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Showing 1 - 100 out of 3,510 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Bushranger Bluff Main Wall
7 Little Revolver Crack

Discontinuous cracks.

Start: Start just L of 'Revolver Crack'.

传统攀登 20m
6 Revolver Crack

The deep crack.

Start 20m right of Melville's Cave.

首攀: Maurice & Keith Leslie, 1967

传统攀登 20m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Bushranger Bluff Back Wall
7 Trooper One

Crack to horizontal break, then go 2m right and up crack.

Start: 1m left of small cave on the grey wall just left of the descent gully.

首攀: Peter Martin, 1981

传统攀登 10m
6 Trooper Three

The crack with a hard start.

Start at the right side of the grey wall.

首攀: Peter Martin, 1981

传统攀登 10m
6 Cartridge Wall

The wall between 'Cartridge Arete' and 'Cartridge Chimney'.

传统攀登 10m
6 Cartridge Chimney

The chimney.

Start: Just R of 'Cartridge Arete'.

首攀: Bill Andrews & Julie Tulloch, 1975

传统攀登 10m
7 Dead Ned

A nice little line. Start up the left edge of the orange wall, then step right and proceed up the weakness on good holds.

首攀: Unknown, 2000

传统攀登 10m
6 Cobb & Co.

The steep orange corner facing L.

Start 0.5m R of OC.

首攀: Bill Andrews & Julie Tulloch, 1975

传统攀登 12m
7 Tullah's Tease

Layback for 5m then step right into crack.

Start: Start 5m right of 'Cobb & Co'.

首攀: John Fisher, 1983

传统攀登 12m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles 关闭的 Declaration Crag Area Declaration Crag
8 Marshmallow Sea DS

The undercut direct start to 'Marshmallow Sea' is definitely a little harder than the original.

传统攀登 14m
7 Marshmallow Sea

Move left to the sparsely protected smooth wall facing the road.

Start: As for 'Deck Gully' but move left and up, finishing past the small overhang.

首攀: Kevin Lindorff & Ken Taylor, 1975

传统攀登 14m
7 Taya

Good beginner's lead.

Start just left of the plaque and right of the small overhang. Climb the wall between 'Hammer' and 'Slip Knot'.

首攀: Taya Cross & Glenn Mostert, 1997

传统攀登 12m
5 The Pleb

The chimney on the south-west side of the outcrop.

首攀: Chris Baxter & Andrew Smith, 1966

传统攀登 27m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Colosseum Wall Area Colosseum Wall
5 Spasticus

The scrubby corner.

传统攀登 10m
6 Toga

The line.

Start around R from 'Castration', on the wall facing The Pines, at the initial.

首攀: Paul Gillis, John Bowen & Peter Lindorff, 1970

传统攀登 12m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles King Rat Area The Shark fin
5 milking the dorsal fin
传统攀登 7m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles King Rat Area White Mice Walls
7 R The Shaker

An obscure choice for this era when almost all the other classics of 'Arapiles' were still unclimbed! For over thirty years guidebooks placed this climb in the wrong gully. The good news is that no-one has missed it. Some awful rock.

Start a few metres right of A Sore Finger. There's a wonky letter S painted somewhere.

  1. 22m (7) The loose juggy crack to a large ledge.

  2. 32m (7) R and up loose dangerous rib.

  3. 12m (-) Scramble off.

首攀: Daryl Carr & Jerry Grandage, 1966

传统攀登 66m, 3
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles King Rat Area Light Fingered Gully
8 R The Match

Head R then up the chossy front-side of the prow.

Start: Start at the teetering stack on the R side of the gully, at the initials.

首攀: Chris Baxter & Andrew Smith, 1966

传统攀登 25m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles King Rat Area King Rat Gully Slander Wall
7 Prairie

Probably worthless but no-one has definitely located it.

Start about 60 metres up King Rat Gully where the left side becomes a short juggy wall. Prairie starts at the steep line 2 metres right of a corner.

