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Mostrando 1 - 100 de más de 10,000 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad Zona
AU:10 Eskimo Nell

Wonderful climbing up the right side of the Dunes Buttress, with virtually every pitch offering something of interest.

  1. 35m (10) Up surprisingly tricky left facing flake/corner (consider starting up Dunes instead if this might give you grief). Continue up slabs above and belay below chimney around the corner.

  2. 40m (9) Easily up chimney. Step across the void from top of chimney onto the face proper and continue up to large ledge (the Oasis).

  3. 15m (1) Crawl R through hole, belay beneath chockstone in chimney on the other side.

  4. 40m (9) Pull up onto the chockstone with difficulty. Follow the deep crackline above to the top (or for a slightly easier finish trend a bit left for the last bit).

PA: John Moore, Chris Dewhirst, Chris Baxter & Laurie Beesley, 1968

Clásica 130m, 4 Arapiles
AU:10 D Major
1 10 25m
2 10 25m

Named after the key that has "two sharp pitches". It is possible to escape from the first belay through the narrow cleft to the left between Piccolo Pipe and D Major Pipe.

Start below the major line capped by a huge chockstone on the right wall of the D Major pipe.

  1. 25m (10) Bridge up slick groove splitting bottom half of the buttress and under the boulder. It's a good idea to belay on top of the boulder.

  2. 25m (10) From top of the boulder climb steep juggy buttress to chimney finish. An alternative to this pitch is to climb the chimney to the left. This is very narrow.

PA: Bruce Hocking & Mike Stone, 1964

Clásica 50m, 2 Arapiles
AU:9 Conifer Crack
1 9 40m
2 9 40m

Very entertaining. Just be aware that at times you have to climb on large apparently detached blocks. Start 1 metre left of where the the big dead tree was until last Friday (i.e. left-hand crack on front of buttress).

  1. 40m (9) Slabby thin crack on left side of buttress to ledge. Step right and pull through bulge then straight up to huge ledge.

  2. 40m (9) Behind are twin V cracks up the right side of the buttress. It is usual to move straight up from the ledge and then move across right and climb the right-hand crack but either crack is OK. An optional third pitch is to climb the blade of rock at the end of the second pitch.

PA: Chris Davis & Ian Guild., 1964

Clásica 80m, 2 Arapiles
AU:9 Arachnus
1 8 40m
2 8 21m
3 9 14m
4 8 30m

A truly great climb up the middle of the Watchtower. Many variants are possible, especially in the middle section; yes they have already been climbed. Start up the right-hand of the two deep cracks at the base of The Watchtower. This is just left of the undercut section (Pumping), and 9m R of Watchtower Chimney.

  1. (40m, 8) Up deep crack until it ends. Traverse 4 metres right, up over disconcerting bulge and follow crack to large ledge. (The first ascent traversed all the way to the right arete before climbing bulge).

  2. (21m, 8) Either climb up left of the belay or climb just right of the crack until below bulge and then step left over the crack. Belay on narrow ledge below overhang on left side of The Watchtower.

  3. (14m, 9) Either climb straight up veering slightly right, or traverse right on smooth rock past ancient piton before moving right. Belay in a good cave on the right side of the buttress.

  4. (30m, 8) Move left out of cave and up exhilarating wall to top. Prearrange your signals as communication is likely to be impossible from the top.

PA: Ian Speedie & Rob McQuilkin, 1964

Clásica 110m, 4 Arapiles
AU:9 Siren
1 4 25m
2 8 35m
3 8 35m
4 6 25m
5 9 25m

A wonderful long classic, climbed at the same time as Introductory Route. A remarkably well-conceived line, it culminates in a magnificent final corner.

Start as for Introductory Route, on the right side of the Tiptoe Ridge buttress, about 10 metres right of a major corner (Ordinary Trees), where two detached blocks are sitting just off the ground. There's an overhang about 6 metres up and a large dead tree marking the top of the pitch.

  1. 25m (4) Up the wall, passing the overhang on the left, then up to the dead tree, as for the first pitch of Introductory Route.

  2. 35m (8) Move right and up a little crack then follow prominent right-leading diagonal to a spectacular ledge on the arete. Note that the climb originally climbed the latter part of this pitch out right near the arete, now included in the second pitch of Xena.

