
Ascents in World as Onsight or Top rope onsight by Alex Mougenot

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 726 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Crag Quality Date
27 Kneebar Nexus Sport 23m, 14 Frederick Peak Sat 20th Oct 2018
Such a sweet line. I feel cheap saying how all these routes are awesome, but they really are. Kneebars. So many kneebars. Oh, and a lifesaver fistjam up high! Had to dig pretty dig for this. First 27 onsight!

V6 Mike Delta X-Ray Boulder Harvey’s Marbles Sun 21st Oct 2018
What a gnarly rock-over!

26 Meter Maids Sport 18m, 11 Pages Pinnacle Sun 8th Jul 2018
Skin of my teeth. Cool climb! Love the funky pockets on this wall.

26 Pigs In Space Sport 30m, 9 Mt Tibrogargan Sat 11th Aug 2018
Sick! Punching through the boulder was a fight ... you need to work it to get anything out of those feet! Had a chat with Kurt beforehands about onsighting. He said that you needed a mixture of discerning calculation, and firm commitment. Great advice, and it came off. One of the best pitches Ive done in the Glasshouse ... although its a shame about the prolific ticking in the upper section.

25 Full Monty Sport 15m, 6 Mt Ngungun Sat 8th Aug 2015
25 Binary Neil Sport 25m, 10 Blue Mountains Sat 20th Feb 2016
Stoked! Committing to a dicey move on the slopey crimps led to the OS.

25 The Reality Dysfunction Sport 20m, 12 Blue Mountains Tue 23rd Feb 2016
Couple of tricky sections but pretty much good holds and flowy movement all the way! The topout had a sting haha.

25 Grape Hour Sport 22m, 8 Blue Mountains Wed 24th Feb 2016
Didnt read it all perfect, and lurched for a jug or two, but pulled it off! Not as straightforward as Reality Dysfunction. Had to pay a lot more attention to sequencing on this line, and got way pumped. Such a journey. Fantastic. Sone bolts were very far out though? :S

25 The Final Piece Sport 17m, 6 Mt Tibrogargan Wed 25th May 2016
So I climbed something ... and didn't fall ... but I'm not sure I was on this. Didn't feel like a 25. Gonna wait till I'm back here to double check.

25 Terminus of Desire Sport 15m, 7 Flinders Peak (limited access) Wed 1st Jun 2016
Yew! Took a gamble trying this as a warm-up but I managed to find my way through w/out too much pump. Soooo worth it for that compression-ey arete sequence at the start and the corner.

22 25 Bird of Prey (Bird Of Prey p1) Sport 35m, 7 Mt Tibrogargan Fri 4th Nov 2016
I had suuuuch a fun time zenning out on this. So delicate and demanding of good body position and footwork. The lukewarm air, cool breezes, shade, good friends, clear head, and flock of small yellow butterflies that were adorning the mountain sent me into an awesome flow state. Refreshing!

25 Switch Blade Honey Sport 30m Mt Tibrogargan Sat 11th Aug 2018
We had time for one more climb, and I wanted to hop on this, though almost retreated to do the 22 instead as it was an easier tick. Decided to pull my finger out, disregard the comfort of the 22 and go for it. Prouder of this decision than the onsight, strangely. Great moves. Hard to read. Slightly committing.

26 25 Future Tense Trad 40m Frog Buttress Sun 16th Sep 2018
Biggest climbing fight of my life. Literally shaking with a mixture of fatigue and adrenaline in the final scramble. Got overscared through the crux, thinking that my last two wires were crap and scared of the potential screaming whipper awaiting me. Turns out the top wire was ok.

Beautiful moves, clean wall, great gear, pumped arms, dry mouth, sore lungs. Sorry for the noise pollution. Epic.

25 Old Man Frederick Sport 25m, 13 Frederick Peak Sat 20th Oct 2018
Oooooh baby! Sweet exposure once you step out left onto the steep! Love the round-a-bout beta and interesting sequencing. Loved this.

24 25 Let's Go Streaking Sport 15m Pages Pinnacle Mon 10th Jun 2019
Awesome weird, cryptic, slanty climbing!

25 Fail Safe Mixed trad 18m, 3 Arapiles Good Sat 30th Nov 2019
Sweet! The route's over pretty quick, although the moves are sweet!

25 Tito Traverxa Sport 28m, 13 Urbenville Tue 16th Feb 2021
The sister climb to Hot Sex, and even better due to the lack of a sketchy start! Another beautiful lime that takes you on a pleasant journey yet threatens to spit you off when you least expect it.

