
Ascensiones en Arapiles

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de más de 10,000 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador Fecha
Arapiles Western Side Campbell's Kingdom Sutherland Shire
16 Rose-coloured Glasses Clásica 10m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mié 8.º Abr 2020
17 Micah Clásica 10m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mié 8.º Abr 2020
17 Dark Ages Clásica 12m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mié 8.º Abr 2020
17 Arcadia Clásica 10m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mié 8.º Abr 2020
Arapiles Western Side Campbell's Kingdom
12 Goose Neck Clásica 45m
Stu Muir
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
19 Piss de Resistance Clásica 15m Medio
Paul Badenoch
Sáb 27.º Nov 2010
Tough and fingery for several metres.

16 Piss Clásica 15m
Glen Buchanan
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
16 Piss Clásica 15m Ni te molestes
Paul Badenoch
Sáb 27.º Nov 2010
Started as a lead solo, but there was rain, lichen, loose blocks, I was on my own...

18 Kickapoo Joy Juice Clásica 15m
Glen Buchanan
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
18 Kickapoo Joy Juice Clásica 15m Buena
Paul Badenoch
Sáb 27.º Nov 2010
Would be in the book if it were elsewhere.

17 Andrew's Clásica 15m
Glen Buchanan
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
17 Andrew's Clásica 15m Medio
Paul Badenoch
Sáb 27.º Nov 2010
One tricky move.

14 Thistledown Clásica 35m
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
17 Cold Comfort Clásica 20m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
17 True Grit Clásica 20m
Adam Bramwell
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
17 True Grit Clásica 20m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
17 True Grit Clásica 20m
Rod Young
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
9 Carthaginian Clásica 50m Medio
Neil Barr
21 Barleycorn Clásica 15m
Rod Young
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
21 21 R Barleycorn Clásica 15m
Gareth Llewellin
Lun 16.º Feb 1998
18 Stoker Clásica 13m Muy buena
Wendy Eden
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
Good fun crack, one of the best climbs at campbells

19 Hair of the Dog Clásica 15m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
19 Hair of the Dog Clásica 15m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
like everything on this wall, mossy towards the top, there's also an unavoidable floating column mid climb

19 Hair of the Dog Clásica 15m
Glen Buchanan
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
17 Swill Clásica 15m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
17 Swill Clásica 15m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
like everything on this wall, mossy towards the top

17 Swill Clásica 15m
Glen Buchanan
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
21 Caught in a Crossfire Clásica 15m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
it's ok, but I prefered other routes on this wall

21 Caught in a Crossfire Clásica 15m Muy buena
Andrew Connolly
Lun 6.º Nov 1995
Would be popular if it were close to camp

21 Caught in a Crossfire Clásica 15m
Glen Buchanan
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
21 Caught in a Crossfire Clásica 15m
Gareth Llewellin
Lun 16.º Feb 1998
16 Deep Throat Clásica 15m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
like everything on this wall, mossy towards the top

16 Deep Throat Clásica 15m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
16 Deep Throat Clásica 15m
Glen Buchanan
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
16 Deep Throat - con Norm, Maureen Clásica 15m
Kieran Loughran
Dom 11.º Mayo 2014
Got a bit psyched by the loose blocks.

11 Beginners' Luck Clásica 12m Buena
Dave McGregor
Jue 6.º Oct 2011
13 The Seven Year Itch Clásica 45m
gavin reynolds
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
13 The Seven Year Itch Clásica 45m
Rod Young
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
14 Cancer Clásica 45m
gavin reynolds
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
14 Cancer Clásica 45m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
14 Cancer Clásica 45m
Wendy Eden
Vie 16.º Jun 2017
Good fun, not really very mossy. In fact, Abby described it as "impeccable for an obscure route that hadn't been done in 40 years"!

20 Vegemite Clásica 50m
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
20 Vegemite Clásica 50m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
20 Vegemite Clásica 50m
Giovanni Trambaiolo
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
20 Vegemite Clásica 50m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mié 7.º Jun 2017
Old fashioned team ascent. I baulked at relying on the old piton, Simey bravely went worth a few more metres before bailing for me to get us up the pitch. The climbing is actually pretty good, the gear a bit fiddly but would be safe if the piton was replaced with a bolt. Second pitch didn't look worth bothering with and we headed off left to the anchors on CdL. Finishing up Promite also looks good.

19 Coeur de Lion Clásica 43m
Rod Young
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
19 Coeur de Lion Clásica 43m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
19 Coeur de Lion Clásica 43m
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
19 Coeur de Lion Clásica 43m
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
19 Coeur de Lion Clásica 43m
Adam Bramwell
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
19 Coeur de Lion Clásica 43m Muy buena
Gareth Llewellin
Lun 16.º Feb 1998
19 Coeur de Lion - con Wendy Eden Clásica 43m Clásico
Douglas Hockly
Dom 15.º Mayo 2016
Awesome in the first half, the rest is much easier and some loose rock but wow the first half is amazing. Like a harder version of Toccata, and now has a rap station.

