
Routes in Slovenské Tatry

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 735 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
5 Cesta cez knihu

1st pitch, min. 2 bolts (right var.) 1st pitch, II/III (easy, left var.) 2nd pt, left, bolts... 2nd pt, right, old var. with 1 old bolt 3-4 pt, Kniha/Book, 1-2 bolts, use friends 6 ptch right, no left!

FA: T.Marec & B.Čiernik, 1985

Trad 150m, 6 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
5 Južný pilier
1 3
2 1
3 1
4 4
5 5
6 2
7 2

1st III UIAA 2nd + 3th turistic 4th + 5th IV/V (with bolts) 6th to the top II UIAA

FA: Mereš, A. Puškáš & G. Takáč, 1953

Trad 250m, 5 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
4 Puškášov pilier

FA: M. Mereš, R. Presler & A. Puškáš, 1952

Trad 150m, 5 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
3+ J pilier
1 3+
2 2
3 2
4 1-
5 2

Take the south pillar, slitghtly to the right, 2 pitches, then through a steep grass field to next anchor, then some 90 metres to the summit. First 4 anchors double bolted. Walk off more throu the south, through Južná Kozia Štrbina.

FA: Arno Puškáš, 1952

Trad 250m, 5 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
3 Martinovka

A classic ridge route that leads to the highest point in Slovakia.Difficult route finding.Begins at Litvorove Sedlo-2385m, Litvorova Veza-2547m,Velka Litvorova Veza-2581m,Zadni Gerlach-2616m,Gerlachsky Stit-2654m. Fantastic, exposed and the views are excellent. The climbing is not difficult.Takes about 8 hours. Begin early!!

Trad 300m Velická dolina
3 Východní hřeben
1 2-
2 3
3 2
  1. pitch is rappel 12 m to Žabie sedlo/pass

  2. II-, 40 m

  3. III, 60 m (or 25x2)

  4. II, 35 to top

FA: Z. Klemensiewicz, R. Kordys & A. Znamięcki, 1907

Mixed trad 100m, 3, 4 Mengusovská dolina
5- Štáflovka
Trad 250m Mengusovská dolina
6 Cepelova cesta cez platnu

FA: P.Bednařík & Z.Čepela, 1970

Trad 150m, 4 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
4 Jubilejná
1 4 29m
2 4 19m
3 3 26m
4 3 24m
5 3 10m
6 4 22m
7 3 28m
8 4 29m
9 3- 29m

Lehká, silně odjištěná sportovní cesta s nástupem nedaleko cesty Sliezsky dom - Poľský hrebeň (odbočuje se hned na hraně nad vodopády). V případě špatného počasí lze z většiny míst slanit směrem na jih do žlabu (Grosz II/III UIAA). 9 délek s krátkými úseky III/IV, většinou II i chodecká pasáž. 9. délka je traverz z vrcholu. Délky mají do 30 m a lze je spojit. První dvě po platni, další jasnou linií vzhůru. Cesta vznikla jako projekt J. Palásthy a M. Murára.

Multipitch Jubilejna (8 + 9th travers, 3x rappel).

FA: J. Palásthy & M. Murár, 2014

Sport 220m, 9, 35 Velická dolina
6+ Hokejka
1 3 28m
2 4 25m
3 3 35m
4 5 20m
5 5+ 25m
6 5 37m
7 6 20m
8 5+ 20m
9 6+ 25m
10 5+ 30m
11 3 75m

This is the most classic route here and often climbed.

  1. Start with an obvious unique hand crack in a corner. The anchor is on pitons, you can skip it and connect the first two pitches (50-55m).

  2. Continue up the corner, at the end exit to the right, 2-3m from the corner there is a bolted anchor on the ledge.

  3. Straight up, slightly to the left, diagonaly. Bolted anchor on the ledge.

  4. Head towards an obvious cross made from two cracks, easier to left, harder straight up (2m right and then up the shallow chimney). Anchor on bolts.

  5. Traverse to the right on exposed ledge (Filmárská lavka) to a nice structured ledge. There is a bolt on the right 2-3m from the anchor, a sling and a piton. The next bolted anchor is on the right side of the ledge.