  3. 35m (8) A mildly terrifying step across the void leads to easy climbing diagonally right. A few tricky moves then lead to a comfortable ledge below the big corner, with DRB.

  4. 25m (6) Up corner to next ledge or carry on up the next pitch.

  5. 25m (9) Up corner which finishes with a few rounded layback moves, then continue up little wall and belay on terrace.

From here either walk off left along terrace and scramble up little gully and wall to top or climb little right-facing corner just left of final belay. This is grade 11.

PA: Greg Lovejoy & Steve Craddock, 1963

Clásica 150m, 5 Arapiles
AU:10 Syrinx
1 10 20m
2 10 20m
3 10 35m
4 8 38m
5 9 12m
6 8 25m
7 7 20m

The first three pitches in particular offer superb climbing at the grade, while the final pitches provide an opportunity to explore those high balconies dominating the upper reaches of the cliff. The first two pitches are often combined.

While the first part of the climb only spends a small amount of time in the chimney, some parties have mistakenly climbed the chimney in its entirety. This is not a club that you should aspire to join.

Despite its enjoyable nature, there have been a number of serious injuries and a death on this climb. Here the start of the fourth pitch has been revised to reduce the danger of a long fall to the belay ledge.

  1. 20m (10) Up chimney past a thrutchy section and belay out on the left arete. Many parties climb the rib left of the chimney instead (as per P1 of Monkey Poo), this is harder and less-well protected.

  2. 20m (10) Climb wall past interesting move at 5 metres and continue to ledge on left. Some parties run the first two pitches together.

  3. 35m (10) Delicately up smooth, sustained wall (there's a corner on the left and an unappetising chimney on the right). Make sure to place protection low down here as more than one good climber has smashed their ankles on the ledge after an unexpected slip. Continue up to ledge on right (old peg runner). Up arete to eventually meet chimney. Cross chimney and up 4 metres to big ledge.

  4. 38m (8) The original start to this pitch, going up diagonally right from the belay was very poorly protected. Traverse 10 metres right along the ledge to a thin crack. Go up to meet the diagonal line then climb diagonally right just below the junction of grey and red rock.

  5. 12m (9) Traverse right and climb a short, steep wall to a balcony belay.

  6. 25m (8) Walk left along balcony and climb up second weakness.

  7. 20m (7) Traverse spectacularly left to ledge, then scramble off

PA: Bruce Hocking & Mike Stone, 1964

Clásica 170m, 7 Arapiles
AU:10 Camelot

Slabby start right of Minimus then the corner-crack to the top.

PA: Phillip Stranger

Clásica 13m Arapiles
AU:10 Mesa

Originally graded 6 via the ordinary chimney, and not highly rated. Now that the loose bits are gone, the start has been straightened out up the face off the boulder, and a lower-off has been added, this is one of the best easy grade routes in this part of Araps, with a wide variety of climbing.

Start: Start off the top of the big boulder on the ledge.

PA: Graham Squire & Clive Parker, 1966

Clásica 33m Arapiles
AU:10 Hesitation

SSGICs to top-out with 2 bolt belay.

PA: J Boyton, 1994

Deportiva 15m Blue Mountains
AU:10 Grey Arete

Narrow rib at the L end of the lower cliff. Follow arete and climb L into a large crack and then continue R up the pinnacle to a DRB belay (25m rap into R gully).

Clásica 32m Camels Hump

Inexplicably given 3 stars in previous guides.

Start 1m R of Consul's arete.

Up the R sloping crack then R up larger crack.

PA: Bernie Lyons, Steve Craddock & Gary Lovejoy, 1971

Clásica 13m Werribee Gorge
AU:10 Serpent

Fantastic climbing. There is a variant start to the left at the painted initial "S" but the way described is better. Start below right-hand line up the sombre cleft, right of the initial "S".

  1. 35m (11) Veer up left and climb orange corners, then left and up to tiny ledge. Step left then up steep, right-facing box-corner.

  2. 8m (5) Either rap off (28 metres) or walk left along ledge and go up.

