
Rocky Top

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Shares anchors with "Bodacious" and "After Eights".

Shared anchors.

Starts behind a tall block, ends at the top of the block. Often combined with "After Eights" as a 2nd pitch.

Starts about 1/2 way up the formation.

Continue up past anchor for "After Eights" or "Dark Chocolate".

Starts about 1/2 way up the formation.

Starts behind tall block, from slot. Dihedral to wide crack.

Long -- single rope rappel off to west.

Rap off to west.

This cliff is unlocated

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Author(s): Kimbrough Moore, Shannon Joslin, Leo Popovic

Date: 2022

ISBN: 9798218007959

Edgewalker Entertainment:
A comprehensive guide to the greater Bay Area of California, Golden State Bouldering provides readers with info on the outdoor bouldering around San Francisco, Sacramento, Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz.
  • Describes 1,600 boulder problems with hundreds of color photos, maps, GPS coordinates and hand-drawn illustrations

Author(s): Toby Evans

Date: 2021

ISBN: 9781493045464

Hiking the State's 15 Peaks Over 14,000 Feet. Developed for every skill level, the FalconGuides Climbing California's Fourteeners lays out plans and logistics for making your climb a positive experience—no matter how many summits you've reached.
  • California's 15 peaks over 14,000 ft. are becoming more popular, and this book provides essential information for taking them on
  • Each mountain is broken down based on the technical skills needed so you know what to expect
  • Details for each climb include a list of recommended equipment, how to prepare for rapidly changing weather and trail conditions, and a general timeframe needed to summit

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Thu 27 Apr
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