
线路 in Lunch Ledge

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Showing all 36 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
23 Gob Smack

Climbs the right side of the arete on the far left end of Lunch Ledge. Samarkand's bold top pitch climbs the left side of the arete on trad (some of Gob Smack's bolts are within reach).

首攀: Mikaela Thomson, 2009

运动攀岩 12m
19 Jub Jub the Iguana

Climbs the grey wall just right of the little cave.

运动攀岩 15m
20 Sideshow Bob

Start: Next line of ringbolts to the right, off a higher ledge.

运动攀岩 18m
21 Heavy Chaffing
运动攀岩 18m
21 A Date with Dentistry

Start up 'Heavy Chaffing' and go right at the top.

运动攀岩 20m
22 Scarred For Life

首攀: Nathan Bolton

运动攀岩 25m
22 Are you Doing it as Hard as Wimmera Party Ice

Start about 10m further right

运动攀岩 30m
24 Burn The Cross

首攀: Nathan Bolton

运动攀岩 30m
23 Humies Sheltered Workshop

Start 6m right around arete, go left at the top and finish as for the ice thing.

运动攀岩 32m
23 Phil's Effort
运动攀岩 20m
17 Hypothermia

Excellent juggy orange groove. A great warm-up or warm-down if you are climbing some of the multis nearby.

首攀: Mikaela Thomson, 2008

运动攀岩 25m
21 Highway to the Dangerzone
1 15
2 21

Climbs the prominent crack about 20m right of Hypothermia just before the big cave. Two good pitches in an amazing location. Recommended rack: single set of wires and double cams to #3.

  1. 20m (15) Start up short slab below prominent flake crack, stepping right into shallow left facing corner. Follow crack up to gear belay under cave on comfy ledge.

  2. 20m (21) Continue up crack to base of roof and plug in some gear. Climb left along roof crack to lip (crux) and follow left tending line to top. Belay at double carrot anchor set about 5m back from edge on shelf, but recommended to use climbing rope to extend belay to edge. Walk off via descent gully ~150m left.

首攀: Rene Provis, Julie Pon & Match, 10月 2018

自由首攀: Rene Provis & Vicky Chen, 5 12月 2018

传统攀登 45m, 2
24 Sweet Romancer

Bolted face just left of Mirrorball. Sheds holds like an Englishman sheds skin after a day at Bondi.

运动攀岩 40m
Closed Project

Obvious wide crack that splits the upper wall. 30m left of the Lunch Ledge rap station.

21 Mirrorball

Long sport pitch above far right end of Lunch Ledge, no bolt plates required. To descend either walk off left (north) 300m and scramble down gully splitting Lunch Ledge or 45m rap from cave at top (don't rap in windy weather, you'll lose a rope).

首攀: M Law & Steve Moon, 2000

运动攀岩 49m
24 AID:A2+ Yakkagala
1 20
2 23
3 21
4 A2+
5 24
6 23

Test your nerve and skill on this little big wall in the Grose Valley.

Gear: Double rack of cams from #0.3 to #4. You could probably do it with a single #4, but two is nice. Small cams including #0.1. Wide cam hooks. Wires from tiny to thin-hands size. Pitons from 5mm to 7mm (for the time being). Hammer. Aid ladders and daisys. Jumars. It is possible to bail from the top of pitch 3 if you have two 60m ropes.

  1. As for P1 of Samarkand

  2. (23) Do the Samarkand "boulder problem" but turn left when you reach the break. After traversing a few metres, go upwards to reach the base of a 3m high block of choss (Dave Tower). Climb up the corner on the left side of the block to get on top of it. Be careful: you will stand on a detached stone slab which could overbalance and go over the edge. Do not put too much weight on the outside edge of the slab! Belay from gear in corner crack and one carrot.

  3. (21) Climb up the corner crack for about 8m, then clip a carrot and move up-and-left onto the face. After climbing upwards another ~8m you will reach a layback flake with a small finger-size space behind it. Climb this to reach a horizontal break with a ring bolt. Belay here. Several traumatic experiences were had on this pitch before it was cleaned up. Death blocks have now been removed and one carrot added.

