
Vías en University Buttress para grado seleccionado

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Mostrando los 4 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad Zona
16 Sisyphus
Clásica 55m, 2 Mount Wellington
16 Chancellor

Takes the prominent corner line immediately right of Chancellor Direct about 8m up the left side of Avalanche Couloir. Start in the big broken right facing corner as for Vice Chancellor or start up the short wall just right of Chancellor Direct to meet the big corner after 8m. This second option doesn't add much other than the possibility of a painful ground fall.

  1. 30m. Follow the corner for 15m, traverse left and up to small square ledge. Climb the awkward crack to belay on an exposed ledge on the wall.

  2. 25m. Up the clean crack above. The move off the next ledge into the crack was originally aided. At the top traverse right to the rap anchors at the top of Carpe Diem.

PAL: Unknown

PA: M. Douglas & T. Terry, 1967

Clásica 55m, 2 Mount Wellington
16 Catch the Sun in Flight

Wall climbing immediatly left of Sun Stealer.

PA: Mar 2015

Deportiva 12m, 4 Mount Wellington
16 Well Actually

Access pitch for Hold That Thought

Deportiva 15m Mount Wellington

Mostrando los 4 vías.

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