25 Back in Black Mixed trad 75m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan Mega Classic Sun 13th Feb 2022
One of the most outrageous pitches. When I got to the ledge and thought back to how wild that experience was and felt the rush of dopamine - goosebumps literally ran up my arms. A truly unique pitch.

Great day with Kyle and Nathan. Led P1 and P2. Jugged out our fixed line. P1 was adventurous with good climbing and gear. I have never cleaned off so much bird poo whilst climbing!

V5 Kinoko Boulder 4m Toohey Forest Sat 19th Aug 2023
Managed to squeak it but got ridiculously pumped at the top, and had to rest on the slopers like ai was route climbing! Thankfully managed to read the mantle before I got too flamed. Great problem miles easier than the V6

24 Even Monsters Can Be People Sport 14m, 7 Mt Tibrogargan Wed 3rd Jun 2015
24 Thunder Birds Are Go Sport 25m, 9 The Paradiso Fri 11th Dec 2015
What a crux! haha. Tones down from there, but enough to keep you going!

24 Grandma Aragog's Boob Sport 12m, 6 Flinders Peak (limited access) Sat 23rd Jan 2016
Happy with this warmup onsight. Really enjoyed this. Looks much harder than it climbs.

24 Holy Leaping Shortarses, Batman Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Fri 19th Feb 2016
One of my proudest and most improbable onsights. This whole line is to die for: the thin traverse, credit card slab, and sneaky roof. Quality!

24 Troc de l’Ile Sport 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Tue 23rd Feb 2016
24 Wet Paint Sport 16m, 6 Blue Mountains Tue 23rd Feb 2016
Tough!!! Totally misread the crux and gassed myself and lost my flow for the rest of it. Somehow nanaged to pull through, so didn't get to to experience this route in its fullest.

24 Hilltop Hoods Sport 8m, 5 Flinders Peak (limited access) Average Fri 29th Apr 2016
Totally read this wrong at the beginning and got super pumped. Other than the chossy start, an okay warmup. Wouldn't give it a star.

24 Worrying Heights Trad 30m Frog Buttress Mon 2nd May 2016
What a finish to the weekend. Me and Zac had the idea to hop on this last night. Ate some lunch today, then wandered down to this while everyone else was packing up complaining about the heat. I wasn't really feeling it, but got myself prepped and ready, then the cloud-cover came over and I was like "ooooh, the weather gods are gifting us", then as soon as I stepped onto the rock this perrrrfect breeze hit! That breeze pushed me all the way to the top. That, and Zac's unfaltering encouragement. Cheers mate. Worth every star it gets! Linked with Piranha P2 to topout.

24 Orange Slice Sport 20m The Pulpit (private land) Sun 12th Jun 2016
Super sweet climbing - that start is nails! There were some really interesting holds on this one!

24 Grab The Draw (Add The Draw) Sport 20m The Pulpit (private land) Sun 12th Jun 2016
Really made me think hard! Almost got pumped silly but Rob was bang on when he said that this place teaches you to keep plugging on when pumped. Awesome.

24 Language of Desire Sport 28m Blue Mountains Tue 20th Dec 2016
Yeah baby. Was climbing in sun, then as I entered the crux the clouds rolled by to give me a hand, and brought the winds along with them to help me up the onsight. Cloud power!!! Wonderfully absorbing line that doesn't quite let up from whence it gets steep until you're over that final headwall.

24 24 R 42 Wheels Sport 18m, 3 Kangaroo Point Thu 9th Mar 2017
Had to keep my breathing slow to get to that first bolt. Lovely moves up to and over the slab. Shame you're on chipped holds, though. Slab moves are cool, too!

24 Down With His Pants Mixed trad 20m, 3 Frog Buttress Sat 5th Aug 2017
Yipyaaaah! Totally butchered the crux sequence, but it ... worked?

24 Strange Fruit Sport 25m, 10 Mt Tibrogargan Sun 5th Nov 2017
A journey of a route. Some awesome exposure and great moves through interesting holds. So good.

24 Amadeus Sport 15m, 4 Girraween Tue 17th Jul 2018
Awesome climbing. Going to the second bolt is mega fun.n Got freakin' scared at the top of this. I need to try and pull my head together when climbing at my limit on carrots.

