
Ascents in Lower Blue Mountains by Paul Frothy Thomson

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 156 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
27 Litany of the Long Sun - with Simmo, Rick Webb Mixed trad 75m, 20 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 22nd Jul 2023
What a journey! Surprise send, after spending the morning on Simmo's route, and only tackling this at the end of the day with a view to sorting out the "send logistics" (with a route this long, steep, and wandery... It's fair to say that it's involved).

There's just so much here to remember, and with it being so steep, you're always on a timer to get it done. Steep, gymnastic, and sometimes quite technical. Would be megaclassic, but the rock is only about as good as Sunny Side Bell, so far from the best the Blueys has to offer. It's almost too hard to sum it up at an experience, even with the copious amounts of hyperbole I can command

2 Full days working the bottom 26/27 arete, and the effort I originally put in to climb Gaze a Gazely Stare (as well as a few repeated laps for fitness and training). On the send, I committed to constant 5m+ runouts to avoid dealing with rope drag.

11 Annelid (Kippax) Crack Mixed trad 40m, 1 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 8th Jan 2011
08 Jan 2011. With Aaron. Absolutely layback classic.Has one manky Carrot Bolt on it, to protect the rest of the pitch you need BD #6 or Big Bros.

16 Hang Five Mixed trad 12m, 1 Blue Mountains Good Sat 8th Jan 2011
08 Jan 2011. Probably one of the better Glenbrook Gorge routes, if it weren't for the horrible Shalebank topout. Makes a great direct start to Annelid Crack.

24 Wokker's Roof - with David Dearnley
1 15 35m lead by David Dearnley
2 24 10m lead by Paul Frothy Thomson
Mixed trad 45m, 1 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 30th Jul 2022
Second shot on in-situ gear.

If you ignore the faff (read: choss and doddle) to get to the roof, and the fact that the roof itself is comically short, the climbing itself is bloody outrageous -especially given the era of its first ascent.

Rather bouldery roof moves to gain the offwidth, after which the climbing is weird (read: fully-inverted feet-first climbing), but not too hard. The rock itself was surprisingly good for Glenbrook Gorge.

20 Passion in Progress - with Simmo Trad 120m Blue Mountains Very Good Mon 1st Aug 2022
Ground-up FA. An obvious series of linked corner features. P3 is the money -a longer, more exposed, but chossier version of Catch the Wind- though the FA version of P4 (through the roof) is pretty wild on gear. Unfortunately, P2 was a waterfall, so I had to climb the face next to it (which was kind of dangerous) but when dry, the corner should be easier and safer.

20 Passion in Progress - with Simmo, Gavin
2 Second lead by Simmo

Seconding Simmo on the First Ascent of the true crack line. This pitch still needs to clean up a bit, but is quite technical and interesting.

3 Second lead by Gavin

Seconding Gav. This is the money pitch of the climb.

Trad 120m Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 10th Mar 2023
Repeat P2 and P3 to free the crack proper on P2. A good crack adventure of the sort you'd find in the Grose.

24 Passion in Preposterousness - with Simmo, Gavin Trad 12m Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 10th Mar 2023
An absurd line through the roof crack above the start of P4. Roof jams, Heel-toe above head, and some steep cranking on gear. Took me an annoying number of attempts to send.

Still needs to be done placing the gear on lead (its a mission to clean it, and we were racing a storm).

20 ~15 Just a little deeper - with Philip Barker Trad 10m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 11th Mar 2023
Short and sweet. Nice and clean for a Gorge crack. I only had 1 cam that fit the crack, so I walked it up the entire way.

16 Easy Street - with Philip Barker Trad 10m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 11th Mar 2023
Done with a Gentleman's Sit. Surprisingly awkward, despite appearances. With a bit more cleaning, this will be good fun.

17 Nepean Belle Trad 20m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 15th Sep 2013
Climbed in my approach shoes with a few borrowed cams. My plan to not bring climbing gear to enforce my break from climbing seems to have failed. Easily the best rock if the lower blue mountains is at Nortons Basin, and this crack surprised me with its quality. Nice, awkward, well protected crack to a well bolted thin headwall that was hard in beefy shoes.

10 MI Trad 10m Blue Mountains Good Fri 29th May 2015
Just a quick lap while investigating this old crag. Pretty clean easy crack climbing (especially when you consider the copious amounts of moss on everything else nearby). A bit of a laugh.