PA: Keith Lockwood, Geoff Uebergang & Gary Sudholz, 1967

Clásica 43m, 2 Arapiles
AU:10 The Shroud
1 6 28m
2 10 22m
3 10 25m
4 8 43m

Another great outing up the front of the Pharos. Start 9 metres right of Hurricane Lamp Cracks at the foot of a deep crack.

  1. 28m (6) Climb the buttress on the left to a good belay ledge.

  2. 22m (10) Traverse 5 metres right, stepping across a wide crack, then follow the steep, clean line on the right to another good ledge.

  3. 25m (10) Step left and climb the front of the buttress to gain the deep V-line on the left. Pass the spectacular roof on the left and up to the Tennis Court.

  4. 43m (8) From the top of pedestal climb tricky weakness left of red overhang. Up to subsidiary summit, step across gap, then up to summit. This is as for the last 2 pitches of Spiral Staircase and may be split as for that climb.

PA: Unknown, 1965

Clásica 120m, 4 Arapiles
AU:9 Holdup Line

Very nice.

Start: Immediately right of 'Bullet Buttress'. A steep wall leads to a baby chimney, then up easily and step left into BB.

PA: Maurice & Keith Leslie, 1967

Clásica 20m Arapiles
AU:9 Hope

Bottomless crack 3m R of Charity at the R crack.

PA: Rob Taylor & Jerry Grandage, 1968

Clásica 16m Arapiles
AU:10 Sunday Afternoon Walk

Short but good. An interesting chimney & jamming problem featuring great protection throughout. A tricky move to exit adds spice to life!

PA: Alan Millband & Ron Collett

Clásica 12m Frog Buttress
AU:10 Xena
1 8 35m
2 9 22m
3 5 23m
4 10 30m

Start: Start at the right edge of the Pinnacle face below right-leaning flake/crack, about 10 metres right of 'Siren'.

  1. 35m (8) Up to and over crack and up left line in wall to juggy ground. Continue up steep wall just left of arete to incut ledge looking out over 'Left Watchtower Face'.

  2. 22m (9) Climb up just left of arete to big ledge (Siren's second belay) and continue to next ledge on left a couple of metres further up.

  3. 23m (5) Easy ground to ledge below headwall.

  4. 30m (10) Step right, then steeply up on good holds. Up, tending slightly left.

PA: Simon Mentz & Glenn Tempest

Clásica 110m, 4 Arapiles
AU:10 Stonehinge

Start 1m L of 'Diagonal'. Marked "SH".

Now retrobolted as an easy beginner's lead. First bolt is easy to reach but high and move near the top is hard for the grade so more a lead for competent climbers learning to lead rather than outright beginners. 3 RBs to DBB.

PA: Col Smithies & Malcolm Argent, 1986

PAL: David Reeve, Ruth Reeve & Vincent Geisler, 2012

Deportiva 12m, 3 Kangaroo Point
AU:9 Sickle

Impossible to get lost on.

Starts above the plaque on the north-west side of the crag. It's the obvious wide chimney, that narrows to a crack near the top.

PA: Garry Kerkin & Co, 1965

Clásica 13m Arapiles
AU:10 Long Bow

The groove with snap-o-licious flakes and a tricky finish.

Start: 1m R of 'Working Class Hero'.

PA: Ed Briner & Norm Osborne, 1970

Clásica 20m Arapiles
AU:9 R Arachnus Variant (Minerva)
1 8 40m
2 8 12m
3 9 R 23m
4 8 30m

A very popular variant on Arachnus, but more serious because of the poorly protected section on pitch three.

  1. 40m (8) Arachnus p1.

  2. 12m (8) Up smooth wall just right of crack, traverse right, then up to small ledge below juggy crack through overhang.

  3. 23m (9) Up crack, then balance carefully right (poor protection) for 4 metres. More easily up to cave belay.

  4. 30m (8) Arachnus p4.

PA: Ivan Dainis & Gwenn Ward, 1965

Clásica 110m, 4 Arapiles
AU:10 Lishenbak

Get here early for this one.

PA: J Lorinez, W Williams & B Blunt

Clásica 30m Blue Mountains
AU:10 Hanging Garden

Start 2 m R of 'Spooge In A Glove'. Climbs the L trending ramp to anchors (shared with 'Spooge In A Glove'). 3 RBs.

