib 传统攀登 57m, 3 Buttress 7
Central Ridge 传统攀登 76m Summer Rock Climbs
Hhier 传统攀登 34m Summer Rock Climbs
Central Route 传统攀登 25m West Buttress
Zip Groove 传统攀登 30m West Buttress
Mitre 传统攀登 28m East Buttress
Angle Groove 传统攀登 37m, 2 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Figure Of Eight 传统攀登 Amphitheatre Buttress
Pieces Of Eight 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress
Tess 传统攀登 22m 1.3.20. Craig Bwthyn Eigiau
Left arete 传统攀登 14m Crag Db Routes
Raven's Nest Wall 传统攀登 37m, 2 Little Stanage
Sweeper Chimney 传统攀登 32m, 2 Little Stanage
The Pear 传统攀登 37m, 2 Little Stanage
Curving Groove 传统攀登 30m Two Tier Buttress
Graham's Groove 传统攀登 27m Forestry Buttress
Much ado about nothing 传统攀登 15m Forestry Buttress
Brothers Start 传统攀登 40m South Crag
Allegro - Direct Finish 传统攀登 14m North Crag
Snorkel 传统攀登 27m North Crag
January Crack 传统攀登 8m Christmas Crag
Mole 传统攀登 21m Christmas Crag
Evan's Corner 传统攀登 10m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Bear Garden 传统攀登 30m 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
Coruscation 传统攀登 30m, 2 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
Joat 传统攀登 36m 1.28.3. West Wall Gully
The Godfather 传统攀登 38m, 2 1.28.3. West Wall Gully
Dragonfly Wall 传统攀登 12m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Jericho Lane 传统攀登 15m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Kitty Fisher 传统攀登 15m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Needles In My Ears 传统攀登 12m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
The Tumbler 传统攀登 15m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Digger 传统攀登 14m 1.30.1. Northern Section
Heulwen 传统攀登 22m 1.30.1. Northern Section
Ulex 传统攀登 18m 1.30.1. Northern Section
Ignore All Rules 传统攀登 12m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
Pulsus Paradoxus 传统攀登 13m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
VS 4c One Pitch Route 传统攀登 30m 1.2. Bochlwyd Buttress
Cracked Arete 传统攀登 25m 1.3.5. Carreg Mianog
Knee Cap 传统攀登 1.3.5. Carreg Mianog
Mur Y Niwl 传统攀登 75m 1.3.6. Craig yr Ysfa
Widdershins 传统攀登 Buttress 2
Earth Summit 传统攀登 1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth)
Central Route 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Central Route - Scar Face Finish 传统攀登 130m, 5 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Humour 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Cracked Arete 传统攀登 West Buttress
Subsidiary Slab 传统攀登 10m West Buttress
Knee Cap 传统攀登 28m, 2 East Buttress
Dover Road 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 传统攀登 Amphitheatre Buttress
The Crack 传统攀登 Amphitheatre Buttress
Mur y Niwl 传统攀登 Mur Y Niwl
Shean Treuse 传统攀登 5 Pinnacle Wall
The Grimmett 传统攀登 Pinnacle Wall
Dam Busters 传统攀登 10m 1.3.21. Eigiau slab
Ruthless 传统攀登 14m Crag Db Routes
Elvis Impersonator 传统攀登 12m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Rhiannon 传统攀登 12m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Y Wrach Fach 传统攀登 15m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Flake Crack 传统攀登 26m 1.5. Clogwyn y Tarw
Esque 传统攀登 30m Little Stanage
Shadowfax 传统攀登 35m Little Stanage
The Right Finish 传统攀登 Two Tier Buttress
Beer Stain 传统攀登 30m, 2 Forestry Buttress
Flash Back 传统攀登 15m Forestry Buttress
Forestry Groove 传统攀登 45m, 3 Forestry Buttress
Golly 传统攀登 27m, 3 Forestry Buttress
October Exit 传统攀登 15m Forestry Buttress
Pigs in Space 传统攀登 27m Forestry Buttress
Quiver 传统攀登 29m, 3 Forestry Buttress
Strider 传统攀登 30 Forestry Buttress
Python 传统攀登 33m, 3 South Crag
Red Groove 传统攀登 36m, 2 South Crag
Scrooge 传统攀登 54m, 4 South Crag
Cross Cut 传统攀登 30m North Crag
Helynt 传统攀登 3 North Crag
Blue Lights Wall 传统攀登 32m Christmas Crag
February Wall 传统攀登 9m Christmas Crag
Technical Rib 传统攀登 5m Christmas Crag
The Crack 传统攀登 21m Christmas Crag
Letter Box 传统攀登 8m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Ash Tree Wall 传统攀登 53m, 3 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Heather Wall 传统攀登 52m, 2 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Piton route 传统攀登 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Tennis Shoe Direct 传统攀登 360m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Belle Vue Bastion 传统攀登 45m 1.23.1. East Face
Overlapping Buttress Direct 传统攀登 28m, 2 1.27.1. Outside
Purple Haze 传统攀登 40m 1.27.1. Outside
North Wall Slant 传统攀登 55m, 3 1.27.2. Bog Buttress
Rush Wall 传统攀登 50m, 3 1.27.2. Bog Buttress
Hawk's Chimney 传统攀登 30m, 2 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
Sialom 传统攀登 27m, 2 1.28.2. White Wall
The Demented Snake 传统攀登 130m, 8 1.28.2. White Wall
Refraction 传统攀登 36m, 2 1.28.3. West Wall Gully
Star Trek 传统攀登 42m, 2 1.28.3. West Wall Gully
Cadence and Cascade 传统攀登 15m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Lucy Lockett 传统攀登 15m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Sunday Driver 传统攀登 12m 1.29. Craig Eithin (Waen Hir Slab)
Mistake 传统攀登 18m 1.30.1. Northern Section
Oak Tree Jug 传统攀登 13m 1.30.3. Southern Section
Impossible Object 传统攀登 16m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
4C NWB P6 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
NWB P2 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P35 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P36 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P4 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P44 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P7 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
