
线路 如同传统攀登 in Brisbane

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 176 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
Freedom Wall
Route A
传统攀登 7m
Route B
传统攀登 7m
Route C
传统攀登 7m
Route D
传统攀登 7m
Route E
传统攀登 7m
Route F
传统攀登 7m
Route G

up the drill hole

传统攀登 8m
Route M

Up the chipped face

传统攀登 8m
Route N

Up the chipped face, then traverse

传统攀登 8m
Route P
Route Q
Route R
Route S
Route T
Route U
Route V
Route W
Route X
Route Y
Indooroopilly Bridge
18 Inside Solution

Up dodgy crack.

传统攀登 8m
14 Ummaguma's Layback

Half sandstone / half cement corner to R of 'Poison Was My Cure'.

传统攀登 6m
16 Thirty-One Tries

Cement corner R of 'Ummaguma's Layback'.

传统攀登 5m
Kangaroo Point KP North
19 R Suicidal Tendency

Not pretty and not popular. Neil's first ever new route.

Start: Just left of Light Box #10, below a FH. Up a steep blank wall with hard reach move to jug and very high 1st FH. Up loose broken face to 2nd FH 3.5m above. Up blocky ledges & more broken rock, to a FH about 5m above, on face out right, mantle ledge & traverse 2m right to chains. Bold and loose between 1st & 2nd & 3rd FHs. This needs retrobolting to make it a safe lead.

首攀: Simon Hennig & Neil Monteith, 1994

混合传统攀岩 16m, 3
19 Foreclosure V

Start: Below the big overhanging block. Up easy, loose crack under roof to a ring bolt, then up to a nice crack with good gear. Continue up crack for a few moves to grassy ledge. Climb left onto the arete & up this (crux) past two ring bolts and up to DBB. Unique climbing for KP with a few different styles of climbing involved.

首攀: Unknown ('s), 1980

混合传统攀岩 20m, 3
20 R Foreplay

Start: as for Foreclosure. Climb to RB below the small rooflet, traverse left, then up, following a small seam/crack (small but solid gear). Stem up the seam/crack & face on the left, until a mantle rejoins you with the top 2 RBs of Foreclosure. Finish up arete as per Foreclosure to anchor.

首攀: Matthew Robbins & hipyhop, 18 7月 2020

混合传统攀岩 22m, 3
14 R Endoplasmic Exterminator

Mick Woodrow's first free ascent at KP. ignominious! Crap climbing in between vertical dirt.

Start: ten metres before the cliff turns left. Up blocks to a grassy ledge. Up and left to the manky corner and climb the dirty rubble to the top.

As of 2022, this whole area is overgrown and awash with vegetation.

首攀: Michael Woodrow & Eddie Irvine, 1984

传统攀登 20m
17 Endoplasmic Exterminator (Variant Start)

The chossy start left of the original route.

As of 2022, this whole area is overgrown and awash with vegetation.

首攀: Darren Holloway & Jonathon Dwyer, 1985

传统攀登 20m
17 R Jets Over Jordon

Start: at the small buttress left of EE. Up bulging twin cracks on a tier, to a stance. Up unprotected crap rock to top.

As of 2022, this whole area is overgrown and awash with vegetation.

首攀: Nick Heywood, 1985

传统攀登 10m
16 Return Of The Mankhouse

Start: At the initials "TPM", four metres left of the big arete. Up the short crack left of the arete then continue up ledges to top.

Footnote: It is still possible to climb this, as it lies just outside of the Riverlife property.

首攀: Reynold Cope & Paul McAntee, 1986

传统攀登 13m
17 Gash Flash

Historical register: This route now lies on Riverlife property and lies behind it.

Interesting bridging moves up a dark corner leads to an enjoyable layback and an easy finish. Tree belay. Try this one before visiting Frog!

首攀: Andrew Barry, Roger Bourne & Evan Bieske, 1984

传统攀登 11m
23 Gash Flash (Variant Start)

Historical register: This route now lies on Riverlife property and lies behind it.

Contrived climbing up the thin wall left of the corner, to a notch in the wall at five metres. Traverse right and finish up the original line.

首攀: Solo Roger Bourne, 1984

传统攀登 11m
23 A Dingo Got My Floater

Historical register: This route now lies on Riverlife property and lies behind it.

More contrived climbing. Climb Gash Flash VS & at the notch, continue up the arete placing gear in the Gash Flash crack.

