
Routes as sport in New South Wales and ACT

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Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
21 Welcome to Moss Vegas

Tiny crimps. Short and sweet.

Short and balancy. will be Ok once the moss wears off a bit! Hard 21.

FA: Matt Tranter, 2010

Sport 8m, 4 Mount Alexandra
20 Coefficient of Drag

An exciting excursion and esiest line through the big roof. Start as for Myopia and follow the line of bolts right and up the headwall.

FA: John Lattanzio, 2010

Sport 20m, 12 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
19 Infans Panthera

The first slabby half of 'Panthera' finishing below the chossy cave. Quality marbled rock all the way but without traffic it gets sand from above on the holds.

Sport 20m, 8 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
21 Panthera

The Mosquito Slap of New Nowra - an epic wall with some sections of choss, but very well bolted. First 3 bolts of Tiger Tales then traverse left and up marbled wall on excellent rock to first set of anchors. Continue up steep and exposed right side of chossy cave to final pumpy juggy finish as for Tiger Tales. Watch rope length on lower-off!

Sport 30m, 16 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
18 Hold On

Start: 2m right in gully finishing on New Nowra is Old News anchors.

FA: Rickster, Bundy, Big G & Trad dad, 2010

Sport 15m Nowra
17 New Nowra is Old News

On left hand arete of turtle wall, laybacking the crack to start and some nice climbing with an exciting finish.

FA: Jason Lammers, Rick Phillips, Big G & Jasper (Rick's Dog), 2010

Sport 15m Nowra
26 Omega Free

Tough line finishing on the lip of the first cave. Up past 3 bolts then move out left and then straight out roof.

FA: Jason Piper

Sport 14m Bouddi National Park
22 Cast Off

Start up Omega Free and traverse through Ados route and fishermans basket to anchors of Tartar.

Sport 10m Bouddi National Park
21 Fill My Pockets

Start as for Cenotaph Corner Down Under, swing out right on large jug, clip the first bolt with the hanger then straight up using the pockets someone just put there for this climb, passing two carrots to the top.

FA: Rick Carey & Mark Tonkin, 2006

Sport 10m, 3 South Coast
20 Caught on Film

Start on left side of wall and head up rightward past 4 bolts to anchors

FFA: Steve Hawkshaw

Sport 13m, 5 Coffs Harbour
23 The knights of Ni

Right end of main wall, up next to crack with chockstones, trending slightly left when it gets steep at 4 th bolt. Through short roof onto head wall to DBB. Can be done direct at harder grade.

Sport 20m Popran
17 Ethel the aardvark

The left side of the arete to LGS. Climbs quite differently, then share final 2 bolts to anchor of MOL

Sport 15m Popran
20 Double Trouble

John Wildes route starting from ledge into offwidth and then up overhanging arete

Sport 22m Bulahdelah
17 Terrapin Tricks

Just right of New Nowra is Old News. Straight up.

FA: Rod Young, 2010

Sport 15m, 5 Nowra
15 Hare Of The Tortoise

Runs through left edge of cavelet. Straight up to ring lower-offs.

FA: Rod Young, 2010

Sport 15m Nowra
23 Python arete

Start from ledge to left of La Sancta Wall. Up corner then traverse left to arete and delicately up, traverse left to anchors.

Sport 15m Wingello
19 Arc Therapy P2

Go up from belay on P1. Turn roof with the aid of the left crack.

FA: Kevin Van Tilberg, 2008

Sport 17m, 2 Wingello
22 Chubba The Hutt

Start as for CoF for 3 Bolts then head up right through step wall

FFA: Artie Schultz

Sport 15m, 5 Coffs Harbour
22 Pixelated

Climb TT for 2 bolts then steep left onto Orange section. Head up past three more bolts to anchors.

FFA: Steve Hawkshaw

Sport 15m, 5 Coffs Harbour
28 Project

2m right of MP Bouldery start.

Set: Simon Vaughan

SportProject 17m Wingello
The Ape Factor - PROJECT

Blinded by the White direct finish with a really long span from good pocket to sidecling. Not yet bolted but worked on top-rope. Will be in the high 20s.

