
线路 如同攀石 in South Coast

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,262 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
Albany Dog Rock
V1 The Black Dog

A definitive one move wonder. Launch to the pockets from crimps.

首攀: R. Master

V2 Doggie Style

Start as for The Black Dog, but from the pockets traverse right past the tree then top out through the bulge.

V7 New Tricks

Sit start with jugs. Jam a left heel. Gross moves around the bulge with sharp crystals to enter the stand starts...

首攀: Michael Taran, 2019

V2 Junkyard Dog

Avoids the fun part of Doggie Style but has the same slightly desperate finish.

Get Down!

The descent route off the main boulder.. A bit awkward.

V4 Hellhound (on my trail)

Climb the arete and left face. A tricky start leads to great climbing and a slightly daunting top-out.

首攀: K. Hartley

V0 Mongrel

Layback and jam the superb crack..

V3 Finger Lickin' Good

Start at the thin crack and traverse rightwards to finish at Mongrel. Great slab climbing on sharp holds with a sting in the tail.

首攀: R. Master

V5 Die Trying

Desperate climbing up the very thin crack. Good luck! (Can be top-roped, bring a couple of bolt plates)

Straight Up

Slab slab slab


Thin slab climbing just right of the runnel starting about halfway along the traverse.. Highball.

V1 Rabies

Start just right of the crack. Up the face then step left and finish up Roadkill.

V0 Roadkill

The thin crack.

V3 Road Works

Stand start the face and up avoiding the aretes. Dont fall onto the road and get squashed.

V0 Year of The Dog

Very nice slab climbing.

V1 Woof

More thin slab climbing..

V1 The Grey Ghost

Slightly contrived, try not to use the holds on the previous route..

V2 Parvo

Climb the arete and left face.

V1 On Heat

A bit steep, a bit flared and a bit sharp. You'll love it!

V0 Its a Dogs Life

Easy crack, highball.

23 Mans Best Friend

Difficult moves off the deck then sustained climbing up the runnel. Has been top roped.

Dog Tired

The thin crack. Difficult and high. A good one to top rope.

Albany Mt Melville Boulders Cooinda Park Boulder
V3 Shallow Dihedral

Stand start.

首攀: Local Crew

V2 Diagonally Across The Face

首攀: Local Crew

V2 Scooped Arete

首攀: Local Crew

V1 Flaked Face

首攀: Local Crew

Albany Mt Melville Boulders GL95 Boulders
V2/3 Blade Runner

Sit start at the base of the obvious overhanging prow. Slap up to glory and an easy top out. Short and sweet - an instant classic!

首攀: Michael Taran, 27 8月 2019

攀石 3m
V4/5 Mushy Peas

Sit start with the obvious fins at the base of the arete. Up and rightish with the arete and holds in the overhang. Avoid dabbing the tree on the topout! Fun moves and a bit of tension.

首攀: Michael Taran, 27 8月 2019

攀石 5m
V3 Troubled Youth

Stand start on obvious rail jug. Mantle to stand on the rail then a tricky topout!

首攀: Kym.H, 21 10月 2019

V2 Wage Theft

Rounded arete

首攀: Kym.H, 21 10月 2019

Albany Mt Melville Boulders Summit Boulders
V0 The Lookout Wall, Left

Stand start. Up the vague crack on the left.

攀石 7m
V1 The Lookout Wall, Middle

Stand start. Up the prominent 'nose' to the right of the left. Tend right into the groove.

攀石 7m
V2 The Lookout Wall, Right

Stand start. Up the slab to the right of the groove.

攀石 7m
V6 Knee Bar Madness

Sit start on the right, jam a painful kneebar and head left to topout. Sharp.

攀石 3m
V4/5 Crashing Waves

Low start matched on the flake. Jam a right heel and make desperate moves to gain the slab. https://youtu.be/40AvCuE1R6c?t=50s

攀石 4m
Steepness Project

Sit start. Hard moves to gain the lip.

Loneliness Proj
V1/2 Looking Sharp

Sit start. Traverse right then topout.

攀石 2m
V0 Frown

Stand start with obvious jug rail and up.

攀石 3m
V2 Carrier

Stand start. Up trending right. https://vimeo.com/126374382

攀石 3m
V6 Shredding

Stand start. Up the prow, avoiding stepping left onto the slab scoop. https://vimeo.com/126374382

攀石 3m
V2 Sneak A Peak

Sit start. Up the juggy prow. https://vimeo.com/126374382

攀石 2m
V0 Serrated Edge

Stand start. Up with the arete and left face. Very sharp.