VS Alouette 传统攀登 30m Buttress 9
Skid Row 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Moss wall 传统攀登 35m, 2 West Buttress
Great Gully - Pinnacle Direct 传统攀登 2 Pinnacle Wall
Greeny 传统攀登 22m 1.3.20. Craig Bwthyn Eigiau
Jofad 传统攀登 45m, 2 Main Crag
East Wall Girdle 传统攀登 150m, 7 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Javelin Buttress 传统攀登 37m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
First Encounter 传统攀登 1.30.1. Northern Section
IV 5 Pillar Chimney Variations 攀冰 1.17. Clogwyn Du Ymhen Y Glyder
HVS 4c Apprentice's Route 传统攀登 Buttress 2
Cuckoo Groove 传统攀登 45m, 3 Buttress 8
Delirium Tremens 传统攀登 15m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Squitcha 传统攀登 17m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Final Flurry 传统攀登 25m 1.30.1. Northern Section
Twin Cracks 传统攀登 15m 1.30.3. Southern Section
4+ Spider Crack 攀石 1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder
NWB P4 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
NWB P7 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
4B! 攀石 Boulders
Ogwen Arete 攀石 Boulders
Tiny Dyno Traverse 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
The Flake 攀石 N.W. State Of Mind
NWB P27 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
HVS 5a Bochlwyd Eliminate 传统攀登 37m 1.2. Bochlwyd Buttress
Pectoral Wall 传统攀登 32m, 2 1.3.5. Carreg Mianog
Good Egg 传统攀登 37m Summer Rock Climbs
Hale Bop 传统攀登 60m, 2 Summer Rock Climbs
Third Trinity Groove 传统攀登 73m Summer Rock Climbs
Commuter's Crack 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Dead Mouse Crack 传统攀登 20m West Buttress
Pectoral Wall 传统攀登 35m, 2 East Buttress
Electric Soup 传统攀登 18m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
The Petrified Florist 传统攀登 10m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Cirque Rib 传统攀登 55m, 3 Craig Yr Ysfa Routes
Mur y Niwl - Direct 传统攀登 3 Mur Y Niwl
ABH 传统攀登 12m Crag Db Routes
Circle of Three 传统攀登 15m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Defaid William Morgan 传统攀登 8m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Sarn Helen 传统攀登 15m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Wooden Heart 传统攀登 10m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Hereford's Crack 传统攀登 25m 1.5. Clogwyn y Tarw
Monroe 传统攀登 30m Little Stanage
Orchid 传统攀登 25m Two Tier Buttress
Piano Piece 传统攀登 18m Two Tier Buttress
Pinnacle Slab direct 传统攀登 30m Two Tier Buttress
rainbow 传统攀登 20m Two Tier Buttress
As You Like It - Flying Start 传统攀登 8m Forestry Buttress
Flay 传统攀登 18m Forestry Buttress
Forestry Girdle 传统攀登 150m, 8 Forestry Buttress
No-Mu 传统攀登 27m Forestry Buttress
Weasel 传统攀登 23m Forestry Buttress
Canol 传统攀登 12m 1.7.2. Craig Caseg Fraith Isaf
Swear Box 传统攀登 8m 1.9.1. The Blocks
(Don't use a) Piton Blade 传统攀登 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Continuation crack 传统攀登 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Boot Crack 传统攀登 25m 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Superdirect 传统攀登 90m, 3 1.18. Milestone Buttress
Munich Climb 传统攀登 80m 1.23.1. East Face
White Slab 传统攀登 38m, 3 1.27.1. Outside
The Bestest 传统攀登 40m, 2 1.27.2. Bog Buttress
Tony's Gift 传统攀登 20m 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
Silky 传统攀登 24m 1.28.2. White Wall
Provo 传统攀登 20m 1.30.1. Northern Section
The Clock of the Long Now 传统攀登 8m 1.30.1. Northern Section
Ant on a Rubber Rope 传统攀登 13m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
V0+ Front Face 攀石 Pinch Block
Inch Arete 攀石 Pinch Block
VS 5a Biceps Wall 传统攀登 34m, 2 1.3.5. Carreg Mianog
Kirkus's Route 传统攀登 85m Summer Rock Climbs
Salt of the Earth 传统攀登 1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth)
Wet Roots 传统攀登 1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth)
Biceps Wall 传统攀登 34m, 2 East Buttress
The Man From God's Country 传统攀登 15m East Buttress
Hollt y Gigfran 传统攀登 7m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Gawain 传统攀登 46m, 3 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Witch Hunt 传统攀登 12m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Hot Wall - Continuation 传统攀登 12m Forestry Buttress
Jug Handle 传统攀登 27m, 3 Forestry Buttress
Brown Crack 传统攀登 58m, 3 North Crag
Bulge 传统攀登 1.7.2. Craig Caseg Fraith Isaf
Original Route 传统攀登 40m, 2 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
The Rampart 传统攀登 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
HVS Cupid's Inspiration 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Getaway 传统攀登 13m East Buttress
Mab y Maen - Direct Finish 传统攀登 22m 1.3.20. Craig Bwthyn Eigiau
5A THFMP 攀石 Boulders
Pit Wall 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
NWB P12 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P16 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P26 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P29 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P30 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
RAC Arete Righthand 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
E1 5a Melys Fedd 传统攀登 12m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Agrippa 传统攀登 Mur Y Niwl
Gorki Groove 传统攀登 19m 1.30.1. Northern Section
E1 Beelzebub 传统攀登 45m, 2 Main Crag
Prometheus 传统攀登 45m, 2 Main Crag
Bog Meander 传统攀登 33m 1.28.1. Corner Buttress
V1 Front Crack 攀石 Pinch Block