15 12 Jack Murphy's Climb - with Ben Young Trad 100m Blue Mountains Good Thu 19th Oct 2017
An after work lap solely for the purpose of marking the top of the cliff on my GPS. Ended up taking about 4-hours car-to-car (we walked back down via the main Mount Portal walking track... which took over an hour in itself), mostly due to my climbing partner coming down with Heat Exhaustion and struggling to stay lucid enough to belay me.

The climb itself is a true alpine adventure. Lots of vertical gardening, loose rock, big run-outs, doddling... But sections of great climbing and awesome rock. And regardless, you can't deny that it's a "prominent line". So, since I'm not the biggest fan of Alpine-style climbing, I'll rate it "good", and regard it as solid gr15 by todays standards.

I enjoyed the various wide/offwidth/chimney sections of this route. Suitably thrutchy for this sort of adventure.

21 The Venom - with Glen Thomson
1 18 40m
2 17 20m
3 21 30m
4 18 15m
Trad 110m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 10th Aug 2022
Surely one of the best lines in the Gorge? Even quite wet today (after all the rain) this was really rad -and quite gripping. Though untrafficked and a touch loose (it is Glenbrook Gorge, after all) the rock is generally pretty good, and the route takes the plum line up the proudest part of the raddest wall.

Onsight but for P2, which I'd actually climbed previously as part of another route.

I definitely found committing to the crux on P3 quite intense, as it's not obvious where it goes. All I'd say is: follow the gear.

22 The Antivenom - with Glen Thomson, David Dearnley Trad 110m Blue Mountains Very Good Thu 18th Aug 2022
FFA. Sweet to get this one done despite the crux running with water. Awesome to finally have a small piece of real-estate on a wall that I've been admiring for some 15 years.

Tackles the faces and roofs of Venom Wall (mostly) on gear (though with the odd bolt to keep it sane), with some gripping, old-school climbing and runouts.

A worthy companion route to The Venom, in my opinion.

25 Break Yourself (Against My Stones) - with Simmo Trad 75m Blue Mountains Classic Sat 1st Oct 2022
Probably hard at the grade.

Great rock, and continuous and sustained technical face climbing in an exposed location.

Proper chuffed that this goes almost entirely on gear (only 4 bolts on the FA!) as all of the hard moves are above gear. It feels pretty "out there" to execute gnarly technical trickery over cams.

27 Spit Your Pity (in My Soul) - with Simmo Trad 70m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 1st Nov 2022
6 days of effort. The rock is Cosmic-esque quality, and the climbing is amazing, but as an "experience" its more "brutal" than fun IMO.

2 very different pitches.

P1 climbs like a steeper, harder and more sustained version of Kizashi (and is mostly on bolts).

P2 is all about the gritstone-esque insecurity, and is mostly on gear.

P3 is just an exit pitch

24 Textures of Consciousness - with Simmo Trad 70m Blue Mountains Classic Tue 1st Nov 2022
Facilitating Simmo's FA of this old-skool modern-day classic.

Beautiful rock, and radical climbing, with lots of rests between tricky moves. As a giant pitch, almost entirely on gear, this is kinda intense (could maybe use an extra bolt or 2?)

Done with a Gentleman's Sit at a no-hands rest to avoid pinching the FA.

Proper cool!

24 Textures of Consciousness - with Simmo Trad 70m Blue Mountains Classic Thu 1st Dec 2022
Clean Repeat. Seconding Simmo after the First Ascent. Still bloody great.

26 Easy Gaze a Gazely Stare - with Simmo, Jared Anderson, Match Trad 55m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 14th Jan 2023
5 days of effort -though 4 of those were wasted with an utterly stupid way of climbing the crux.

Crazy crazy steep mixed climbing over the void. Sustained, and absent "ledges" or major breaks... but marred by "Duck-Wall-esque" rock quality (read: average Blueys Rock), so I'm only giving it 2 stars.

26 Easy Gaze a Gazely Stare - with Simmo, Jared Anderson, Match Trad 55m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 8th Jan 2023
Clean repeat for training

26 Hard Blank and Pitiless - with Match Trad 45m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 4th Mar 2023
First shot today, after having fallen off 44m up the 45m pitch a few weeks ago. Maybe 3 full days of effort in total?

Quite a lot harder than Gaze a Gazely Stare (the boulder is more full-on, the rests are less restful). It's also more committing, IMHO.