Sport 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
24 When the Wind Blows

Amazing limestone like pockets makes for some very cool climbing. Start left of hanging garden. Juggy steep start rightwards to sequency magic pockets. After these crank bulge then final pumpy headwall on large pockets and crimps. Amazing all the way.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2010

Sport 30m, 12 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
25 Pocket Rocket

Very unique for sandstone and quite sustained. Lots of great holds - the top half is French limestone like solution pockets, all facing downwards! Bouldery start over the undercut, then up the orange rock on flaky pockets to horizontal. Left and up into the perfect pockets with some incredible undercling moves to gain the steep juggy orange jugs to finish out right. Suffers from heavy seepage on one hold near the top of the route.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2009

Sport 20m, 9 New Nowra - Braidwood Road

Not yet bolted, but looks about 28ish.

Sport 20m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
24 Steal Some Steel

Hard campus start mounting undercut, then thin moves to bigger pockets. Head right up tasty orange slots to arete. For the full tick climb past the anchors using sneaky knee-bar to higher hold on arete (anchor should have been here). Backjump to anchor.

Start: Starts 2m right of 'Pocket Rocket'

FA: Neil Monteith, 2010

Sport 15m, 6 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
23 Water Holes

Immaculate rock and a slick slopey crux. Stem up tree for a metre to gain rock then take left line of bolts up very nice pocketed grey wall to blankness and big bolt. Sneak left to find hidden pocket, fiffle with some sketchy feet then back right to big sloper pocket. Long move then finish up orange bulge. If you lower-off the big bolt at the half-way point its a classic grade 16.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2010

Sport 23m, 9 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 Delicious

Great face climbing on crimps and pockets. Middle line of bolts on this wall, starting as for Lost for Profit. Lower off single large u-bolt when the rock turns blank.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2010

Sport 15m, 6 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
19 Lost for Profit

Black pockets to gain slab - then right line of bolts to hit left end of roof crack. Jam up corner crack and finish with powerful sloper mantle finale on gorgeous orange rock.

Start: Starts 10m right of 'Pocket Rocket' right of the big tree.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2009

Sport 18m, 8 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
27 Funky Gripsta

Batman Start 4m left of Evil E. A Pumper! Awesome!

FA: Carlie LeBreton, 2008

Sport 20m, 9 Nowra
16 Grounds for Divorce

A brief bulge and then it is slab city. Remember, friends don't let friends do slabs!

FA: Matt Tranter, 2010

Sport 9m, 4 Mount Alexandra
22 SunnySide Up

5m right of 'Sun Dew' and right of major corner. Boulder over the undercut, up the jugs then traverse right across steep face to punchy finish. 'Fantastic' rock.

FA: Jason Lammers, 2010

Sport 13m, 5 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
18 Gakwers

Start: Behind the big boulder. Scramble up a few metres then up the nice twin cracks to a big ledge. Up the wall above (3 manky BRs) to a big chossy cave. Up the inside of the cave and over the top. Tree belay. FAR: Tony Burns, Andrew Barker 17/02/2007

Sport 28m, 3 Freshwater Beach
20 Corner from Heaven

Start up the obvious easiest line as for Corner From Hell then wandering right at one third height and balance up the headwall, joining Chicken.

FA: Simon Vaughan, 2010

Sport 20m, 7 Mount Alexandra
24 Unknown
Sport 15m Blue Mountains
28 Father Figure

The right hand route. Sweet moves to good rest then bouldery crux... awesome

FA: Graham Fairbairn

Sport 18m, 8 Nowra
26 Something Jumpy

Start from the left side of the wall. Move right on good holds to big dyno then tough moves to the top...stay out of the cave!!

Sport 15m, 6 Nowra
23 Wot u Got Gets Me Hot

Start at the only breach of the roof 5m left of Supernova. Fun and pumpy climbing with a punchy start. Climb the roof then follow the direct line to the top.

