
Routes as boulder in East Killara

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 283 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
V4 Project arete

FA: Dan Moi, 2005

Boulder 4m East Killara
V4 Project Arete (Dougal's variant)

FA: Dougal Parsons, 2005

Boulder 3m East Killara
V3 Pick Pocket

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V2 3

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V1 4

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V2 5
Boulder East Killara
V0 6
Boulder East Killara
V0 7
Boulder East Killara
V0 Barefoot
Boulder East Killara
V2 Into Fat Air

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V3 Desperado

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V1 Nice 'n Easy

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V2 Raindrops keep falling on my head

FA: Dougal Parsons, 2004

Boulder East Killara
V1 The-one-next-to-fist-jam

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V2 Fist Jam

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V2 Pumpkin Soup

FA: Dan Moi

Boulder East Killara
V2 Bucket

FA: Dougal Parsons, 2004

Boulder East Killara
V2 Dougals line

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V3 Middle Lane

FA: Dougal Parsons, 2004

Boulder East Killara
V2 Chunder

FA: Dougal Parsons, 2004

Boulder East Killara
V2 Thank you Lord!

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V3 Nicky loves Spiders

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V2 Tension
Boulder East Killara
V1 Speed Camera

FA: Dougal Parsons

Boulder East Killara
V0 Hey wasn't there a tree there?
Boulder East Killara
V1 Thong
Boulder 4m East Killara
V1 I Solemnly Swear

The first FA of the crag. Start with your hands matched on the prominent jug. Head straight up but avoid the left hand crack, this is off limits. UTSOAC first to send!

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 4m East Killara
V1 Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

Start on the rounded corner one meter to the left of Daves problem. Head up and exit left.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 4m East Killara
V1 Don't Judge A Bible By Its Cover

Never ever judge a Bible by its cover! Step up onto the low sandstone ledge to start in the middle of the sloping face. Stick to the left hand side of the prominent small scoop and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V0 The Sunday School Effect

Like Sunday School is for the children so is this problem for the beginner. Start to the far left from CINTG.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V4 Thy Mighty Right Hand

Power, reach and commitment!

Sit start just right of the rounded arete on some angled ledges. Head up to the two good pockets mid way up the way. Get your feet high and power up to thy mighty right hand slap into the rounded scoop! Hold fast, trust it and topout!

This problem loves the long but extra points for the short who conquer it.

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Boulder 4m East Killara
V4 The Pilgramage

A stout test of dedication and focus.

Start the same as for SS with a hand on the left arete. Move up and to the left, traversing around the rounded corner.

From here the fun starts. Use the sharp crimpers and make your way to the end of the face.

Top out using the crack while keeping your feet on that face. The rock to your right that holds 'WIW' and 'ISS' is out of bounds for hand or foot!

Pumped by the end?

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Boulder 10m East Killara
V1 Cake

The crack to the right of ISS. Climb the crack the entire way by jamming your way up to the top out. UNSW jamming at its best!

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: James Bultitude, 2014

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 The Light Yoke

Start in the middle of the wall, about 1m left of the arete.

Using the deep pocket and solid ledge in front pull up and go for the motley holds up and to the left. Match and top out

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Reach High For The Stoup

Start on the obvious crimpers. Head up and left using the small scoop to top out when mantling. Any part of the crack beneath the wedged boulder is off limits! Don't forget to bless yourself if there's water in the stoup.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Thorwald's Cross Slab

Start on the sloping corner next to the large, wedged boulder. Find your footers and get both feet on the problem. Follow the slope and top out. DO NOT use any other rock to complete this problem!

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 4m East Killara
V1 Van Helsing

According to Hollywood, Van Helsing was the left hand of God. With a well placed slap of your lefty you'll get through this problem. Start 1 metre to the right of TCS. Match your hands and head to the sky!

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Milhouse And His Red Sea

Start at the parting of the great rock. Head up and tend left to top out directly over the prominent knob.