Smith And Western 攀石 1.3.13. The Burley Boulder
5 Braichmelyn Arete 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Refuge Collection 攀石 1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder
5a 攀石 Boulders
Lakeside Wall 攀石 Boulders
Bite Size 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Little Groove 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Love Bytes 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Wall 攀石 First Block
Sharkbait 攀石 The Turtle
Mr moustache 攀石 Unsorted
Pike Head 攀石 1.5. Clogwyn y Tarw
Slabby Arete - Left 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Sweet Arete 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
The Mantel 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Lian's Crack 攀石 1.6.5. Craig Wen Boulders
NWB P11 攀石 1.15. Idwal Cottage Crag
NWB P5 攀石 1.15. Idwal Cottage Crag
5B NWB P43 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P6 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P8 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
HVS 5b Button Up 传统攀登 22m West Buttress
Wiley Coyote 传统攀登 12m East Buttress
The Apprentice 传统攀登 10m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Meillionydd 传统攀登 30m 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Gettysburg 传统攀登 Pinnacle Wall
Banana Republic 传统攀登 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Gobeithio 传统攀登 45m, 2 Main Crag
Bliss 传统攀登 12m Little Stanage
Hot Wall 传统攀登 8m Forestry Buttress
Allegro 传统攀登 25m, 2 North Crag
Girdle Traverse 传统攀登 91m, 7 North Crag
The Iron Lion 传统攀登 21m North Crag
Diagonal Cracks 传统攀登 1.7.2. Craig Caseg Fraith Isaf
Llech 传统攀登 12m 1.7.2. Craig Caseg Fraith Isaf
Olwithio 传统攀登 1.7.2. Craig Caseg Fraith Isaf
Ginnel Wall Right Hand 传统攀登 12m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Partick Thistle Nil 传统攀登 10m 1.9.1. The Blocks
E1 5b Elliw 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
The Groove 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Blood Red Moon 传统攀登 35m, 2 West Buttress
Zip Up / Red river 传统攀登 25m West Buttress
Clavicle 传统攀登 20m East Buttress
Funny Bone 传统攀登 38m, 3 East Buttress
The Outlaws 传统攀登 30m East Buttress
The Regulators 传统攀登 35m, 2 East Buttress
Nalmefene 传统攀登 18m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Llywelyn Ein Llyw Olaf 传统攀登 65m, 3 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Carpet Baggers 传统攀登 3 Mur Y Niwl
Girdle Traverse Of The Lower Amphitheatre Wall 传统攀登 6 Mur Y Niwl
Plumbagin 传统攀登 50m, 2 Mur Y Niwl
Fel Bys Mewn Tin 传统攀登 8 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
The Witch's Promise 传统攀登 15m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
gondor 传统攀登 Main Crag
Sostenuto 传统攀登 40m, 2 North Crag
Blockbuster 传统攀登 10m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Ginnel Wall 传统攀登 12m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Javelin Blade 传统攀登 37m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Suicide Groove 传统攀登 34m, 2 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Johari Window 传统攀登 20m 1.30.1. Northern Section
E2 5b The Wrack 传统攀登 45m 1.2. Bochlwyd Buttress
The Great Corner 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Funny Bone Variation 传统攀登 16m East Buttress
On the Wagon 传统攀登 15m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
The Angel's Share 传统攀登 15m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
The Booze Fighters 传统攀登 15m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
The Bulldog Bash 传统攀登 12m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Mother's Little Helper 传统攀登 40m Amphitheatre Buttress
Aura 传统攀登 Mur Y Niwl
Excalibur 传统攀登 50m, 2 Pinnacle Wall
Great Gully Wall 传统攀登 3 Pinnacle Wall
Spiral Scratch 传统攀登 2 Pinnacle Wall
Jaw Breaker 传统攀登 55m 1.3.21. Eigiau slab
Banshee 传统攀登 15m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
The Weird Sisters 传统攀登 15m 1.3.24. Carreg-ar-y-rhos
Suicide Wall Route 2 传统攀登 46m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Dawnwatch 传统攀登 30m 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
Cascade of Prisms 传统攀登 40m, 2 1.28.3. West Wall Gully
Catch-22 传统攀登 16m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
E2 Mordor 传统攀登 40m, 2 Main Crag
The Hobbler 传统攀登 35m, 2 Main Crag
V2 Bangor 攀石 First Block
Sheep Dipper 攀石 The Turtle
NHS 攀石 Main Block
Glock 攀石 1.3.13. The Burley Boulder
All Breakages Must Be Paid For..... 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
5C Crouchathon 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
NWB P31 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Righthand gully wall traverse 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Bangor 攀石 3m 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
5A NWB P4a 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
5+ The Ramp 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Ceunant Groove 攀石 1.1.2. Afon Caseg Gorge
Rob Da Bank 攀石 1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder
NWB P12 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
Caseg Arete 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
Mr bo jangles 攀石 Boulders
Mr no Jangles - left hand 攀石 Boulders
Ogwen Arete - left hand 攀石 Boulders
Bite Me 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Purbed Noeth 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Tiny Dyno Arete 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Board Climbing 101 攀石 Lily Savage