FA: John Lattanzio, 2010

Sport 20m, 12 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 A Bang and a Wimpy

Technical slab climbing. Start 10m left of Boogie Nights. Route has two holes in the bulge up high. Climb slab to tricky mid section then bulge above.

FA: John Lattanzio, 2010

Sport 15m, 9 New Nowra - Braidwood Road
21 Path to Paradise

Great climbing with shade in the morning and sun in the afternoon. Lots of bolts and plenty of stylish moves. Hard for the grade!

FA: D Taylor, 2008

Sport 15m, 10 Blue Mountains
23 Bubble Guts

Steep problem tending right then up. Mostly 19-21 moves with a single 23 sequence near the beginning. Very stylish climbing.

FA: D Taylor, 2008

Sport 15m, 8 Blue Mountains
21 Alpha Male

On the left side of the crag coming down the stairs, third route along. Nice rock in the sun all day, and out of the wind! Good bit of winter rock!

FA: Tom Hepner, 2010

Sport 10m, 6 Blue Mountains
16 Freda Mind

Right of the hand crack, feel free to use it

FA: V Wills, 2010

Sport 10m, 4 Du Faur walls
18 Du It

Fingery start to same anchors as FM

FA: V Wills, 2000

Sport 10m, 5 Du Faur walls
18 Faur Out

Up past side pulls and long move to jug. More easily up orange rock

FA: V Wills, 2000

Sport 10m, 5 Du Faur walls
24 upper tier, crack over carrots

clip the anchors of route on carrots and keep going up the steep wall on RBs

Sport 20m, 6 Bulahdelah
20 Aunt Emmeline

1m right of offwidth and up to share anchors. Unfortunately the easiest way to the anchors is via the offwidth after the last bolt.

FA: V Wills, 2010

Sport 10m, 4 Du Faur walls
22 Oh Muriel

Start 4m right of offwidth. Up to pocket then nice moves to break and slopers and hidden holds to top out. Anchors up slab. Take two 4m slings to top rope or rap off

FA: V Wills, 2010

Sport 14m, 4 Du Faur walls
19 Caconofix

Up crack to ledge, pull up onto wall, over edge to juggy slab. Struggle boltplates onto oversized bolts and veer left to TBB.

FA: G Short & W Williams

Sport 50m Blue Mountains
23 Flowton

Start at the sheoak stump onto large boulder on ledge and top out to rap anchor

FA: V Wills, 2010

Sport 12m, 4 Du Faur walls
23 Pibrac

To the left of the high cave. Up to ledge then slopers to top out to shared rap anchor

FA: V Wills, 2010

Sport 12m, 4 Du Faur walls
21 Eccleston

Thin holds to slopy mantle, finish just above horizontal ledge

FA: V Wills, 2010

Sport 8m, 3 Du Faur walls
22 Dan Would Be Proud

Short, sharp, bouldery arête on the Guns, Germs and Steel block at the mouth of the dark chasm. Has two bolts and a single bolt lower-off that looks a little rusty as of 2021...

Original description: Around left from Bindun in a small dark chasm.

FA: Neil Monteith, 2007

Sport 8m, 2 South Coast
19 Planetarium

Up the arete At arete on the right hand side of the compact wall Thug to block, pull through on finger jugs to balancy finish

FA: Simon Vaughan

Sport 8m, 3 Mount Alexandra
18 Top Shelf Goodies

Use the crack to gain the first bolt. Make a long reach left to great pockets and finish on jugs to the top. Over too soon. Start just left of the crack.

FA: Matt Tranter, 2010

Sport 8m, 4 Mount Alexandra
19 Upper Class

Hard pulls through the scoop. Great jugs to the top. Start below the left hand arete of the sundeck ledge.

FA: Matt Tranter, 2010

Sport 8m, 3 Mount Alexandra
23 Puke Skywalker

Great climbing with a low down crux and good rock. May the force be with you.

Start: When you walk out of the bottom of the access slot this is the first route on the main wall.

FA: G Hill, 2007

Sport 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
23 Trilobutt

Great climb, though you will need to read the rock to get through sections without having to bust your arse cranking some hard stuff.