Still super-wild steep climbing above gear, though

24 DMZ - with Philip Barker Trad 15m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 11th Mar 2023
Cruisy, classic Gorge wandery face climbing, to an absurd finish campusing a frictionless sloper rail below a roof, and a gymastic finale into a major cave system.

Still needs some more cleaning, and some anchors. I had to do some very scary backjumping/downclimbing to clean it.

26 Easy Gaze a Gazely Stare Trad 55m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 14th May 2023
TRS lap to retrieve my trad gear from this route. Good casual pumping. I'm back up to having 3 racks of gear now! (its been a few months of sparsity with only 1 rack of gear in my posession).

26 R MoonMoon Crack - with Match
1 Second
2 Trad
Trad 70m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 17th Jun 2023
TRS Sussing lap on the bottom pitch, and the cheeky pink-point psuedo-FFA on the top pitch.

26 R MoonMoon Crack - with Match
1 Second lead by Match
2 Trad lead by Paul Frothy Thomson
Trad 70m Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 17th Jun 2023
Another lap to do it properly -placing all gear on lead.

I had a lot of (scared) fun with this one. Radical gr23ish start through a roof to a ledge. Then 4 hard boulder problems (with big runouts) between gear nests. Two are vertical runouts, 2 are horizontal runouts. Very gritstone-esque as it links features to forge a line.

I almost fell off the final move to the anchor, and had to power-scream to get through it.

Bloody great day out.

Would be classic (in the style) if it were more accessible, but unfortunately the approach is nightmare-fuel, and the rock is only 3.5/5 on a Blueys rock-quality rating scale.

24 Width Pleasure — 4 attempts - with Greg Ducky, Philip Barker Trad 7m Blue Mountains Classic Mon 31st Jul 2023
After work in-a-day send by headlamp!

Great rock for the lower mountains, and wiiiiild moves climbing inverted feet in the offwidth. I found the moves to turn the lip and mantle out pretty bouldery at the grade, but maybe I had a silly sequence? Would love to hear beta on it.

I can only think of 3 other offwidths in the greater Blueys that compares in the grade range/style, and this is probably the best.

For some reason I didn't read the description, and only brought 2 x 5's, which was not ideal. I'll be back with the right gear for the red point, cause this puppy is totally worth it!

26 Easy Gaze a Gazely Stare Trad 55m Blue Mountains Classic Sun 5th May 2024
2 laps on TRS for training. Trying to build some steep fitness again! Despite being bell-quality-rock, I just find this super steep pupper so much fun!

21 Peacewalker - with Glen Thomson Sport 16m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 17th Feb 2024
FA. A super cool hard start up steep jugs, and a tricky face on great rock... then easier, but less inspiring climbing to the top.

22 Sahelanthropus - with Greg Ducky, Philip Barker Sport 14m, 6 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 11th Feb 2024
FA. A "Lowers Mountains Classic" (with all the caveats that statement encompasses).

A climb of many components, but the technical finale is definitely a show stopper. No boring bits, that's for sure.

21 Gimme Your Fingernails - with Philip Barker Sport 13m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 4th Feb 2024
Short'n'sweet. Went direct through the small roof at the start to gain the line of the bolts (rather than heading out right, and traversing in via the corner).

When climbed this way, it's quite sustained the whole way, with lots of interesting thin moves.

23 Shagohod Sport 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 13th Apr 2024
I really enjoyed this, but its probably not for everyone. Went really easily today, so its probably not as hard as I thought it was. A really funky, fun, steep finale with some very weird moves

22 Sahelanthropus - with Philip Barker Sport 14m, 6 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 4th May 2024
Repeat. Absolutely cruised this. No way it was ever 23 (not sure what I was thinking?) Awesome technical climbing on weirdly good rock the whole way.

23 Shagohod - with Philip Barker Sport 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 4th May 2024
Repeat. Rather stop-start, but the upper moves are my favourite of the crag.

23 Shagohod - with Philip Barker, Greg Ducky Sport 15m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 2nd Jun 2024
Another lap. Love the upper half steepness.

21 ~21 Outer Haven - with Glen Thomson Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains Good Sat 17th Feb 2024
FA. Some great climbing at the start and once you start turning the cave roof, but the escapability into the choss cave, and the rock surrounding it knocks a start off. Might be hard at the grade? Though the grade is contingent on following the line of the bolts on the good rock, and not straying off into the choss.

