
Routes in Lake Tahoe, California Side

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 2,414 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
5.7 Corrugation Corner
1 5.6 140ft
2 5.7 130ft
3 5.7 190ft

FA: Kurt Edsburg & et al, 1960

Trad 140m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 R Bear's Reach
1 5.7 R 120 ft
2 5.7 120 ft
3 5.7 120 ft

FFA: Phil Berry & Robin Linnett, 1956

Trad 110m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Haystack
1 5.6 140 ft
2 5.8 110 ft
3 5.6 165 ft

Belay from natural anchors.

FFA: Ken Edsburg, T.M. Herbert & Jerry Sublette, 1965

Trad 130m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 The Line
1 5.9 150ft
2 5.9 120ft
3 5.8 50ft

When looking at the East Wall, this is the obvious, nearly straight up and down, bottom-to-top crack line. When you see it, you know it. Climb the crack. Keep climbing it.

Trad 98m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 R Surrealistic Pillar
1 5.7 100ft
2 5.7 150ft
3 5.5 R 50ft

FA: Ken Edsburg, Mike Edsburg & Jerry Sublette, 1963

Trad 91m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Pop Bottle

A great first pitch, and easier, but still very pleasant pitches above.

  1. 50m (5.7) Up the obvious crack (which is mostly easier than it looks) to belay on the obvious big ledge (keep some mid-size cams). Can be split into two (or even three) pitches.

  2. 50m (5.6) Hardish move to gain face, clip bolt out right, then up as you will to a natural belay wherever you like.

  3. 30m (4th class) Up as you will to the top.

Mixed trad 130m, 3, 1 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 East Crack

In the center of East Wall is an obvious arch, rising up from the base of the cliff and curving rightwards. East Crack goes up the 2nd crack line right of the right-end of the arch.

  1. 5.7, 160ft. Climb the crack, past a bulge and then upwards until a ledge/stance appears up and left of the crack. Belay. (small gear)

  2. 5.8, 120ft. Step back right from the belay to the crack, and follow the left crack line upwards at the large flakes. Pull over two or three bulges (5.8 cruxes), then up the crack a bit further, then move right to the ledge system where this route, "Bear's Reach" and "East Wall" converge. Belay high and left on the shared ledge, if there's crowding (common).

  3. 5.7 (crux only), 120ft. Step right from the belay and head up the obviously highly-trafficed and a bit polished crack. Pull the 5.7 crux roof, and then reach the 3rd class ledge. Place a piece (to protect the 2nd) then traverse right until you find a comfortable belay. Generally better to belay on the ledge, rather than over the top. to ease communication and rope drag.

FFA: T.M. Herbert & Gordon Webster, 1966

Trad 120m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.4 Knapsack Crack

left-most obvious low-angle crack line.

Trad 91m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10a Hospital Corner

FA: unknown

FFA: Richard Harrison & Jay Smith, 1977

Trad 73m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.6 East Wall
Trad 130m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 The Groove
Trad 64m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Traveler Buttress
Trad 180m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10a Surrealistic Pillar Direct
Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.6 Deception
Trad 91m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Scimitar

Fixed anchor above first pitch. Natural anchors for remaining pitches.

FA: Mike Covington & Dick Erb, 1969

FFA: Jim Orey & F. Van Overbeck, 1972

Trad 120m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 One Hand Clapping

FFA: Eric Beck & Peter Haan, 1972

FFA: Kim Schmitz & A.P. Marsten, 1972

Trad 150m, 4 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10c Candyland

FFA: Eric Barrett, John Bowlin & Robert Oravetz, 1977

Trad 21m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.5 The Farce
Trad 61m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Ginger Bread

A classic line up the "Upper Spire".

  1. 5.7, 140ft. Climb through a scary series of hollow booming flakes to single solid flake about half way up, then up this until it ends with a small ledge at a horizontal break.

  2. 5.6, 50ft. Step left from the belay to a wide crack. Climb mostly the face left of the crack and left edge of the crack, reaching right into the crack to place gear.

