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Showing all 14 攀登.

Grade 线路 线路类型 路线质量 攀岩者
星期天 26th 11月 2023 - Galbiate
6c Blocco mentale 运动攀岩 30m 经典
星期一 3rd 4月 2023 - Galbiate
6c Happy hole — 2 attempts 运动攀岩 12m 经典
Luca Formenti
6c ~6c+ Cercatori di appigli 运动攀岩 15m 很好
Luca Formenti
星期五 10th 3月 2023 - Galbiate
6c+ ~7a Paperetta Joe 运动攀岩 26m 经典
Alexander Oppe
Anhaltend und kleingriffig. An einer Stelle hoch gezogen.. Super Tour!!

星期二 21st 6月 2022 - Galbiate
6b+ L'organista - with Christoph Rauch 运动攀岩 25m 很好
The tufa at the start was more polished than my car at its best days. After that a little less polished, very nice and ultra hard climbing. Could do some connected moves at the upper part. Many footholds are enhanced with concrete to add friction, a desperate attempt to fix the effect of popularity for the route.

6b+ L'organista - with Bovist 运动攀岩 25m 很好
Christoph Rauch
Might have been a classic once, but then it got polished to oblivion; in addition, the locals tried to fix it by sprinkling concrete on some footholds. In the original state it might have been a (hard) 6b+, but now it seemed more like a solid 7a. Nice moves on tufas at the start (the only ones at the whole crag), then a devious little section out of the tiny cave, followed by crimps, pockets, sidepulls and finally lots of baked-on concretions. Hard until the very last move. Worthwhile despite the polish, might still be one of the best lines at the crag.

6c+ Paperetta Joe - with Bovist 运动攀岩 26m 很好
Christoph Rauch
Might have been bolted just because the lines to the left and right were already polished, since it uses a lot of holds from both. The dihedral at the start is independent and quite challenging, reminded me to stretch more … Afterwards it's lots of crimps, sidepulls, and a crux on some water drop dimples or whatever you might call them, which I solved with a high heel hook on the left and a delicate mantel using the thumb on the dimples. More crimps and a few slits towards the end.

星期五 22nd 4月 2022 - Galbiate
6c Saratoga blitz 运动攀岩 28m 很好
Matteo Serraglini
星期六 19th 3月 2022 - Galbiate
6c Blocco mentale 运动攀岩 30m 很好
Matteo Serraglini
6c 6b+ L'organista 运动攀岩 25m
Matteo Serraglini
First part too polished.

星期六 6th 10月 2018 - Galbiate
6c Blocco mentale - with Dascha 运动攀岩 30m 经典
Alexander Oppe
星期一 30th 4月 2018 - Galbiate
6b+ L'organista - with Dascha 运动攀岩 25m 很好
Alexander Oppe
星期天 13th 6月 2004 - Galbiate
6b+ 6c Blocco mentale 运动攀岩 30m 超级经典

星期二 13th 4月 2010 - Galbiate
6b+ 6c Blocco mentale 运动攀岩 30m

Showing all 14 攀登.

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