Up the crack on good holds until a ledge at 25m. Traverse off left along tis ledge.

首攀: Clive Parker & Graham Squire, 1977

传统攀登 50m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles King Rat Area Lizard Procrastination Pinnacle
7 Easy Lizard

Follow Lizard Procrastination to the ledge below the final overhang. Head up and right on juggy wall to ledge on right arete. Step back left and up steep juggy crack to top.

传统攀登 50m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Atridae House of Atreus
7 Cauldron

Completely redundant by today's standards...but then again it was another era back then, even pre-metric.

Start: Start just R of T.

首攀: John Fahey & Peter Jackson, 1965

传统攀登 60m
8 Tantalus

Start: Start 10m R of 'Tiresias'.

  1. 12m (7) To ledge then R up ramp.

  2. 23m (7) L, over crux bulge and into chimney to finish.

首攀: Dick Salt, Jim Newlands & Alan Marsland, 1965

传统攀登 35m, 2
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Organ Pipes Area Organ Pipes Central Organ Pipes
8 Diapason
1 7 20m
2 6 25m
3 8 10m

The first climb done in the Organ Pipes. A very pleasant outing. Start 8 metres left of big dead gum tree.

  1. 20m (7) Follow crack, or face just left of crack, up buttress to ledge and the former location of a plaque to climbing pioneer Bob Craddock (who died in a car accident).

  2. 25m (6) Step up and right around to the front of buttress and up to belay left of big tilted boulder.

  3. 10m (8) Up short wall just left of boulder then up flaring chimney. An alternative to this pitch is to traverse left for 3 metres above the void and then climb the steep wall 7 metres left of the chimney. Optional fourth pitch is grade 10: From big ledge climb steep wall on right and finish up a crack on the left of the pinnacle. No one seems to do this these days but it is quite good.

首攀: Steve Craddock, Bob Craddock & Rob Taylor, 1963

传统攀登 55m, 3
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Central Gully Central Gully Left Leafy Quoit Lump
5 Sage Not

This was originally called Sage but as there is already a real climb of that name at Arapiles it has been altered.

Northern side of Leafy Quoit Lump. 4 metres right of the overhang, follow crack to the right of hanging boulder, finish up to gap in blocks. Scramble off to right.

首攀: Tim Harris & Dave Millard, 2004

传统攀登 20m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Central Gully Central Gully Left Past Present Buttress
8 Echo

This climb is on the north -east face of the buttress. One metre to the right of Past & Present.

首攀: Troy Surkitt & Dan Cross, 30 4月 2015

传统攀登 10m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Central Gully Central Gully Left Charity Buttress
6 Insincere

首攀: Goose & Rhi Taylor

传统攀登 12m
5 Sincerity

The line starting just left of Charity

首攀: Gordon & Heather Bedford, 1975

传统攀登 14m
7 Charity

Up the crack.

Start: Start under the L crack on the main face.

首攀: Bruce & Keith Lockwood, 1968

传统攀登 14m
5 Purity

Ramble up the low angled buttress.

Start: Start at the next buttress R from T.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Ray Lassman, 1981

传统攀登 18m
7 Chastity

Diagonal crack.

Start: Start just R of P.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Ray Lassman, 1981

传统攀登 18m
6 Clemency

Up low angled face 2m right of 'Dignity' to summit.

首攀: Pete Holmes & James Best, 2014

传统攀登 14m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Central Gully Upper Central Gully Cecilia Wall
6 Stepping Stones

Up right side of big block on slabby terrace. Step right at bulge.

首攀: Keith Lockwood

传统攀登 18m
6 Skipping Girl

3m right of SS, Slab to weakness. Trend left up slabby rib and bulgy crack then juggy bulge.

首攀: Keith Lockwood

传统攀登 18m
8 Merry Go Round

Slab and bulge at right end of slabby terrace. Continue up yellow tinged corner.