  4. (A2+) The Great Roof. Aid carefully up the corner with gear behind thin flakes before getting some good cams in. It's worth taking a #4 if you have one to spare. Do some cam hook moves to get up to and around the rooflet to reach a carrot under the big roof. Aid through the roof crack on knifeblade pitons (which may or may not be there already, and may or may not blow) until you can start to use clean gear. The FA was done with 3 pitons, so please do try to use clean gear as soon as it is available rather than continuing to nail. Continue to the end of the roof crack, then proceed upwards a few metres in the crack to reach a ledge ~1m wide (Camp IV). Make an anchor using a carrot backed up onto two fixed pitons in the corner. The second will need to re-aid to clean the roof. If you're hauling, it's best to haul from the ground to here. A 60m rope is too short for that, but a 70 might make it.

  5. (24) Changing Corners. Beware of rope drag. Climb left and up a couple of metres from the belay to reach a break. Traverse left in the break using big cams as pro and mantle onto the ledge at the corner. Climb the corner crack and then on jugs for a few metres, then reach right onto the face and clip a carrot. Traverse right, then climb upwards and clip a RB. Climb up the corner and arete (crux). A #3 cam can be used as pro above the crux. Continue upwards onto the face and climb fairly easily up to the ledge and belay from two RBs.

  6. (23) Move right to the hanging arete, then climb upwards (two RBs) to a ledge. Put gear in, then climb another couple of metres up (tricky). Now climb the crack to the top. There is a crux about 2/3 of the way up where the crack is fused. Above that the rock quality and gear is not A+. Belay from two RBs in the rooflet.

It's not really a pitch, but you will have to belay a leader as they traverse left on the ledge (2RBs) to reach the cave. Belay the second from a big rock in the cave. If you're hauling, you'll need to manhandle the gear across this ledge too, possibly in multiple trips.

首攀: 2015

自由首攀: Nick Roach & Anton Korsun, 7 12月 2022

首攀: Nick Roach & Dave Burt, 12 3月 2023

器械攀登 130m, 6
25 Samarkand
1 19 15m
2 25 35m
3 23 20m
4 22 35m
5 22 25m
6 22 20m

Some call this overhung crack splitting an amphitheatre the best multi-pitch trad route in the Blue Mountains. Every pitch is great and the access is surprisingly easy. It is however quite difficult to retreat once a couple of pitches off the deck due to the steepness. Bring prussics! This route was originally climbed ground up with an overnight bivy on one of the small ledges and with several sections of aid. Recent rebolting of the original aid bolts ladders has reduced the original bolt count by at least 3 - it's more airy but the bolts are better!

Access via the rap route described separately.

Double rack of cams, micros to Camalot #4, a single set of wires, #2 RP up, and 5 bolt plates does the trick.

  1. 15m (19) The first 5m or so have average rock quality (1 carrot) then onto the slab with polished hard sandstone and RP seam. Ignore TBB below cramped little rooflet, and climb to DBB up and left with spacious foot ledge. Don't let the RPs scare you - it's not very hard.

  2. 35m (25) Tricky moves at start past two RBs, right along break to rejoin the crack line and up into chimney, then steep cracks. Belay from good ledge on bolt and medium cams and wires.

  3. 20m (23) Awkward moves to get established in splitter layback tips crack. Brief excitement leads to a good belay stance (RB, trad).

  4. 35m (22) The corner on good gear using crack and face holds. At a carrot at 3/4 height move up right (optional #4 Camalot in break) to thin flake and 2nd carrot, a sling on this second carrot keeps the rope from jamming in the flake. Climb to small ledge and then to ledge with short corner above. Tricky moves past one more carrot leads to big ledge and DBB. 4a. 8m (23) up the corner, traverse R to arête, up arête (one BR then a runout), to rejoin the original for its final two bolts. Lots of fragile rock (and exposure) on this pitch. Prussics!).

  5. 25m (22) This would be a good rap-in and climb-out pitch in its own right if you aren't up for the rest. Follow left leaning crack until it peters out, step right then up scoop to fragile short headwall with 2 carrots. Take care mantling the grass and dirt slope (yum) and on the 10m scramble up to path. DBB.

  6. 20m (22) The left side of the arête above the cave on Lunch Ledge (4m left of the bolted routes). Bold runout start off rock ledge with a key thread at 4m then easier and better protected above this. Most people skip this pitch and just walk off.