PAL: Paul Pagoldh & Steve Kloske, 2014

Deportiva 15m, 3 Kangaroo Point
AU:10 Sweet Irish
1 9m
2 10 40m

Start: Wall to the right of OE.

  1. 9m (-) Wall to ledge and triple bolt belay

  2. 40m (10) Left up wall, slight recess and nose to tree belay.

PA: L.Smith & B.Postill, 1967

Clásica 49m, 2 Blue Mountains
AU:10 Clytemnaestra Buttress

Start as for C.

  1. 20m (11) Up C for 20m to the shelf.

  2. 22m (11) R then through tricky overhang and onwards.

PA: Garry Kerkin, Ian Speedie & Mike Stone, 1965

Clásica 45m, 2 Arapiles
AU:9 Cave Climb

Step R from cave to ledge. Then up corner or nose, both with poor pro.

Start: Start as for 'Cricket Bats in a Box'.

PA: Maurice & Keith Leslie, 1967

Clásica 30m Arapiles
AU:9 Sunstroke

An easy, well-protected popular classic. Climbed on a searing summer's day, it was the first climb done on 'The Northern Slabs', taking the line of least resistance. Start at a slanting crack eight metres left of 'Equilibrium'.

  1. 40m - Rightwards up the crack, then follow the groove leftwards to a sloping ledge. Belay at some wedged blocks.

  2. 20m - Doddle leftwards up the groove to a belay in the corner.

  3. 25m - Bridge and layback up the short corner, then left and up the steepening groove. Continue to a ledge and belay on the right.

  4. 35m - Up the twin grooves to a large terrace covered with loose rock.

This is often run together into two pitches (1/2, 3/4) rather than four. If you love slabs it's also possible to combine P2 and P3 by slabbing up as for Ephemeros, avoiding the short corner on P3.

PA: Peter Aitchison & Ian Raine, 1968

Clásica 120m, 4 Orroral area
AU:10 Speigal's Overhang
1 10 30m
2 9 40m
3 10 20m
4 6 30m
  1. 30m (10) Start up the slab, some of the protection is poor. Belay from a vertical crack with foliage and dead tree. Good stance behind the tree.

  2. 40m (9) Keep going up, climb a small overlap and head up to the large vertical crack. Belay from below the large overlap.

  3. 20m (10) From the belay pull up and over the overlap and follow the crack up. Belay options; either from a tree at the start of Traverse of the Gods or head up another 10m to a small ledge with trees.

  4. 30m (6) Follow the cracks and to the top.

PA: Doug Hatt & Rodney Coles, 1963

Clásica 120m, 4 The Cathedral Range
AU:9 Jezebel

On top of elevated block, in front of the vertical crack. An excellent route for beginners.

Step across onto the wall and right to BR. Head straight up the wall (small cam and BR) to rounded top out. Double RB belay / rap station.

Clásica mixta 11m, 2 Barrenjoey
AU:9 Keyboard

Deep crack on left side of Conifer Crack buttress, in the gully. Take some large gear.

PA: Clive Parker & Chris Baxter., 1968

Clásica 25m Arapiles
AU:9 Anthony's Arete

Start on the arete right of 'Locris', and follow it up the slab. Take trad gear for the top if you'd be uncomfortable with easy climbing through a 4-5m runout between the last bolt and the anchors - can step around to front of buttress and clip 5th bolt of OFTM now (Dec 2016)

PA: Liam Aarons, 2014

Deportiva 20m, 4 Camels Hump
AU:9 The Eighth
1 8 24m
2 9 25m
3 9 30m
4 8 20m
  1. 24m (8) Follow Phoenix for 8 metres to thread runner then out right and up past all 'Highway' 8 sign to shallow corner. Up to ledge.

  2. 25m (9) Gain the line just to the right and up to crawl through hole to ledge.

  3. 30m (9) Traverse 6 metres left to crack and up this to big ledge.

  4. 20m (8) Walk 12 metres left and up tricky wall to right end of Flinders Lane.

PA: Steve Craddock, Bob Craddock & Robyn Lewis (via a harder pitch 2 variant), 1963

Clásica 99m, 4 Arapiles
AU:9 Return of the Fush

Well protected line on left side of buttress to the right of Grey Arete. Climb easily up the rib with the big trench to the wall at top on left with the shallow double corner. Good wires in the left corner then up to jugs and around right to follow the diagonal right leading line to the top and DRB. FA soloed.