首攀: Keith Lockwood

传统攀登 25m
7 Wool socks and galoshes

This is probably what Noddy has written up as Marbles in Argus, but graded 11!. Start 4m left of Pure and Simple, just right of a flake sticking up out of the ground. Head straight up. Good gear and climbing the whole way.

首攀: Sarah Natali & Wendy Eden, 5 12月 2016

传统攀登 25m
6 Space Corp Directive 703472A

Involves a rubber chicken. On the side facing Cecilia, climb low angled, juggy crack on left.

首攀: Greg Pritchard & Deb Sweet, 1999

传统攀登 10m
8 Emohawk

Scramble down and around the corner left of ETGZ. Start left of right arete. Up and step left onto 'emohawk'. Then up slabby arete.

首攀: Dwayne Dibbly & Ace Rimmer, 1996

传统攀登 10m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Fang Buttress and Surrounds Major Mitchell Gully Morfydd Wall
8 Blinky Bill

This bit of rock is getting more crowded than High Dive Gully. It would be surprising if any of the climbing is new.

Start up Kincaid then cross to steep juggy crack on the right wall. From the big ledge (belay possible) climb past the No Standing chains then centrally up headwall.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 24 1月 2017

传统攀登 25m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Fang Buttress and Surrounds 关闭的 Plaque
8 Dodgy Brothers

Start: Start 2m R of FoF.

首攀: Martin Lama & Graeme Smith, 1991

传统攀登 10m
8 Lobbail

Up Loboff till the start of the traverse, then up left through funky bulge.

首攀: Someone, 2014

Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Bluffs Bluff Minor
7 Mouse

Start at the top of TK, at the south side of the slot. Chimney out above the Keyhole towards Central Gully, then move around arete onto the south face of Bluff Minor, which is easy but exposed, to bag the summit.

首攀: Chris Baxter & Andrew Smith, 1966

传统攀登 45m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Under Flinders Lane Wall
8 Kestrel Alternate Finish

An easy pitch for parties wanting to get from Kestrel to Flinders Lane without an increase in grade.

From the belay at the top of the first pitch, step right and climb up right a couple of metres to a ledge system. Walk right across the mossy ledge system to the corner on the final pitch of Yo Yo and follow this to Flinders Lane. Make sure to place a good directional runner after the traverse.

传统攀登 42m
8 The Eighth Direct Finish

A way to the top of the cliff. Unfortunately it breaks down very quickly into an unpleasant gully.

20m (8) From the right end of Flinders Lane, climb a juggy corner into a chimney. Belay on second ledge. 45m (4) Up the chimney-gully.

首攀: Greg Lovejoy & Bob Craddock, 1964

传统攀登 60m, 2
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Tiger Wall Area Tiger Wall Syrinx Area
5 The Wobble

The challenge of this old route, should you choose to accept it, is working out where it goes.

Start as for 'Radish'.

  1. 36m (5) Up the easy corner and then traverse right around the buttress to the next line. Up this, or face on left to next ledge.

  2. 24m (5) Climb short corner then step left and traverse left below overhangs to belay.

  3. 15m (5) Traverse left again under bulge and up through weakness(this is probably a few metres left of the second pitch of Shaggy's Route) to a ledge level with the Eagle's Nest, a prominent nose of rock to the right. Now left and up again to the next ledge.

  4. 15m (5) Up wall to a huge ledge with buttresses rising on both sides.

  5. 30m (5) Up by the lefthand buttress, The Belvedere, and up to join 'Syrinx'. Scramble off right.

首攀: Steve Craddock & Bob Craddock, 1963

传统攀登 130m, 5
8 Pan Groove

A gentle romp that could serve as an alternative start to The Dribble.

