
Vías como búlder en Alfords Point Bouldering

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 14 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
V3 Me

1st problem in the cave.

Búlder 2m
V5 Wet Pants

Same start as Me

Búlder 6m
V6 Jetski Jerks

Start under the roof slighty left of the arete. Make a couple of big moves out past jug at the lip to base of the arete and then straight up where an amazingly huge 'thread' jug awaits.

Z Swan

Búlder 5m
V10 Atrocity

Start Jetski Jerks & staying below the break & holds on break until into Love Gun & finish same as Love Gun. Pumpy.

PA: Damien Alexander, 4 Ag 2014

V7 Stringybark Massacre

Crag Classic! Start on a jug at the back wall and move out the roof, along the sloping shelf and powerfully into the broken corner before heading left and straight up the groove to a thought provoking top-out.

Z Swan

Búlder 6m
V10 Love Gun

Probably the best route of its grade in Sydney! Start right of Stringybark on little shelf left of the corner. crux at start using a undercling then climb through a variety of holds to a hard drive-by moving rightwards and then up into the back-breaking press into the roof and a quick campus through to top-out glory.

V7 Love Gun Stand Start

Standing start, straight into the back breaking press.

Búlder 5m
V9 String 'Em Up

Excellent! Link the start of 'Love Gun' into the finish of 'Stringybark Massacre'. Good moves.

V8 Strung Out

Link the Start of Stringybark into the 'Love Gun' finish. Hard!

V7 Humpathon

Start on the shelf low and just right of the corner and make powerful move straight up to gain a good hold before taversing left and finishing up either 'Love Gun' or Stringybark. Pumpy and hard for the grade.

V5 R Humpathon Direct

Same start as 'Humpathon' but from the good hold in the corner, traverse right to finish up backslam. Worthwhile.

V5 Back Slam

Start in front of the black tree. Left then up.

Búlder 3m
V2 Lift Off

Start right of the tree and climb the chossy wall on crimps and sidepulls.

Búlder 4m
V2 Reward

Start 1m or so right of 'Lift Off' and climb the wall using the obvious pocket. Mossy and chossy.

Búlder 4m

Mostrando los 14 vías.

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