Start: Under easy blocky arrangement that access the left side of the ledge that runs across the middle of the cliff.

FA: G Hill

Sport 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 Bum-eyed Bumosaurus

This route shares the start off the ledge with two others and follows the left line of bolts.

Start: Shares same start as 'Trilobutt' to the ledge.

FA: G Hill, 2008

Sport 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 Bionic Barf Bunnies

Top break to break climbing. Not completely bolted by the Aliens who were scared off before they could glue the bolts into the rock. Now sports more rings than a poofters camp.

Start: As for the Bum-eyed Bumosaur though this route is the direct line.

FA: G Hill, 2007

Sport 22m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 The Sperminator

Great climbing up a really nice orange streak of hard rock.

Start: Third route in the off the ledge trilogy. This is the right hand one.

FA: G Hill

Sport 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
21 Trap Buddies

Great climbing break to break. Which translates to OK if you have the reach but can be a little technical if you bum drags close to the ground.

Start: At the right hand side of the ledge are various lines of bolts that you can follow to get to the ledge. Choose one that will limit the rope drag as this climb goes up the left side of the crack.

FA: G Hill

Sport 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
21 The Back Slapping Crack Wax

This route goes up right of the crack for pure fun!!?

Start: At one of the lines of bolts that will get you to the ledge.

FA: G Hill

Sport 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
21 Muscle Thruster

This route was established by the Alien Visitation Crew who stuck bolts in over the top and screwed it up for a lower off. They also had British steel balls and ran it out between bolts so i fixed all that rubbish.

Start: In the corner at the right hand side of the ledge. Same place as the previous two routes.

FA: G Hill

Sport 15m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
20 Ball Burner

Another route established by the AVC with no top anchors except the ones way over the top past the crud. Great bit of rock when you get onto it. Top anchors added later for your convienience.

Start: On slab to the right of 'Muscle Thruster'.

FA: G Hill

Sport 18m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
23 Rats Project

Bolted by the RAT in his come back days but proved a bit too stiff. Start at the crack as for 'Plasto Bambola'. Go right? Graded 25 on the ACA guide. Who knows if it's even been done?

Sport 23m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
22 45 degrees of seperation

Steep climbing, out the 45deg wall, short but pumpy.

FA: Jason Piper, 2008

Sport 6m Koolewong
20 Inside left cave arete
Sport 6m Koolewong
22 Pete The Pilling Pelican

Starting 2m from the left arete, out through the steep cave.

FA: Tim Haasnoot, 2008

Sport 7m Koolewong
25 Bloodstone Dyno

Good holds up face to a giant leap through the cave to top out.

FA: Jason Piper, 2007

Sport 8m, 3 Koolewong
Traverse (project)
Sport 10m Koolewong
25 Bad Reception

Right hand end of main cave. Up left of the arete on the slopey holds to lower off.

FA: Tim Haasnoot, 2008

Sport 8m, 5 Koolewong
18 Train spotting

FA: V Wills

Sport 9m Koolewong
21 R side 3rd cave
Sport 10m Koolewong
17 Outside 3rd cave
Sport 10m, 5 Koolewong
19 Red label

Left most climb on the first cave you get to walking up the track. Lower of under small rooflet.

FA: Jason Piper

Sport 9m Koolewong
22 Gold label

Start in back of cave, out lip and up on crimpers to lower off under rooflet.

FA: Jason Piper

Sport 9m Koolewong
24 Green label

Tough dyno start to a hard move to pull lip and head up crimpers to lower off.

FA: Tim Haasnoot, 2009

Sport 9m, 5 Koolewong
17 Left Hand Slab

Hex bolts to lower off outside cave.

FA: Anthony Alexander

Sport 13m, 5 Bouddi National Park
22 Scallops

Up the nice orange/red rock moving leftward at the 3rd bolt. Then cast off left from good block to slopey crimpers and reachy moves, to get across to 4th bolt. Trend up and left to get stood up via little footers. Great technical climbing, that is well protected.

