
Vías como clásica en Cottage Boulder

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 7 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
22 R
22 R Attenuation

Starts 11m right of Flaming Youth on sloping shelf 5m above ground. Up to holds, diagonally left to break, up to nasty PR. Finish up very easy grey slab. Two stars in the old guide but probably very dangerous.

PA: M.Law & G.Bradbury, 1979

Clásica mixta 40m, 1
19 Talking Italian

Climb Abra Cadabra to break about 10m up, then left and up short orange wall past bolts to finish up easy grey slab.

PA: J.Smoothy & F.Lumsden, 1984

Clásica mixta 40m, 2
17 Cracked

Start: 27m right of O. Opposite the main cliff.

PA: M.Law & L.Brady, 1978

Clásica 15m
17 R
17 R Outrage

Small orange corner under roof 11m right of Abra Cadabra. Up to roof, left and up arete. Take care with pro.

PA: J.Friend, 1977

Clásica 35m
14 Abra Cadabra

Wide crack 13m right of Flaming Youth. Take big cams including a #6. Climb crack to cave, right and up unprotected 10m++ arete to old bolt belay on top.

PA: J.Worrall & .Devereux, 1967

Clásica 40m
13 R
13 R Foot in Mouth

Start: Right of C.

Clásica 13m
10 R
10 R Kiss the Dog

Start: Just left of the boulder descent route. Take care!

Clásica 30m

Mostrando los 7 vías.

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