
Ascents in Falling Water Wall by Paul Frothy Thomson

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Showing all 16 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
20 Passion in Progress - with Simmo Trad 120m Blue Mountains Very Good Mon 1st Aug 2022
Ground-up FA. An obvious series of linked corner features. P3 is the money -a longer, more exposed, but chossier version of Catch the Wind- though the FA version of P4 (through the roof) is pretty wild on gear. Unfortunately, P2 was a waterfall, so I had to climb the face next to it (which was kind of dangerous) but when dry, the corner should be easier and safer.

24 Textures of Consciousness - with Simmo Trad 70m Blue Mountains Classic Tue 1st Nov 2022
Facilitating Simmo's FA of this old-skool modern-day classic.

Beautiful rock, and radical climbing, with lots of rests between tricky moves. As a giant pitch, almost entirely on gear, this is kinda intense (could maybe use an extra bolt or 2?)

Done with a Gentleman's Sit at a no-hands rest to avoid pinching the FA.

Proper cool!

27 Spit Your Pity (in My Soul) - with Simmo Trad 70m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 1st Nov 2022
6 days of effort. The rock is Cosmic-esque quality, and the climbing is amazing, but as an "experience" its more "brutal" than fun IMO.

2 very different pitches.

P1 climbs like a steeper, harder and more sustained version of Kizashi (and is mostly on bolts).

P2 is all about the gritstone-esque insecurity, and is mostly on gear.

P3 is just an exit pitch

26 Easy Gaze a Gazely Stare - with Simmo, Jared Anderson, Match Trad 55m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 14th Jan 2023
5 days of effort -though 4 of those were wasted with an utterly stupid way of climbing the crux.

Crazy crazy steep mixed climbing over the void. Sustained, and absent "ledges" or major breaks... but marred by "Duck-Wall-esque" rock quality (read: average Blueys Rock), so I'm only giving it 2 stars.

26 Hard Blank and Pitiless - with Match Trad 45m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 4th Mar 2023
First shot today, after having fallen off 44m up the 45m pitch a few weeks ago. Maybe 3 full days of effort in total?

Quite a lot harder than Gaze a Gazely Stare (the boulder is more full-on, the rests are less restful). It's also more committing, IMHO.

Still super-wild steep climbing above gear, though

26 R MoonMoon Crack - with Match
1 Second lead by Match
2 Trad lead by Paul Frothy Thomson
Trad 70m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 17th Jun 2023
Another lap to do it properly -placing all gear on lead.

I had a lot of (scared) fun with this one. Radical gr23ish start through a roof to a ledge. Then 4 hard boulder problems (with big runouts) between gear nests. Two are vertical runouts, 2 are horizontal runouts. Very gritstone-esque as it links features to forge a line.

I almost fell off the final move to the anchor, and had to power-scream to get through it.

Bloody great day out.

Would be classic (in the style) if it were more accessible, but unfortunately the approach is nightmare-fuel, and the rock is only 3.5/5 on a Blueys rock-quality rating scale.

25 Break Yourself (Against My Stones) - with Simmo Trad 75m Blue Mountains Classic Sat 1st Oct 2022
Probably hard at the grade.

Great rock, and continuous and sustained technical face climbing in an exposed location.

Proper chuffed that this goes almost entirely on gear (only 4 bolts on the FA!) as all of the hard moves are above gear. It feels pretty "out there" to execute gnarly technical trickery over cams.

26 Easy Gaze a Gazely Stare - with Simmo, Jared Anderson, Match Trad 55m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 8th Jan 2023
Clean repeat for training

20 Passion in Progress - with Simmo, Gavin
2 Second lead by Simmo

Seconding Simmo on the First Ascent of the true crack line. This pitch still needs to clean up a bit, but is quite technical and interesting.

3 Second lead by Gavin

Seconding Gav. This is the money pitch of the climb.

Trad 120m Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 10th Mar 2023
Repeat P2 and P3 to free the crack proper on P2. A good crack adventure of the sort you'd find in the Grose.

27 Litany of the Long Sun - with Simmo, Rick Webb Mixed trad 75m, 20 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 22nd Jul 2023
What a journey! Surprise send, after spending the morning on Simmo's route, and only tackling this at the end of the day with a view to sorting out the "send logistics" (with a route this long, steep, and wandery... It's fair to say that it's involved).

There's just so much here to remember, and with it being so steep, you're always on a timer to get it done. Steep, gymnastic, and sometimes quite technical. Would be megaclassic, but the rock is only about as good as Sunny Side Bell, so far from the best the Blueys has to offer. It's almost too hard to sum it up at an experience, even with the copious amounts of hyperbole I can command

2 Full days working the bottom 26/27 arete, and the effort I originally put in to climb Gaze a Gazely Stare (as well as a few repeated laps for fitness and training). On the send, I committed to constant 5m+ runouts to avoid dealing with rope drag.

26 R MoonMoon Crack - with Match
1 Second
2 Trad
Trad 70m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 17th Jun 2023
TRS Sussing lap on the bottom pitch, and the cheeky pink-point psuedo-FFA on the top pitch.

24 Passion in Preposterousness - with Simmo, Gavin Trad 12m Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 10th Mar 2023
An absurd line through the roof crack above the start of P4. Roof jams, Heel-toe above head, and some steep cranking on gear. Took me an annoying number of attempts to send.

Still needs to be done placing the gear on lead (its a mission to clean it, and we were racing a storm).

26 Easy Gaze a Gazely Stare Trad 55m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 14th May 2023
TRS lap to retrieve my trad gear from this route. Good casual pumping. I'm back up to having 3 racks of gear now! (its been a few months of sparsity with only 1 rack of gear in my posession).

26 Easy Gaze a Gazely Stare Trad 55m Blue Mountains Classic Sun 5th May 2024
2 laps on TRS for training. Trying to build some steep fitness again! Despite being bell-quality-rock, I just find this super steep pupper so much fun!

24 Textures of Consciousness - with Simmo Trad 70m Blue Mountains Classic Thu 1st Dec 2022
Clean Repeat. Seconding Simmo after the First Ascent. Still bloody great.

22 Rookies of the Future - with Match Sport 120m Blue Mountains Classic Sun 18th Dec 2022
Supporting Mitch on the First Ascent

An awesome, mid-length multi, with no boring bits, and nothing too hard. Might be one of the best multis in this grade range (I guess the competition would be routes like Saccharine Nightmare or Yak Banquet?).

P2 was my favourite


Showing all 16 ascents.

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