
Ascensión de Samarkand como Attempt

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22 25 Samarkand Clásica 150m Blue Mountains
Dom 11.º Sep 2022
Talked dave up from an afternoon at Villawood to a day outside, on the strict requirement that we have a super cruisy day on Darkside / silk rd.

At the carpark I specifically said "I have the 6, 5 and doubles of 4 to 1, so you'll need to bring everything below a 1 please". He accidentally mis-interpreted that to mean that I had nuts and only a single rack of .75-.1, and decided to bring a SINGLE rack of small cams and NO nuts, and left the rest of his gear in the car. We also forgot the tape gloves

Rappelled into the crag. Started arguing over whether or not we were lost when it became apparent there was no chimney. After scrutinising many topos we realised we'd rappelled into samarkand by accident.

dave was very unhappy. I was very unhappy we had not brought nuts. I weighted passively placed cams for the first time in my life. It was a very sloppy ascent by two friends who had not outdoor climbed since they last saw each other in Arapiles many months ago (i think). Our hands got wREckED.

Great chit chat in the car ride home though.


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