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Mostrando 1 - 100 de más de 10,000 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad Zona
5.12a Trucutrú Love

Shares start with "Porn Star Obsession" but trends right. Used to be 11c, but a loose block was trundled making it much harder at the crux.

Deportiva 25m, 14 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11d El Tecolotito

Starts on the big separated block and continues on the head wall. Rebolted with glue ins November 2015.

Record de tiempo protegiendo cada una de las bandas: 2:00 David Ramiro Zúñiga

PAL: Luiz Carlos "Mac" Gracia, 1999

Deportiva 26m, 12 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11d Body Groovin'

Starts on top of the "middle flake" and finishes with the nice grey tufa. The classic warm-up with great moves on solid stone.

Deportiva 28m, 11 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.12a Culo de la Negra

One of the first routes on Las Animas.Classic.

Equip: ArthuroMartinez, PacoMedina, Alejandro & AlejandroPatino

Deportiva 25m, 12 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11d Tu Felicidad

Starts on the right side inside the cave and leads out to an anchor just next to the big tufa.

Deportiva 20m, 7 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11d Rug Munchers

Perma-draws. Very nice athletic moves.

PA: Dan Lillies, 2003

Deportiva 15m, 7 Cheakamus Canyon
5.12a Muchos Cornjurios

Starts on top of the right (pointy) flake.

Equip: jeb vetters, 1998

Deportiva 28m, 11 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.12a Cara Cortada

Going up the yellow rock with a bulge in the middle.Classic crimping up orange bomber rock.

Equip: Curtis Love, 2004

Deportiva 26m, 12 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.12a Kathmandu

Follows hidden jugs through massive huecos to the top of the wall.

Equip: Lu Ramirez

PA: christian ehlert

Deportiva 16m, 8 Guadalcázar
5.12a Tweaker

Trends right for the first 6 bolts or so to the bush and then goes up straight.

Super cool squeezed line between the 11's. Yes the final hold was comfortized for comfort and positivity and to avoid another 5.13. An extension to this would yeild a magnificient 13-/+ of 40+ meters.

Deportiva 29m, 14 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11d Sweet Pain Deportiva 15m, 5 Red Rock
5.12a Grandes Diseños

Muy buena vía de equilibrio. Movimientos técnicos de placa. Muy divertida y recomendable!

PA: Iván Vigil

Deportiva 17m, 9 La Huasteca
5.11d Macabrona

Por la cara entre el diedro de Chuy y el diedro de lágrimas de mi chorizo.

PA: Andres Medina

Deportiva 23m, 13 La Huasteca
5.12a The Sound of the First Season

Scramble up on the sloping ledge right of the detached block (you might want to clip the first bolt of Mouchie Mouchie) and take the left bolt line up the headwall.

Equip: Ulric Rousseau, 2013

PA: Ulric Rousseau, 2013

Deportiva 25m, 11 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11d Ro Shampo
Deportiva 18m Red River Gorge
5.11d Virus de Gallina

Pasa por el lado izquierdo de la pequeña cueva.


Climbs the left side of the small save.

Deportiva El Salto; C.d.G.
5.12a El Ninjo

Doesn't use the big edge to the left.

Deportiva 12m, 4 Eardley Escarpment
V4 Superfly
Búlder 5m Squamish
5.12a Chaneque

Same start as the dynamic 11c to the right then cut left after the no hands rest. A beautiful v3/4 boulder problem on crimps and pebbles over the bulge. A must do

Deportiva 15m, 10 Jilotepec
5.11d La Contorsionista

Just right of the center line, a classic.

Deportiva 27m, 11 Jilotepec
V2 - 4 Put All Your Fears to Rest

Start on the big ledge and dyno/deadpoint to the top of the boulder. One-move wonder.

Grade greatly varies on where you start, how you climb it and your height.

