
Vías como deportiva en The Thunderdome

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 20 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
22 Hyperspace

PA: Ton Snelder, 1991

Deportiva 18m, 4
24 Arms Race

Starts in the corner to the left of Layer Cake and joins this route in the overhanging chimney.

PA: Tony Burnell, Dic 2017

Deportiva 12m, 6
25 Layer Cake

At the left hand end of The Thunderdome, goes directly up through the groove in the roof to the left of Gone Bimbo.

PA: Tony Burnell

Deportiva 12m, 6
27 Gone Bimbo

The obvious line on the L end of the roof. Often wet. Pull to the fourth bolt then traverse R along the crack. Previously required a cam at the end of the traverse; now there's an extra bolt. There's also a new anchor to the left of the original anchor, which has rusted badly. Numerous variations exist.

PA: Ton Snelder, 1989

Deportiva 12m, 7
25/26 Gone Bimbo Direct Finish

Climb the standard version of Gone Bimbo, but at the first permadraw on the traverse, instead of continuing right go straight through the roof on good holds to finish at a separate anchor. Using the original (low) beta to get established on the traverse gets you 26 points, whilst the new (high) beta only warrants 25.

PA: Peter Carter, 1990

Deportiva 12m, 5
28 Alternative Traverse

PA: Andy Cockburn, 1993

Deportiva 12m, 6
27 Gone Bimbo Direct Start

PA: Lionel Clay, 1989

Deportiva 12m, 5
27 Carnivore

PA: Peter Taw, 1993

27 Mysterious Swine Disease

Gymnastic and steep moves almost directly out the wall, going slightly left to finish at top of Gone Bimbo. Good edges if a bit sharp, and plenty of bolts!

PA: Pete Taw, 1992

Deportiva 12m, 7
26 Swine Fever

Start as for Mysterious Swine Disease. At the second bolt, instead of breaking out left, continue straight up over the roof and into a right facing corner. Surmount another roof to reach easy ground and the anchor.

PA: Tony Burnell

Deportiva 11m, 5
27 Pump Cake

Climb Mega Pump but instead of going straight up at the left end of the Gone Bimbo traverse, continue left to link into Layer Cake.

Deportiva 8
29 Kublai Khan

PA: Sefton Priestley, 2004

Deportiva 15m, 4
28 Creatures of Power

Start in the permanently oozy, mossy corner to the right of Kubla Khan. Surmount the first roof by pulling a hard boulder problem, then continue up and slightly right past two additional overhangs. Easier but slopey ground leads to the anchor.

PA: Peter Taw

Deportiva 15m, 5
26 The Power of Khan

Climb the first 3 bolts of Powerless Creatures, then traverse left across Creatures of Power to finish up Kublai Khan.

Deportiva 6
26 Powerless Creatures

An easier variant start to 'Creatures of Power' Start in the corner right of the aforementioned route and boulder your way up through 3 bolts and turn the lip off the roof. From here, join 'CoP' and finish as for that route. NB This is not the route's original name, which appears to have been lost to time.

PA: Michael Karnick, 2010

Deportiva 15m, 6
25 Powerless Jockey

Climb the first 3 bolts of Powerless Creatures, then head right, clipping the first bolt of Scud Muscles, to link into Jug Jockey at its crux. Combines the best parts of both routes.

Deportiva 8
24 Jug Jockey

Steep and hard before you get to the jugs and then easier terrain. A spicy final jaunt leads you to the anchors.

PA: Tony Burnell, 1997

Deportiva 12m, 4
23 Frank's In A Frenzy

PA: Damian Carroll

Deportiva 10m, 5
24 Mystery

PA: Tony Burnell

Deportiva 15m, 5
21 Art for Art's Sake

PA: Tony Burnell, 1996

Deportiva 15m, 5

Mostrando los 20 vías.

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