Up the Pan Grove slab to whitish blocks at 15m. Instead of moving right (as for Pan Grove), continue following the left-leaning groove. When the groove peters out, step slightly right and finish in the obvious groove. Note: the steep bulging crack on the right is lovely to start, but the finishing blocks are a bit dodgy. Belay on the Senior Citizens terrace and descend Pan Grove.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & John Smart, 20 5月 2018

传统攀登 40m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Grotto Wall Area Grotto Wall
8 Boundary Rider

A hybrid route between Llareggub and The Flue.

  1. 23m As for The Flue – the major chimney left of the grotto. Belay at pre-existing rap station.

  2. 12m Up steepening prow, past left side of roof, to another rap station, as for the easy top of Llareggub that no-one does anymore.

  3. 10m Easily to top of pinnacle for spectacular views. Descend north side of pinnacle into Pan Grove.


传统攀登 45m, 3
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Voodoo Area Dead-point Wall
8 The Skeleton Coast

Gets more atmospheric the higher you go. Takes the north ridge of Deadpoint Wall. Start below the U-shaped gully behind Death Row Pinnacle.

  1. 40m Climb clean rock on left side of the usually-dry little waterfall. Continue easily up and left to base of ridge.

  2. 20m Up to short orange corner, step right onto prow of ridge, and up easily to big ledge.

  3. 15m Bridge line 2m left of steep orange corner, and continue up nice wall on left side of the ridge to the big terrace.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 27 5月 2015

传统攀登 75m, 3
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Voodoo Area Ministry Wall

"The holds just keep on appearing" Follow the obvious left-leaning diagonal rib to the arete then up.

首攀: Richard Gaunt, Rhys Boyar & Peter Upton, 3 7月 2021

传统攀登 30m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Death Row Pinnacle
8 Water Wings

5 metres right of Howling. Start as for 'Laurel and Hardy' directly under the rap chains. Thereafter take left leaning crease in rock and the easiest left line to the pinnacle summit.

首攀: Hywel Rowlands & Josh Bassett, 2014

传统攀登 25m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Front Wall and West Face
8 Spiral Staircase

Instead of going up to the front, follow the track around and up onto the north shoulder of the Pharos. Start at a low-angled, blunt spur just left of a vegetated gully.

  1. 43m (8) Up the buttress to a small ledge. Continue on steeper rock to another small ledge. Step off right side of ledge (straight up is grade 14) then up to a ledge below a short gully.

  2. 15m (4) Up the gully to a large ledge. Continue up to the next ledge, the Tennis Court.

  3. 20m (8) From the top of the pedestal, climb the tricky weakness left of the red overhang. Belay on the first good ledge.

  4. 23m (7) Up to subsidiary summit, step across gap then up to summit.

首攀: Greg Lovejoy & Steve Craddock, 1963

传统攀登 100m, 4
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos The French Crack Area
6 Key hole Scramble

Exit the key hole and climb down past rappel station, sticking to easy terrain.

传统攀登 30m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Vanoise Area
5 Romper Room

Easy chimney immediately right of "Cranky Babies", finishing up right wall.

首攀: Mike & Jenny Ashton, 1987

传统攀登 15m
7 Stairway to Heaven

A gentle ramble with spectacular views all the way. Sort of a companion route to Spiral Staircase. The name also derives from the fact that the first ascent team had a combined age of 269, and featured more than 200 years of climbing experience. Starts between West Coast Dogma and Sombrero, where there is an obvious ledge 2m above the ground.

  1. 30m Mantelshelf onto the ledge and continue up and left to a nice flat ledge.

  2. 20m Up easily from the left end of the ledge for 3-4m. An unlikely traverse left around bulge at the horizontal break (nice exposure) leads to the base of a gulch. The enigmatic Duck Crag is up on the right.

  3. 40m Follow the shoulder all the way to the top.

首攀: Keith Lockwood, Keith Royce, Bob Ryan (alt leads), Ray Lassman & Miss Given, 16 4月 2015

传统攀登 90m, 3
8 Sombrero

Not great.

