
Ascensiones en The Scones teniendo Beta

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 103 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador Fecha
The Scones Far North
V1 Right Roof Búlder Buena
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
Also good, few fun steep moves to start then huge handlebars to the top

V1 Left roof Búlder Buena
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
Good, a couple of steep moves then jugs

The Scones Low overhang
V1 Cool pocket Búlder Buena
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
Awesome hueco, wish it was on a big overhang somewhere

V2 Overslap Búlder Buena
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
FFA. A bit desperate, not too bad for a short problem

V1 Underhang Búlder Ni te molestes
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
The hold under the roof will break any day.

The Scones Graniteish Bloc
V1 After the Blow Búlder 3m Medio
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
FFA. Only done when all the other problems were finished

V3 Have a Blow Boys Búlder 3m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
FFA. Well worth doing

V4 Have a Blow Job Boys Búlder 3m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
FFA. Hard, took ages and felt like a fluke when I finally stuck the top

V1 Ben's arete Búlder 3m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
Sweet problem

The Scones Skip's Highball
V3 Rhys's Highball Búlder 5m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
Done a few years after Skipps highball, 2nd ascent after Rhys. Two cruxes and a tall exit

V1 Skip's Highball (Skipps Highball) Búlder 5m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
Awesome and a touch scary, did the 2nd ascent straight after Skipp. Sweet easy highball.

The Scones Northern Rooves
V3 Rasta Búlder 5m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Sweet, slopey at the top, well worth it.

The Scones Pocket Boulder
V0+ green ant traverse Búlder
Keiron Sames
Dom 8.º Mayo 2022
easier and less awkward than expected. Pleasant

The Scones Jugville Boulder
V0 around the jug Búlder 2m
Keiron Sames
Dom 8.º Mayo 2022
surely been done but thought'd put it in to encourage use.

V1 Gloria's Jeans Búlder Buena
Keiron Sames
Dom 8.º Mayo 2022
managed to avoid the baby tiger snake sleeping in the pockety slots!

V0 Jugville Central Búlder 2m Buena
Jennifer McMullen
Vie 27.º Sep 2013
Nice warm up.

V0 Horn Dog Búlder 3m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Sweet all points off jump to the horn

V0 Horn Dog Búlder 3m Muy buena
Keiron Sames
Dom 8.º Mayo 2022
managed to avoid the baby tiger snake sleeping in the pockety slots!

The Scones The Smoulder Boulders
V1 Skinless Búlder 3m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 5.º Dic 2012
FFA. Fun problem to finish the day. Still needs some cleaning though

V1 Jambalaya (Brian's Problem) - con Brian Cork Búlder Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 5.º Dic 2012
Good problem for only two moves, sweet sidepull to long reach to the top

V1 Jambalaya Búlder Buena
Brian Cork
Jue 6.º Dic 2012
Cool side pull.

Project 4 - con Daniel Darshan Hazell Búlder Buena
Vie 24.º Abr 2015
Climbing this in the dark is intense

V3 Donkey Búlder 4m
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Sharp and fingery

V1 Smoulder Búlder 4m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
good but a bit sharp

V1 Smoulder Búlder 4m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Mié 1.º Sep 2010
One of my favourites at The Scones

V1 Smoulder - con Brian Cork Búlder 4m Buena
doug orr
Lun 25.º Feb 2019
fun arete face thing.

V1 Smoulder Búlder 4m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Sáb 9.º Mayo 2020
My favourite problem at the scones. Beautiful rock and an inobvious crux hold.

The Scones South Park
V0+ Rock Orchid Roof - con Ally Cork Búlder 3m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Jue 5.º Ag 2021
Fun jug hauling with a hidden mailbox slot.

V0 Flight of the Finches - con Ally Cork Búlder 3m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Jue 5.º Ag 2021
Great climbing at the grade!

V0+ Manticore - con Ally Cork Búlder 2m Buena
Brian Cork
Jue 5.º Ag 2021
The challenge is to mantle and not do the fish flop!

V0+ Minotaur - con Ally Cork Búlder 2m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Jue 5.º Ag 2021
Starting off the two slopers and ignoring the underclings is more fun!

V0 The Wombles of Wimbledon (Project 53) Búlder 2m Medio
Arthur Schultz
Jue 31.º En 2013
Easy jug haul even in runners, someone must have climbed this before, bit harder with green ants running up your leg...

V0+ Your Brother Tickles Trout - con Lila Sames Búlder 2m Buena
Keiron Sames
Dom 10.º Abr 2022
prob harder for those without a 6ft reach

The Scones Oreo
V0 Oreo Traverse Búlder 4m Buena
Brian Cork
Jug to jug to jug to...

