
Vía en The Watchtower Faces para grado seleccionado

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Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Pinnacle Face Area Below Tiptoe Ridge
6 Ordinary Trees
1 5 30m
2 1 10m
3 6 50m
4 4 50m

"The climbers were so thick they were like ordinary trees". Good to do if the other routes are busy though there could be a bottleneck on the last pitches of 'Tiptoe Ridge'.

Start: Start below big right-facing corner system.

  1. 30m (5) Up easy slab to rock rib just right of corner. Belay in gap between main face and small pinnacle.

  2. 10m (1) Wander across left to a stance closer to the corner where the 'Tiptoe Ridge' buttress meets the main face.

  3. 50m (6) 'Excellent' climbing up the corner to the notch behind the 'Tiptoe Ridge' pinnacle.

  4. 50m (4) Finish up the last 2 pitches of 'Tiptoe Ridge'.

PA: Greg Pritchard & punters from Melb. Uni, 1993

Clásica 140m, 4

Mostrando los 1 vía.

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