  6. Go straight up and then climb across the slab diagonally to left below typical overhangs (Hokejka - hokey stick), 40m approx. Do not climb too close under the roof. You should find few pitons on the way. The anchor is few meters after a shallow corner.

  7. Go straight up under the overhang. There are two pitons and one sling in the overhang.. Start straight. and tranverse the overhang to the right above the roof. Continue bit to the right and up the corner (often wet).

  8. Continue up a corner, the bolted belay is under a narrow chimney. Even though you can skip this achor, I do not recommend it, because of the rope drag at the crux, which is at the end of the next pitch.

  9. Up the chimney/corner, the crux is protected by a bolt with a sling (the crux is quite sandbag for 6+). There are plenty of pitons here, you don't need much gear, if any, just quickdraws.

  10. Go up a water-polished chimney into Lievik (funnel). This part is threaten by flash flood in thunderstoms and accidents have been reported here. Start in the left chimney (pitons), you can exit to the right on the pilar (piton), or continue the narrow chimney..

  11. Climb up to the summit in easier ground (2-3). Belay on the fence.. It more than 60m, you can cllimb few meters simultaneously.

Belays are bolted.

FA: F.Plšek & V.Zachoval, 1950

Mixed trad 340m, 11, 5 Mala studena dolina
5 Cesta k slnku
Trad 300m, 7 Mala studena dolina
4 Lavým vhĺbením

FA: Arno Puškáš & A. Szabó, 1949

Trad 600m Skalnatá dolina
5 Korosadowiczova cesta

FA: Z.Korosadowicz & J.Staszel, 1933

Trad 200m, 5 Mala studena dolina
3 Južné žebro

Lehká cesta s borhákovými štandy

FA: J. Chmielowski, A. Ferens & M. Swierz, 1927

Mixed trad 140m, 3, 3 Mengusovská dolina
5+ Pavlín - Kračalík
Alpine Mengusovská dolina
7- Dieska, Halas, Marek

Belays bolted, bolt in the crux - a superb overhanging corner with a layback crack

FA: I.Dieška, A.Halás & M. Marek

Mixed trad 180m, 6, 5 Mengusovská dolina
5 Stanislawského cesta
1 3 45m
2 5- 45m
3 5- 50m
4 5 30m
Mixed trad 170m, 4, 4 Mengusovská dolina
5+ Známka monzunu
1 5+ 50m
2 5 45m
3 5- 40m

More information:

FA: R. Lienerth, 2013

Trad 140m, 3 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
5 Klima-Linhart, pilierem

FA: R.Klíma & J.Linhart, 1981

Trad 130m, 4 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
WI4 Unnamed 4

Single pitch all the way to the upper belay at the far right.

Ice 60m Bielovodská dolina
4 Birkenmajerova cesta

First 5 pitches have double bolted anchors, the Rampa has 7 U bolt anchors, no anchors on the last 150 meters. Lehčí cesta v kompaktni skále, nadherný zimní výstup.

FA: W. Birkenmajer & J.K. Dorawski, 1930

Trad 600m Skalnatá dolina
5- Biely Vylom

5 pitches-3 hours.Walked off and down via Granatove Lavky

Trad 250m Velická dolina
2 WI3+ Kaskady
Ice 75m, 3 Bielovodská dolina
6- Plškova cesta
1 4+ 55m
2 5 35m
3 6- 25m
4 6- 30m
5 5+ 20m

FA: F.Plšek & V.Zachoval, 1949

Trad 170m, 5 Zlomiská
5+ 4
Sport 15m, 5 Tatranská kotlina - lom
6+ Eštok-Janiga
Trad 150m Mengusovská dolina
6+ Puškášova cesta
1 4 50m
2 6+ 40m
3 6- 40m
4 5+ 50m

FA: J.Andráši & A.Puškáš, 1948

Mixed trad 180m, 5, 5 Zlomiská
3 Andráši-Gálfy

Druhé žebro od Ostrvy nastoupíme z pravé strany. Po dvou délkách sledujeme žebro až na hřeben.

FA: J. Andráši & I. Gálfy, 1959

Trad 400m, 8 Zlomiská
5 Jihozápadní pilíř

The first pitch is a steep structured slab (5), then a couple of pitches in good rock on the pillar (up to 4), then easier on the pillar and scrambling to the summit.

