
条目 in Balmoral

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Vertical Beach climbing. You'd be better off going for a swim or grabbing a cappuccino Couple of roof problems just off the beach in Lawry Plunkett Reserve.

Lawry Plunkett Reserve

Home of the uber-classic 'Lovers Tiff' (V10) and a couple of other good variations.

Lawry Plunkett Reserve
V5 Balmoral Arete

Arete on the right side of the bloc to the left of Lover's Tiff.

V6 Balmoral 6

Start as for Lover's Tiff but keep traversing left to top at the end of the cave.

V8 Lovers Tiff Left

Same start as for Lovers Tiff but from the big horn, continue straight out instead of right.

Phillip Booth | Peter Jeavons

V8 Lovers Tiff Traverse

Same as for "Lovers Tiff Left" but once you reach the lip traverse right to finish up "Lovers Tiff". A tad harder than "Lovers Tiff Left".

V10 Lovers Tiff

Start on the chalked up jugs, traverse left to pockets out and through the middle of roof to finish above the start.

Mattias Braach-Maksvytis Aurel Gelot

V10 Love and Pride

A.K.A. Lover's Tiff Direct. Go straight out the roof from the start jug and link into the end of Lover's Tiff. Morpho as anything. Edit: New beta seems to make this V10ish.

Mattias Braach Maksvytis

V10 McLovin

Sit Start on the 2 crimps below the jug rail, climb as for 'Love and Pride' then traverse into & exit 'Lovers Tiff Left'

R. Hofmann

V4 Alexander Fig Newton

Climb the left side of the bulb, left of the groove.

V3 Ain't Nuthin But A Twang

Stand start on the jug on the lip and mantle up the face to top out.

It'll go.


Balmoral Island

Northern face of Balmoral Island, left side of the bridge

Balmoral Island
V1 Stingaree

Start with hands above the sandy cave and make your way up to the top lip

V0 Rightside Lip Traverse

Start a few metres left of the concrete bridge

V1 Middle Cave Traverse

Sandy Cave 40m left of the bridge

V3 Flake to Wafer

The Flake in the Left Cave

Showing all 17 条目.

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