Noble Steed 攀石 Lily Savage
Helyg Crack 攀石 Enter The Wu-Tang Roof
Dulyn Arete 攀石 1.3.26. Dulyn Bothy bouldering
Righthand P6 (stand) 攀石 1.5. Clogwyn y Tarw
Mendoza Arete 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Slabby Arete - Right 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Trouty 攀石 1.15. Idwal Cottage Crag
Trouty Righthand 攀石 1.15. Idwal Cottage Crag
5C Ugly arete 攀石 Boulders
5C+ NWB P3 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
E1 5c Rodent Wall 传统攀登 20m West Buttress
Rampart Corner 传统攀登 45m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
Quadrupeg 传统攀登 35m, 2 1.28. Clogwyn Mawr and Castell y Gwynt
E2 5c Temper 传统攀登 34m, 2 1.3.5. Carreg Mianog
Aura/Pinnaclissima 传统攀登 110m, 4 1.3.6. Craig yr Ysfa
Ar Dan 传统攀登 15m 1.3.7. Craig Braich Ty Du (Pen yr Ole Wen)
Manic Monday 传统攀登 45m, 2 Buttress 7
Straight to the heart 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
The Psychlist 传统攀登 100m, 4 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Macavity Variant 传统攀登 35m, 3 West Buttress
Redstart 传统攀登 35m, 2 West Buttress
Carry on Cowboy 传统攀登 30m, 2 East Buttress
Temper 传统攀登 30m, 2 East Buttress
The Wild Bunch 传统攀登 20m East Buttress
Turtle Tantrum 传统攀登 35m East Buttress
Young Guns 传统攀登 30m East Buttress
Indian Larry Legacy 传统攀登 12m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Broadsword 传统攀登 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Clustfeinydd 传统攀登 30m 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Gawain - Direct 传统攀登 62m, 4 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Pentangle 传统攀登 50m 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Pinnaclissima 传统攀登 Pinnacle Wall
Astoroth 传统攀登 Main Crag
Phoenix 传统攀登 40m, 2 Main Crag
The Daisy Chain 传统攀登 130m, 6 Main Crag
Rocking horse 传统攀登 30m Forestry Buttress
Vypon 传统攀登 5 South Crag
Kinell Wall 传统攀登 12m 1.9.1. The Blocks
Suicide Wall Route 1 传统攀登 30m 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
The Scone Run 传统攀登 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
6A Undercurrent 攀石 1.1.2. Afon Caseg Gorge
Get Some Slap On 攀石 1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder
Grave Digger 攀石 1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder
The missing Line 攀石 1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder
NWB P8 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
Moon pie 攀石 Boulders
Noughts And Crossovers 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Problem 22 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Yes Cymru 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Snatch 攀石 Academy Award Wall
Barndoor Betty 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Scudi's Slab 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Soggy Slab 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Tom Daley 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Bear Claw - left hand 攀石 Bear Claw Wall
George Bush 攀石 N.W. State Of Mind
Soup 攀石 The Turtle
The Shell 攀石 The Turtle
Low Traverse 攀石 Main Block
Groove 攀石 Pinch Block
Mousehole Traverse 攀石 Unsorted
Digital Destruction 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Milestone Roof 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
The Poor 攀石 1.20.1. Plas y Brenin Boulder
The Rich 攀石 1.20.1. Plas y Brenin Boulder
Arete right of Violence 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Lefthand gully wall traverse 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Marsh Arete 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P32 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Caernarfon 攀石 3m 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
E3 5b Man of Haearn 传统攀登 18m 1.30.1. Northern Section
Achilles and the Tortoise 传统攀登 13m 1.31. Craig Cae Huddygl
E3 5c Dal dy Dir 传统攀登 15m 1.3.7. Craig Braich Ty Du (Pen yr Ole Wen)
Surrogate Soils 传统攀登 1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth)
Sweating Peat 传统攀登 1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth)
Brexistential Crisis 传统攀登 20m West Buttress
Zippo 传统攀登 35m West Buttress
Turtle Recall 传统攀登 35m, 2 East Buttress
The Fallen 传统攀登 18m 1.3.17. Booze Fighter's Buttress
Morgan La Faye 传统攀登 30m 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Whirlwind 传统攀登 Amphitheatre Buttress
Faenaldo 传统攀登 3 Mur Y Niwl
Griseofulvin 传统攀登 Mur Y Niwl
Solid Air 传统攀登 2 Mur Y Niwl
Ancient's Wall 传统攀登 2 Pinnacle Wall
Sea Of Dreams 传统攀登 6 Pinnacle Wall
Tranquilizer 传统攀登 40m Pinnacle Wall
Oriole 传统攀登 40m, 2 Main Crag
The Web 传统攀登 Main Crag
E3 Astorith Super Direct 传统攀登 2 Main Crag
Screech Owl 传统攀登 Main Crag
V3 Caernarfon 攀石 First Block
First Blocks II 攀石 First Block
Little Groover 攀石 First Block
Pocket Puller 攀石 The Turtle
Front Crack - SD 攀石 Pinch Block
Slap And Tickle 攀石 Terrapin Block
Sly and the Family Quiche 攀石 2m 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
The Thin Slab 攀石 1.26. Gallt yr Ogof
6A+ Skinny Boy 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Bear Claw 攀石 Bear Claw Wall
The Ol' Slap and Go 攀石 N.W. State Of Mind
Bass guitar 攀石 Unsorted
There 攀石 1.3.14. Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders)
Breakaway 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Question Mark 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Idwal Slab RH 攀石 4m 1.15. Idwal Cottage Crag