Búlder Calabogie
5.12a Yankee Clipper
1 5.8
2 5.8
3 5.10b
4 5.8
5 5.9
6 5.10b
7 5.9
8 5.9
9 Class 3
10 5.10b
11 5.9
12 5.9
13 5.8
14 5.10b
15 5.12a

The summit register is at the end of pitch 13, most people skip the last two pitches, and, especially, the last pitch. Bring a 70m rope and 24 draws if linking pitches. Fixed draws on P7 for rappelling the traversing pitch.

PA: Magic Ed, Tami & Ismael Garza

Deportiva 460m, 15, 12 El Potrero Chico
V4 November

Sit start on the flakey jugs near the center of the boulder. Move up and left to top out using the big sidepull.

Búlder Calabogie
5.12a Face the Music

Fixed draws

Deportiva 18m, 5 Cheakamus Canyon
5.12a Inglorious Bastards

Long and closely bolted route finishing right of the dihedral. Easier climbing leads to a steeper finish on pockets and crimps. Perma draws the whole way. 60m rope sufficient.

Deportiva 33m, 17 El Potrero Chico
V4 Easy in an Easy Chair

Start low and traverse right until it is possible to mantle. Slopes and hooks are abundant here. Classic frictiony slopers.

Búlder 3m Squamish
V4 Malaria

Starts with one hand in the jug on the right side of the cave and one hand on the starting hold for 'West Nile'. Move up to the lip and top out at the prow.

Búlder Calabogie
5.12a Salty Dog

Very nice route, the name of the route is written on the rock in blue ink in a yellow box, hard to find.

Deportiva 30m, 12 El Potrero Chico
5.12a Ramone's Mushroom Tufa

Climbs the huge tufa. Originally graded 5.11b! It seems a hold broke at the start making it 5.11d or even 5.12a. The boulder start is the crux.

PAL: Ramone Huergo, 1997

Deportiva 18m, 8 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11d Don Quixote
Deportiva 24m, 8 El Potrero Chico
5.12a Chainsaw Massacre

PA: Jeff Moll, 1994

Deportiva 18m, 7 Red River Gorge
5.12a Time Wave Zero
1 5.7
2 5.11b
3 5.9
4 5.9
5 5.10a
6 5.9
7 5.7
8 Class 4
9 5.9
10 5.10b
11 5.9
12 5.7
13 5.8
14 5.9
15 5.9
16 5.10d
17 5.9
18 5.9
19 5.9
20 5.10d
21 5.12a
22 5.8
23 5.3

Fantastic climb!!!! Careful on the raps, knot end of ropes to be sure!

The 5.12a can be french freed.

[dagibbs edit note, 2012] Neither Dane's guide (The Whole Enchilada, 2007) nor Ed's book (Climb El Potrero Chico, 17th ed 2012) mention this route, or anything similar to this route in this area. But, there is a topo for the Outrage Wall in the back of Ed's book that diagrams "Jambo Bwana (TWZ)" beside the Surf Bowl. So, this pretty clearly is the first few pitches of TWZ (until the first garden). Maybe TWZ was only bolted part way when this was first posted? Or the climber thought the 3rd class was the end? [/edit note]

The approach is long, follow the spire path and keep going, the route is on the far left [edit: actually far right] of the Surf bowl. Still very chaucy rock, needs more ascents to clean the route. The crux pitch is made harder in part due to the crimper holds crumpeling while most inconvinient. There is a fixed rope at the top, to rap the top pitch.

-z- you are correct, JumboBwano was the original route, and Timewave was added from the 3rd class ledge. It is in my 2001 guide ... Timewave was added in 2003 I think. Ed and I tried for the 2nd ascent, but were overtaken by a simul climbing Mexican team. They were not going to let us take the 2nd! We only made it to the eighteenth pitch, and they past us on the way down before we got done!