21 ~21 Outer Haven Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains Good Sat 13th Apr 2024
Repeat. As I said before, if you stay out of the cave, this is actually quite fun, and the crux is enjoyable.

21 ~21 Outer Haven - with Philip Barker Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains Good Sat 4th May 2024
2 Laps. After a long morning working one of my upper mountains projects, this one felt hard today. Fun enough for what it is.

21 ~21 Outer Haven - with Greg Ducky, Philip Barker Sport 15m, 5 Blue Mountains Good Sun 2nd Jun 2024
Clean repeat. Lapping!

19 93 Memorable Years Sport 10m, 4 Blue Mountains Average Wed 22nd Sep 2010
22 Sep 2010.

18 Potato Thrower Sport 12m, 4 Blue Mountains Average Wed 22nd Sep 2010
22 Sep 2010.

19 93 Memorable Years Sport 10m, 4 Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 13th Dec 2013
Repeat. A recon lap to see if I wanted to solo it. Probably the most sustained climb on this wall, and better than I remembered it. The "crux" section with the broken crimp climbs better technically using a double under-cling sequence. Best climb I did all day.

10 Snake Cave Access Route Sport 10m, 4 Blue Mountains Don't Bother Sat 17th Feb 2024
Ugh. Sand.

19 Col Wills Aussie Tour Sport 9m, 3 Blue Mountains Good Wed 22nd Sep 2010
22 Sep 2010.

17 Fosters Buckets Sport 12m, 3 Blue Mountains Average Wed 22nd Sep 2010
22 Sep 2010.

19 Col Wills Aussie Tour Sport 9m, 3 Blue Mountains Good Fri 13th Dec 2013
2 laps. Repeat. Pleasant climbing and interesting, long-ish crux. One of the 2 best on this wall.

18 Totally Testicular Sport 8m, 3 Blue Mountains Good Fri 13th Dec 2013
2 Laps. Nice (but short) climbing, but hideously dirty. An interesting crux move. This is the sort of climb that never actually cleans up, so just endure the dirt or stay off this climb.

14 Yoda Sport 8m, 3 Blue Mountains Good Fri 13th Dec 2013
In the dark with my approach shoes. Not a bad little doddle. A pleasant beginners climb.

15 Queen or Country Sport 8m, 2 Blue Mountains Average Fri 16th Oct 2009
16 Oct 2009.

21 Spiderfest Sport 8m, 2 Blue Mountains Average Wed 22nd Sep 2010
22 Sep 2010.

15 Queen or Country Sport 8m, 2 Blue Mountains Average Fri 13th Dec 2013
Repeat. Okay easy-climbing. Some nice stemming.

21 Spiderfest Sport 8m, 2 Blue Mountains Average Fri 13th Dec 2013
Repeat. A one-sequence wonder. Felt about right at the grade, but only due to a single hold. Okay climbing.

21 B 1 Sport 10m Blue Mountains Average Wed 22nd Sep 2010
22nd September 2010.

13 B 3 Sport 10m Blue Mountains Average Fri 15th Aug 2014
5 or 6 years ago, I think. 2 jugs on steepness then a mantle to the anchors. That's about it, from memory.

22 Rookies of the Future - with Match Sport 120m Blue Mountains Classic Sun 18th Dec 2022
Supporting Mitch on the First Ascent

An awesome, mid-length multi, with no boring bits, and nothing too hard. Might be one of the best multis in this grade range (I guess the competition would be routes like Saccharine Nightmare or Yak Banquet?).

P2 was my favourite

18 Hard Korok Climb - with Philip Barker, Greg Ducky Sport 15m Blue Mountains Good Sun 4th Feb 2024
First Ascent. Climbed ground-up before it was cleaned/brushed, and it felt like gr21... But after a good session to clean it, it's settled at 18.

An interesting short slab, on mostly good rock, marred only by its escapability.

V2 Go Go Gadget Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 24th Jun 2012
Fun, with lots of foot movement, and 2 big sequential moves to holds seemingly a long way away.

V0 Can you campus. (P14 campus.) Boulder 1m Blue Mountains Average Sun 24th Jun 2012
A bit of easy railing. I also did the P15 finish up to the higher pocket above.

V2 Teflon Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Sun 24th Jun 2012
Pretty cool. Hard last move to match on the high sloper. I had to really order my hands to hold on. Chalk is essential.

V1 Gastroplasty (P25 right side small arête.) Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Good Sun 24th Jun 2012
Fun, easy slabbing with a bit of a highball feel, and surprisingly good rock.