PA: Chris Baxter, Andrew Bowman & Mike Law, 1983

Clásica 20m Camels Hump
AU:9 Beau Geste
1 9 50m
2 9 13m
3 9 18m
4 9 25m
5 7 30m

A great adventure.

Start below major chimney on left side of cliff.

Note that numerous variants are possible, and have been done, from the middle of pitch 3 to the terrace at the end of pitch 4.

  1. 50m (9) Up wall then chimney to terrace.

  2. 13m (9) Just to the right is a short, right-facing corner. Up this and step right to belay.

  3. 18m (9) Up righthand V-corner to roof. Move left under roof then step right and up to ledge.

  4. 25m (9) 'Diagonal' up right (as for Tale Of Woe) to huge terrace.

  5. 30m (7) Pull onto wall right of undercut arete, traverse right and go up on horizontal breaks approximately 6 metres right of arete. At ledge, move left and up. The fingery wall just right of the arete is Court Jester's finish.

Clásica 140m, 5 Arapiles
AU:10 Three Sheets to the Wind

Another worthwhile easy climb that adds to the range of options for beginner leaders at this crag. 5 bolts to a DBB

PA: Mel Rowland & Stuart Sims, 2 Sep 2018

Deportiva 12m, 5 Blue Mountains
AU:9 The Parson's Nose

Good rock. Takes the prominent prow 30 metres down left of Mason's Apron. There's a small, chipped mark near the ground.

  1. 27m (10) Either climb the ramp from the right, or direct up a tricky seam to a small ledge under the overhang. Go 3 metres left then gain main, left-facing corner and go up.

  2. 8m (5) Romp to the top.

PA: Peter Watling, Andrew Bowman, Glen Corcoran & Phil Hay, 1973

Clásica 35m, 2 Arapiles
AU:9 The Deacon

The crack at the left end of the wall has a tricky move at half-height.

Start: Start 5 metres left of "Deacon's Dilemma".

PA: Murray Taylor & Rod Sutherland, 1967

Clásica 12m Arapiles
AU:9 J Meister

First climb on the right of the descent gully.

Josie climbs her age on her first project.

Equip: B Jung

PA: Josie McCullogh, 2012

Deportiva 8m, 4 Blue Mountains
AU:10 Black Orpheus
1 7 30m
2 10 25m
3 4 25m
4 10 32m
5 3 23m

A great, easy 135m multipitch route although pro can be pretty sparse on p2&3 and non-existant on p5. A good initiation to what to expect from Tibro multipitches. Can be done in three pitches with 60m rope.

Start: About 50m L of Candy Mountain at big corner/gully, behind a rock apron. Marked 'BO' (very faint).

  1. 30m (7) Very easily up gully on solid jugs and good pro to big ledge and trad belay.

  2. 25m (10) Up rocky corner/slab (right of ledge) Then left to mount short wall (crux), onto slab & up this gully (R) with a couple of bushes offering protection to big ledge & bush belay.

  3. 25m (4) Climb up edgy slab in an exposed position with minimal protection until it curves back left & you reach a tree-lined ledge above. Scramble up L to the top of the ledge. Originally, the belay made use of the "Zombie Tree", however it is preferable that modern ascents make use of gear in groove about 5m above to establish a belay and protect this historic but weary flora from further abuse. You can choose to run pitch 2&3 together, beware that you may be out of earshot of your belayer. This pitch requires a cool head: exposed pitch & minimal pro!

  4. 32m (10) Run-out start, then bridge up chimney (crux), which is better than it looks (very good gear), at top LH side of chimney, traverse L along the rising ledge and into corner, follow this up right over blocks to top of gully & crack & tree belay.

  5. 23m (3) Up very easy blocky slab (no gear) to big tree in Cave 3. (Some choose to run pitch 4&5 together, on a 60m+ rope, be aware you WILL be out of earshot.) Finish up the 'Caves Route', or descend via rap station at mouth of Cave 1. Alternatively, you can climb (on belay) over to the chains on Zeitgeist & abseil down this to get back to the start of the route.