24 M1 Evolution - with Frosty
1 24 265m
7 23 M1
Mixed trad 270m, 55 Bungonia Gorge Fri 17th Aug 2018
On a fine, chilly Sunday on the way to Kozci with a legend named Frosty. What a great way to spend a day, and what an incredible crag! The position and the unique rock are outrageous. Looking forward to spending a couple weeks out here in future. The day was made all the more better by the wildlife: 2 male lyrebirds making calls to eachother (either fighting for territory or one was a gay lyrebird trying to pick up the other), a brief high-flying wombat who now less briefly is laying deceased on the gorge floor, a few peregrines, and a mumma goat and her kid that came charging around the corner to see us, and stumble over their own hooves when trying to turn around and flee as soon as they saw us. Oh yeah, and did I mention the climbing was stellar?

24 The Gomminator Sport 25m, 11 Frederick Peak Sat 20th Oct 2018
Good name, and a good route. Funky class. I didn't expect it to be engaging all the way to the chains.

23 24 Rampage Sport 20m, 11 Frederick Peak Sat 20th Oct 2018
Suh-weet! Rad scoopy crux.

24 Yoink Sport 10m, 6 Mt Coolum Sun 3rd Feb 2019
Actually so good! That rest is insane.

24 Suicide City Trad 20m Frog Buttress Sun 23rd Aug 2020
Another great one1 Try not to fall at the crux though ... this was a bloody fight in a dress and with a gear sling! Got pumped silly but got it. Claiming the onsight, though for full disclosure I did boulder up 3 metres, placing no gear (there is none haha), jumped back down to the ground, then sent it. Onsight or not? What do you think? gets popcorn

24 Hot Sex Sport 35m, 14 Urbenville Tue 16th Feb 2021
What a journey!!! The slab in particular is a sweet position and beautiful traversing

24 Apocalypto Sport 20m, 7 Flinders Peak (limited access) Wed 17th Feb 2021
Great climbing albeit close to Blood Moon.

24 Blood Moon Sport 20m Flinders Peak (limited access) Wed 17th Feb 2021
Thought provoking with a tricky start.

22 24 Oh Mighty Gumby Sport 18m, 6 Kangaroo Point Tue 26th Oct 2021
Quite good climbing most of the way! Top to the anchors is pretty crumbly, but in a cool way. I found the 2nd bolt to be strangely off to the right - anyone else find this?

Great work to those who rebolted KP North - very nice to climb some new routes at KP, that stay in the shade longer, too!

24 Miasma - with Alex Turnbull Sport 20m, 4 Kangaroo Point Sun 19th Feb 2023
Fantastic! The first bolt placement is an interesting decision haha, with the runout above it. Great climbing, though this line will get harder over time with the many temporary holds.

V4 Awesome wears no budgie smugglers Deep water solo 7m Kondalilla Sat 6th Dec 2014
Love this place. Onya Matt for sharing. Will be back soon.

V1 V4 Bowyang Boulder 15m Arapiles Sun 4th Oct 2015
V4 13 Boulder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Very Good Thu 20th Oct 2016
I really enjoyed this. All in all I really like White Rock slabbing! Protip: Fingerlocking/stacking in those pockets was pretty helpful. Never really done that before.

V1 V4 The Animator Boulder 5m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Mon 16th Apr 2018
V4 Wish Boulder 3m Springwood Conservation Park Sun 21st May 2023

V4 Silent Witness - with Rob Bailey, zac, Rachael, Josh Boulder 3m Terrors Creek Sun 13th Aug 2023
Quite nice.

23 The Cramps Sport 22m, 10 Blue Mountains Fri 12th Dec 2014
Pretty stoked to read the opening sequence and onsight this. That ctossover move to the incut wide juggy pinch about halfway up is awesome! Favourite holds ever!

22 23 Legoland Sport 25m, 9 Blue Mountains Wed 17th Dec 2014
23 Wrath or Revival Sport 13m Hillwood (private land) Sun 20th Dec 2015
Start was hard, then it layed off a little. Pumpy for the length, like all the routes here it seems.

23 The Nightmare of Milky Joe Sport 20m Flinders Peak (limited access) Sun 10th Jan 2016
Didn't enjoy this as much as it's 22 neighbour, but still have fun. Not great holds!

23 Hot Flyer Sport 25m Blue Mountains Mon 15th Feb 2016
Fantastic. At one of the jugs after the top crux I looked around behind me at that classic mountains vista. That's when it hit me that I was back in the Bluies! Yeahpaaa!!!

23 Lyptus Sport 23m, 8 Blue Mountains Mon 15th Feb 2016
Now this was hard. Didn't figure out the LH wrap beta on the onsight so ended up with an insane deadpoint. The wandery slab up the top was my fave bit

23 Alien Signature Sport 19m Blue Mountains Wed 17th Feb 2016
This climb was a giveaway with all the ticked holds haha. Bloody great though. Love how the dynamic totally changes with the top slab.