Some distance down right are low-angled mossy faces with ledges in between. Scramble up to deep, right-facing chimney. This is your mission should you choose to accept it.

首攀: Lloyd Lobbe & Daryl Carr, 1967

传统攀登 84m
7 South Pacific

The "obvious" right-facing corner on the wall right of Sombrero, then the left of twin lines up the headwall.

首攀: Kurt Pitts & Keith Lockwood, 5 4月 2015

传统攀登 35m
5 Davy Jones Locker

Start up the South Pacific corner, then take the right-hand line past an unusual rock crypt.

首攀: Keith Lockwood, Kurt Pitts & Hamish Pitts, 5 4月 2015

传统攀登 35m
8 Long John Silver

Best approached by one of the other climbs in the vicinity. Step across the tree-filled gully behind the top of South Pacific etc, follow the weakness in the wall and finish centrally up the juggy tower.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 8 4月 2015

传统攀登 30m
8 Pieces of Eight

The easiest slab at Arapiles(?). Could be done as an approach pitch to Long John Silver. Climbs central weakness in the slab around right from Blackbeard. Scramble up to start. Gentle slab split by a juggy crack.

首攀: Keith Lockwood, Laurie Bennett & Shaun Norman, 21 4月 2015

传统攀登 18m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Duck Crag
7 Back by Three

Take the clean orange slab above the southern edge of Duck Crag, finishing on the left side of the summit block.

首攀: Kieran Loughran, Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 8 9月 2018

传统攀登 15m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Heckle and Jeckle Area
7 Heckle

The major corner-chimney bounding the left side of the black slab, mainly climbed on the slab.

首攀: Norm Booth & Murray Taylor, 1968

传统攀登 15m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Voidoid Pinnacle
8 Barefoot in the Park

Nice rock, nice moves, brilliant nut pro. With that many superlatives it's gotta be worth a star, right?

Start: Start right of 'No Turning Back'.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Tim Lockwood, 1995

传统攀登 15m
7 A Walk In The Park

Twin cracks 2 metres right of Barefoot In The Park.

首攀: Sally Bentley & Eddy Rawlins, 2000

传统攀登 10m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Huey and Satellites Upper Pharos Gully
8 Teddy Bear's Picnic

A short way downhill from Sheer Ecstasy Wall on the same side of the creek is a small wall. At the start there are two left leaning parallel cracks that merge about halfway up. Take the right hand crack. This has a bouldery start. To the top. Good pro and an easy walk off.

首攀: Robbie Martin & John Watson, 2013

传统攀登 10m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Spellbinder Area
6 Jack-a-Dandy

Start at the left hand of two corners where the two walls on the terrace meet, a couple of metres right of "Young, Old and Amputees". The corner.

首攀: Keith Lockwood, Jack Ford & Tim Lockwood, 1997

传统攀登 12m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds Pharos Gully Cheops Buttress
5 Hunting For Swedish Fish

Walk through to the back of the gully where the floor ends at an edge. Up into a scoop in the right wall, then rightwards up ramp and corner. Exit left to belay on boulder ledge. Be wary of the rock. Descent: scramble through (suggest staying roped up) to the rap chains above Fly By Night.

首攀: Ben Wright & Amber Blodgett., 26 11月 2017

传统攀登 18m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
8 The Depths

... of depravity. A spelunking expedition through the bowels of the cliff. Climb into the chimney past the beginning of Open Road and A Bridge Too Far and just keep on going. Easy chimney climbing with a dodgy flake system for gear leads to a good belay above massive chockstones. Some of the poorest rock you'll find at the Mount, not a classic. Turns out to be a variant start to Hunting For Swedish Fish (in Cheops Buttress area).

传统攀登 35m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Wedding Tackle Area
7 Spare Rib

Climb the front of the clean rib about 12m left of Wedding Tackle.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 3 9月 2016

传统攀登 30m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Tiptoe Ridge Area
5 Tiptoe Ridge
1 3 43m
2 5 27m
3 4 20m
4 5 30m

An alpine-flavoured adventure that surely ranks as one of the finest routes of its grade in the world

Start: Left of the prominent ridge is a large terrace. Approach from below and to the left.