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Gary The Unicorn

Start half a metre right of MAHRS. Head up and top out but be warned, this problem has absolutely nothing to do with unicorns, a bit like the Bible really.

FA: Brendon Flanagan., 2013

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics

Start between the two chest high pockets. Starting with you left hand in the solid pocket, Head on up but save your topics of debate til after you've finished.

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V0 Four Small, Wise Creatures

Start on the middle water streak. Don't get freaked out if you see any of the Four Small, Wise Creatures on the way up. If you do simply say your prayers and keep on climbing.

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V0 Marks Gospel

Start at the right most water streak. Marks Gospel is the shortest of the Gospels and this is the shortest problem at the crag.

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 2m East Killara
V2 Holy Slab!

Start on the far left of The Holy Slab. Find the hidden pocket around the arête and use this as your starting point. head up on the good holds, sticking to the far left. Trust in your rubbers friction and your palming action.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 6m East Killara
V2 Put Your Faith In Friction

Start under the small overhang. After making your way up and around it say your prayers and Put Your Faith In Friction.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 6m East Killara
V1 On The Seventh Day God Climbed Slab

Start one metre to the left of the 11th Commandment. Follow the slab and link up with the 11th Commandment at the top.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 6m East Killara
V0 The 11th Commandment, Thou Shalt Climb Slab!

Sticking to the far left, make your way up without using any of the evident holds on your left at the start. Follow the far right edge all the way up.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 6m East Killara
V1 A Pinch Of Faith

Start on the far right of the face. See the crack? Well it's 100% off limits. A pinch of faith will help you solve this problem.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V0 Tip Toe Through The Garden Of Eden

Start 2 metres to the left of APOF. Use your tippy toes and finger tips for this problem.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V3 Bouldering In A Hobbits Habit

Start with your hands and feet high. The rest will be a religious experience.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V2 The Passing Of The Mantle

Start beneath the censer sized ledge located at halo hight. Put your faith in your abilities, mantle it and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V0 The Fat Penguin Makes You Go OW!

Everybody needs sombody, everybody needs somebody to spot, someone to spot, no one will miss (no one will miss)...once you've finished singing along with the Blues Brothers send this easy problem.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V0 Save Me Jeebus

A fun one for the beginner. Use your hands for the crack and your feet on both walls to send this problem. Top out to the right.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Start beneath the left end of the overhanging boulder. This problem will take more than just one bight and two years on a night stand to finish. You'll loose sight of your feet when topping out but don't loose faith in your climbing abilities.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Suzie And Her Churchy Dinners

Start 1.5 metres right of VMGCS. Pinch, poke and slap!

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V0 Passover Pancakes

Start 2 metres right of SAHCD. Use the friendly helpers to top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Lord In A Latte

Start on the far right corner. Find the hidden head high pocket around the corner and smear with your right foot on the clean looking sandstone. Now say your prayers and solve the problem. DO NOT DYNO on this problem. Start the right way and problem solve the barn door.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V2 An Amazing Crusade

The problems name says it all. Sit start below the obvious feature. Head straight up and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Testing Job

Start just right of the left arete. Stand beneath the small holds and make your way up past the high blank slab. A high reach at the start with almost a higher reach to top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 4m East Killara
V2 Holy Highball Batman!

Start as for BTP. Towards the top reach right and use the juggy sidepull, traverse right and top out above the sidepull.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 5m East Killara
V0 Preaching To The Converted

Starting on the far left of the hollowed out boulder, use the flake to traverse right. Top out as for CTP.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 2m East Killara
V1 Converting The Preacher

Start beneath the large knob on top of the hollowed out boulder. Head straight up and top out.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 2m East Killara
V2 Between The Pages

Start as for HHB. Head up and top out to the left.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Jake Griffiths, 2013

Boulder 5m East Killara
V1 Alone In A Sea Of Faith

Start 1 meter right of the dark water streak. From the evident right ledge tend left and top out either left or right at the tree.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 2m East Killara
V3 Our Father Who Art A Boulderer

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

BoulderProject 4m East Killara
V2 ResErection

Nothing hard about this...just some stiff movements up the middle.