首攀: Roger Bourne, Even Bieske & Andrew Barry, 1984

传统攀登 11m
24 Tode Mode

Historic route description included here for posterity - this route is on & behind Riverlife property.

Start: On the blank face, about 6-7m Left of the sharp Gash Flash arete. Very hard edging up face, past a BR, leads to a small ledge. Place pro in crack and crank up to top and chain.

首攀: Roger Bourne, 1985

混合传统攀岩 11m, 1

Historic route description included here for posterity - this route is on & behind Riverlife property.

Start: Just Left of Tode Mode. Up wall trending Right past two BR's to Tode Mode's ledge. Finish up Tode Mode's crack to top. A barbed wire fence once existed below this climb making falls a scary proposition!

首攀: Michael Woodrow & Jonathan Dwyer, 1985

混合传统攀岩 11m, 2
24 Boys, Bolts And Balls Ups

Historic route description included here for posterity - this route is on & behind Riverlife property.

Start: at the MCR initials. Hard and sustained climbing up the chipped pockets past two BR's leads to easier ground and some trad gear, then the top.

首攀: Richard Henderson & Scott Camps, 1986

混合传统攀岩 14m, 2
18 Dazed And Confused

Historic route description included here for posterity. This route is on & behind Riverlife property.

Start: 1m Right of TT, below the pipe hole. Up the crack and pipe hole with difficulty to a BR. Push past this with difficulty to an easy finish over blocks.

首攀: Tony Young & Michael Woodrow, 1985

混合传统攀岩 14m, 1
14 Trash Thrash

Historic route description included here for posterity. This route is on & behind Riverlife property.

Start: At the initials; TT. A rather interesting excursion up the small red corner. At two thirds height step right and finish up easy ground. Nice crack climbing with solid gear.

首攀: Jonathon Dwyer & Michael Woodrow, 1985

传统攀登 14m
Kangaroo Point Left Main Wall
13 Short Stack

Buried somewhere in the vegetation L of 'Crap Corner'.

首攀: Matthew Bone & Lara Masselos, 2006

传统攀登 10m
15 Crap Corner

Start 1m L of 'Earth to Stella'.

Probably not an ironic name. Climb up face to crack at L side of the 'ETS' pillar. Follow crack as it widens and tends R to finish at top of pillar. Shares the 'ETS' DBB.

自由首攀: Paul Lester, 1996

传统攀登 10m
21 Devined

Start below steep smooth face about 10m R of 'Earth to Stella' pillar.

Climb series of cracks offering good natural pro to finish at DBB. No mantling or escaping R to ledges. Will need to be de-vined again before the next ascent!

首攀: Lee Cujes & Erik Smits, 1999

传统攀登 10m
17 Web

Start about 10m L of 'Olos'. Marked "W".

自由首攀: Andy Anderson & Dave Whitworth, 1992

传统攀登 20m
18 Brickie's Butt Crack (Left Finish)

Start as for 'Brickie's Butt Crack (Right Finish)', 2m R of 'Web'.

Up following line of 3 BRs. From ledge at 2/3 height, tend L up crack in face (natural pro) then past another BR to DBB. Start is much easier (12) if steps to R are climbed instead of directly up past the bolts.

自由首攀: ross ferguson & Claudia Ferguson, 2002

混合传统攀岩 20m, 4
18 Brickie's Butt Crack (Right Finish)

Start as for 'Brickie's Butt Crack (Left Finish)', 2m R of 'Web'.

Up following line of 3 BRs. From ledge at 2/3 height, step R to base of corner then up this (natural pro) to DBB. Start is much easier (12) if steps to R are climbed instead of directly up past the bolts.

自由首攀: ross ferguson & Claudia Ferguson, 2002

混合传统攀岩 20m, 3
20 Snake in the Grass

Start 3m L of 'Olos'. Marked "SG".

Tend R up thin face past high RB to ledge and 2nd RB. Continue up cracked face (small wires) and top out.

自由首攀: Dave Whitworth, Andy Anderson & Marten Bruveris, 1992

混合传统攀岩 20m, 2
15 Olos

Eddie Irvine's first lead... hung himself by his gear sling when his foot slipped placing a nut in the layback! LOL

首攀: Ted Cais, 1969

传统攀登 20m
17 R Olos (Variant Start)

首攀: Andrew Barry, 1984

19 Olos (Variant Finish)

Start as for 'Olos'.

At halfway, traverse R to meet 'The Olos Slab' at its last bolt and finish as per that climb.