Trad 500m Mala studena dolina
5+ Júlová cesta
Mixed trad 100m, 3, 3 Mengusovská dolina
5 Stanislawski
Trad 250m, 4 Mengusovská dolina
4 Motyka

the climb takes about 3 hours and about 1.5 hours to get down-rappelling.

FA: Motyka

Trad 290m Veľká Studená dolina
5 Južný pilier

The route starts at the lowest point of the south face and follows the rocky pillar up to the summit.

FA: E. Fehér & I. Lehotský, 1953

Trad 350m, 6 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
7 Korsvoldov tanec

FA: M.Kúdela & I.Hrmo, 1996

FFA: Hrmo, 1996

Trad 150m, 4 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
5- Kuttove platne
Mixed trad 330m, 6 Batizovská dolina
6+ Via AliNina
Trad 75m Mengusovská dolina
4 Poľský komín

FA: A.Kolbuszewska, H.Krüger & J.Kolbuszewski, 1958

Trad 150m, 4 Mengusovská dolina
4 Stanislawského depresia

FA: B. Chwascinski & W. Stanislawski, 1929

Trad 150m, 5 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
6- Stredom Šádek-Zlatník

FA: M.Šádek & K.Zlatník, 1950

Trad 350m, 6 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
2 WI4+ - 5 Oči Plné ľadu
Ice 90m, 2 Bielovodská dolina
2 WI5 Ľad na Malú Tisovku Ice 100m, 3 Bielovodská dolina
3 Ľavý žľab

There is one short rock section in lower part (5m) and a longer easier part in the right upper part.

FA: P.Misiurewicz, 1960

FA: M. Legutky & L. Vestenický, 1964

Trad 250m Zlomiská
3 Komín Komarnických
1 3
2 3
3 3

Sestupovka z cest a nástup na hřebenovku Ošarpanců.

FA: F. Kienast, K. Komarnicky & V. Wanjura, 1910

Mixed trad 70m, 3, 3 Zlomiská
5 Puškášov komín
Trad 250m Mengusovská dolina
7 Červené převisy
  1. Overhangs, 7-

  2. Delicate corner (7), overhang (7-), original variant traverses a bit and goes easier ground (5+)

  3. Face, 5+

  4. Face 5

  5. Corners, 4

FA: P. Pochylý & J. Zrůst, 1967

Trad 200m, 5 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
6+ Čiernobiele sokolíky

Superior quality of rock. Belays bolted, two bolts in crux places, otherwise trad, but reasonable gear placement.

Delightful delicate climb in slabs with use of crack systems that leads you through steep slabs. Grade feels good. In spring you may find water flowing down from melting snow, summer and fall is the ideal time to visit.

FA: R. Babička, A. Michálková & V. Malý, 2000

Mixed trad 150m, 4, 5 Batizovská dolina
7- Indiánske leto
1 4 30m
2 7- 52m
3 6+ 35m
4 6+ 30m
5 6- 55m
6 6 55m

The hardest parts are bolted. Some micro cams can be useful. More info:

FA: M. Červienka & K. Húserková, 30 Nov 2014

Mixed trad 260m, 6, 10 Mala studena dolina
6 Ondrejova cesta Mixed trad 180m, 5, 4 Mengusovská dolina
6+ Cesta Autonovy
Alpine Mengusovská dolina
5+ Palvín - Krácalik easy variant
1 5+ 40m
2 4+ 30m
3 3 60m
4 4 20m
Trad 150m, 4 Mengusovská dolina
7- Júnová cesta
Alpine 4m Mengusovská dolina
3 Východní hranou

FA: M.Skotnicówna, K.Kupczyk & J.A.Szczepanski, 1929

Trad 250m Mala studena dolina
4 Javorova Galerie

the orientation during the way back is troublesome.