23 Creep Show Sport 18m Blue Mountains Wed 17th Feb 2016
A bit more sustained than its neighbor.

23 Dictator in a Deerstalker Sport 9m, 4 Blue Mountains Fri 19th Feb 2016
23 Talking with the Tax Man Sport 8m, 4 Flinders Peak (limited access) Fri 29th Apr 2016
The start's cool and funky!

23 Finger Tips and Mountain Tops Sport 25m, 11 Flinders Peak (limited access) Fri 27th May 2016
Thought this ended earlier than it did, and got pumped silly. What a marvelous line! Really unique with the natural traverse, and it's consistent. Good eye for the line by the FA.

23 Fletcher in the Sky Sport 26m, 11 Mt Ninderry Fri 24th Jun 2016
Again, felt super hard! Pumped silly and didn't climb this well, but I can

22 23 Voyager (Voyager p2) Sport 95m Mt Tibrogargan Sat 6th Aug 2016
Linked w/ p3. Fun laybacking up the start.

23 Gut Punch The Buddha (Gut Punch The Budda) Sport 12m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan Sun 23rd Oct 2016
Loved this at the time, but was definitely outshone by Maponus p1 and Voluptuous! Linked this with Maponus p2. Even so, well worth the effort.

23 Maponus (Maponus p2) Mixed trad 25m, 2 Mt Tibrogargan Sun 23rd Oct 2016
Linked with Gut Punch the Buddha. In my opinion, there's no other way to go if you want to do Maponus p2. It's a continuous straight line bottom to top for 37m! You can rap back down to the ledge easy, as well. Aside from this, p2 was sick. A cool mix of crimpy face and some jams/fingerlocks, with surprisingly bombproof wires, and a great easy slab topout to boot!

23 No Membership Required Sport 10m, 4 Mt Tibrogargan Fri 4th Nov 2016
Cool Coolum-ish jug-thugging!

23 Bargearse Sport 15m, 8 Mt Tibrogargan Tue 29th Nov 2016
Oooooh my climbing libido was getting aroused on this one. Yeaaaaaah baby!

24 23 Black Op's Sport 30m Mt Tibrogargan Tue 29th Nov 2016
What a special route. The crux was cool, for sure, but the real magic lies above, in the constant moderate climbing above in an awesomely atmospheric position. Stellar. Stoked to come back here and try the rest of the routes over this side of the wall.

23 Tripitaka Sport 14m Mt Tibrogargan Fri 17th Feb 2017
Went quite cruisily ... maybe the discouraging thought of a fall onto my impromptu sling-harness helped a touch Can't believe I left my harness in Brissy ... Stupidity aside, a fantastic line with delicate sequencing. Not quite as gooey as Monkey Magic.

23 Epic Journey Trad 30m Frog Buttress Tue 25th Apr 2017
Fantastic climbing and line without any real strenuous moves, all in the sequencing.

23 Nosy Business Mixed trad 20m, 4 Frog Buttress Mon 5th Jun 2017
Oooph, this caught me by surprise. I was expecting a 20. What an awesome, wandery line. Tad contrived, but brilliant in its delicacy.

23 Relative Affection Sport 18m, 7 Mt Coolum Tue 13th Jun 2017
Looked pretty straightforward from the ground, but was precarious with the moisture and dust. Doesn't look like it gets climbed much, but it's pretty interesting climbing!

23 Ego Mixed trad 20m, 5 Kangaroo Point Wed 31st Oct 2018
Great RPs. Tricky thin crux where its best crimp crumbled in my hands, and sort of contrived at the top where the corner is just left almost within reach, but good climbing nonetheless.

23 Antimatter Sport 25m, 9 Freycinet National Park Wed 11th Dec 2019
Bloody brilliant!

21 23 Time to Party Sport 15m, 7 Pages Pinnacle Sun 30th Aug 2020
Cool steep section! Felt harder than 21!

23 Extra Shot Sport 18m, 9 Urbenville Tue 16th Feb 2021
Great and tricky to read in spota

23 Botox Betty Sport 12m, 6 Urbenville Tue 16th Feb 2021
Got suuuuuper pumped at the start but fortunately managed to stick it together to reach the jugs.

23 Sherlock Hemlock Sport 17m, 7 Urbenville Wed 17th Feb 2021
These 22s/23s on the left are the best routes here imo. Nice rock, minimal chipping/gluing, great climbing!