自由首攀: Tony Young, 1983

混合传统攀岩 20m, 1
17 R Wrath Of Grapes

Start 2m R of 'Nut'. Marked "WoG".

Straight up past very high BR to halfway ledge and 2nd BR. Scramble R to base of corner. Layback up corner with natural pro to top.

首攀: John Jones, 1980

自由首攀: Mick Woodrow & Moira Blom, 1986

混合传统攀岩 20m, 2
22 G & M's Climb

Start 4m R of 'Wrath of Grapes'.

Up small ledges to very high BR. Continue past 2nd BR to ledge at half height. On up tough headwall past BR & FH to top.

自由首攀: Gary O'Neill & Maxine Conroy, 1993

混合传统攀岩 20m, 4
16 Samson's Pillar

Start at crack 3m L of 'Gynaecology'.

Follow manky crack to top.

首攀: Lee Cujes & Smit Bros, 1998

传统攀登 20m
19 Gynaecology

Rebolted in November 2019 with two fresh RBs. Start just L of 'Postmodernist Blues'. Marked "G".

Straight up clipping the 2 RBs shared with 'Postmodernist Blues' but staying left of the bolt line. At the halfway ledge step L and climb up corner to anchor.

The corner takes good natural gear, despite what the guidebook may suggest.

首攀: Dave Whitworth & Saul Squires, 1992

混合传统攀岩 20m, 2
20 Postmodernist Blues

Rebolted in November 2019 with two fresh RBs. Start just R of 'Gynaecology'. Marked "PMB".

Straight up clipping the 2 RBs shared with 'Gynaecology', staying right of the bolt line. Mantle onto the halfway ledge then up the crack (medium friends) and arete to top.

首攀: Saul Squires & Dave Whitworth, 2000

混合传统攀岩 20m, 2
22 Lesbian Printshop Workers

Start 2m R of 'Postmodernist Blues'. Marked "LPW".

Rebolted in 2019

Follow the L tending line of 5 RBs up nice wall and thin slab. Push through the great crux sequence, placing a #2 wire, and top out.

首攀: Michael Woodrow & Moira Blom, 1986

混合传统攀岩 20m, 5
20 Zac the Printshop Worker

Linkup. Start up 'Lesbian Printshop Workers', finish up 'Zac'.

首攀: Dan C., 2006

传统攀登 20m
20 R Zac

Start 2m R of 'Lesbian Printshop Workers'. Faintly marked "Z".

Straight up manky 1st half to ledge, clipping BRs on '32A' and/or 'LPW'. Continue up nice cracked slab and corner with desperate natural pro to top.

自由首攀: Rob Whannell, 1985

传统攀登 20m
20 R 32A

Start 2m R of 'Zac'. Faintly marked "32A".

Up past 3 RBs to ledge. Up slab then corner with minimal protection and top out to R. Yet another decent climb mostly overlooked because pro is dodgy.

自由首攀: Evan Bieske, Andrew Barry, Gordon Bieske & Dave Moss, 1985

混合传统攀岩 20m, 3
19 Chubba Chips Mods

Start 2m R of 'Crossed With No Name'. Marked "CCM".

Up steep wall past 3 RBs. Climb to thin crack in corner & small but good gear behind BCC steel plate, then up bomber crack placing natural pro. DBB with rings - in alcove behind tall grass, directly above the crack. Small to medium cams, nuts, small hexes if you want, tricams or even ballnuts.

Rebolted April 2024.

自由首攀: Dave Moss, 1984

混合传统攀岩 20m, 3
16 Robbie's Robust Runners (Variant Finish)
传统攀登 20m
18 Keyhole

首攀: Michael Woodrow & Martin Lama

传统攀登 18m
18 Wounded Knee

Start at the "WK" mark.

Up past 4 BRs then natural pro in second half. DBB. Remember your boltplates.

首攀: John Jones & Bernie Corfield, 1980

自由首攀: Rob & Cath Whannell, 1985

混合传统攀岩 18m, 4
15 Breakfast at Tiffany's

5 bolts above an optional gear placement. Start at Nightfell ("N"), climb up to the ledge at 2m, place a cam (#1 BD or medium tricam) in the slot out left, just above the lip. Big layback & step-up to bolt, over bulge to ledge below scooped wall & next bolt. Then up left of the scoop & straight up, passing another 3 bolts to anchors.

首攀: Mark Gamble, Ron Collett, Dan Roe & Proude Hawkins, 2008

混合传统攀岩 18m, 5
21 R Burning Fragment

Start as for 'Nightfell'.