Frontside Traverse 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
NWB P5 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Nwb P4 攀石 3m 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
6B Give it some Umph 攀石 1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder
NWB P11 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
NWB P6 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
6B 攀石 Boulders
Lakeside Wall - SD 攀石 Boulders
Ogwen Wall 攀石 Boulders
Problem 15 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Problem 19 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Problem 3 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Problem 5 - right hand 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Purbed Noeth - SD 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
The Lobfather 攀石 Academy Award Wall
Dixie Normus 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Groovy Baby 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Robin Swallows 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Turtle head 攀石 The Turtle
Turtle head independent 攀石 The Turtle
Naughty but niche 攀石 Pinch Block
Hot lips 攀石 Unsorted
Weight Restrictions Apply 攀石 Unsorted
Left of Here 攀石 1.3.14. Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders)
Antisense 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Dulyn Crack 攀石 1.3.26. Dulyn Bothy bouldering
Chocolate Elephant - SD 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Cold Feet 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Digital Destruction - SD 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Fingerprints 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Mendoza Arete - SD 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Mule's Slab 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Reach for the Stars 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Vanilla Ice 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Idwal Slab 攀石 4m 1.15. Idwal Cottage Crag
Ding Dong's Wall 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
The Cake 攀石 1.20.1. Plas y Brenin Boulder
The Rich sit start 攀石 1.20.1. Plas y Brenin Boulder
Pump Traverse 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
E2 6a Whole Earth 传统攀登 1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth)
Sidewinder 传统攀登 10m West Buttress
E4 5c Drought 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress
Capital Punishment 传统攀登 49m, 2 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
E4 5c/6a Clonus Left-hand 传统攀登 40m Main Crag
E3 6a Laughing Matter 传统攀登 30m, 2 East Buttress
Ulzana's Raid 传统攀登 22m East Buttress
Cadwaladr 传统攀登 46m 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
El Nino 传统攀登 2 Amphitheatre Buttress
Turn The Centuries, Turn 传统攀登 2 Mur Y Niwl
VI 7 Manx Wall 攀冰 1.17. Clogwyn Du Ymhen Y Glyder
E4 6a Unzipped 传统攀登 30m West Buttress
Triceps Roof 传统攀登 30m East Buttress
Wisecrack 传统攀登 20m East Buttress
Amadeus 传统攀登 3 Mur Y Niwl
Astorith Direct 传统攀登 43m Main Crag
Clonus 传统攀登 40m, 2 Main Crag
The Illusionist 传统攀登 15m Two Tier Buttress
V4 Klem's Arete 攀石 First Block
Mr T 攀石 The Turtle
Mack The Knife 攀石 Klem's Bluge
Dog Shooter 攀石 Main Block
NHS - Direct 攀石 Main Block
No Head For Heights 攀石 Main Block
Inch Arete - SD 攀石 Pinch Block
Pinch Block 攀石 Pinch Block
Smallville 攀石 1.3.13. The Burley Boulder
Naughty boy 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
The layback arete 攀石 1.26. Gallt yr Ogof
The overhanging north arete 攀石 1.26. Gallt yr Ogof
6B+ El Pablo 攀石 1.1.2. Afon Caseg Gorge
Undertow 攀石 1.1.2. Afon Caseg Gorge
Not 5a 攀石 Boulders
Slippy Arete 攀石 Boulders
Battle of the Bulge 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Enough Lip 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Homesick Tourists 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Problem 24 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
The PMQ 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Hamburger Heel 攀石 Academy Award Wall
The Welsh Connection 攀石 Academy Award Wall
Wu-Tang Sword Style 攀石 Enter The Wu-Tang Roof
Little nipper 攀石 Pinch Block
Donkey 攀石 Terrapin Block
Sog Arete 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Crafnant Arete - right hand 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Mantel Left 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Pinch An Inch 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Riley's Arete 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
6B+ 攀石 1.6.4. Sail The Seven Slopes
Velvet Triangle 攀石 1.6.7. Wrestling With Shadows
Dangleberries 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Two Boulders 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
6C Central Wall 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Ravine 攀石 1.1.2. Afon Caseg Gorge
The Ogwen Bank Robber 攀石 1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder
Caseg Groove 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
Sheep Pen Traverse/Top Caseg Traverse 攀石 Upper Caseg Boulder
Ogwen arete lefthand - SD 攀石 Boulders
Ogwen roadside traverse - left hand version 攀石 Boulders
Ogwen wall - SD 攀石 Boulders
