
Vías en Botshabelo

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 175 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
{FB} 8B
Monolith Turtle
{FB} 8B Beautiful Island Project

Start on Brandon's roof and climb into Archelon. 7C+ into 8A+ makes around 8B maybe 8B+.

The Ark Noahs Egg
8A+ Project

start on far right of boulder on arete jugs and climb left through the buldge. you cant just be strong for this one....

Monolith Fire Boulder
8A+ Speed of Light project

Start as hydra but continue left via a ridiculous move to a crimp. This move will separate the men from the bois....

Monolith Fire Boulder
8A Project Burn

start on low side pull and climb straight up via compression

Blockbuster sector Surfs up boulder
7C Lord of war

Sit start with left hand undercling and right hand low and right on cool hueco scope. Do a insane move to the crimp on the face.

The Ark The Bridge
7C Gondor

Start on "pelennor" but climb into "Minas Tirirth"

Graveyard area Bitch it
7C Thats the Business

Amazing line! start on big jug and climb straight through overhang using comprerssion.

7C Bitch it

Start on jug and bust out on dope compression. One of the best climbs in the area.

PA: Christoff Buys

Monolith Turtle
{FB} 7C Brandons roof project

Sit start right hand jug and left hand roof compression and climb into "komodo dragon"

{FB} 7C Archelon

Start on jug sidepull and climb straight out.

Gully sector Triple threat
7B+ Tripartite Sequence

Start as HHH but go left hand to a sloper and climb leftish up the face. Complex sequence. Pedestal not in.

The Ark The Bridge
7B+ Minas Tirith

Start as the White tree but after big move go left and up.

7B+ The White tree of Botshabelo

Start on obvious jug and move out left via a big move and then trend back right on awesome crimps. A classic problem.

Monolith Erosion
7B+ Erosion

Start as landslide but traverse right and finish as sedimentary. Pedestal not in.

Monolith Warship Boulder
7B+ War for the Planet of the Apes

Start far left under roof on jug and traverse right on some pretty poor holds.

7B+ Screaming in war

start as warship but slap out left and climb left through buldge and up face on little crimps

Blockbuster sector Academy Awards
7B Fools gold

Sit start on obvious low pedestal jug and climb up low roof.

The Ark Ship
{FB} 7B All aboard

Sit start on good crimps. Go straight up.

The Ark Blood
7B Jugular blood

Start on the slab on good jugs to the far right. Climb left and awkwardly on good holds and do a hard, big move to get through the gap and finish straight up overhang. Long and epic.

PA: Josh Alexander

Monolith Fire Boulder
7B Hydra

Sit low on obvious jug and climb left and do a massive dyno to a perfect edge on the arete. Amazing.

PA: Christoff Buys

The Playground Watch me Neinei
{FB} 7B Closed Project: Box Shaped Heart

Sit start. Left hand on corner jug and right hand on an undercling in the back corner. Traverse right andtop out with a dynamic move up to a decent sloper with a lot of texture on it.

Climbs name come from the black heart you climb past.

Equip: Albert Botha, 21 Abr 2023

6C - 7B
Graveyard area
6C - 7B Reach beech

Start to the right of Land claim. Start right hand on tiny undercling and left hand on flat undercling thats high. Do a big move up and right to jug.MORPHO FA Evan Margetts

Ridgeline boulders Apex boulder
7A+ Bloodhound sit

Sit start right hand on crimp and left hand on pinch. CLimb into bloodhound. King Line.

PA: Christoff Buys

Blockbuster sector Hollywood Boulder
7A+ The Mummy retruns.

Sit start to the right of "the Mummy" but climb up and rightwards.

Monolith Turtle
{FB} 7A+ Galápagos Islands low

Start on jug on far right of boulder and climb into "Galapagos island"

PA: Christoff Buys

Ridgeline boulders Apex boulder
7A Bloodhound direct

Start as Bloodhound sit but when you reach the jugs go straight up.

Blockbuster sector Academy Awards
7A Life of PI

Sit start on jug and climb through overhang

Blockbuster sector Hollywood Boulder
7A The Mummy

Sit start on jugs and climb up awesome face.

The Ark The Bridge
7A Orcrist

Sit start on small bad crimp and deadpoint up and finish as "Minus Tirith".

PA: Josh Alexander

Graveyard area
7A Land Claim

MORPHO.Directly right of Fort Merensky. Start left hand on low side pull and right hand on decent side pull and do a big move with left hand to slopey crimp and top out. FA Evan Margetts

Graveyard area How
{FR} 7A Delilahbattleduck

One of the longer routes at Botshabelo. Toe hooks, heel hooks, horrible feet with crimps and sloppers will test your problem solving skills. A very interesting boulder problem for sure.

Stand start below the obvious crack and traverse as far right as you can for the top out.