Trad 250m Veľká Studená dolina
6 Galfy Route

7 pitches of grade 6 climbing. Beautiful view. Hard climbing

FA: Galfy

Trad 350m Velická dolina
5 Puškášov pilier
1 3-
2 3
3 4
4 4+
5 5
6 4
7 3
8 3+
9 5


FA: A., A. Puškáš & J. Petrlová - Pospíšilová, 1948

Trad 320m Bielovodská dolina
3 Východným hrebeňom
1 3
2 2
3 2

From Jastrabie sedlo (pass) to East Ridge (Wschod.Graň, Ostengrat)

Trad 150m, 3 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
6 Weberovka

Po nemecky rezbrik

FA: B. Chwascinski, W. Orlowski & W. Stanislawski, 1932

Trad 450m, 10 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
2 Normálka

FA: Ernst Dubke & Ján Franz, 1904

Trad 40m Mengusovská dolina
WI3 Hviezdoslavov lad

First pitch easier. There are slings at the top for rappel.

Ice 60m, 2 Bielovodská dolina
3 Puškašov pilier
Trad 500m Zlomiská
3 Adin úsmev

The ice is some 40m left to Mrozekov lad

  1. Several steep sections of some 6 meters, otherwise snow

  2. Nice steep ice

FA: V. Brichta a J. Ragas, L. Lapúnik & B. Čiernik, 1985

Ice 85m, 2 Bielovodská dolina
5- Silvestrovské blues
Alpine Veľká Studená dolina
3 Ovcia stezka
Alpine Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
4 Superculoir

The big couloir in the center of the face starts with longer rocky section and continues snow/ice sections with occasional boulders.

FA: I. Mózes, 1981

Trad 350m, 8 Zlomiská
7- Moribundus

FA: J. Bednařík, J. Novák & E. Verstraeten, 2010

Trad 150m, 4 Mengusovská dolina
7- Francúzsky polibek

Sensitively bolted route in perfect rock and balanced difficulty. Belays bolted, descent in rap.

  1. From grass band up easy slabs to another grass band (4)

  2. Slightly left and straight up harder slab (6, 3 bolts)

  3. Left and up along cracks in a steep wall with crux in climbing small bulges (7-, 5 bolts)

  4. Up over grass ledge and straight up easy face (5, 2 bolts)

  5. Easy pillar to the top of an arrete (4)

FA: R. Lienerth, S. Kalášek & L. Petráš, 2011

Mixed trad 190m, 5, 5 Velická dolina
2 Groszova Trad 150m, 3 Zlomiská
4 Häberleinova cesta
Alpine Veľká Studená dolina
3 Z Ciemnosmreczyńskiej Przełączki
1 1
2 3
3 2
4 2

Západným hrebeňom z Temnosmreč./Piargové štrbiny

Trad 150m, 2 Kôprová dolina
7- Vitamíny pre Knihu

It runs along 'Cez knihu', first through overhangs in base, later in left slab of the 'book' dihedral. Belays bolted, some bolts in the route. Rap off.

FA: Andy Kolárik & Remo Kuchar, 2006

Trad 180m, 3 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
5+ Žltý kút
Alpine Veľká Studená dolina
5+ Kútik
Sport 12m, 5 Vápenka
7 Bakoš – Orolín
  1. Up and diagonally to right in slightly broken rock, assigned 4+, but feels a bit harder.

  2. Straight up in perfect and structured stab/corner.

  3. Straight up a hand crack then a delicate traverse to right (2 pitons)and straight up long finger crack (1 or 2 pitons).

Hard for technique, hard for moral, superb rock, exposition. Unforgettable.

FA: D. Bakoš & M. Orolín, 1974

Trad 150m, 3 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
3 Západní hřeben
Trad 150m Veľká Studená dolina
3 Krčmárov žlab

Dlouhý žlab vhodná na zimu spevným sněhem (lavinový). Omezené možnosti jištění, leze se bez. Spíše II UIAA kromě příčného prahu cca v 1/2 a ledu pod Čertovou lavinovou lávkou. Dál por normálce na Gerlach.

FA: Darmstadter, A. Otto & H. Stabeler, 1899

Trad 800m Velická dolina
6 Hviezdova cesta
Alpine Mengusovská dolina
4 Maťovi

Set: 1978

Alpine Zlomiská
4+ Šádkova

Follow an obvious left groove in the center of the face.