Dead Man's Shoes 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Dead Man's Shoes - low 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Holly Tree Wall 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Ogwen Groover 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Problem 2 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Problem 4 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Problem 5 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Problem 6 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Push Pull 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Ridiculishoush 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Trumplestiltskin 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Yes Cymru - SD 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
The Crimplocker 攀石 Academy Award Wall
BenDeLeCreme 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
RuPaul's Dyno Race 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Una Brau 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Master Of The Mantis 攀石 Enter The Wu-Tang Roof
Shaolin Shadowboxin 攀石 Enter The Wu-Tang Roof
Life is Parallel to Hell 攀石 N.W. State Of Mind
Leatherback 攀石 The Turtle
Lonesome George 攀石 The Turtle
The punch 攀石 Pinch Block
Bee Cool 攀石 Diggingest Dog
Not Quite The Diggingest Dog 攀石 Diggingest Dog
Reverse Compliment 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Dulyn Crack - Direct 攀石 1.3.26. Dulyn Bothy bouldering
Dulyn Crack - SD 攀石 1.3.26. Dulyn Bothy bouldering
Filthy Hunks 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Ice Ice Baby 攀石 2m 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Joe's Problem 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Question Mark - Direct 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Option C 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Porridge 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Slap, Crackle and Pop - Special K finish 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Wonderwall Arete 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Halftime 攀石 1.6.5. Craig Wen Boulders
Jez's Arete 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Monkey Do 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
The Cake rich finish 攀石 1.20.1. Plas y Brenin Boulder
Klem's Arete 攀石 3m 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
The Punch 攀石 3m 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
V5 Caernarfon - SD 攀石 First Block
Life In A Northern Town 攀石 First Block
Head shot 攀石 The Turtle
The Heels Have Eyes 攀石 Main Block
Toe Dragon 攀石 Main Block
Pinch Block - Variation 攀石 Pinch Block
Weight Watcher 攀石 Pinch Block
The grapes of Rory Mcgrath 攀石 1.3.13. The Burley Boulder
The Ramp 攀石 1.26. Gallt yr Ogof
E4/5 5c/6a Connies Crack 传统攀登 40m Main Crag
E5 6a Cellophane Rain 传统攀登 15m 1.3.7. Craig Braich Ty Du (Pen yr Ole Wen)
Day Moon 传统攀登 55m 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
The Great Arete 传统攀登 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
Mother Of Mercy 传统攀登 Mur Y Niwl
The Haunted 传统攀登 60m, 2 Pinnacle Wall
Soft Landing 传统攀登 25m North Crag
Tremor 传统攀登 52m, 3 North Crag
Afterburner 传统攀登 1.26.1. Skyline Buttress
6C+ Ogwen roadside traverse 攀石 Boulders
Ogwen soul 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Desmond 2:2 攀石 Lily Savage
Lock, Slot and Two Sketchy Top-outs 攀石 Academy Award Wall
Pulp Friction 攀石 Academy Award Wall
Britney Houston 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Tom Daley - SD 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
N.W. State of Mind 攀石 N.W. State Of Mind
Lonesome George - Extension 攀石 The Turtle
Smeagol 攀石 Terrapin Block
Olive Ridley 攀石 Unsorted
Sog Arete - Extension 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Dulyn Crack - Direct - SD 攀石 1.3.26. Dulyn Bothy bouldering
Breakaway - SD 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Frost Bite 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Head Shot 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Bombshell 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Pit Start SDS 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Tormented LH 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
The marsh traverse 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Viking Invasion 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Will's Groove 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
E4 6b Macavity 传统攀登 34m, 3 West Buttress
Gwynhyfryd 传统攀登 45m, 3 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
E5 6b Carousel Waltz 传统攀登 Main Crag
Hunza! 传统攀登 15m Two Tier Buttress
Crash Landing 传统攀登 25m North Crag
V5/6 Klem's Bulge 攀石 Klem's Bluge
V6 Menage et Toi 攀石 Boulders
Paul O Grady 攀石 Lily Savage
Dirty Slapper 攀石 Main Block
Gnasher 攀石 Main Block
Kingdom Of Rain 攀石 Main Block
7A Braichmelyn Arete Sit 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Central Wall Sit 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Klimov 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
The Crack 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Wild Water 攀石 1.1.2. Afon Caseg Gorge
Tavistock Square 攀石 1.1.3. The Ogwen Bank Boulder
45 Rpm 攀石 Boulders
Hip-op Potted Moose 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
PMT Arête 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
PMT Short 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
The Minority 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
The Canon 攀石 Lily Savage
The Fin 攀石 Lily Savage
BenDeLeCreme - SD 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Britney Houston - left hand 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