  1. 43m 3 step onto ridge and up

  2. 27m 5 up and over pinnacle

  3. 20m 4 up wall to big ledge on right

  4. 30m 5 head on up

首攀: Greg Lovejoy & Steve Craddock, 1963

传统攀登 120m, 4
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Watchtower Faces Pinnacle Face Area Below Tiptoe Ridge
8 Beer and Trembling

Middle of left wall into shallow corner. Exit left

首攀: Greg Pritxchard & Nicki Sunderland, 1992

传统攀登 10m
8 Falling Numbers

Bridge up groove at back of alcove, swing left onto large flake.

首攀: Greg Pritchard & Phil Wilkins, 1993

传统攀登 20m
8 Tiptoe Ridge Direct Start

Obvious left diagonal to thin crack

传统攀登 30m
6 Ordinary Trees
1 5 30m
2 1 10m
3 6 50m
4 4 50m

"The climbers were so thick they were like ordinary trees". Good to do if the other routes are busy though there could be a bottleneck on the last pitches of 'Tiptoe Ridge'.

Start: Start below big right-facing corner system.

  1. 30m (5) Up easy slab to rock rib just right of corner. Belay in gap between main face and small pinnacle.

  2. 10m (1) Wander across left to a stance closer to the corner where the 'Tiptoe Ridge' buttress meets the main face.

  3. 50m (6) 'Excellent' climbing up the corner to the notch behind the 'Tiptoe Ridge' pinnacle.

  4. 50m (4) Finish up the last 2 pitches of 'Tiptoe Ridge'.

首攀: Greg Pritchard & punters from Melb. Uni, 1993

传统攀登 140m, 4
5 Introductory Route
1 4 25m
2 2 40m
3 5 35m
4 4 35m

The first recorded route at 'Arapiles'.

The original route wandered around a lot more than the route as described here. It is fairly safe to say that all of the rock between 'Siren' and 'Ordinary Trees' has been climbed.

Start: Start on the right side of the 'Tiptoe Ridge' buttress, about 10 metres right of a major corner (Ordinary Trees), where two detached blocks are sitting just off the ground. There's an overhang about 6 metres up and a large dead tree marking the top of the pitch.

  1. 25m (4) Up the wall, passing the overhang on the left, then up to the dead tree.

  2. 40m (2) Up the easy face left of the scrubby gully to large ledge.

  3. 35m (5) Directly up face until about 8 metres below the Eagle's Eyrie (prominent cave). Traverse 8m metres left, passing under roof and up to ledge level with the Eagle's Eyrie. Climbing direct to the Eagle's Eyrie and then traversing left is grade 10

  4. 35m (4) Step left and up chimney right of 'Tiptoe Ridge', joining that route near the top.

首攀: Doug Angus, Bob Craddock & Peter Jackson, 1963

传统攀登 140m, 4
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Watchtower Faces Left Watchtower Face
5 Rotten Row

Not really a climb, just an escape route. The diagonal ramp leading right from the base of the 'Siren' corner.

首攀: Steve Craddock & Bob Craddock, 1963

传统攀登 60m
5 Tschumpel

Botanical line behind large dead tree at right end of 'Rotten Row'.

首攀: Bruno Zeller & Anne McKenzie, 1969

传统攀登 42m
7 Senile

Crack 5 metres right of 'Tschumpel', 1 metre left of 'Bindi'.

首攀: Bruno Zeller & Anne McKenzie, 1969

传统攀登 40m
5 Bindi

Chimney line 6 metres right of 'Tschumpel'

首攀: Chris Baxter & Derek Lord, 1967

传统攀登 25m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Northern Group Harlequin Cracks Area
8 Henry's Sample Is Missing

This pleasant, easy crack midway between The Clown and 'Court Jester' was probably first soloed by Louise to get access to the top of School For Scandal during her massive cleaning exercise.