Climb takes large cams, generally 2-each BD Camalots #2, #3, and #4 (or equivalents) as well as a normal rack.

FFA: George Connor & Robert Oravetz, 1975

Trad 58m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Nova Express Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.11b Aerial

FFA: Max Jones

Sport 23m, 6 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.6 Composure Trad 55m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Over Easy

FFA: George Connor & Robert Oravetz

Mixed trad 21m, 1 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10a Bottomless Topless

FFA: unknown

Trad 24m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Preparation H

Alternative first pitch to the remaining 2 pitches of Haystack.

FFA: M. Haymond & Jim Hicks, 1969

Trad 40m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Devaluation

Pro to 3". No fixed top anchor. Walk off descent.

Trad 24m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Jellyroll Arch Trad 61m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.6 North Ridge

FFA: unknown

Trad 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Harvey's Wallbanger, Center
Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Lean and Mean

FFA: Bob Grow & Joel Moore, 1976

Trad 18m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Rentier Top rope Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Pony Express
  1. 90 ft (5.8) Perfect jamming and liebacking up the flake and left-facing dihedral to a 2-bolt anchor.

  2. 110 ft (5.9) Easy climbing to an offwidth crack over a bulge, followed by 3rd class slabs to the summit.

Many parties just do the excellent first pitch. Pro to 3.5".

FFA: Dick Long

FFA: Gene Drake & Jim Hicks, 1970

Trad 61m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Fear of Flying

FFA: Joel Moorem & Dale Zgraggen, 1975

Trad 58m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Hogwild

Sustained quality climbing, and solid at the grade. Gear plus 2 bolts to a double bolt lower off.

Mixed trad 30m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.5 Kindergarten Crack Left

FFA: unknown

Trad 76m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Crepes Corner Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Rated X

Not quite as interesting as the variations, the original zig-zagging line still serves up fantastic variety of climbing at an easier grade.

  1. 110 ft (5.7) Start up the vertical hand crack up a dihedral to a small ledge. Follow the obvious large flake past 2 bolts to the large ledge. Traverse left to the start of the second pitch. Variations (5.8 and 5.9+) begin at the base of the vertical off-width / fist crack. Continue left for the original second pitch. Bring one or two pieces of 4' pro for the flake and place them carefully.

  2. 90 ft (5.7) Follow the diagonal crack and ramp back to the right, passing under the roof and around to the right before traverse horizontally back left. Follow the fingers/hands splitter crack to the bolted anchor.

Chains at the right of the large ledge above the first pitch allow you to top-rope the first pitch as well as the interesting face climbing just right of the first pitch. If top-roping the first pitch, use the last bolt as a redirect. Resist any temptation to belay the second pitch from these chains. Instead, traverse left and build an anchor before starting the second pitch.

Descend in two rappels. The lip of the roof can snag a rope, so be careful when pulling the rope after the first rappel.

FFA: Eric Beck & Harry Smeenk, 1972

Mixed trad 58m, 2, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 UNR Crack Unknown Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Shunman the Human Top rope 20m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Cockabooty

FFA: unknown

Trad 21m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Touch and Go

Pro to 3", with triples of 2" cams.

FFA: Kim Schmitz & Norm Simmons, 1971

Trad 4 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.6 Insidious Crack Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 It's Better With Bacon

A classic line offering a little bit of everything.

  1. 30m (5.6) Up the nice slab following two diagonal seams (exceptionally thin gear - this would be a bold lead) to a bolted rap anchor. Can be skipped or TRed via a 4th class corner system up to the right.

  2. 15m (5.6) Nice slab past 3 bolts, then step right beneath the precarious perched blocks to a bolted rap anchor.

  3. 15m (5.2) Up the wide corner then left (watch out for a large loose flake) to the main corner (natural anchor) just near a small tree.

