
Ascensión en Exhibition Wall por Kalang Kedumba Jones teniendo trad-cpr o ascent-date

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Valuación Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Fecha
646 puntos
16 Vulgate Clásica 10m Blue Mountains Buena Sáb 28.º Ag 2021
Forget face climbing - get IN the crack! What a climb! Yes it was filthy and slippery and it was also character-building and quality offwidthing practice - even my partner new to trad enjoyed it! I got most of the way clean, with improving technique, but didn't quite reach the bomber fist jam without needing a rest from the battle. It wouldn't be an offwidth if it didn't win the fight. Def a couple of 4s needed for sanity.. get on it while its clean(er)!


Mostrando los 1 ascensión.

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