19 Coeur de Lion Clásica 43m Clásico
Wendy Eden
Dom 15.º Mayo 2016
Really awesome route. Sort of like Frog climbing on Arapiles rock with a splash of limestone thrown in.

15 Snorkler Clásica 62m
gavin reynolds
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
15 Snorkler Clásica 62m
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
15 Snorkler Clásica 62m Medio
Ben Cirulis
Sáb 24.º Abr 2004
1st pitch=don't bother, 2nd pitch=good, overall=average

15 Snorkler Clásica 62m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
it's a bit loose and mossy in places,but so is most of Campbells. Still worth doing, striking line

15 Snorkler Clásica 62m
Adam Bramwell
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
15 Snorkler Clásica 62m Medio
Dave McGregor
Jue 6.º Oct 2011
19 Silent Senile Running Foxes Clásica 35m
Wendy Eden
Dom 5.º Jun 2016
Some good climbing taking into account the usual Campbell's Kingdom poorly trafficked rock. Bits of pumpy, tenous, funky and a little exciting.

19 Silent Senile Running Foxes - con Wendy Eden Clásica 35m Buena
Douglas Hockly
Dom 5.º Jun 2016
I thought this was quite good - apart from being diagonal, the rock's pretty good (apart from the start) and the climbing's quite interesting.

19 Silent Running Clásica 59m
Wendy Eden
Dom 5.º Jun 2016
23 Rain Aneurysm Clásica mixta 35m, 2 Buena
Wendy Eden
Jue 9.º Jun 2016
Rain whilst I bolted, rain when we climbed it ... why do people say winter is the best season at Araps? THe second pitch of this route is fun steep climbing on good rock with good gear.

23 Rain Aneurysm - con Wendy Eden Clásica mixta 35m, 2 Buena
Douglas Hockly
Jue 9.º Jun 2016
Easy chossy start but the business is good rock and an interesting crux down low (if you're tall) and sustained up high.

20 Dilettante Clásica 50m
Wendy Eden
Sáb 4.º Jun 2016
The second pitch of this route is awesome. Slightly burly, old school funky crack. Sadly the first and last pitch are scrappy. Would be 2 stars without that. I might put an anchor above the good climbing.

21 Dilettante - con Wendy Eden Clásica 50m Muy buena
Douglas Hockly
Dom 5.º Jun 2016
This is really good. The loose easy start detracts but the business is really interesting climbing on good rock - and now has a rap station on top. Hard for the grade, even once I'd cleaned out the fingerlocks!

13 Cactus Fuctus Clásica 60m
gavin reynolds
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
14 Heart Full of Soul Clásica 60m
gavin reynolds
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
14 Heart Full of Soul Clásica 60m
Rod Young
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
14 Heart Full of Soul Clásica 60m Medio
Dave McGregor
Jue 6.º Oct 2011
14 Heart Full of Soul Clásica 60m
Wendy Eden
Sáb 4.º Jun 2016
The first pitch of this route was filthy and loose which somewhat detracted from the rest of the route but it seemed ok overall in hindsight. The original finish seemed rather pointless and we took the direct. Nice corner in second pitch and DF.

16 Heart Full of Soul - con Wendy Eden, Kylie Jarrett, Kane Hendy Clásica 60m Buena
Douglas Hockly
Dom 5.º Jun 2016
As I was seconding I could go up the 'mossy slab' which is quite nice climbing and rock. Not recommended to lead as it has no gear, but I might put a few bolts in it. This improves the route as it's more direct and better climbing - I thought it was a pretty good two pitch route. Amazing old twisted pine on top.

21 Only Fools Eat Marmite Clásica 30m Muy buena
Gareth Llewellin
Lun 16.º Feb 1998
The obvious direct finish. You'd have to be a fool not to do it.

21 Only Fools Eat Marmite Clásica 30m Buena
Douglas Hockly
Dom 5.º Jun 2016
20 Marmite Clásica 30m
Gareth Llewellin
Dom 1.º Feb 1998
20 Marmite Clásica 30m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
20 Marmite - con Douglas Hockly, Wendy Eden Clásica 30m
Andrew Clark
Mié 1.º Jun 2016
Or at least it might be Marmite...

20 Marmite Clásica 30m
Wendy Eden
Mié 1.º Jun 2016
At least we did the first pitch of Marmite ... On reviewing the description, maybe we did the DF. Maybe we did a new route. All 3 of us failed to work out what the "obvious direct finish" was. What we did was good climbing marred by sufficient dodgy rock to make it, um, exhilarating.

21 Marmite - con Wendy Eden, Andrew Clark Clásica 30m Buena
Douglas Hockly
Jue 2.º Jun 2016
I led the first pitch and Wendy led the second. I think we did the direct finish. Although my head is terrible for leading atm and I got the wobbles (despite good gear) I was genuinely baffled by the crux of the first pitch and pulled through it. Great effort by Andrew seconding it clean. It's worth a star but there are a number of loose feeling blocks and a huge wedge has fallen out of the initial corner. Thought both pitches felt like 21.