V1 Angry Ant Attack Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Sun 24th Jun 2012
One hold in 4 metres of rock. Grab hold, smear up to it, hand-foot match and balancey stand up. Watch out for the ant colony living behind the only hold!

Not really the first ascent (probably been done before), but the first since JengA's resurrection of The Surgery.

V1 Black Trash Traverse Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Sun 24th Jun 2012
Easy, fun, slapping along a vaguely ascending arete.

V1 Australia Day Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Average Tue 31st Jul 2012
Not too bad. Getting off via the undercling-press was a bit scary. I actually broke one of the big holds off trying to link the start of this into the crimps on the climb next to it (with both hands and one foot on the same hold), so it's a little bit harder now... Still the same grade though.

V1 Pop and Lock Boulder 5m Blue Mountains Good Tue 31st Jul 2012
Not too hard (maybe only a V0) but bloody terrifying. An extra grade for psychological difficulty? Smear on rubbish rock, throw yourself at the desperate mantle until you're standing on top of it. Then momentum to carry you through another smear and slopey mantle... All pretty highball. Fun, in a perverted sort of way.

V1 Fix Up Look Sharp. Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Good Tue 31st Jul 2012
Harder than it looks. I did both the one move power problem, and the sequence to the right of it (which uses more hand and footholds). Would be hard if short.

V2 Candy Cane Arete Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 31st Jul 2012
Fun and scary. Probably soft, but I think I had about 5 goes at the top-out move before I could convince myself to actually do it. Some nice overhanging sidepulls and heel-hooks on the arete, then a terrifying (though technically easy) top-out. I'll buy a beer for the first person to do it clean without the belly-flop topout. The rock is stronger than it looks.

V3 A Wash With Blood Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Tue 31st Jul 2012
Hard start. Seems pretty cool, but the bad rock makes footers difficult. Quite a few moves for a short problem. I donated some blood to this climb to keep it true to the name.

V1 Botox Boulder 2m Blue Mountains Average Tue 5th Mar 2013
An embarassing number of attempts before I got this. Okay bouldering, nothing great. Probably not harder than a V1, though it certainly felt it in today's unparalleled spooginess.

V3 Roof Pocket Boulder 5m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Couldn't quite link it all, though more due to fear of the last move in todays conditions than anything else. Quite a few good (and weird) moves. Enjoyable!

V2 Necrosis Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Hard. Couldn't hold the final sloper to make the move to the victory jug... But even getting there felt nails. Not bad, but a bit painful.

V2 Go Go Gadget Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Repeat. Good moves, made more challenging by crazy spooginess. Enjoyable.

V2 Teflon Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Repeat. No tickage today, couldn't campus the final move due to conditions. Very good climbing.

V4 Photocoagulator Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Really good. Couldn't link it but did every move. Spent most of my time destroying my knees to come up with a wicked knee-bar sequence that makes the crux move much easier. Looking forward to getting back on this, I think it will go.

V1 Gastroplasty Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Repeat. A bit scary but good fun. Trust in the small, sandy feet are the key.

V1 Anaphalaxis and the Angry Ant Attack Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Repeat. 2 laps today to teach OTHERS the STYLISH way of climbing this one. My pet ants seem to be missing, and their nest that reinforces the crux hold seems to have been dug out (and consequently the hold is more crumbly). If I find out someone bug-sprayed the ants nest I'm going to be PISSED.

V1 Black Trash Traverse Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Repeat. Pretty easy. Fun. Trust the feet.

V1 Excision Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Juggier than the other arete, but the holds are more crumbly. Despite bigger holds and footers, I found this one more scary. Still fun, though.

V3 The Hyperhidrosis Problem Boulder 6m Blue Mountains Good Tue 5th Mar 2013
Attempting to free this line. Thin, balancy, a bit grimy... Have climbed to within 1m of the topout mantle, but haven't managed to commit to the final moves (trust in "invisible footers" with no hand holds is necessary).

V1 Botox Boulder 2m Blue Mountains Average Thu 14th Mar 2013
Repeat. Two laps today. Went easily this time.

V2 Go Go Gadget Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Thu 14th Mar 2013
Repeat. Took a few shots before I would commit to the last move (water was running over the best holds), but finally I found where I'd misplaced my balls. Fun bouldering.

V2 Teflon Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Thu 14th Mar 2013
Repeat. Glad to get this one today with the hideous conditions. The last two moves are what make the climb. Hold that damn slippery sloper!