传统攀登 12m
8 Striding Ridge

Another long ramble, about half of which are bits of existing climbs.

  1. 40m Climb A Whale of a Time until level with the big terrace on the right. Step left and belay on the shoulder of the ridge.

  2. 25m Diagonally left to the base of the left-leaning line (the right-hand line is Court Jester – steep and loose).

  3. 25m Up left-leaning line, to finish steeply up right wall – highlighted by a classic mantelshelf and incut jugs.

  4. 20m Easily up ridge to terrace.

  5. 30m As for 5th pitch of Beau Geste.

首攀: Stev Findlay & Keith Lockwood, 15 8月 2016

传统攀登 140m, 5
6 BA Mosquito

Pleasant access route to the big terrace.

Blunt, slabby arete starting 10 metres right of Beau Geste.

首攀: Heather Phillips & Bill Andrews, 1983

传统攀登 45m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Northern Group Shiralee Wall
8 Cold Episode of Influenza

Takes the low angled groove at right end of wall. Shares anchor with I am a Banana Expert.

首攀: Wendy Eden & Geordie Webb, 25 3月 2016

传统攀登 25m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Northern Group Heath Row Buttress
8 Heath Row

Looks quite pleasant despite the odd small shrub. Was upgraded to 15 in Carrigan guide; someone must have strayed onto the then unclimbed Maiden Voyeur!

Start: There is a small square chipped in the rock at the base of the route.

首攀: Ann & Roland Pauligk, 1973

传统攀登 48m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Northern Group Echo Crag
8 Touchwood

Not without merit, despite the long scrambling start. Start about 50 metres left of Leaden Echo below black and orange buttress.

  1. 35m (8) Potter up the easy-angled ground for about 15m until a corner leads up and can move around right onto righthand face. Follow line left past little roof to small stance above arete.

  2. 35m (8) Around the steepening and follow the flake (could extend the previous pitch to top of flake and belay level with ceiling of Fiddler On The Roof) . From the centre of the wall go up and slightly left.

首攀: Keith Lockwood, Chris Baxter & Ed Neve, 1974

传统攀登 70m, 2
8 Lone Pine Corner

Classic, square-cut corner starting dirctly behind small pine. Finish up easy ground above corner.

首攀: Keith, Timothy & Fiona Lockwood, 1993

传统攀登 30m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Northern Group Evelyn and Lou Area
8 Better Not Peak

Up the crack then arete till angle eases. Follow sharp arete to spectacular summit.

Start: Start at a crack on the east face of the pinnacle.

首攀: Greg Pritchard & James Falla, 1999

传统攀登 15m
5 Noodles Romanoff

Follow arete all the way to top.

Start: Slightly uphill of BNP, 5 metres left (description says right but that makes no sense) of the start of 'Generation Gap', at the left arete.

首攀: Greg Pritchard & James Falla, 1999

传统攀登 45m
5 Generation Gap

Pleasant easy climb up a great line. Left facing stepped corner left of the bulging wall with Lou and Evelyn.

首攀: Chris Baxter, Dave Gairns & Michael Stone, 1979

传统攀登 42m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Northern Group Mermaid Avenue
8 Oompaloompa

Up streak and continue straight on.

Start: About 1m left of 'The First Kiddy Climb' and a bit lower is a orange streak in the middle of black.

Sorry kids, but these 2 routes are the complete pox left of the unclimbed grotty corner at the left end of the wall of Mermaid Ave

首攀: Jack Synnot, Mark Synnot, Zoe Synnot & Pete Canning, 2005

传统攀登 8m
8 The First Kiddy Climb

Not destined for greatness, but when you are only 8 and 10 years old putting up a route is exciting.