18 Perpetual Standstill Clásica 40m
Wendy Eden
Mié 1.º Jun 2016
This was going to be a mega classic straightening up a wandery old route. Well, it does go in a lovely straight line but sadly passes some exciting hollow rock. I didn't expect the cool arete finish - funky moves in a great position, gear might leave a little to be desired though.

18 Perpetual Standstill Clásica 40m Buena
Andrew Clark
Mié 1.º Jun 2016
18 Perpetual Standstill - con Wendy Eden, Andrew Clark Clásica 40m Buena
Douglas Hockly
Jue 2.º Jun 2016
It's a shame that the rock is not so great on this as it's a nice long pitch which is fairly sustained and ends up in a terrific position right on the top arete of the buttress. There is one pretty obvious loose block at about 8m to avoid. A good onsight lead by Wendy!

18 Perpetual Motion Clásica 48m
Philip Armstrong
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
18 Perpetual Motion Clásica 48m
Wendy Eden
Mar 31.º Mayo 2016
The route wanders a lot, but has potential to be really quite good. Going back tomorrow to try a more direct version. And it's the same height as the other routes on the wall. Not sure where the enthusiastic 48m came from. Lou led as one pitch.

16 Zorba - con Norm, Maureen Clásica 33m
Kieran Loughran
Dom 11.º Mayo 2014
Fairly casual til I realised that the roof is just a huge detached block. And then the large flake on the left side of the upper groove is just another almost totally detached thing. Fun and games.

16 Zorba Clásica 33m Medio
Wendy Eden
Mar 31.º Mayo 2016
Climbing is quite good but it is disconcerting to see through the crack in the roof. Not sure how connected it is, but it didn't seem to be going anywhere.

18 Plumber's crack Clásica 30m
Ben Cirulis
Sáb 24.º Abr 2004
obvious crack 2m L of Zorba

18 Plumber's crack Clásica 30m Buena
Wendy Eden
Mar 31.º Mayo 2016
Quite fun flared slippery jams to start. Lou tells me my perpsective is warped. A bit goey then easier but still ok climbing to top.

13 Sundowner Clásica 30m
gavin reynolds
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
13 Sundowner - con Douglas Hockly, Wendy Eden Clásica 30m Buena
Andrew Clark
Mié 1.º Jun 2016
13 Sundowner Clásica 30m
Wendy Eden
Mié 1.º Jun 2016
After Douglas tore out a shrub or 2, this was a nice clean line on good rock. Might be a little tricky for 13, but good climbing

13 Sundowner - con Wendy Eden, Andrew Clark Clásica 30m Buena
Douglas Hockly
Jue 2.º Jun 2016
The start's quite good, then the rock quality falls away a bit. Take a few big cams if you want to climb the LH corner, fortunately the RH corner has good normal sized gear and ok climbing.

9 Little Ripper Clásica 28m Buena
Wendy Eden
Lun 8.º Mayo 2017
Quite good if you start up the wall right of the obvious corner (which has crap rock), then sidle left into the upper crack.

9 Little Ripper - con Wendy Eden Clásica 28m
Andrew Clark
Lun 8.º Mayo 2017
13 Mad Dogs and Englishmen Clásica 20m
Wendy Eden
Jue 13.º Abr 2023
Also a contender for worst route at arapiles, but saved by the cool feature of climbing a steep fat crack that opens at the back into a cave beneath the tottering block that is the top of the pitch. It's cool, but also terrifying that the whole block might come down on you.

13 Rover's Revenge Clásica 28m
Wendy Eden
Jue 13.º Abr 2023
Possibly the worst route I have done at arapiles, and I have done some really bad routes here. Mossy, terrible rock, tottering boulders, vegetation, broken by ledges. It is nice belaying at the top of Campbell's kingdom though.

20 Jam Jar Clásica 25m Buena
Wendy Eden
Lun 8.º Mayo 2017
With my new found Hugh Foxcroft proviso, this is actually a good route. Not 15m though unless you want to solo another 10m chimney from the ledge to the top.

20 Jam Jar - con Wendy Eden Clásica 25m
Andrew Clark
Lun 8.º Mayo 2017
22 Butternut Snap Clásica 30m Medio
Wendy Eden
Lun 8.º Mayo 2017
I have decided to just add 4 grades to everything with Hugh Foxcroft on the first ascent. Desperate fat hands to offwidth bulge (which is actually quite good despite being desperate) then the upper crack is formed by stacked blocks and generally nerve racking.

22 Butternut Snap - con Wendy Eden Clásica 30m
Andrew Clark
Lun 8.º Mayo 2017

Mostrando 1 - 100 de más de 10,000 ascensiones.

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