V0 Oreo Traverse Búlder 4m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Jue 31.º En 2013
Fun jugginess

V0 Oreo Búlder 3m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Who doesn't enjoy jugs this big!

V0 Oreo Búlder 3m Muy buena
Sáb 24.º Ag 2013
great climb

The Scones South Central
V1 Project 42 Búlder 4m
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
FFA. Don't remember what this problem was like.

V1 Fed-ex (Project 42) - con Brian Cork Búlder 4m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 5.º Dic 2012
Cool letterbox slot in this, actually not a bad problem, the direct exit could make it a bit freakier.

V1 Fed-ex Búlder 4m Buena
Brian Cork
Jue 6.º Dic 2012
The direct mantle topout would be better but spooky.

V1 Project 41 Búlder 4m
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
FFA. Don't remember what these were like, probably not much good

V1 Face-scooped (Project 41) - con Brian Cork Búlder 4m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 5.º Dic 2012
After doing this again, it's actually not bad, but does need a bit more cleaning. Still, worth the effort.

V1 Face-scooped Búlder 4m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Jue 6.º Dic 2012
Looks like a blank scoop but has lots of hidden holds.

The Scones Jam and Cream Wall
V1 Jam and Scream Búlder 4m
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Good jam crack

V1 Jam and Scream Búlder 4m Muy buena
Brian Cork
One of the best crack boulder problems in the area.

V4 V3 Strudel Búlder 5m
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Bens problem, very cool and tricky, get the tiny undercling to reach the top

V4 V3 Strudel Búlder 5m Clásico
Grant Bennett
Sáb 24.º Jun 2017
Amazing line, even though it freaked me out. Took a hard fall on last attempt. Will return, super fun

V0 Jam and Cream Búlder 4m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
used to be a sharp treestump at the base, don't fall on it if it's still there

V0 Jam and Cream Búlder 4m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Super fun moderate.

V0 Jam and Cream Búlder 4m Buena
Grant Bennett
Sáb 24.º Jun 2017
Large chunk of rock is loose at the top, avoided it which made for a slightly harder ascent. Still fun

V2 Cream Puff Búlder 4m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
FFA. FA I think, needed cleaning but a good problem now.

The Scones Orange Wall
V1 HoCho Búlder 6m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Sweet, corno nearly killed himself and me when he pulled a loose block off the top, It's clean up there now...

V1 HoCho Búlder 6m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Not too hard but high enough to make me pause.

The Scones High Ball Wall
V0 Jug Rattler Búlder 7m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Vie 1.º Feb 2013
FFA. Only did it once, a suspect jug at 2/3 height, and delicate climbing above with a big rock in the landing zone. Great climbing though if you can put all that out of your mind...

V0 One Eye and the Optometrist Búlder 7m Clásico
Arthur Schultz
Vie 1.º Feb 2013
FFA. Awesome, scary the first time but more and more fun with each lap. Area classic for sure

V1 Scared Frog Búlder 6m
Brenton Owens
Jue 2.º En 2014
claiming this one! scared frog. Up the crack to a bit of off-width. Cool and a little scary at times.

V2 Not as thick as some Búlder 6m Medio
Jue 8.º Mar 2018
Start right of moss streak, at the 2 vertical thin cracks. Start in left crack on little layaway edge then reach up into right crack then straight up. Little rounded at the top, just like getting out of the pool

V1 Fallen Figures Búlder 6m Clásico
Arthur Schultz
Sáb 24.º Ag 2013
Awesome, scary and classic moves, not quite as hard as it appears. Might deserve an R rating as a fall from the top would not be pretty

V1 Fallen Figures Búlder 6m Buena
Sáb 24.º Ag 2013
A little tricky in a couple of spots.

V1 Fallen Figures Búlder 6m Muy buena
Alastair Robertson
Sáb 11.º Jul 2020

V1 Lick My Greasy Crack Búlder 6m
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Awesome, a bit greasy, done on the hottest day of the century. Might be easier on cold days

V1 Lick My Greasy Crack Búlder 6m
Brenton Owens
Jue 2.º En 2014
awesome crack climb. great height, just enough to make you think about your next move!

V1 Lick My Greasy Crack Búlder 6m Medio
Jue 8.º Mar 2018
Not really true crack climbing but good to get up high

V1 Kracow Búlder 6m Medio
Jue 8.º Mar 2018
Use holds inside and on left of off width

The Scones The Alcove
V4 Anti Power Búlder 4m Muy buena
Michael Jansen
Jue 2.º En 2014
Happy to almost send this after a pretty bad today super balancy and small

V4 Anti Power Búlder 4m
Brenton Owens
Jue 2.º En 2014
too hot and sweaty for these slippery slopers

V4 Anti Power Búlder 4m Muy buena
Grant Bennett
Sáb 24.º Jun 2017
Very slippery after poor weather

The Scones The Fortress
V0 The Cry of the Grey Ghost Búlder Buena
Brian Cork
Mié 1.º Sep 2010
Not as hard as it looks but still need to be cautious at the top.