P1: 4 Bolts (4 bolt anchor) P2: 9 Bolts (4 bolt anchor) P3: 8 Bolts (3 bolt anchor) P4: 7 Bolts (4 bolt anchor) P5: 8 Bolts (4 bolt anchor) P6: 9 Bolts (3 bolt anchor) Traverse pitch P7: 3 Bolts (3 bolt anchor) P8: 4th class P9: 10 bolts (4 bolt anchor) P10: 9 bolts (4 bolt anchor) traverse P11: 8 bolts (3 bolt anchor) P12: Ledge for overnight bivy P13: 6 bolts (4 bolt anchor) P14: 6 bolts (4 bolt anchor) P15: 9 bolts (3 bolt anchor) P16: 9 bolts (4 bolt anchor) P17: 7 bolts (4 bolt anchor) P18: 8 bolts (4 bolt anchor) P19: 6 bolts (4 bolt anchor) P20: 7 bolts (4 bolt anchor) P21: 10 bolts (4 bolt anchor) P22: 7 bolts (2 bolt anchor) P23: 6 bolts (1 bolt anchor) ridge traverse

PA: Paul Irby & Dane Bass, 2002

Deportiva 700m, 23, 10 El Potrero Chico
5.12a Ruta Original

10 th route . on of the first lines in the cave but not the first one since Canek & Mudo bolted virus de gallina and arbolito first, they were left uncomplited , many years later Alex Catlin finished them both adding more bolts . this 5.12 a is really good, climb left into a steep section, pull through sloppers ,find your rest and keeo moving through crimps ,sidepulls and balancy reachy moves into cracked dehedral.

PA: canadian climber, 2001

Deportiva 30m, 12 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.11d Anunaki

Climbs the natural weakness through the wall following tufas to the bottom of the massive stalactites.

Deportiva 20m, 9 Guadalcázar
5.12a Quimera

The pocketed line on the white streak. Cruise pockets all the way to a tricky finish!

Equip: Carlos Mondragón

Deportiva 14m, 6 La Meca
5.12a El Nicho

A balancey slab to a long v4.

Deportiva 17m, 6 Jilotepec
5.12a Hippocrite
Deportiva 14m, 4 Red River Gorge
5.12a Mrs. Negative

fun bouldery style climbing

Deportiva 10m, 5 Cheakamus Canyon
5.11+ La Vaca

FA Andy Howe Craig Smith Dec 1992

PA: Craig Smith & Andy Howe, 1992

Deportiva 55m, 2 El Potrero Chico
5.12a Fear and Loathing III Deportiva 18m, 9 Red Rock
5.11d Negro Apocaliptico
Deportiva 12m, 8 La Huasteca
5.12a Niviru

Small stalactites lead to the crux near the middle of the route to a finish on several perfect tufa pinches.

Deportiva 20m, 9 Guadalcázar
5.11d Pangea

A Potrero Chico classic.

Deportiva 24m, 7 El Potrero Chico
V4 Black Mark

PA: Chris Hecimovic

Búlder Squamish
5.12a Alta Tension

De las vías más sólidas del grado, un poco morfológica en el crux.

Inicia por agarres buenos hasta un bloque muy duro de pocos movimientos para de ahí seguir hasta las cadenas en agarres buenos pero con resistencia.

Deportiva 14m, 8 Los Pericos
5.11d The Sword

On the right end of the upper flake. Small features and cracks lead you to the top of the pillar. Anchor has two solid permadraws.

PA: Rick Ross & Dane Bass

Deportiva 26m, 14 El Potrero Chico
V4 Orbital Insertion

Start matched in the good slot at the lip. Climb left to top out as for the end of The Orbital Traverse. A hard sit start below this looks possible.

Búlder Calabogie
5.12a Check Your Grip

PA: Neal Strickland, 1998

Deportiva 24m, 7 Red River Gorge
5.12a La Bocina

The obvious line leading through the most structured part of the wall. Slightly trending left. Bolted with glue-ins.

Deportiva 20m, 11 El Chonta
V4 Iron Man Búlder 5m Buttermilks
5.12a British Invasion
Deportiva 32m, 12 El Potrero Chico
5.12a Pierre volante

The steep overhanging face with jugs.