PA: Sid Tanner & Andrew Spiers, 1969

Clásica 140m, 5 Mt Tibrogargan
AU:10 An-tics

Thin crack with lots of good holds and bomber gear!

PA: FRA Chris Hurstfield Norm Johnson, 1984

Clásica 20m Summerday Valley
AU:10 Vertigo

A classic climb up a steep, exposed wall and slab on good rock. An excellent intro to climbing at the Warrumbungles. Can be climbed in two pitches.

Scramble up to below the red-brown wall in middle of W Face, between prominent buttress and Abseil Gully (10 m L of Abseil Gully). Start just left of the 'V'

  1. 15m To prominent ledge.

  2. 35m Up close to corner for 10m and then head diagonally right to belay on Tourist Traverse. Some parties stick to the corner cracks.

  3. 30m Step left to avoid small overhang. Up, superb climbing with good pro. Belay on block to avoid severe rope drag.

  4. 15m Easy slab.

PA: Roger McDonald & Alex Hromas, 1961

Clásica 95m, 4 Warrumbungles
AU:9 The Priest

Chimney-crack 2 metres left of "Prelate".

PA: Murray Taylor & Rod Sutherland, 1967

Clásica 20m Arapiles
AU:9 Intro

Straight up the set of ledges immediately to the left of the roof, until you reach the two bolt belay. Plenty of spots for gear.

Clásica 14m Queanbeyan area
AU:9 Hell's Bells

Traverse left and up through a wide crack.

Start: Start 5 metres up and right of "Armageddon" at initials "HB"

PA: Chris Baxter & Andrew Smith, 1967

Clásica 13m Arapiles
AU:9 Exploding Tomatoes

Up, then L on ledges. Finish up black crack in upper L wall.

Start: Start 1 m R of 'Strife on the Gravy Train'.

PA: Campbell Mercer, Noel Coward & Peter Watling, 1994

Clásica 25m Arapiles
AU:10 S'easy

Short buttress with undercut start

Equip: B Jung

PA: J Reay, 2012

Deportiva 8m, 4 Blue Mountains
AU:10 First Date

Really good beginner route.

Deportiva 14m, 4 Mountain Quarry
AU:9 Roger the Cabin Boy

One of the easiest sport climbs in the Blue Mountains. Good one for the kiddies.

PA: Duncan Gow & Cam O'Leary, 22 Ag 2018

Deportiva 14m, 5 Blue Mountains
AU:9 Great Unwashed

Start at parallel cracks 3 meters left of direct start.

PA: G.Owens, L.Williams & J.Wilson, 1969

Clásica 20m Blue Mountains
AU:9 Spondonical

Start 1 metre right of The Slab. Head up an easy right-veering crack, finishing at a two-bolt belay. Your pick as to which one!

Clásica 16m Queanbeyan area
AU:10 Neta

Companion route to Mesa. Start in chimney left of that route and follow the arete. Exit R to rap chain above Mesa.

PA: Unkonwn, 2000

Clásica 25m Arapiles
AU:9 Three Nuns

A very short twin crack corner to a ledge stance. From there, ramble up the line of best rock and least vegetation.

PA: Mike Meadows & Chris Meadows., 1969

Clásica 20m Frog Buttress
AU:10 Hard Drain

Good, but bears no similarity to the 'Buffalo' megaclassic!

Start: Start 2-3m R of OB.

  1. 12m (10) The line to the ledge.

  2. 12m (10) Continue up the line with some brittle rock.

PA: Bill Andrews & Alan Hope, 1984

Clásica 26m, 2 Summerday Valley
AU:9 Justine

PA: Iain Allan, 1971

Clásica 19m Morialta
AU:9 Short and Sweet

Not the most classy route to be found. Stop and belay at the large tree. Scramble easily off L, or rap.

PA: Ross Allen & Ben Whitehouse, 1969

Clásica 10m Frog Buttress
AU:9 Dracophyllum Corner

Blast up the obvious corner past a bit of choss, loose rocks and well, some Dracophyllum plants!

PA: Ian Brown & Bob McMillan, 1987

Clásica 30m Point Perpendicular
AU:9 Diagonal Crack

The major skanky diagonal cleft.