首攀: Lucas Trihey & Bob McMahon, 1992

自由首攀: Michael Law, Greg Child, Steve Moon & Wawrick Payten, 1996

传统攀登 150m, 6
28 Trail Of Tears

If you're planning an onsight, access per the dedicated Samarkand abseil route (see description) and take about 18 draws. If you plan to rap the route instead (slower, but you get to see what you're in for), you'll need a 130m rope. Your top anchor (DBB) is hidden 10m up and right of Samarkand's top anchor, behind grass tree. You will need a rope protector for the top edge and lots of quickdraws to clip in on the way down to stay in contact. Choosing a day with westerly breeze is recommended.

  1. 12m (24) 10m R of Samarkand. A bit of a goey "good morning!" move getting past the 2nd&third, then interesting balance features. Steeper than it first appears. 5 bolts. Ledge belay (DBB).

  2. 15m (28) Pull the lip, then balancy yet powerful moves past a few bolts, eventually easing to jugs and a small foot ledge for belay (DBB) in base of corner. 6 bolts.

  3. 32m (27) Monster corner - the money pitch! Weaves in and out of the corner following holds and avoiding blankness. When the corner ends, there’s still a disturbing amount of climbing to go. At least three or four long slings, or more, can minimise drag on this wandering journey. Belay on ledge (DBB). 15 bolts.

  4. 36m (25) The Trail Of Tears. Up through roof and the unique ‘limestone’ face above. Major ledge for belay (DBB). 16+ bolts.

  5. 25m (23) Corner and short wall to finish. Anchor behind grass tree up the hill. 8 bolts.

Certain pitches were freed individually earlier, but the first ascent was done in a continuous push.

自由首攀: Lee Cujes & @1293, 28 4月 2019

运动攀岩 120m, 5
Samarkand Abseil Route

The BEST access for Samarkand and Trail of Tears.

Walk approx. 40m further along Lunch Ledge past the Samarkand top out (you'll see DBB on the track here) to where there is a block slightly downhill from the track. Carefully scramble down to the block and rig an anchor from the very long chains on the DBB (rebolted 2019).

Either abseil the dedicated rap line (entire rap line rebolted 2019) as 20m, 20m, 30m & 50m (can join raps 1 & 2 easily, or a single fixed 65m rope lets you join raps 1,2&3) to the ground; OR fix a 120m rope to the ground. Walk 30m left (facing the cliff) to reach the route's obvious start.

运动攀岩 130m
22 Gnaw Iron Bars

首攀: M Wilson & M Law, 2007

传统攀登 150m, 6
26 Critical Mass
  1. 20m (22)

  2. 20m (24)

  3. 25m (24) or 25m (26)

  4. 15m (24)

  5. 8m (25)

  6. 40m (24) Maybe bring some cams.

运动攀岩 160m, 6
19 The Silk Road
1 17 35m
2 19 35m
3 19 30m
4 16 25m

Quite a striking line climbing a continuous corner crack system back to the Lunch Ledge. Starts about 50m left (facing the cliff) of the Mirrorball pinnacle, downhill under right facing corner. All trad with gear belays, no bolts please. Gear: wires, double cams to #3 (an extra #2 could come in handy), and an optional #6 for pitch 3. Good gear and great rock throughout.

  1. 35m (17) Climb short ramp to chimney, then right crack up to easier ground. Splitter hand crack to the top of pitch. Cross short grassy ledge to gear belay in base of corner crack.

  2. 35m (19) The obvious splitter corner crack to ledge. Then a thought-provoking finger crack to big chossy ledge aka “Brunch Ledge”. Belay in left leaning crack a few metres right of corner.

  3. 30m (19) The steep corner crack (take care with gear). An intricate start leads to easier ground as you prepare yourself for a riveting finish. Belay in small cave under continuation of crack.

  4. 25m (16) Climb crack to next ledge system, and then link the final step to gain lunch ledge. Belay in crack on wall behind Lunch Ledge trail.

自由首攀: Rene Provis & Match, 21 9月 2018

传统攀登 130m, 4
21 My Kind of Bliss

Major featured corner just left (facing the cliff) and down the hill from the Mirrorball pinnacle. Take a handful of bolt plates.

  1. 30m (19) Up fantastic corner past old piton with heaps of varied moves and plenty of gear to a series ledges below an awesome thin corner. Up this to double carrot belay.

