
Vías en Echo Wall

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 4 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
23/24 Echo Wall
1 21
2 23/24

The main event. Harder than it looks.

  1. 20m (21) up the flake system right of the Original Route and into the overhanging crack. You'll find gear in here and lay-backing it helps. Climb to the roof and then traverse right using a kick jump move (awesome!) and up to a belay under the roof.

  2. 20m (23/24) move left into the roof. A yellow DMM Dragonfly micro cam is useful here. Line is not yet confirmed but there are two options here. Rail far left (harder) with bad feet (may need to campus) or go more direct and go right of the undercling block. Once on the headwall mantle onto a yellowish block (it's solid) and using an undercling standup to clear a blank looking face. Go up the big flake on your left then easy terrain to the top.

PA: 4 Feb 2023

ClásicaProyecto 2
21 Echo Wall (Wimp)
1 21
2 18

The wimp version of Echo Wall which skips the biggest part of the roof.

  1. 20m (21) As per Echo Wall P1.

  2. 20m (18) Break through the roof on the right and then move back left around the bulge to establish yourself on the headwall. Finish as per Echo Wall.

PA: Ollie Rattue & Matthew Robinson, 4 Feb 2023

Clásica 2
19/20 Echo Traverse

Same line as the Original Route with a traverse to onto the main face headwell.

  1. 25m (17) as per Original Route. You'll need to climb through the step over move off the ledge to setup a stance at the beginning of the traverse.

  2. 20m (19/20) After the step over move break right to traverse right the way around onto the main face to find yourself in an airy position. It's important to get the right line here and your belayer will not be able to see you railing out.

At the end of the traverse do a strenuous move up a dodgy looking flake, which has been tested and bears weight but move gingerly on this feature, up to a roof. Traverse right under the roof and up another flake, easy mantle and then easy terrain to the top.

PA: 4 Feb 2023

ClásicaProyecto 2
17 Original Route
1 17
2 14

The first route opened on this cliff.

  1. 25m (17) Up the obvious hand jam crack to the roof, move left and mantle up onto a ledge. Move through to a big ledge. Can either stance here or with good rope work link into P2 to top out.

  2. 10m (14) A step over move from the large ledge and then work your way up to the skyline. Belay off some boulders on top.

PA: Ollie Rattue & Matthew Robinson, 4 Feb 2023

Clásica 2

Mostrando los 4 vías.

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