Start with your right hand on a side pull and left hand in a slot about head height. Pull on and have some fun through the deep slots before heading up with an awesome side pull. Finish with a deep pocket before topping!

Some grand moves through the middle!

Can also be done as a sit start if you want to add a grade

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

Boulder 4m East Killara
V1 Unnamed Direct

Start under the over hanging rock on the left of the wall. Hit the solid ledge and top out slightly to the right

Can be sit started

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

FA: Ben B, Jul 2014

Boulder 4m East Killara
V1 The Plague That John West Rejects

Start at the far right of the face, just to the left of the big scoop on the adjacent overhanging boulder.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 8m East Killara
V5 Pontius Pilates Preposterous Problem

Start on obvious big incut and proceed up using edge or filthy mono for grade. Top out high, but has good holds. Can be done dynamically without using the mono or edge for about V3. Actually Fa'd by Ranger Dave until a nameless climber tried a dynamic move off the undercling and sent it flying into the bush behind, rendering it unrepeatable that way!

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

FA: Matt Minus, 2014

Boulder 5m East Killara
V2 Kumbaya My Left

After an easy start things quickly become quite religious as the ground falls away from your feet the further left you go. Say your prayers, trust your spotter and the rest is up to you.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 10m East Killara
V0 Bouldered By The Gideons

Starting on the far left head up a meter or so then traverse the break until you're beneath the big hollow. Head up and top out. This problem was placed here by a Gideon.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 5m East Killara
V0 Jesus Wears Chalk

Start beneath the evident high hollow. Leave your chalk bag behind and head on up. Jesus wore chalk for our sins so that we would not have to wear chalk while doing this problem.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Geoff Marshall, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V0+ The Archbishop Of Bouldering

An easy and fun sit start for the beginner. Start as low as you can with your right toes placed so low in the vertical hollow that it's almost touching the ground. Make your way up exiting at the left hand water mark.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 4m East Killara
V0 Rasta Be Good

Ya Man! We be lovin Jah rock and we is knowing you be lovin jah rock to, man

Start yie self 2m from de weathered water course, unda the break. Flow yie self man up da lovin holds and use the sweet horns to top yie self out.

Jahsmercyreignsonhigh man!

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V0 Blessed Are The Boulderers

Bless the boulders, find your holds and head on up. Amen.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V4 Christian Brothers Brothers

The first V4 of the crag. Start on the right arête using the crimpers to get on the problem. With your right hand hugging the rounded arête make your way up and top out to the left. This is a stand start.

Set: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Geoff Marshall, 2013

Boulder 2m East Killara
V4 King David's Greater Son

Sit start at the first low point common to several other problems. Move right and up toward the bulbous right hand side of the overhang

Top out straight up without heading to far right to where the overhang is less

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Set: dwebster, Apr 2015

Boulder 4m East Killara
V6 Father Ted's Stiff Upper Lip

A super sustained traverse with some focused friction and slapping.

Sit start under the left rounded arete at the jugs. Power up to the Gaston and then head left to the defined edge of the boulder

Slap and smear your way along this until you hit the bomber holds just left of the right arete. Fighting the pump, get your mantle on and love the feeling of your defiance to Father Ted's Stiff Upper Lip.

Note - Clean the top before attempting, if there hasn't been much traffic

Original Problem V5 - Stand start just right of blunt arete

Set: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Simon, 2014

Boulder 4m East Killara
V1 By Faith Not By Sight

V1? With that reach to the top out? Start at the grouping of holds just right of the left most arete, move up and top out slightly to the right.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 A Wild Problem Appears!

Sit start. Use the two leftmost pockets to gain the top and topout.

FA: James Lacey, 2013

Boulder East Killara
V2 Slap Chop

Sit start on the boulder using the two pockets and slopers on top to top out.

FA: James Lacey, 2013

Boulder East Killara
V2 Chinese Finger Lock

Standing start on the ground not the boulder! Start on the two pockets right in front of you and topout.