Deportiva 15m, 5 Kamouraska
5.12a Fear of Flyin'

A Potrero Chico classic!

Deportiva 30m, 13 El Potrero Chico
5.12a Blue Fin

Permadraws, except for first 3.

Deportiva 30m, 12 El Potrero Chico
5.12 B - C Tsunami

Sustained face climbing on mostly good holds with a distinct crux midway.

Deportiva 18m, 9 Mount Lemmon
5.11d Burning Down the Couch
Deportiva 30m Squamish
5.12a Dos por Uno

Es una ruta corta (tiene extensión 5.12d) comparte reunión con "Sangría 5.12c". La ruta termina justo antes del diedro.

Equip: Alex Catlin

Deportiva La Huasteca
5.11d Crankenstein
Deportiva 10m Austin
5.12a Quarter Century Girl

Obvious line following the overlap

Deportiva 25m Horne Lake
5.12a Innovación Mecánica

A technical start leads to steep climbing on good holds. Glue ins were put in down low on 29. April 2019.

Deportiva 19m, 9 Jilotepec
5.12a La puchita más apretada

There is an extension to this route 15 bolts

Deportiva 26m, 10 Ixcatan
5.11d/12a Area 51

Tiene una extensión que la vuelve 12a

Deportiva 20m, 10 Remedios
5.11d Pipetaputo

The route right of Gula. A technical start, followed by crimpy and sustained climbing.

Deportiva 12m, 5 Jilotepec
5.12a Black Water

PA: Dave Lane

Deportiva 30m, 11 Squamish
5.12a El Balota
Deportiva 26m, 10 El Potrero Chico
5.12a Crudita

Es la primer reunión de la ruta más impresionante de la pared. Es la grieta más larga y desplomada, pero crudita solo es la primera parte de la ruta.

Deportiva La Huasteca
5.12a Rock Point

Inicia por "Picudo" hasta la quinta placa, de ahi gira a la izquierda en un crux de regletas y talones para continuar con una secuencia de power endurance a las cadenas.

Video POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-y53ZedgWm4

Solo la primera mitad

Deportiva 15m, 7 Los Pericos
5.12a Dance Me Outside

One of the steepest at Grassi. Follow the right trending crack on new (2015) fixed draws. Crux is where the lower crack gains the upper. The last redpoint crux is a heart breaker dictated by the pump. Enjoy

PA: Peter Arbic, 1997

Deportiva 20m, 10 Canmore
5.12a Heinous Cling (1st Anchor)

If you're going all the way, check out the full Heinous Cling. For most of us, the fun will stop at the first anchor.

Begin up a seam and pockets with an optional gear placement (BD 0.4 or 0.5) in the horizontal crack. Continue up pockets and good holds. Manage your pump in preparation for more difficulties prior to reaching the final bolt.

PA: Alan Watts, 1984

Deportiva 30m, 5 Smith Rock State Park
5.12a Homeward Bound

Just to the right of Phasers on Kill, climb up the series of bulges. 4 bolts and 3 cams.

PA: 2011

Clásica mixta 16m, 4 Calabogie
5.12a King Mota

Starts about 3m meters right of "Snott Girlz" and a little to the right of "Stone Groovin'". Starts up the big flake and over the bulge.

Deportiva 29m, 9 El Potrero Chico
5.12a Dogleg

PA: Unknown

Deportiva 27m, 10 Red River Gorge
5.11d XL Puff Sneaker

PA: Dane Bass, Matt Grecco & Ralph Vega

Deportiva 21m, 6 El Potrero Chico
5.12a Yertle the Turtle
Deportiva 4 Austin
V4 The Solarium

Harder now due to breaks on the topout holds.

Búlder 4m Tablelands
5.12a Burlier's Bane

PA: Roxanna Brock, 1995

Deportiva 18m, 6 Red River Gorge
5.12a Yellow Beard Deportiva 20m, 9 Cheakamus Canyon
5.12a Liposuction
Deportiva 15m Austin
5.11d Parental Guidance

A fun route with the crux coming at the second bolt.

