
Discussion: Eric's First missing?

  • Started: 8 years ago on Mon 8th Jun 2015

Public discussion This is a public discussion in Mount Nemo.

Gavin Smith started this discussion 8 years ago.

Eric's First missing?

I can't seem to find Eric's First on here.. I'd just add it, but it seems like it should already be here given how high quality it is.

Raymond Kam replied 8 years ago.

I haven't done it yet...

replied 8 years ago.

Generally, any route that is on here is there because someone "just added it". If you have (hopefully correct) information about a route that isn't in this dataset, just add it.

Gavin Smith replied 8 years ago.

Cool, in that case, I'll see if I have everything to add it. Ray: Recommended!

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