Start: 1m left of the chimney/corner (unclimbed)

首攀: Zoe Synnot, Mark Synnot, Jack Synnot & Pete Canning, 2005

传统攀登 8m
6 About a Fat Wench

Originally "About a Fat Wench from Normandy, who Pretended to Have a 'Snake' in Her Belly". Hard to believe he was the father of modern surgery, isn't it?

Start: Start: On top of large boulder leaning against wall 2m left of 'Mermaid Avenue' and also looks ok.

首攀: Greg Pritchard & James Falla, 1999

传统攀登 20m
7 Mermaid Avenue

An old fashioned line, or is that lane, as in bus? Good.

Start: Between Lou and 'Stone Age' there is an obvious large chimney in the middle of a sizeable wall. This line is 'Mermaid Avenue'.

首攀: Greg Pritchard & Paul Hoskins, 1999

传统攀登 25m
6 Melville's Moby Dick, Ooh Er

You know what to do.

Start: Start: 2m right of 'Poles Apart' at another line of cracks.

首攀: Greg Pritchard & Paul Hoskins, 1999

传统攀登 15m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Far North Windy Buttress
6 The Closet

Huge old-fashioned chimney.

首攀: Bill Andrews & Allan Hope, 1982

传统攀登 30m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Far North Werewolf Area
5 Silver Lining

Pad up the centre of the lovely clean slab left of Silver Bullet.

首攀: Noah, Mayank from Balwyn High School, Keith Lockwood & Paul Noah Mayank from Balwyn HS, 17 9月 2015

传统攀登 35m
8 Silver Bullet

The huge slabby corner which is essentially the approach ramp for 'Solar City' and 'Werewolf'.

首攀: John Chapman, 1976

传统攀登 40m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Mitre Rock South Mitre
7 The Nude Balloon Dance

Not as good as first thought but not bad and shady for most of the day. Usually done in one pitch.

Start below the right of two obvious weaknesses right of Acapulco Gold.

  1. 12m (7) Follow line to good ledge on right.

  2. 18m (7) Step left then up line. When gully is reached, either climb easy wall on right or traverse easily right on narrow ledge to rap anchor of Serpent.

首攀: Unknown, 2000

传统攀登 30m, 2
8 Twinkle Twinkle

Takes prominent ramp on the wall left of Guiding Light. Essentially provides an easier finish to He Certainly Is. Start in the gully uphill from The Bishop’s Crook.

  1. 18m Up nice grey wall opposite Guiding Light, with a step right 3-4m up. Belay on big ledge.

  2. 14m Short crack, then follow right-trending ramp to the base of the prominent corner.

  3. 18m Climb the shorter (and easier) corner on the right, then trend up right to top-out where Guiding Light finishes.

首攀: Keith Lockwood & Ray Lassman, 24 9月 2015

传统攀登 50m
6 Guiding Light

A quirky ramble that is very enjoyable. There was a serious accident on this climb a couple of years back, showing that a lapse of concentration can get you hurt anywhere. Start at the foot of the chimney-gully.

  1. 32m (4) Climb diagonally rightwards up the easy wall to large ledge.

  2. 13m (6) Scramble 5 metres to next ledge and take vague corner-weakness 4 metres right of arete to summit. This summit has also been reached by the wall on the opposite side of the block, from within the chimney; much harder and not recommended.

  3. 15m (6) Downclimb from summit, step across chimney then up wall to main summit.

首攀: Simon Mentz & James Falla, 1998

传统攀登 60m, 3
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Mitre Rock Deacon Area
7 The Deviant

Not a bad lead with enough gear in horizontal breaks (take cams) and interesting moves in between.

首攀: Unknown, 2000

传统攀登 10m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Mitre Rock North Mitre
6 R Cloaca

A good climb for beginners to follow as protection is limited. Start 2 metres left of V-corner of Pete Made Us Do It.

首攀: Greg Pritchard & Paul Hoskins, 1993

传统攀登 30m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 3,510 线路.

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