  2. 8m (2) Move belay a few metres right to another double carrot belay below next corner.

  3. 40m (21) Follow the broken corner system up and left, passing a few ledges and into the major corner. Up this to roof and then traverse left past a bolt to the arete. Up this to triple bolt belay.

  4. 25m (20) Left and up wall past three bolts to a ledge. Up death by ironstone face above to Lunch Ledge

首攀: Mark Wilson, Michael Law & Vanessa Peterson, 2001

混合传统攀岩 100m, 4, 5
14 Darkside
1 14 40m
2 14 20m
3 10 35m
4 15m

Starts behind Mirrorball Pinnacle. 4 pitches. Bolts and gear. Old fashioned 14, may be 17 for sport climbers.

  1. 40m (14) Up rad chimney passing four bolts and good cams on both walls (hint, turn around) to bolt belay on the far side of obvious ledge.

  2. 20m (14) Bridge up through minor choss passing one or two bolts to funky overhanging corner. Climb through this and belay at bolts atop the Mirrorball pinnacle.

  3. 35m (10) Easy right-hand traverse passing the odd bolt and bit of gear to belay on two rings.

  4. 15m Up whichever way looks nicest.

首攀: Ness, Mikl & Mark Wilson

混合传统攀岩 110m, 4, 10
20 A little Somthin' on the Side

Start approx 10-15m left of West Face of The Mirrorball where the crack constricts above the obvious wide chossy chimney (wide start may also go direct. Not climbed on FA due to presence of angry snake.)

  1. 40m Tie belay to tree and gingerly traverse right to gain corner crack. Up into steep wide corner (# 6 Camalot) then over bulge onto easier terrain. Crack then steepens into left leaning diagonal to big ledge. From here plug in some high gear and extend to reduce drag, then traverse right approx 10m to single carrot bolt and gear belay (in middle of WFotM p2).

  2. 15m Climb the obvious beautiful finger splitter (grade 20,), or if finger cracks aren't your jam also possible to climb up past 3 carrots to next ledge system to the same belay (grade 17). DBB as for p3 of WFotM.

  3. 20m Up chossy wall for 5m past carrot, then trend left aiming for the notch past a variety of terrible threads and finally good large cams in horizontal. Traverse low beneath scarily large loose blocks (don't squash your fingers!) Up short hand crack to DBB on top of pinnacle.

  4. 40m up easy slab past average gear clipping as few bolts as possible for trad purity, then fun steepening orange corner left of WFotM p4 to ledge and belay on rap anchors.

首攀: Rene Provis & Match, 14 9月 2018

传统攀登 120m, 4
19 The West Face of the Mirrorball
1 19 25m
2 18 30m
3 17 20m
4 18 45m

Four pitch, bolted (carrots), slightly runout climb with epic views across the valley. Take 10 brackets. You can finish the route with an extra pitch by doing the confusingly named Mirrorball (21) pitch above Lunch Ledge.

Start: On outer left (NW) arete of the Mirrorball Pinnacle. Look for the line of bolts (carrots, take brackets).

  1. 25m (19) Up arete to ledge, with DBB.

  2. 30m (18) Up arete and face to chossy cave, left along ledge to high DBB.

  3. 20m (17) Up face to big ledge.

  4. 45m (18) Up face, to Lunch Ledge, moving right at 2nd ring. Pretty exposed.

首攀: Peterson, Wilson & Law., 2000

运动攀岩 120m, 4
20 Dirty Dancing

The obvious chimney & crack that splits the front face of the Mirrorball Pinnacle.

  1. 25m (13) Up the chimney on natural gear (#5 camalot is handy for near the top). Double bolt belay.

  2. 18m (20) Weird undercut wide crack start (large cam is handy again) then up the narrowing crack to the classic finger-crack (crux, well protected with medium-large wires). Double bolt belay.

  3. 20m (16) Bolts (bring lots of brackets) and dinnerplates. Double bolt belay on top of Mirrorball Pinnacle.

  4. As for pitch 4 of 'The West Face of the Mirrorball'.

All bolts are stainless steel glue-in hex heads (bring lots of bolt plates!). A good variation is to do P1 of 'The West Face of the Mirrorball', then step right to do P2 of 'Dirty Dancing', then P3 of either route - the belays are on the same ledge systems.