  4. 55m (5.7) The money pitch - follow the awesome narrow corner past several overlaps to a bolted rap anchor. Can descend from here with double ropes (recommended).

  5. 30m (5.7) Up and right past the obvious "fang" of rock, through several overlaps and past a number of death blocks, to the top. Walk off.

The 5th pitch is dangerous and not recommended - best to abseil off after P4.

Trad 120m, 5 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Black September

Pro to 3".

FFA: Eric Beck & et al., 1973

Trad 34m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Fallout Top rope Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Bookmark

This is a 2-pitch climb. You will need a 60 meter rope.

The first pitch of this climb begins with an obvious crack heading up and slightly right. The crack breaks into two about 100 feet up, take the right crack. Shortly after the split, it becomes impossible to find gear placement, but don't worry, you run up this to an 8' wide by 30' long shelf which serves as your belay station.

On the second pitch, located on the far left side (looking at the face) of the shelf, the climbing starts easy and turns into a not so pleasant offwidth crack that about half your body fits into. Although you can't place gear through this section, its a secure climb. Once past this, its a run-up to the top where you can belay off of a tree.

Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Car Jacker

Climb the rightmost line of bolts on the lower section of Mayhem Cove.

Being the only existing 5.9 in Mayhem Cove, this is a great warmup, A tricky interesting move gets you up over the bulge about 20 feet up. Climbing after the first bulge is pretty straighforward, but well worth the climb. This route is pretty pumpy for a 5.9.

It's a fairly long ways to the first bolt, but the climbing up to this point is easy. 7 bolts to a 2 bolt top anchor (mussys) and a poor-quality open shut.

Sport 12m, 7 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.12a Steel Monkey Sport 21m, 6 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.11a Power Lust
Sport 26m, 8 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Evolution of Man Sport Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10c Step into the light Sport 18m, 7 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10d Candy Ass

FFA: Dave Hatchett & Tom Burt, 1988

Sport 21m, 7 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10b Molar Concentration Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 War Path Sport Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Psychedelic Tree
Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Rated X Variation 2

Start the second pitch with the vertical off-width / fist crack, and then pull the roof!

Mixed trad 58m, 2, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Telegraph Crack Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 Scheister

Starts up the ramp left of 'Crushed Velvet'[241259787] and 'Farley'[20650705].

  1. 140 ft (5.7) Stem the chimney, reaching in deep to place gear, until it narrows to a squeeze chimney, then pull out onto the face for the crux. Continue up and right to the standing belay on a large ledge.

  2. 160 ft (5.7) Excellent lieback and jamming leads up dihedrals to the South Notch.

  3. 140 ft (5.7) Finish on the last pitch of 'Harding's Chimney'[20650297].

Walk off descent.


  • Extend P1 to the bolted belay atop P2 of 'Crushed Velvet'[241259787].
  • See 'Harding's Chimney' for variations after the 2nd pitch.

FFA: unknown

Mixed trad 130m, 3, 1 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.11d Short Subject

FFA: Mic Deiro

Sport 8m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Spring Break Unknown Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10d The Fracture
  1. 80 ft (5.10d) Lieback crack to perfect sustained finger crack. Pro to 1.5".

  2. 120 ft (5.7) Dangerous loose flakes lead to the base of 'Grand Illusion'[20651041]. Seldom climbed.

FFA: unknown

Trad 61m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10b Jam Session Unknown Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10 Rip-off Top rope Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Harvey's Wallbanger, Right
Trad 61m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10b Improbable Unknown 10m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 War Paint Sport Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.6 Holdless Horror Top rope 120m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Deception Direct
Trad 91m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Farley

The last two pitches are seldom climbed.

  1. 80 ft (5.9) Perfect, sustained liebacking up the consistent flake to the 2-bolt top anchor shared with 'Opus 7'[20650801].

  2. 120 ft? Follow the chimney up left to a corner leading to a belay stance.

  3. 120 ft? Follow the corner up onto exposed runout face climbing up the Knobby Wall protected only by a couple of bolts.