PA: Albert Botha, 24 Nov 2022

Monolith Sigiriya
7A Up and over

Start on pedestal and climb straight over the lip.

PA: Christoff Buys

Monolith Warship Boulder
7A War of the wimps

Same start as War for the planets of the apes but wimp out and finish up early.

PA: Elmer, 5 Ag 2023

Monolith Turtle
{FB} 7A Komodo Dragon

Awesome little climb. Sit Start under roof on left hand low side pull and right hand on obvious crimp. (left hand side pull is next to obvious left foot). Climb straight up over buldge.

Ridgeline boulders George of the jungle
6C+ George of the jungle

Sit start on obvious edge and climb up and right. WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!

Blockbuster sector Crank Boulder
6C+ Crank high voltage

sit start on jug, move to crimps and dyno to lip.

The Mines Parallel Blast
6C+ Sapphire

Sit Start right hand on Crimp and left hand on pinch. Climb up.

PA: Evan Margetts

PA: 23 Oct 2022

Monolith Fire Boulder
6C+ Questioning Balance

Start on holds just right of "hydras start" and climb up little crimps with perfect balance

Monolith Turtle
{FB} 6C+ Galápagos Islands

Start on big jug and climb left on awesome slopey crimps.

Metropolis Flatty Boom Boom
{FB} 6C+ Sticking to U

Sit start on left of the boulder. Traverse over to the right and top out.

PA: Albert Botha, 24 Mayo 2023

Gully sector Triple threat

Sit start on obvious good right hand and left hand crimp on left side of face. Do a big move to a good edge in the center of the wall. Pedestal not in.

Ridgeline boulders Apex boulder
6C Bloodhound

Stand start and climb beautiful arete on the left side of the boulder.

PA: Christoff buys

Blockbuster sector Academy Awards
6C Around the world in 80 days

start as "up" but continue traversing all the way around and top out mini corner. Awesome slopers.

6C Tarantino Traverse

Stand start on left jugs of awesome "snout" looking feature. traverse right into the start of "Red" and finish as "Red".

Blockbuster sector Shrek boulder
6C Shrek

Sit start on crimp, do a big move out right and climb straight up.

PA: Tim Slab

The Ark Kakapo
{FB} 6C Coddled

Same start as Clip the wing but instead of going up stay under the roof and traverse across the boulder to top out on the left side of the roof.

PA: Albert Botha, 3 Nov 2022

Graveyard area
{FR} 6C Landmine

Start on the flat jug and traverse all the way around and up on good/Sloped holds (bottom slab not in). FA Evan Margetts

PA: Evan Margetts, 24 Jul 2022

6C Dead in 1820

stand start on big foot and thin crack and climb up sketchy face. FA Christoff Buys

Down by the River Silky Snakeskin
{FB} 6C Mamba Spoeg

Sit start on a descent crimp sloper combo. Climb out right over the ledge. Watch out not to use the boulder on top as you top out. It's not part of the boulder you're climbing.

PA: Albert Botha, 28 Mar 2023

Monolith Red Eye
6C El Jimador

Start on obvious rail and climb through roof using the left lip as holds.

PA: Christoff Buys

Monolith Banshee
6C Banshee Arête

Sit start on obvious sidepull and climb up high arete.

PA: Christoff Buys

Monolith Fire Boulder
6C Basilisk

Start as hydra but once you have the jug deadpoint out right to sloper.

PA: Christoff Buys

6C Walking on coals

sit start on jugs and climb through and around.

Monolith Cold in Summer
6C Fight the heat

Start as heatwave but traverse right and around the corner. Pedestal not in.

6C Heatwave

Start on obvious good hold and climb straight up via awkward move. Pedestal not in.

Monolith Warship Boulder
6C Battleship

Start on big pocket and climb straight out.

PA: Ale Barerio

6C Warship

Start on right hand good crimp and left hand good sidepull and climb up prow

Monolith Turtle
{FB} 6C Big Turtle

Sit start and left hand crimp and right hand crimp and climb leftish up overhang

OG sector Ninja Socks
{FB} 6C Ninja Socks

PA: Johan Prinsloo, 2013

The Playground Watch me Neinei
{FB} 6C Jugilo

Start on good crimps and dyno up.

Metropolis Trooper
{FB} 6C You'll never survive in war

Sit start on a good ledge bottom far right. Traverse all the way left and top out.

Don't let the jugs fool you.

PA: Albert Botha, 23 Feb 2023

Gully sector Triple threat
6B+ Mid traverse

start as "TS" but head right into Triple X.

PA: Tim Slab

6B+ Middle Threat

Start on the obvious sloper and pocket on the middle of the wall. Move left and up on awesome crimps. Great rock. Pedestal not in.

PA: Tim Slab

6B+ Triple X

start as middle threat but head up and right. Great climb.

PA: Christoff Buys

Blockbuster sector Academy Awards
6B+ As above, so below

Start as up but head right.