首攀: Peter Monks & Andrew Duckworth (alt), 2001

传统攀登 63m, 3
22 Disco Dancer
运动攀岩 100m, 4
23 Bionic Booger Boys
运动攀岩 100m
22 Roar for the Wicked Wedgie Woman
未知 100m
24 Weaselburger
1 22 35m
2 24 35m
3 23 30m
4 21 40m
5 22 30m
6 20 20m

The classic of the area.. A great mix of styles on great rock. The top 3 pitches above the lunch ledge are not to be missed.

运动攀岩 190m, 6
23 Burgermeister

Easier 3rd pitch than weaselberger,

运动攀岩 100m, 3
21 Old Skool

Climb the south-facing (downhill) arete of the free-standing pinnacle 40m past Weaselburger, predominantly on gear.

5 carrot bolts and a double rack of cams. Bring more big cams (#3 an #4) if you get scared on trad.

Rap off anchor at the top, 45m straight over the route.

首攀: M Law & V Peterson, 2003

传统攀登 45m
25 Blue Ruin

Climbs a great wall with an inspiring seam. Two awesome pitches, two nice ones and two easy chossy ones. Take 16 draws. Starts 30m right of Burgermiester, up a gully, below a left facing corner. It is possible to traverse left at belay 3 to escape, but you will need 3 bolt brackets.

  1. 40m (22) Layback corner. 12 ubolts

  2. 40m (25) Follow amazing seam to belay on right (the 2 belay rings are widely spaced due to hollow rock). Crux is at low roof.

  3. 30m (21) Follow seam onto large ledge.

  4. 30m (18) Easy choss, out left and back right to hanging belay.

  5. 45m (23) Up sustained wall trending right. Very crimpy!

  6. 10m (10) Up easy ground past a UB to ledge.

首攀: Mike Law, Vanessa Peterson & Monique Foristier, 2007

运动攀岩 200m, 6
20 Big Trad Thong

Mixed climbing up a prominant crack line and around some huge roofs. Rock is of varying quality, but bolts protect the worst of it, and the spectacular under-roof traverse is on mostly good rock. Take a standard rack plus extra big cams and hexes to fist + size, many slings, 10 brackets.

Start: Start below a steep yellow layback corner (pitch 1 of Blue Ruin) 70m right of the Mirrorball pinnacle.

  1. 45m (18) Up corner to second ring, long slings (or come back and unclip the ring) and easy traverse to right arête and carrots, step around and up layback flake to ledge. R to next corner (BR), R along ledge, up then left to U and carrot belay.

  2. 35m (18) Up corner R of the belay, step R and up corner (BR), step R and up corner past 2 bolts, traverse left at top (BR) to carrot and U belay.

  3. 25m (19) Wander out left and up corner past cams and bolts, then back right past 2 more bolts, continue up rightwards to ledge. 3BB.

  4. 35m (20) Up to ledge (2BRs) then a hard move in the corner past bolts and up to roof and bolts. Massive traverse under 18m roof underclinging thin hand to fist crack, clip ring at lip to avoid rope jambing in crack. Pull lip and up ramp for 4m to 2U belay. Easier to lead than to second. Well protected but gripping.

  5. 35m (18) Up easy ramp and follow wide crack to large roof, 2U belay on lip.

  6. 25m (17) Up corner and groove (BR), step left into chimney (BR) and up easily to bolts on ledge on right.

首攀: M Law, V Peterson & N Monteith, 2008

传统攀登 200m, 6
14 Glory Hole to the Grose

If you like chimneys, this is a 3 Star classic. Makes for a great bit of extra climbing if you're already out doing Darkside or something similar.

Bring a double rack up to #4 plus one #5 and #6

Start at the base of the obvious chasm 20m right of Big Trad Thong.

Make your way up the endless enclosed chimney following the obvious formation (eats gear), then about 3/4 of the way up thrutch your way to the chock stones.

Sling a chock stone (whichever feels most solid), then thrutch some more until you are reborn into the outside world.

Tree Belay. As of Nov 2019, the slings and maillon for the tree belay look to be in great condition.

首攀: Mitchell Stewart, DJ McCready & Nathanual Hebbard, 17 9月 2018

传统攀登 40m

Showing all 36 线路.

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