V0 Jess Búlder 5m Buena
Brian Cork
Mié 1.º Sep 2010
Pretty fun and easy

V0 Dolores Búlder 6m Buena
Brian Cork
Mié 1.º Sep 2010
Couldn't resist holding the tree...just in case...

The Scones Low Boy Boulder
V2 Loafer (Project 21) Búlder 2m Medio
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Someone must have done this before me.

V1 Low Blow Búlder 2m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
SDS, huck for the jug and top out.

V3 Low Boy Búlder 2m Buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Hard fingery first move. Good but short.

The Scones Blowboy boulder
V1 Slabblown Búlder 2m Medio
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
FFA. Cool but too short

V1 Blowgirl Búlder 2m Ni te molestes
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
FFA. Short, a bit shit

V0 Blowboy Búlder 4m Medio
Arthur Schultz
Lun 3.º Dic 2012
Too short, but cool holds.

The Scones Kremnos Boulder
V0 Iron Paw Búlder 3m Medio
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Did a sitstart down and right, then discovered that the whole block is loose, don't swing on it!!

V0 Iron Paw Búlder 3m Buena
Jue 8.º Mar 2018
It’s a fun warm up

V0 Iron Paw Búlder 3m
Alec Eastwood
Vie 27.º En 2023
Sent it from halfway through Mind The Dab so worked pretty hard for it, enjoyable pulling on juggy edges though

V0 ~V1 Iron Paw Búlder 3m
Kate Ferguson
Mié 24.º Mayo 2023
Felt stiff at the grade

V6 Mind the Dab Búlder 5m
Alastair Robertson
Sáb 11.º Jul 2020
May have started up slap n tickle for what difference it would make.

V6 Mind the Dab Búlder 5m
Alec Eastwood
Vie 27.º En 2023
Got all the moves relatively quickly, but linking them was a different story, fun problem

V6 Mind the Dab Búlder 5m Muy buena
Kate Ferguson
Mié 24.º Mayo 2023
Very aptly named

V6 Mind the Dab Búlder 5m
Alastair Robertson
Lun 20.º Mayo 2024
very soft

V2 Slap and Tickle (Project 1) Búlder 2m Medio
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
FA? Maybe, tough to get the first move, then turn the lip and easy to the top.

V2 Slap and Tickle Búlder 2m
Mar 10.º Dic 2013
maybe a little tricky for V2. First move is the hardest

V2 Slap and Tickle Búlder 2m Buena
Jue 8.º Mar 2018
Yeah tough money at V2, tough mantle/press

V0 Cecil Búlder 4m Medio
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Also fun, avoids the steep bit, also could use a clean

V1 The Scarlet Manuka Búlder 4m Medio
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Fun,, probably needs more cleaning though

V1 The Scarlet Manuka Búlder 4m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Sáb 4.º Sep 2010
Interesting holds.

V1 The Scarlet Manuka - con Brian Cork Búlder 4m Buena
doug orr
Lun 25.º Feb 2019
we can mount anything.

V2 Rumplesgotskillskin - con Brian Cork Búlder 3m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 5.º Dic 2012
FFA. Quality problem that has been somehow missed until now, well worth doing, a couple of really good slopers in it.

V2 Rumplesgotskillskin Búlder 3m Muy buena
Brian Cork
Jue 6.º Dic 2012
Great moves. Long reach and positive slopers.

V2 Rumplesgotskillskin Búlder 3m
Michael Jansen
Jue 2.º En 2014
Way to hot for sloppers

V4 Mini Ninja Búlder 4m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Mié 21.º Nov 2012
Rhys's problem, found this harder than the Kremonator, left foot in the hueco, traverse the rail, ninja kick to snag the hold out right.

V5 The Kremonator Búlder 4m Muy buena
Arthur Schultz
Mar 20.º Nov 2012
FFA. Tough and cool, the right heel is the secret.

V5 The Kremonator - con Steve Karma Búlder 4m Buena
Steve Karma
Dom 7.º Jun 2015
Missed the flash, spooged off the gaston.

V5 The Kremonator Búlder 4m Clásico
Jue 8.º Mar 2018
When you know, you know. Sneaky heel

V5 The Kremonator Búlder 4m Muy buena
Jesse P
Mié 20.º Abr 2022
Tricky start, once sorted the rest went easy. Great problem.

V5 The Kremonator Búlder 4m
Alastair Robertson
Lun 20.º Mayo 2024
Sneaky toehook in the pocket made this feel pretty straightforward.


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 103 ascensiones.

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