A more direct version of 'Nightfell' which goes straight through the overhang rather than skirting around it. 2 FHs, though they provide next to no protection at the crux where the potential for a nasty ledge fall is high. Top rope advised.

自由首攀: Heath Black & Martin Blumen, 1995

混合传统攀岩 18m, 2
13 Nightfell

Start 3m R of 'Wounded Knee'. Faintly marked "N".

Up layback to ledge below overhang. Traverse R to avoid overhang, briefly joining 'Mank Mistress', before tending back L above overhang. Continue to top. Run out in parts.

自由首攀: Rick White & Mal Gordon, 1968

传统攀登 18m
18 Vegemite

Start at the "V" mark.

Up using BR and natural pro to FH and crux at half height. Traverse R and up past BR to top.

自由首攀: Ross Denington & Darrin Carter, 1996

混合传统攀岩 18m, 3
20 R Radioactive Cheerio (Direct)

Start as for original 'Radioactive Cheerio'.

Climb up to 2nd BR as per the original route, then, instead of traversing R at 2nd bolt, climb straight up the headwall past a FH. Continue up cracked pillar with natural pro to top. Big reach and balance move.

自由首攀: Darrin Carter & Dave Whitworth, 1995

混合传统攀岩 18m, 3
18 Radioactive Cheerio

Start 2m R of 'Prickles', 2m L of 'Ego'. Faintly marked "RC".

Straight up to stance & BR. Traverse R past BR to mantle move & FH shared with 'Ego'. From here trend L to climb up cracked pillar with natural pro to top.

自由首攀: Darrin Carter & Dave Whitworth, 1995

混合传统攀岩 18m, 3
18 Ego (Left Variant)

Start as for original 'Ego'. Instead of finishing up the slab, climb corner to L with natural pro. Top out.

首攀: Paul Lester, 1996

混合传统攀岩 18m, 3
23 Ego

Start 2m L of 'Silly or Serious'. Marked "EGO".

Up past BR to stance. Place #1 RP then up small corner on L to FH. Step R to face then up past BR to below slab. Thin moves up slab past 2 FHs and top out.

Yet another example of a 'KP' "trad" route that would benefit from being fully bolted.

自由首攀: Heath Black & Dave Whitworth, 1996

混合传统攀岩 20m, 5
21 Dream Killer

Traverse. Start at 'Halva'.

Four pitch traverse finishing up 'The Olos Slab'.

首攀: Heath Black & Mark Bennett, 1995

传统攀登 110m
15 Salt Sity Waltz

Obsolete but included for historical/confusion reasons. Disappeared after a fig tree grew nearby. 'Tiger Stripe' covers this part of the wall.

首攀: Bernie Corfield & John Jones (Top Rope), 1980

传统攀登 18m
17 R Tiger's Eye

Start 2m R of 'Tiger's Tail'. Marked "TE".

Straight up past 2 RBs (1st one is high) to drill hole & crux, up onto the slab & final RB, then up to chains. NB: the drill hole has a crack running through it. I would advise a small cam, or tricam, placed sideways, or better, a ballnut in the crack on the slab. Rebolted in 2020 with RBs & a lower-off.

自由首攀: Darrin Carter, 2000

混合传统攀岩 18m, 3
16 R Insomnia

Start 2m R of 'Dirty Situations'. Marked "I".

Way too runout as a sport route so take trad gear. For example, potential big groundfall before 3rd bolt = can be protected with a small cam such as a C3. 4 RBs and DBB.

Technical & balancy climbing to 1st RB, crux move over the lip to 2nd RB, up the thin, balancy face to 3rd RB, more thin moves on slab above to 4th RB, then easier ground to chains.

Very slippery rock.

自由首攀: Andy Anderson, Dave Whitworth & Saul Squires, 1992

混合传统攀岩 18m, 4
14 Gungle Gim

Sandbagged old school climb and grade. Not a lot of pro in the first half.

首攀: Darrin Carter, 1993

传统攀登 18m
12 Gungle Gim Right

首攀: Dave 'Baldrick' Chapman, 1995

传统攀登 18m
12 Zoro

The left tending crack. Has a set of anchors over the bulge at the top on a nice ledge.

首攀: Marcus T O'Mara, 1994

传统攀登 18m
15 R Street Ruffians

Start 1.5m R of 'Bottle Stopper'. Marked "SR".

Trad route with some BRs. Probably harder than grade suggests.