攀石 3m
V0 Another Waste of Skin

Stand with high rail.

攀石 3m
V0 - 1 So Much Skin

Up the blunt arete. Super sharp.

攀石 3m
Highball Crack

Has been done. V-dunno because I suck at crack climbing... felt hard for me but probably really easy!

Tic Tac

Sit start on obvious flat jug. Up the face with edges. Top needs a clean

V0 A Simple Slabbing

Stand start. Up the left side of the slab with edges and crystals

V4 Low Balls, Big Numbers

Sit start with good flake, long move to the sloper to topout. Cool feature! https://vimeo.com/126374382

攀石 3m
V2 Rickys Dick

Sit start. Up and left along the dong into an awkward topout. Avoid the boulder to the right.

Named after graffiti that was on the boulder from back in the day.

攀石 3m
V2/3 Off Widthing

Stand start, up the obvious crack.

V0 Clean Cut

Sit start. Up and left.

V1/2 Lowe-ball

Stand start with the crimps on the left, long moves up with decent feet. Up the slab next to the path. High and easy. Not so easy to get off... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnhmankwUhs

首攀: Pete Lowe, 1986

攀石 5m
V2/3 Deliverance

Stand start. Up the slabbiest section of the boulder. Gets thin up high! https://youtu.be/hnhmankwUhs?t=90

首攀: Pete Lowe, 1986

攀石 6m
The Grey Proj
V6 Isolation

Stand start. Up the highball scoop with good edges and flakes. An all time mega classic on the hill. https://youtu.be/hnhmankwUhs?t=207

首攀: Kym.H, 15 3月 2020

攀石 6m
V0 - 1 Pete You Madman

Apparently done by Pete Lowe with a rock stack to start (the rock stack has since been cleared away). Can be started by stacking pads to gain the slab. Up the high scoop.

首攀: Pete Lowe, 1986

V5/6 R Fight or Flight

Epic highball! Stand start with edges and up with tricky moves into a heady top section where you still have to keep it together.

首攀: Michael Taran, 3月 2022

攀石 9m
V1 Don't Dyno

Stand start.

首攀: Pete Lowe, 1986

V1 The Diving Board

Contrived but cool exit along the dive board feature leftwards. But scary.

V1 Under The Lichen

Stand start with left hand shark tooth and right hand low side pull crimp and good feet. up with positive holds. Fun.

首攀: Michael Taran, 10月 2020

攀石 3m
Albany Mt Melville Boulders Pinnacle Boulder
VB South East Face

Glorious easy ramp starting low and finishing up the summit jugs.

V0 - 1 Montgomery Wick

Stand start and up the rising twin aretes. A great feature and a good one for the mountaineers.

V2/3 Montgomery Wick. SDS

Sit start on the right with right hand on obvious arete pinch. The original sitter. Adds a couple of harder moves on small holds.

攀石 4m
V1/2 Montgomery Wick, Variant

Sit start on the left of the face to gain the prow and top out straight up. Slightly easier than the original sitter.

V7 Gangajang

Sit start on the left of the rail as for 'Bush Tucker Man' (On the juggiest part of the rail). Head left through the bulge with crimp and sloper to top out straight up the flake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF42vd-liTI

首攀: Kym.H, 18 7月 2019

攀石 4m
V4/5 Bush Tucker Man

Located on the back of the pinnacle boulder. SDS. A great dyno with few options to start, traverse into the big flake from either the left or the right then do a big move up and left to a good edge.


首攀: Kym.H, 2019

攀石 4m
V7/8 Sounds of Then

Start on the far right on the slanting flat rail and traverse leftwards along the juggy rail to link into 'Gangajang'. Adds a half or full grade making the crux section surprisingly desperate! https://youtu.be/_o-OaZoScnE

首攀: Michael Taran, 4月 2020

攀石 7m
V2/3 Slip, Slop, Slap

Sit start in the crack. Up the slopey bulges to topout straight up.

首攀: Kym.H

V1 Pancakes

Sit start under the mini-roof and straight up.

首攀: Kym.H

V1 Crack

Sit start the crack.

首攀: Kym.H

Albany Mt Melville Boulders The Dark Tower Area
Left arete project

Should go.

V0 Trackside slab

Stand start. High but quite secure slabbing

Needs a Clean

Top needs lichen cleaned off. Starts with awesome moves on nice edges.