FA: Paul Rivere

Sport 10m, 5 Bouddi National Park
21 Spider PIG

First line of bolts inside the cave. Climb to the ledge then lean back to the small roof and follow right to anchors. Alt start also known as Spider Pig

FA: Dave Lofthouse

Set: Dave Lofthouse

Sport 10m, 5 Bouddi National Park
23 Beautiful Box

Follows the seam near the start of the cave on slopey goodness to ledge then traverse roof to Lofty's (spider pig's) anchors.

FA: anthony alexander

Sport 10m Bouddi National Park
23 Fishermans basket

Up slopes to undercling, then hard move to gain upper section of cave. Move left on slopey ledge to exciting sitting finish.Starts just after the first pinch gap on the low bolt. Back jump to clean.

Sport 16m, 7 Bouddi National Park
22 Tartar

Climb the first four bolts on fishermans basket through short roof then right to anchors.

Sport 8m, 4 Bouddi National Park
24 Tartare


Sport 8m Bouddi National Park
19 Pinchy the Lobster

Easily up wall to tough move below roof.

FA: Lauren Johnson

Sport 6m, 4 Bouddi National Park
19 Second Cave Carrots

Follow (6) carrots through slopey goodness

Sport 7m, 6 Bouddi National Park
22 Pockets of Blood

Slopey underclinging. Same start as 'Lobster' for the first 2 bolts then trend left onto 3 bolts to finish at 'Second Cave Carrots' anchors.

FA: Anthony Alexander

Sport 8m Bouddi National Park
21 Lobster

Original line bolted ground up, easier line moving slightly right to lower off under roof.

FA: Anthony Alexander, 2007

Sport 8m, 6 Bouddi National Park
23 Roast Lobster

Up 'Lobster', Diagonally right then through roof flake to lower off.

FA: Jason Piper

Sport 12m Bouddi National Park
30 The Red Headed Dragon

An epic line that follows The Red into Roast Lobster Mornay all the way to the top of the cave.

FA: Jason Piper, 2012

Sport 20m Bouddi National Park
17 Buckets of Lard

First climb outside of the cave on the right side. Long way to the first bolt, probably best to stick-clip


Sport 14m, 2 Bouddi National Park
21 Dave's Climb

Second climb out from the cave on the right side. 3 bolts to double rings at the top


Sport 10m, 3 Bouddi National Park
21 Honey I'm Wet

At low flake. Move from low flake to slightly wet dominant pocket (I've heard people describe their wives this way!). Easily down climbed to clean. 3 BRs.

FA: Richard Jeffrey, 1996

Sport 6m Woy Woy
16 NS

On left side of arete. Stem up the dihedral to start then follow arete to top. 4 BRs to DRB lower off.

Sport 15m, 3 Woy Woy
20 B

4m right of arete. Straight up. A little runout.

FA: Richard Jeffrey, Grant Severn & Gordon Porter, 2000

Sport 15m, 4 Woy Woy
15 Stingray

Obvious line up middle of left wall to DRB. Thin start but getting easier with height. 5 BRs.

FA: Phil Stallard, Dave McGrouther & Steve Moss, 1978

Sport 15m, 5 Woy Woy
21 Pauls Project / C

2m right of S. Up. Paul Rivere's abandoned project.

Sport 12m, 3 Woy Woy
21 Rub a Dub

2m left of M. Up passing 4 BRs. A #3.5 friend keeps the rope out of the way to start.

FA: Richard Jeffrey, 2000

Sport 15m, 4 Woy Woy
19 Sharon Stone

2m right of WIJALB at huge pocket. 1. Even looks like a great route! 6 BRs.

FA: Richard Jeffrey & Matthew Kingsman-Smith, 1996

Sport 15m, 6 Woy Woy
19 Phoenix

Start as for SS. Nice moves make a classic face climb at the grade. 6 BRs.

FA: Richard Jeffrey & Matthew Kingsman-Smith, 1996

Sport 15m, 6 Woy Woy

Showing 1 - 100 out of more than 10,000 routes.

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