首攀: Darrin Carter & David Wright, 1995

混合传统攀岩 18m, 4
16 Slime Fresh

Start 4m R of 'Standing Room Only'. Marked "SF".

Follows the obvious finger crack to top. One of the best trad routes at 'KP'.

首攀: Eddie Irvine, 1984

传统攀登 18m
15 David Mac

Start 1m L of 'Cornflake Crack'. Marked "DM".

Named after a climber killed on Crookneck. Climb up slinging drill hole, then follow line of 3 RBs to DBB. Originally led as a trad route but has been retrobolted.

首攀: Heath Black & Mark Bennett, 1995

混合传统攀岩 18m, 3
14 R Cornflake Crack

Start at the base of the deep crack.

Follow the right-tending crack until it runs out then head straight to the top. Minimal protection, especially higher up.

首攀: Glenn Sharrock, Loretta Davis & Brett Henderson, 1995

传统攀登 18m
14 R Smog

Start 3m R of 'Cornflake Crack'. Marked "S". Poor protection. Up to the concave scoop on dodgy rock, some gear in the thin crack on the right, up on poor gear to face above & better placements, then to top on reasonable gear, head right to DBB on Septugenarian, or top-out.

首攀: Tony Howes & Bernie Corfield, 1980

自由首攀: Mark Gamble & Megan Randall, 2007

传统攀登 18m
13 The Trad Rebellion

Start 1.5m to L of 'The Bee's Knees'.

Up trad line with 3-4 nut placements. Finish at "The Bee's Knees' DBB.

首攀: Alex Combes & Dave Fitzgibbon, 2006

传统攀登 16m
13 The Duck's Anatomy

Start at 'The Duck's Nuts'.

Trad line near 'The Duck's Nuts' and 'Date Anatomy'.

首攀: Mark Gamble & Damien Vladas, 2009

传统攀登 18m
17 Lost in Space

Start at obvious crack 3m R of 'Ring Around the Moon', marked SKEG (for some reason). Very good protection

Up intermittent crack to overhang. Over this (crux) and top out to R.

首攀: Glenn Sharrock & G. Harden, 1995

传统攀登 18m
20 X Blue Veined Custard Shooter

Start at crack 2m R of 'Arrow'.

Good climbing but very bold on lead. Up crack then push past overhang to ledge. Finish up unprotected wall.

首攀: John Hattink & Darrin Carter, 1993

传统攀登 18m
19 Mr Plow

Start 2m R of 'MOBS'.

Looks just like a sport route until you realise how runout it is between the 3rd & 4th bolts and start wishing you'd brought some trad gear. 5 FHs & DBB.

首攀: Craig Pohlman, 2005

混合传统攀岩 18m, 5
16 R Tuesday Afternoon Walk

Start just L of the waterfall. Marked "TA".

Manky trad crack.

首攀: Unknown, 1980

传统攀登 18m
Kangaroo Point Right Main Wall
17 Eddie Goes to Gay Bars Variant Start

An alternate start to the 'Eddie Goes to Gay Bars' a traverse which adds an extra pitch. Start at 'Frontier Psychiatrist' then traverse R from the 3rd bolt to 3rd bolt on 'Idiot Wind' to join the usual 'Eddie Goes to Gay Bars' route.

首攀: Mark Gamble & Michael Woodrow, 2006

传统攀登 35m
12 R Initial Public Offering

Trad line between 'Frontier Psychiatrist' and 'Junket' - The obvious crack. Very soft band of ignimbrite = very poor gear & poor climbing. Run-out at top. Follow left leaning crack, then right up to chains on Junket.

首攀: Mark Gamble & Dave Duffy, 2007

传统攀登 22m
17 Busted Xylophone RHV

Up first two bolts as for Bouncy Castle then head out right to fun moves up trad crack with good gear before heading left to Bouncy Castle's anchors. Described previously on TheCrag as Busted Xylophone, however after noticing a major grading inconsistency and further consultation of the guidebook, this route is independent to the traditional Busted Xylophone route.

混合传统攀岩 18m, 2
21 R Dolerite Dreaming

Start 2m R of 'The Rasp'. Marked "DD".

More or less rebolted as 'Dare to Dream'. Straight up past 2 RBs, then sling the drill hole at 2/3 height. Original route might have continued L to join the final two BRs on 'The Rasp'.

自由首攀: Gordon Bieske, Richard Marshall & Paul McAntee

混合传统攀岩 18m, 4
22 Dare to Dream

Start as for 'Dolerite Dreaming'.