RuPaul's Dyno Race - SD 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Tom Daley - SD - Sans Footblock 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Rat Festival 攀石 The Turtle
Dim Klem 攀石 Klem's Bluge
InTents 攀石 A-Frame Block
Gollum 攀石 Terrapin Block
Away From the Flock 攀石 1.3.14. Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders)
Here’s to Here 攀石 1.3.14. Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders)
Slideshow 攀石 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Mass Moiderer 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Sheepish Pebbles 攀石 1.3.26. Dulyn Bothy bouldering
Candyfloss Sheep 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
False Start 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Plan C 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Rat Trap 攀石 2m 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Monk House Traverse 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Ratt Roof - Short 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Parallel Lines 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Riley's Arete - SD 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Trife 攀石 1.6.5. Craig Wen Boulders
Marilyn Monroe 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Monkey See 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Not a Slope 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Ping 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Troll 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Full Frontside Traverse 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
The 4th Emergency 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
The Cutaway 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Violence 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
E6 6a Shamanic Wanderings 传统攀登 20m 1.30.1. Northern Section
E6 6b Into thin air 传统攀登 20m Main Crag
Happy Landings 传统攀登 30m North Crag
Aftershock 传统攀登 1.26.1. Skyline Buttress
V7 Pacific Green 攀石 The Turtle
Klem's Bulge - Original Low Method 攀石 Klem's Bluge
Toe Dragon into Dog Shooter 攀石 Main Block
The Pinch 攀石 Pinch Block
Regeneration 攀石 1.26. Gallt yr Ogof
7A+ Au Revoir Cont 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Shooting Star 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Spring Juice 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Super Star 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Pools of Bethesda 攀石 1.1.2. Afon Caseg Gorge
Don't Think, Drink 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
NWB P16 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
NWB P18 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
On The Wagon 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
Three's a Crowd 攀石 Boulders
Bounce to Jug Town 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Hipoposaurus 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Panton Memorial Traverse 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Yes Cymru Direct - SD 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Fresh Air 攀石 Drag Queen Roof
Fatal Flying Guillotine 攀石 Enter The Wu-Tang Roof
The Clegir Yurt-Dwellers 攀石 A-Frame Block
Gnasher - left hand 攀石 Main Block
Huffys problem 攀石 Main Block
The Diggingest Dog 攀石 Diggingest Dog
Head smasher 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Pronk 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Crafnant Arete 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Cuckoo's Knob 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Thumbscrew Arete 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Mule's Traverse 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Poly the Filla 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Ratt-Arete 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Heelditch 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Silence of the Lamb 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Sail the Seven Slopes 攀石 1.6.4. Sail The Seven Slopes
Holy Ovaries 攀石 1.6.7. Wrestling With Shadows
Harvey Oswald 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
King Creole 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Not a Slope In Hell 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Saturn 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Tormented Evaporation 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Dinas M.O.T. 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Jiggit 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
Shezelefish 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
The Pinch 攀石 3m 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
7B Bonjour Mademoiselle 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
Traverse 攀石 1.1.1. Braichmelyn Boulder
The Gimp 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
Hipoposaurus - Direct 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Hipoposaurus - SD 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Rise of the Fruitbats 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Welly Envy 攀石 1.3.8. Lakeside Boulders
Will's Prow 攀石 Lily Savage
Huffys Wall 攀石 Huffys Bloc
Shrek 攀石 Terrapin Block
Shrekagol 攀石 Terrapin Block
The Terrapin 攀石 Terrapin Block