V2 Necrosis Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Good Thu 14th Mar 2013
Still can't stick that last move. Conditions didn't help, but regardless I find that move nails for a V2. Maybe next time?

V4 Photocoagulator Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Thu 14th Mar 2013
Nooooo... Fell off trying to match on the last hold. Felt really good today, just couldn't quite put it all together. Next time, dammit! Funky, technical climbing.

V2 Go Go Gadget Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 24th Sep 2014
Repeat. Two laps to warm up. Great problem for Blue Mountains bouldering. Highball-ish, big moves on big holds.

V2 Necrosis Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Good Wed 24th Sep 2014
Finally. Still took like 4 shots, getting the footers just right. The "horn" at the top has broken off, so finish under the blank headwall.

V4 Photocoagulator Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Classic Wed 24th Sep 2014
Another old dog cleaned up. Took 4 more proper shots today to send it. My favourite problem at The Surgery, but that might just be cause it can be made less strenuous with some artistically tricky beta. Great moves.

V2 Rocky-Davis Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 24th Sep 2014
First go today. I'd been on it a few years ago, but backed off from the committing (though easy) final move. Today it just felt great. A few big moves on great rock, with a committing finish.

V3 Roof Pocket Boulder 5m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 24th Sep 2014
2nd shot today. Not quite as classy as the direct (V2) version, but the roof section is fun. Cool, roof thugging, with rad moves to get onto the "ledge". Ugly moves along the ledge lead to the same awesome Rocky-Davis finale.

V3 The Hyperhidrosis Problem Boulder 6m Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 30th Sep 2014
Rope solo'd it a few times to make sure the ironstone shield wouldn't snap off, and figure out the crux. Awesome, super-thin pure slab climbing with smearing 2 non-existent footers on microcrimps providing the crux. All the hard moves are in the top half. Might only be V2.

V2 Go Go Gadget Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 1st Oct 2014
Repeat. Best conditions I've ever had at The Surgery today.

V2 Oxycel Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Wed 1st Oct 2014
Okay for a warm-up. Probably slightly harder than Go Go Gadget, but not as committing and without the novelty value.

V3 Nephrectomy Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 1st Oct 2014
Took me lots of shots for the tick. Hard, probably V4. I didn't find the slope-match-cut-loose sequence too hard, but getting to the final hold (without smashing myself on the undercut edge) took me more effort than anything else all day. My final sequence is like 9 moves from the matched sloper jug to the match on the final jug, but I totally deserve style points. Stoked to finally tick it.

V4 Jack-knife Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 1st Oct 2014
Awesome. Quite a few shots to the tick as well. For me the key to unlock the crux was a skatey right-hand finger-lock/fist-jam combo (which bore almost all my weight), a monstrous high heel-hook, and a creative drop-knee/knee-bar (thanks Youngie!). Could be burlier than hell, but I went for stylish (and had a few liters of blood to spare on the jam).

V3 The Nurse Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 1st Oct 2014
First-shot today. Bizarrely, Ninja's beta worked perfectly for me, despite being a foot shorter than me? A burly little problem, a scary key heel-placement.

V5 Doctor Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 1st Oct 2014
2nd shot (after sending Nurse). Might only be V4? A few more hand and feet moves, and a tricky compression move into the hardest part of Nurse make this one tricky. The cheer-squad might have helped my psyche.

V2 Oxycel Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Good Wed 3rd May 2017
Repeat. A good warmup. The first few moves seem harder than I remember?

V1 Botox Boulder 2m Blue Mountains Average Wed 3rd May 2017
Repeat. A 3 move boulder problem, but at least they are interesting moves.

V2 Rocky-Davis Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 3rd May 2017
Repeat. One of the crag classics... Only outshone by the longer "Roof pocket" version. Felt super solid today.

V2 Teflon Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Classic Wed 3rd May 2017
Repeat. Another of the crag classics. Perfect rock and rad moves. Love the sloper match. Took a few goes to stick the cut-loose today.

V4 Photocoagulator Boulder 4m Blue Mountains Mega Classic Wed 3rd May 2017
Repeat. My favourite route of the cliff. Can be done technically (smartly) or strenuously, and both are rad. Easily today.

V3 The Nurse Boulder 3m Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 3rd May 2017
Repeat. The rock at the start is a bit "meh" but all the moves are rad. Went easily despite being pitch black.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 156 ascents.

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