  • If continuing past the first pitch, skip the bolted top anchor and build an anchor up in the chimney for a more comfortable belay stance.
  • The left side of the Knobbly Wall is 5.8R. The right side of the Knobbly Wall is 5.7 and also runout.

    Pro: 0.5" to 4" with doubles in the larger sizes.

FFA: Jim Orey, 1971

FFA: Eric Beck & Steve Roper, 1971

Mixed trad 98m, 3, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10a Karl's Crack Unknown Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Fantasia

Belay from fixed anchors.

FFA: Royal Robbins & Ken Wilson, 1973

Trad 130m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Mary's Crack

FFA: unknown

Trad 79m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Regular Route

FFA: unknown

Trad 40m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Phantom Staircase Top rope Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.6 Junior High

FFA: unknown

Trad 76m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 On Safari Unknown Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Pea Soup

Pro to 2".

FFA: unknown

Trad 20m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.12b Brain Child Unknown Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10d Little Feat Unknown Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10a Dominion

Hand jams up a thin crack lead to liebacking and stemming. Finish the pitch on slabs and flakes to the bolted top anchor of your choice. Pro to 2".

Descent options:

  • From the 2-bolt anchor on the left: rappel to the top anchor for 'Telesis'[20651101].
  • From the 2-bolt anchor on the right: rappel to the ground with a 60m rope.

FFA: Gene Drake, Dan Hart & Jim Orey, 1972

Trad 37m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Corn Flakes

FFA: Robert Oravetz, Eric Barrett & Dave Stam, 1978

Trad 18m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10c Tombstone Terror
Trad 24m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10+ Yellow Jacket Sport 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 Rat's Tooth

Pro to 3".

FFA: unknown

Trad 27m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.9 April Fools
Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.5 Manic Depressive Direct
Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.5 Kindergarten Crack Right

FFA: unknown

Trad 76m, 3 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10b Lightning Bolt Top rope Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10a Ice Nine Top rope Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.6 Harvey's Wallbanger, Left
Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Strontium 90 Top rope Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10b Firecracker

Pro to 5". Bolted top anchor.

FFA: Jim Bridwell, 1976

Trad 21m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10b Farewell to Arms Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10d East Corner

Optional third pitch is 4th class. Fixed anchor above second pitch.

FFA: T.M. Herbert & Bob Kamps, 1969

Trad 98m, 2 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.5 Lover's Chimney
Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.7 R Harding's Chimney
  1. 80 ft (5.3) Climb the ramp up the right side of The Fang to roof at the base of the chimney.

  2. 70 ft (5.8 R) Shuffle your way up the squeeze chimney to the next belay. Unless you're racking #4 Big Bros, get your head set for a 50 ft runout.

  3. 150 ft (5.7) Face climbing up and left takes you to a narrow gully ending in the South Notch.

  4. 140 ft (5.7) (Same last pitch as 'Scheister'[20650525].) Starting from the north side of the notch, climb the arch past one bolt and continue up a narrow gully to a tunnel. Pass through the tunnel to the west side, where several 4th class and 5.easy variations lead to the Middle Summit.

Walk off descent.


  • (5.10a) Once you reach the notch at the top of P3, take a brief detour up the 'South Summit Bolt Ladder'[241238709] for an additional summit.
  • (5.8) Instead passing through the tunnel on P4, climb up and right past the bolt on the east face to stem your way to the summit.

Pro to 3" with doubles in the larger sizes. Bring 9"-10" pro if you have it.

FFA: Warren Harding & John Ohrenschall, 1954

Mixed trad 130m, 4, 1 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10a Primer

FFA: unknown

Trad 15m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.8 Cast in Stone

Left-most bolted climb at the end of the ledge.

Sport 26m Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10b 420 Club

Begins under a short roof. Head left at the first ledge.

Sport 26m, 11 Lake Tahoe, California Side
5.10b Space Truckin' Trad Lake Tahoe, California Side

Showing 1 - 100 out of 2,414 routes.

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