Essentially a rebolt of 'Dolerite Dreaming', maybe with a more direct finish. Up past two RBs and sling the drill hole. Continue straight up past two more RBs, traverse L under the roof and run it out to the anchor.

定线/开线: Steve Kloske, 2013

自由首攀: Steve Kloske & Oskar Kindbom, 2013

混合传统攀岩 18m, 4
17 SHC

Old trad route starting where 'Bombadil' is now.

首攀: Michael Woodrow & Darren Holloway, 1984

传统攀登 18m
14 R Tombstone Row (trad)

Historic KP trad route. In today's terms; runout & dangerous in the upper half. Up onto large ledge at 2m (gear), tricky step up, then out right & up to sloping ledge at 5m., up headwall (more gear) above, then trend left, up along weakness & no gear till you get to the lefthand corner crack & top-out.

首攀: David Reeve, 1968

传统攀登 20m
20 R Eddie Goes to Gay Bars

Traverse. Start at 'Idiot Wind'.

  1. 20m (17) Up 'Idiot Wind' to 2nd bolt. Traverse R to belay on 'Hanger Wall'.

  2. 15m (20) Traverse R on high line of 'Hanger Wall' to belay on 'Chip-a-Holdaway'.

  3. 15m (12) Across to belay on last bolt of 'Euthanasia'.

首攀: Michael Woodrow, Darren Holloway & Martin Lama, 1983

传统攀登 50m, 3
22 R Sounds of Silence

Traverse. Start at 'Idiot Wind'.

  1. 21m (17) Up 'Idiot Wind' to roof then traverse R and down to belay below 'Nic Chips Diffs' headwall.

  2. 9m (17) Across 'Exhilarant' to belay on 'Gangbang Wall'.

  3. 11m (20) Across to natural pro belay on 8m high ledge on 'Anonymous'.

  4. 13m (17) To halfway ledge on 'Pterodactyl'.

  5. 14m (22) To 'Moonlight Fantasia' ledge.

  6. 20m (22) Finish up 'Adam's Rib'.

首攀: Rob Rankin & Rob Simcocks, 1972

自由首攀: Andrew Barry, Gordon Bieske, Nic Taylor, Paul Hoskins, Dave Moss & Roger Bourne, 1983

传统攀登 88m, 6
21 Socketh It Unto Me V

"Moira and I cleaned up both of the variants and the main route on the same weekend in 1985."

Up SIUM to about the 8m mark (small ledge), move left across small ledges to RB, follow the broken rock up, trending right at the "variant start" painted on the rock, to a small stance & clip the next RB, then straight up TSSO VF (crux) passing a 3rd RB. At the ledges below the top, move 1m left or right, to anchors on IW or TSSO. Carrots replaced + anchors installed April 2024,

自由首攀: Mick Woodrow & Moira Blom, 1985

混合传统攀岩 18m, 3
21 Socketh It Unto Me VF

"Moira and I cleaned up both of the variants and the main route on the same weekend in 1985."

Up SIUM, to small ledge at 8m, then up to a stance below the overhanging crack & bomber gear, through this to slab above, left of MI, & RB on face out left, up TSSO (crux) for the last 3m, passing a FH & rap rings. RB + anchor installed April 2024.

首攀: Ted Cais & Rick White, 1969

自由首攀: Mick Woodrow & Moira Blom, 1985

混合传统攀岩 20m, 2
18 Socketh It Unto Me

Start 2m R of 'The Stoats Stepped Out'. Faintly marked "S".

Up to corner, layback up it, to ledge & stance below the overhung crack & bomber gear, hard moves through this & finish up the cracked face just L of 'Mission Impossible'. Committing. Top out or move right across face to anchors on AGAP & 42 Wheels. The overhung crack takes large nuts, or small hexes. Cams, tricams + offsets.

自由首攀: Michael Woodrow & Moira Bloom, 1985

传统攀登 18m
17 R Mission Impossible

Start just L of 'Another Girl Another Planet'. Marked "MI".

Straight up cracked corner past deep hole in rock to top. Run out on lead. Soloed on first free ascent.

首攀: Ted Cais & Rick White, 1969

自由首攀: Gordon Bieske, 1985

传统攀登 18m
19 Mission Impossible VF

Start as for 'Mission Impossible'.

Traverse R at the ledge above the deep hole and finish up slab as for 'Another Girl Another Planet'.

首攀: Michael Woodrow & Moira Blom

混合传统攀岩 18m, 1

Showing 1 - 100 out of 176 线路.

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