V6 The Man In Black, Low

Sit start on the left if the obvious rail. Traverse the rail then go up the face into the juggy flake.

首攀: Michael Taran, 30 11月 2020

攀石 7m
V5 The Man in Black, High

Sit start on the left of the rail. Take a high traverse using balancy moves to gain the jug. Slightly easier.

首攀: Michael Taran, 30 11月 2020

攀石 7m
V8 The Dark Tower

Stand start as low as possible on the arete - low slopey left hand crimp and lowest part of right hand sidepull rail. Awesome moves up the arete then escape left to the juggy flake and up into the slab. All time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I3WyF3wzwM

首攀: Michael Taran, 28 11月 2020

攀石 8m
The Dark Tower, Direct

Needs a clean. High and proud... one for someone a bit braver! Same start but avoid going left to the jug and instead take a direct line up the arete - adding a sketchy crux getting your feet sorted to navigate the bulge after the first crux.

With a lot more cleaning there is probably a right exit too - but it looks a bit sharp and chossy

V0 Gun Slinger

Stand start with flat hold on the vague arete. Up and left keeping away from the holds on the right.

首攀: Jim Nevin

VB Night Vision

Stand start. Up the easy slab with good holds.

首攀: Jim Nevin

V0 - 1 Stone Unturned

Sit start and up with slopey holds.

Thin face proj

Looks nails. Needs a bit of a clean

V0 - 1 Any Crystal In A Storm

Stand start where you fancy. Up the slab to the obvious juggy pockets. Fun and a bit high.

Albany Mt Melville Boulders Rehab boulders
V2/3 Snakes in the jungle

Stand start on crimps. Smear and mantle your way up the arete and onto the slab..


Sit start if you must. Up to the jug then reach out right to a good edge and mantle your arse off.

V1 Jinx

Just climb.

V3 Pseudoephedrine

Stand start with crimps on the arete. Trend right up the obvious rail. You will like this one.

V1 Bush mechanics


V0 Justin told me

Stand start left hand on arete, up and trend right. Don't die.

V2 (name unknown)

Climb the right arete and slab..

首攀: Clay Varley, 1 3月 2018

V1/2 Detox

Sit start low with left hand in the pocket and right hand on the arete. Squeeze you way up on sharp crusty holds. Vomit when you get to the top.

Thin crack project..

Junkies will love this one.

Albany Mt Melville Boulders Justin and Clays Boulder
V5/6 One Day After Work

Sit start on the far left with the small boulder and traverse rightwards with cool moves on underclings through the middle section. Finish matched on the blocky jug on the right. Can be extended to finish on the starting jugs of 'Justins Line'

首攀: Clay Varley, 5月 2018

攀石 5m
V5/6 Before Work Sessions

Sit Start as for 'Justins Line' but traverse all the way left and finish as for the start of 'One Day After Work'.

首攀: Michael Taran, 3 2月 2019

攀石 6m
V7/8 A Hobbits Tale

Contrived there-and-back line, but cool bit of pump and some rad moves. Start as for 'One Day After Work' traverse all the way to the sit start holds of 'Justins Line' and then reverse the traverse all the way back as for 'Before Work Sessions' and finish where you started. Pumpy as.

首攀: Michael Taran, 3 10月 2021

攀石 10m
V5/6 A Day Off

Awkward sit start on the pinch. Up to join the traverse of 'One Day After Work' and top out through the obvious jug flake for 'Justins Line'. Can also be started out left as for 'One Day After Work' for extra pump

首攀: Michael Taran, 3 2月 2019

攀石 5m
V4/5 Justins Line

Sit start on opposing jugs on the far right (right side pull, left hand flat jug) take the rising traverse left to top out through the obvious juggy flake. https://vimeo.com/314673203

首攀: Justin Hannig, 9 1月 2019

攀石 4m
V7/8 Feels Like Home

Sit start as 'Justins Line', but continue the traverse left to a desperate finish. Jam a knee scum and you're away! Pumper.


The stand earns you V5/6ish.

首攀: Michael Taran, 3 2月 2019

攀石 7m
Albany The Silo Boulders
V6 Dead Goon

Sit start the overhanging arete with left hand on low crimp and right hand on the arete. Tricky move to get up the arete and match. https://youtu.be/wz02zgv3gxQ

首攀: Kym.H, 18 2月 2020

V2 Port

Sit start. Traverse the rising arete rightwards.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,262 线路.

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