The Mines Parallel Blast
6B+ Goldstone

Sit start right hand on good hold and left hand on arete and climb up.

PA: Evan Margetts, 23 Oct 2022

The Ark The Bridge
6B+ Pelennor left

Start as Pelennor but go left to good edge under roof and up.

The Ark Ship
{FB} 6B+ Disco Juice

Sit start on obvious crimps and climb up.

Graveyard area The Sewer
{FR} 6B+ Die Drolleloog

Start as deep into the "cave" as possible. Push either both or one leg into the hole and start with both hands on the ledge closest to that hole. Follow the crack and stay to the right as you exit. Only use the crimps to the right of the crack in the roof.

PA: Albert Botha, 13 Dic 2022

Graveyard area Ruins
6B+ Altered Ruins reverse

Start on the far left of "ruined roof" but traverse right. FA Christoff Buys

6B+ Altered Ruins

Sit start low on jug with high heel. Move up to jug and traverse left all the way and top out. FA Gary Lowther

PA: 24 Jul 2022

Graveyard area Ascension
{FR} 6B+ Won't be missed

Stand start on the ledge and go straight up on crimps. The top out is a bit void of good holds

{FR} 6B+ Intimacy

Same start as Ascension Avoided but go up left. Big balancy moves on decent crimps.

PA: Albert Botha, 11 Nov 2022

Monolith Red Eye
6B+ Bloodred eye

Sit start on low jug and climb up cool overhang.

PA: Alistar Stubbs

Monolith Chance Encounter
6B+ Stone Hinge

Start on the obvious sidepull on the left and go straight up.

PA: Elmer, 5 Ag 2023

OG sector The Bush Administration
{FR} 6B+ Have it both ways

Start on "keep it tight" and traverse left to top-out on "Another way"

Gully sector triple roof boulder
6B Bushwacked

Sit start under roof and climb straight up.

PA: Matthew Byrd

Ridgeline boulders Poison mushroom
6B Poison Mushroom

Sit start and climb up mushroom feature.

Ridgeline boulders residual energy boulder
6B Residual energy

Stand start and climb up nice arete juggy feature.

PA: Christoff Buys

Ridgeline boulders Little boulder
6B Munchkin

Sit start low and climb up.

PA: Christoff Buys

6B Don't go in there, that's Georges room.

Start as "snowball" but traverse left and finish up nose of boulder.

Blockbuster sector Western Boulder
6B Once upon a time in mexico

Sit start on pedestal and climb up nice face.

6B Gung-Ho

Start on obvious good hold and climb up.

6B Armadillo

Start on obvious good holds and climb up crack.

6B Call of the wild

start on two obvious low holds and climb straight up.

PA: Matthew Byrd

Blockbuster sector Academy Awards
6B Red

Stand start with jug and do a big move over the little roof and top out.

Blockbuster sector Shrek boulder
6B I like that boulder, that's a nice boulder

Sit start low on slopers and climb up and right.

6B Lord Farquaad

Start as shrek but go left and up.

PA: Tim Slab

The Mines The Shovel
6B Adams Stone

start as shipstone but climb up and left through roof

PA: Adam Findlay

The Mines Fungus
{FB} 6B Lashings

Left hand on a sidepull below and right on a good edge. Go straight up. Mind your back as you'll be climbing close to the rock behind you.

PA: Albert Botha, 23 Oct 2022

The Ark The Bridge
6B Sting

Stand start on obvious jugs and climb up.

PA: Josh Alexander

The Ark Kakapo
{FB} 6B Clip the Wing

Sit start at the back/far right side. Go up to good jug then only using the top part of the roof traverse all the way to the other side the boulder to top out.

PA: Albert Botha, 1 Nov 2022

{FB} 6B hold the leg

Right hand on a flakey side-pull and right hand at the bottom of the crack. You can either use the pockets to go up or make a big move up to the good ledge. Traverse left and top out.

PA: Albert Botha, 1 Nov 2022

Graveyard area The Sewer
{FR} 6B Air Freshner

Same start as turdologist but top out to the left by using some good ledges.

PA: Albert Botha, 12 Dic 2022

Monolith Perfect Rock
{FB} 6B Polar Arête

Sit start on obvious holds and climb up nice arete.

PA: Christoff Buys

{FB} 6B Ice man

Start as Ice but climb right into polar

Monolith Fire Boulder
6B Spicy Speedbag

Start on jugs under the roof and climb up tricky buldge.

PA: Mignon Basson

Monolith Turtle
{FB} 6B Galápagos Islands direct

As the name suggests

OG sector Leaky
{FR} 6B Plumbing Checked

Start on the great jug under the roof to the right.

OG sector The Bush Administration
{FR} 6B Keep it tight

The pedestal is not in play. lie down to start on the corner below the roof.


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 175 vías.

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