Deportiva 12m, 5 Squamish
5.12a El Violonchelo

Starts on La Viola but continues straight / right. A beautiful endurance route that starts on massive stalactite formations and ends on a massive tufa to a technical face.

Deportiva 32m, 15 Guadalcázar
5.12a Coyne Crack
Clásica Indian Creek Canyon
5.12a Plesiosaurus

Starts on the slab right under the big stalactite. Hard moves to get to the stalactite. Rest on the right side of the cave. Reachy stemming move to reach the first anchors.

Deportiva El Salto; C.d.G.
5.12a La Huerfana

Inicia siguiendo una grieta diagonal hacia la derecha para despues llegar a un descanso grande sin manos, de ahi sigue un bloque v3-v4 de power endurance aproximadamente de 3 placas de distancia.

Descanso final y cazuelas a la reunión. La extensión está a la derecha de las cadenas y sube casi hasta top out de pericos


Deportiva 24m, 2, 9 Los Pericos
5.12a Wild, Yet Tasty

PA: Porter Jarrard & Jeff Moll, 1992

Deportiva 15m, 4 Red River Gorge
5.11d Electric bombin
Deportiva 18m La Hidroelectrica
5.12a Social Outcast

Climbs up the intimidating overhanging arete at the left side of Bonsai. A seated rest halfway lets you prepare for the final haul through the crux.

Your redpoint can be significantly easier if someone hangs a long draw on bolt #6 before your attempt.

PA: Ted Hammond, 1989

Deportiva Rumney
5.12a Scar Tissue
Deportiva 14m, 5 Red River Gorge
5.12a Flying Squirrel

Great technical climbing.

PA: Tom Freebairn, 2016

Deportiva 12m, 5 Skaha
5.12a Bettavul Pipeline

PA: Mark Johnson & Drew Cronan, 2006

Deportiva 17m, 5 Red River Gorge
5.12a B60 OFO

The route is graded on pump, but the buckets do run out into smaller jugs in 2 sections. 30m's of constant overhanging steep powerful climbing. Pray for a low gravity day and that your arms don't explode!

PA: Mark Whalen & Eric Hoogstraten, 2001

Deportiva 30m, 12 Canmore
5.11d Buddha Hole

PA: Neal Strickland

Deportiva 23m, 8 Red River Gorge
5.12a Mala Fama (primer largo)

Just right of the phallus feature at the cave's bottom. Pumpy, fun, unique, and excellent climbing. Trends slightly right.

Deportiva 35m, 15 El Chonta
5.12a Hakuna Matata

PA: Kellyn Gorder, 1996

Deportiva 26m, 9 Red River Gorge
5.11d Manifest Destiny
Deportiva 21m Red River Gorge
5.12a Los Pachecos

Left of LSG.

Deportiva 12m Peña de Bernal
5.11d Core Values, Pitch 1

One of the first routes developed at the sector. Stick clip a high first bolt. Hard moves off the ground lead to a rest out right. Progressively harder moves lead to a final mantle and a fixed belay on the slab above.

PA: Patrick David

Clásica mixta 18m, 4 Calabogie
V4 Love of My Life
Búlder Niagara Glen
5.11d Your Wife (Direct)

Climb a few harder moves on the face to continue on Your wife. try to avoid big flake out left to start

PA: 2000

Deportiva 4 Eardley Escarpment
5.12a 49
Deportiva 23m, 12 Maple Canyon
5.12a The Masque P1

A tough opening move gains a crack in a left facing corner. From the 3rd bolt, step left and execute cool moves between steep jugs that leads to a power draining, sequential crux. Steady now

PA: Peter Arbic, 1993

Mant: Jimmy Blackhall, 2016

Deportiva 15m, 7 Banff

Mostrando 1 - 100 de más de 10,000 vías.

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