Clásica 35m Arapiles
AU:10 Ultimate Conception

PA: Ian Lewis & Lyle Closs, 1974

Clásica 45m Freycinet National Park
5.4 Bunny

PA: Ann Church & Kris Raubenheimer, 1955

Clásica 43m Shawangunks
AU:10 Lazy Lizards

To the right of the arete.

Equip: S Puchala

PA: S Puchala, 2012

Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains
AU:9 Craddock Crack

This baby offwidth was possibly first climbed by Bob Craddock.

The left-most deep crack on the roadside face.

Clásica 13m Arapiles
AU:10 Hope Variant Start

Up Great Pissing Ledges stopping below small roof then step right into 'Hope'.

Clásica 16m Arapiles
AU:9 Frolic

Solo of course!

Start: The offwidth. Would be nice with a lower off.

PA: R.Young, 1982

Clásica 13m Blue Mountains
AU:10 The Fires of Jealousy

Pleasant climbing up good rock.

Start: Back down 5m L from BB amongst trees at fallen log. First climb on LH wall of the 'Slider' gully.

PA: Gareth Llewellin, 2006

Deportiva 25m, 7 Mt Tibrogargan
AU:9 Cruise Control

Beginners delight. The right hand side of the easy angled slab.

4 RB's to DBB.

PA: Alicia Townshend

Deportiva 12m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
AU:10 Runnel Wall

Start 2m R of Blackened Slab. Step up R on ledge then up to big ledge. Left to nose and up to shared lower-off. Set up for a practice belay in the middle off 2 rings.

PA: Michael Law, 2014

Deportiva 10m, 3 Alfords Point
AU:10 Romulus

PA: Peter Jackson & Steve Craddock, 1962

Clásica 12m Camels Hump
AU:10 Aphrodite

A slightly bold first pitch and an exhilirating finish.

Start: The face just left of the 'Tiptoe Ridge' buttress is marked by the deep chasm of 'The Slot'. Start directly below this chasm.

  1. 40m (9) Go up to bushes at 5 metres, step left and climb face just left of the gulch, delicate at first, until it eases to a good ledge.

  2. 30m (5) Easy ground to below the orange overhangs.

  3. 25m (10) Up to and under the overhang and traverse out left. Climb the overhang on large holds in an exposed position.

PA: Simon Mentz & Glenn Tempest, 1998

Clásica 95m, 3 Arapiles
III Schusterweg
1 III 30m
2 III 15m
3 III 15m
4 III 30m
5 III 20m
6 III 15m

Links in der Ostwand schrofige Schlucht, oben linksh., zu Sandband (Blockschlinge). Auf diesen 15m nach rechts (Blockschlinge + 4.AÖ). Kamin im Winkel bzw. dessen re. Kaminkante (PORZELLANKANTE) zu Abs. (links NR). Rechts schräge Kamine zu Abs. (1.R des KRIPPENER WEGES). Rechts seichte Rinne hoch, nach wenigen Metern Umstieg in rechte Rinne u. diese zu Verklüftung (rechts auf kl. Pfeiler Nachholöse). In der Kluft zur Schusterplakette u. Kamin absteigen. (Oberhalb des Kamingrunds Stand an Knotenschlingen. Nicht an der dünnwandigen SU!!) Rechts kurzen engen Kamin zum unteren Reitgrat, diesen bis zum zum Ende u. links überdachte Wandstufe zu gr. Abs. (Schlinge). Dahinter zu Kamin und linksgeneigte Rippe (oberer Reitgrat) z.G.

Ausführliche Wegbeschreibung. Topo.

PA: Oscar Schuster & M. Klimmer, 1892

Clásica mixta 130m, 6, 3 Sächsische Schweiz
AU:10 Strawberry Alarm-clock

A classic of the chimney style and a must do if you're into that sort of thing. The dark chimney to the left of DWHP. A challenging lead for the novice climber. Despite reputation the climb offers good placements the whole way. Make sure to extend gear below large block (crux) at half height followed by a run out section if you don't have a #6 cam or big bro. 30 meters to top out.

PA: Rick White & Chris Meadows, 1968

Clásica 20m Frog Buttress
5.4 Route B

Start below the large thin flake. (It feels really solid, but I wouldn't put pro under it, it is large and thin.) Follow the obvious large crack to 2 bolts for anchors.