FA: James Lacey, 2013

Boulder East Killara
V0- Sobriety Test

Standing start. Easy problem up the right hand side of the boulder using the rightmost pocket.

FA: James Lacey, 2013

Boulder 2m East Killara
V4 Pickin' Pockets

Sit start at 'A Wild Problem Appears!' and traverse along the pockets to finish up 'Goanna Arete'.

FA: Scott Lacey, 2013

Boulder East Killara
V0- Nadded

On the backside of the Mossrock boulder. Standing start. Up the juggy overhang. So named because of the first ascentionist's interesting top out style over the prow.

FA: Scott Lacey, 2013

Boulder 2m East Killara
Arete project

Sit start in the pocket at the bottom of the left arete. Move up using the arete and whatever you can!

BoulderProject East Killara
Rough as Guts project

Sit start in the rough pocket at the bottom of the face. Move up using some very average holds

BoulderProject East Killara
Dyno project

Sit start in the break at the right of the boulder then make a big move to hit the arete on the right hand side of the boulder.

BoulderProject East Killara
V0 Happy Birthday Queenie!

Start at bottom of the boulder near the tree and make your way along the face using the nice juggy top.

FA: Scott Lacey, 2013

Boulder East Killara
V1 28 Years of Queen!

Sit start. Use the juggy holds to top out.

FA: Scott Lacey, 2013

Boulder East Killara
V5 Blood, Sweat and Tears

Sit start at the right hand side of the boulder and make your way leftwards to top out over the prow. So named because one of the area's developers ended up coming off while holding onto one of the rough holds higher up and subsequently lost a fair bit of skin on his left hand.

FA: James Lacey, 2013

Boulder East Killara
V2 Cosy

Up the right arete using the flake on the left

BoulderProject East Killara
V0 In the shade

Standing start up the face

FA: Scott Lacey, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 In the shade sit start left

Easier sit start, starting on left hand side of the boulder using the pocket to the left and the sidepull flake to the right.

FA: Scott Lacey, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V3 In the shade sit start right

Harder sit start on the right using the small line of pockets to start.

FA: James Lacey, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V1 Out Of The Donkeys Arse

A sh1t easy problem unlike Out Of The Lions Jaw. Head up using the evident ledges and top out between the two noses.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2014

Boulder 4m East Killara
V2 Put Your Faith In Friction Direct

Same as for PYFIF but instead of bouldering around the sloping ledge mantel it and continue up. Proper mantel please, don't deviate left or right.

Set: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

FA: Brendon Flanagan, 2013

Boulder 6m East Killara
V1 I Got My Praise Pants On

Starting just left of the large weathered water course running down the cliff, lift off the ground and do a large throw to the bulging hold straight up.

Avoiding the holds left or right, match hands and mantle outta there

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

Boulder 3m East Killara
V5 Out Of The Lions Jaw

A pumping build up of death defying proportions!

start on the right about 1m from were the overhang starts. Match hands in the thin letter box around eye level. From here work diagonally up to the left following the line of pockets side pulls, etc.

Hit the large ledge and get ready to tackle this lion of a top out. Head straight up the water eroded scoop and smear, pinch, slap and reach long for the good holds up top.

Free yourself from the Lions Jaws, but take note that you can finish this problem without doing a "beached Whale"

Set: Geoff Marshall, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

Boulder 4m East Killara
V4 A Rock To The Face

A pumpy lip traverse finished with a super challenging mantle!

At the left overhang, start with hands matched on large rounded hold found under the right side of the overhang. Movee up to the lip of the over hang and once there traverse to the left until you are at hanging from the section that juts out the most.

Mantle your face off!

Good spotters and several pads help with the mental game

Set: Ranger Dave Archer, 2013

FA: Ranger Dave Archer, 2014

Boulder 4m East Killara
V0 Goanna Arete

Up the right hand arete on Mossrock using holds on both sides of the arete.

FA: Scott Lacey, 2013

Boulder 2m East Killara

Showing 1 - 100 out of 283 routes.

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