FA: K. Bocek & M. Šádek, 1950

Trad 200m Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
4 Štvorka
Sport 15m, 5 Vápenka
5 Lipka - Swiecicki

Cesta nastupuje společně s pravým Puškášem, po dvou délkách od něj odbočuje doleva a vede nejprve vlevo od koutu přímo nahoru na velkou travnatou polici a v její levé části přímo přes plotny (kolem převisu zprava) na ukloněnou rampu a odtamtud už lehce.

FA: P. Lipka & W. Swiecicki, 1976

Mixed trad 550m, 5 Skalnatá dolina
5 Jaskyňky
Alpine 250m Veľká Studená dolina
6- No a čo keď "No a čo"

Route clims a small buttress on the right to the start of Německý rebrík. Few pitons in the route. More information in Chara pri Zelenom.

Trad 100m, 3 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
6 Osie hniezdo - variant
Sport 25m, 8 Vápenka
7- Foxuv sen
Alpine Mengusovská dolina
2 Normalní cesta

Up the gully between Ladový and Zadný Ladový štít. From saddle up the north ridge.

Trad 500m Mala studena dolina
7- Všetko v poriadku
1 2
2 4+
3 7-
4 5
5 4-
6 4+
7 3
8 2

FA: E. Baničová & I. Koller, 1974

Trad 8 Veľká Studená dolina
MIXED:M4 Penelopa

Set: 2008

Alpine 200m, 1 Veľká Studená dolina
3 JV žlab

SE gully is an obvious easily accessible gully. On the trail through Zlomiská dolina, turn left when you reach the first plateau, the gully is straight up.

The route is mostly on snow except for one interesting rocky section in the middle of the gully (3). Then another rocky section is when the route connects to the west gully before reaching the summit.

Trad 200m Zlomiská
5 Juhozápadný pilier

South-west pillar of Kozí Mnich and then reconnect to the south pillar.

FA: A. Fučík & S. Chmela, 1952

Alpine 300m Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
5+ Kút v platni

The crux is in the corner pitch 6 that feels harder (6+). Also the second pitch is suprisingly hard for 5+. Pitons in the route.

FA: A.Ferancová & L.Páleníček, 1975

Trad 200m, 8 Veľká Studená dolina
3 Detská
Sport 10m, 5 Vápenka
3+ cez Vyšný Dračí zárez
1 3+
2 3-

1 pitch to pass (1 bolt, 1 chain), 1 pitch to Velký (chain) and 1 pitch to Malý Dračí štít (I-II)

Alpine 60m, 2 Zlomiská
5+ Dieška - Vaško

The route follows and obvious crack/chimney in the middle of the face.

FA: I. Dieška & P. Vaško, 1968

Trad 200m, 6 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej
5 Motykova cesta
1 4
2 5
3 5
4 4+
5 5
6 3

FA: S. Motyka & J. Sawicki, 1932

Trad 250m, 6 Veľká Studená dolina
4+ V znamení špagety
Trad Mengusovská dolina
3+ Do sytosti

Start with JV žlab. After climbing the rocky section continue for 20m and then turn right and climb the rocky corner to reach SE ridge. Follow the ridge to the summit.

FA: Zdenek Moravek & Ondřej Štoček, 2011

Trad 200m Zlomiská
WI3 Veľký Mlynárov žlab
Alpine 1000m Bielovodská dolina
5+ Puklina v platni

Route starts at lower part of Téry kuloár just at the top of large compact rock bad.

  1. Climb diagonally to right (3)

  2. Continue until a steep face (4)

  3. Climb the face into a small gully (5+)

  4. Climb a corner that becomes a flank (5, feels harder)

  5. Face around a small pillar (5)

  6. Still around and on top of the pillar (4, broken rock)

  7. Climb long offwidth crack in a compact slab (5, excellent)

  8. Continue the offwidth crack (5, excellent)

  9. Finish the offwidth crack and slabs (5)

Some pitons in the route.

FA: Z.Čepela & O.Pochylý, 1969

Trad 300m, 9 Mala studena dolina
3 Stredom trojuholníka
Alpine Velická dolina
7- Houser - Hubka

FA: J. Houser & Z. Hubka, 1972

Trad 200m, 4 Dolina Bielej vody Kežmarskej

Showing 1 - 100 out of 735 routes.

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