Pintsized 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Pringle 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Super Scooper 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Bob Duyln 攀石 1.3.26. Dulyn Bothy bouldering
Poly the Filla - Low 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Cruella 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Parallel Lines - right hand 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Slap, Crackle and Pop - SD 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Wrestling with Shadows 攀石 1.6.7. Wrestling With Shadows
Einstein 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
The Prow 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
V8 Renaissance of the Small Hold 攀石 Boulders
Lily Savage 攀石 Lily Savage
Lily's left hand 攀石 Lily Savage
Paul O Grady - SD 攀石 Lily Savage
Pete Burns 攀石 Lily Savage
Pacific Green Extension 攀石 The Turtle
Ding Dong's Traverse 攀石 Main Block
Ding Dong's Traverse into Dog Shooter 攀石 Main Block
Toe Dragon into Kingdom of Rain 攀石 Main Block
Pinch - right hand 攀石 Pinch Block
E7 6c Daisy World 传统攀登 8m 1.3.7. Craig Braich Ty Du (Pen yr Ole Wen)
Serendipity 传统攀登 10m 1.3.11. Craig Ddaear (Crag of the Earth)
Heart of Stone 传统攀登 1.26.1. Skyline Buttress
E7 Ogwen Crack 传统攀登 15m Buttress 9
7B+ Don't Think, Feel 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
Pinch - left hand 攀石 Pinch Block
Here’s to the Kings 攀石 1.3.14. Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders)
Better than Lava 攀石 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Dazed and Confused 攀石 1.3.18. Craig Yr Ogof (Cliff of the Cave)
Nut stash 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
O.M.G. 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Phantom Power 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Ratt Roof 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Wonderwall 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Wonderwall righthand 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Harvey Oswald SDS 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Jez's Arete SDS 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
The Pit and the Pendulum 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
On One 攀石 1.21. RAC Boulders
V9 Ding Dong's Traverse into Kingdom Of Rain 攀石 Main Block
7C Lock and load 攀石 Huffys Bloc
Another Whirlwind Adventure 攀石 Terrapin Block
Rumplestiltskin 攀石 Terrapin Block
Deeply Fired 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Isles of Blubber 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Pringle - SD 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Grasswind 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
On Your Marks 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Phantom Power - Low 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Morning Glory 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Special J 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Special K 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Genesis 攀石 1.6.5. Craig Wen Boulders
Postaliation 攀石 1.6.6. Retaliation
Wrestling with a Badger 攀石 1.6.7. Wrestling With Shadows
Harvey Oswald LH 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Pit Traverse 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Pit Traverse and the Pendulum 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
E8 6b Physically Distant 传统攀登 57m 1.3.15. Llech Ddu (Black Slab)
E8 6c Cool Runnings 传统攀登 1.26.1. Skyline Buttress
V10 Danny LaRue 攀石 Lily Savage
Jerry's problem 攀石 Main Block
7C+ Mein Vein 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
The Spawn 攀石 Lily Savage
The Arbiter 攀石 Huffys Bloc
The King 攀石 1.3.14. Ysgolion Duon (Black Ladders)
Escape from Llanberis 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Ratatouille 攀石 1.6.2. Ratt Roof Block
Old Boy 攀石 1.19. Milestone Buttress Boulders
Jerry's Problem 攀石 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
8A Caseg Groove Sit 攀石 Lower Caseg Boulder
Blankety Blank 攀石 Lily Savage
Lily goes left 攀石 Lily Savage
Curtain Call 攀石 Main Block
Jerry's Left Hand 攀石 Main Block
Kingdom of Fear 攀石 Main Block
Kingdom of Pain 攀石 Main Block
Drums in the deep 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Get Set 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Go Motion 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
My Own Private Idaho 攀石 1.6.3. Wonderwall Block
Retaliation 攀石 1.6.6. Retaliation
The Menace 攀石 3m 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
E9 7a Mission Impossible 传统攀登 1.26.1. Skyline Buttress
8A+ The great below 攀石 Lily Savage
Curtain Call - SD 攀石 Main Block
The Menace 攀石 Main Block
Hot Pod Soft 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
8B Madame Allure 攀石 Lily Savage
Nine pinch nails 攀石 Lily Savage
Compact Culture 攀石 Main Block
Isles of Wonder 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
Waveform 攀石 1.6.1. Main Boulder Field
Compact Culture 攀石 1.25. Sheep Pen Boulders
8C Isles of Wonder - SD 攀石 1.3.25. Carreg Mianog Boulders
? Bristly Ridge 传统攀登 1.13. Glyder Fach
Bristly Ridge (Winter) 阿式攀登 1.13. Glyder Fach
Idwal Staircase and Continuation 传统攀登 1.16. Idwal Slabs and Walls
The North Ridge 传统攀登 1.23. Tryfan
The North Ridge (Winter) 阿式攀登 1.23. Tryfan
The South Ridge 传统攀登 1.23. Tryfan
Little & North Gullies 传统攀登 1.23.1. East Face
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