24 23 Desert Treasure Sport 24m, 9 Flinders Peak (limited access) Thu 23rd Sep 2021
What a stellar route! That arete section up high is to die for. Fantastic.

23 Super Charger Sport 20m, 10 The Paradiso Wed 5th Jan 2022
Low crux was fun and the top position is class

23 Close to the Sun Sport 48m, 23 Mount Wellington Sun 9th Jan 2022
Just the first pitch unfortunately, but it was mega fun! Great punchy crux into stellar arete climbing. So much fun!

23 Certified Wise Sport 40m Cape Raoul Classic Tue 25th Jan 2022
I felt wholly in the zone on this route. Quietly in tune with myself, the movement, the environment around us. A sharp focus, but 360 degrees of awareness. Perfect harmony, the entire way until the anchors. I'm grateful for such an experience as the last climb of what had been an incredible trip.

23 The Guns of Navaronne Trad 30m Frog Buttress Sun 30th Jan 2022
A classic albeit the sub-par rock high in the corner. Still, good gear most the way and punching through the headwall is mega fun! I was scared of this for so long, but there's nothing to be scared of! Side runner with a big cam in Odin at the top on a separate line.

23 Raptures HB Variant Trad 40m Mt Tibrogargan Mon 25th Jul 2022
Doesn't look like much from the ground, but really nice climbing, especially the diagonal crack in the second pitch. Great gear, locks, and jams. I linked both pitches for full value, then placed a high piece in Trojan and ducked down into the belay cave, though you could traverse straight across if your second is okay with an easy runout traverse.

23 Divine Comedy - with Kyle Addy
8 Top rope
9 Second
10 Trad
11 Second
12 Free solo
13 Trad
14 Trad
15 Trad
Trad 650m Mt Beerwah Very Good Fri 16th Dec 2022
This was actually such a great route, and really good value for a high mileage day for fitness. A lot of terrain covered and great cardio, mixed in with various pitches of actually-good climbing in the crux pitches!

Thankfully the notably-dry winter meant that the entire climb was bone-dry, leaving only dry, dusty lichen.

Kyle and I freed all pitches, him freeing the first aid pitch and me freeing the second. The upper aid pitch goes at aroudn 23 in its current state, onsighting and suffering through the dust. With a proper clean it would probably go at 22. Would be cool to exit the roof on pitch 10 next time. Simulled Martian and soloed some low-risk sections.

All in all, brilliant route for a brilliant day out! Will be coming back in years to come for pre-trip fitness training. ~8.5hrs car-2-car.

23 Voyevoda - with Blake, Scotty B Sport 22m, 3 Girraween Very Good Mon 15th May 2023

V3 Jug traverse Boulder 3m Cedar Creek Sun 12th Jan 2014
22 Pocket Calculator Sport 15m, 3 Kangaroo Point Wed 13th Aug 2014
Enjoyable. Felt like saying take a bunch of times at the start. Feeling an improvement in moving through the mental pressure one move at a time.

16 22 The Governor (The Governor p4) Sport 320m Mt Barney Mon 8th Sep 2014
Some fun climbing up to and through the chimney to a nice tree at the DBB.

18 22 The Governor (The Governor p8) Sport 320m Mt Barney Mon 8th Sep 2014
Linked up pitches 8 and 9.

14 22 The Governor (The Governor p9) Sport 320m Mt Barney Mon 8th Sep 2014
Linked up. Not much to say. Good lunch ledge

20 22 The Governor (The Governor p12) Sport 320m Mt Barney Mon 8th Sep 2014
22 Shocking Pocket Monster Sport 15m Blue Mountains Wed 17th Dec 2014
22 Ruddy Norry Sport 14m, 4 Blue Mountains Sat 27th Dec 2014
22 Dam spooge Deep water solo 12m Blue Mountains Sat 27th Dec 2014
22 Aphelion (Aphelion p4 / Rubicon p3) Sport 87m Mt Tibrogargan Mon 2nd Feb 2015
Pretty strange, but cool moves.

V3 Iron-stone crimp technique Boulder 3m White Rock Conservation Area Wed 29th Apr 2015
Enjoyed this.

22 Forsaken Sport 20m, 5 Mt Ngungun Sat 8th Aug 2015
22 Child in Time Trad 25m Frog Buttress Sun 30th Aug 2015
As much as I loved this, I can't remember it in that much detail! Flooows so nicely, and just like Oskar's awesome beta: just keep moving!

V3 V3 Arete Boulder 4m Arapiles Sun 4th Oct 2015

Showing 1 - 100 out of 726 ascents.

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