Takes protection really easily -- a good route for a first trad lead.

Clásica 10m Eardley Escarpment
AU:10 Simple Life

Up the middle of the gently angled slab.

3 RB's to DBB.

PA: Gavin Lyon

Deportiva 12m New Nowra - Braidwood Road
AU:10 Intro RH Variant Finish

As for Climb A, but take a committing step out right into the next crack and then climb up.

Clásica 14m Queanbeyan area
AU:10 M4 Ozymandias Direct
1 M2 25m
2 M4 35m
3 M4 40m
4 10 8m
5 M3 35m
6 30m
7 2 37m
8 M4 30m
9 M3 40m
10 10 M2 15m
11 M3

Start beneath the massive corner blasting up the start of the highest part of the wall.

Bivy options: There are a few decent spots around the base. Big Grassy (which is not flat by any means) and the small flattish ledge 8m below are the most luxurious bivvy options on the route. The fixed hangers at the end of pitch 6 and The Gledhill Bivvy at the end of pitch 8 offer waterproof spots for a portaledge. Gledhill and Big Grassy also have hammock anchors.

  1. 25m (M2) Slime Corner. Two bolts off the deck (Deck potential, often stick-clipped) to L-trending slab with slime-filled corner (might have to dig out some placements!) then up the crack. To DBB on a flake. It's possible to link 1 and 2.

  2. 35m (M4) Big Corner part 1. Sustained aiding on thin pin scars up the corner to a hanging belay on the R wall. If you're struggling, imagine freeing it!

  3. 40m (M4) Big Corner part 2. More pin scars up the same corner, using a mixture of thin and fixed gear. Swing left to small tree and ledge to trad belay in corner on the left. Typically linked with pitch 4 (better for hauling) by back-cleaning most of pitch 4, otherwise rope drag will be ludicrous.

  4. 8m (10) Corner hand crack and tricky flop onto Big Grassy. Alternatively, finish pitch 3 at the belay at the end of pitch 2 of free version (ledge off to the R with DBB), then take the fourth pitch all the way to Big Grassy.

  5. 35m (M3) More thin gear up the corner above Big Grassy. Take the left corner line after the roof at 25m to hanging DBB for the "Ozymandias Variant M2"/"Ozymandias direct(free version) or the less popular right line which is part of the original Ozymandias Direct line.

  6. -Option A 30m (M2) "Ozymandias Variant M2"/"Ozymandias direct(free version)" Up the beautiful corner (finger crack layback goes free at 22), at double carrots head right past two fixed hangers to a hanging triple bolt belay on the arete under the Great Roof. Option B. 25m (M4) Ozymandias Direct - follow corner on RPs, wires, tie offs to hanging triple bolt belay. Unpopular and vegetated.

  7. 37m (M4) The Roof. New and old carrots lead to the roof and then up the pretty orange corner, which gets thinner as you go up. Hanging belay. (the Gledhill Bivvy).

  8. 30m (M3) The Fang. Head R on decaying carrots then up steep crack past the Fang and beyond. Lots of steep awkward caving up to a final hand and fist crack. Take the big gear (up to #5) and watch out for the sharp edge at the start.

  9. 40m (10 M2) Continue up crack to an ugly carrot and a slab move leading right to the base of an easy chimney (optional DBB) make sure to move the haul line left of the trees before entering the chimney. Then head up to big terrace with plaque. DBB is way around left.

  10. 15m (M3) Steep offwidth (BD C4 #4 and #5s) with an initial seam on the left wall and a few dodgy carrots higher up. Finish on lookout.


PA: Geoff Gledhill & Alan Gledhill, 1972

Artificial 300m, 10 Mount Buffalo
AU:10 Player
Deportiva 20m, 6 Mountain Quarry
AU:9 Breakaway

Just right of Sasha. Up the obvious flake, then left around the bulge along the obvious line.

PA: Norm Booth, John Smart & Ray Lassman, 1978

Clásica 15m Orroral area
3+ Stier
Deportiva 12m, 4 Frankenjura Nord
AU:10 The Minstrel

Take the easiest way up the face. Start on the southwest face of the pinnacle (which faces into Central Gully). Short corner then (crux) traverse 4-5m L (nasty pendulum potential for the seconder), to gain the nice easy crack to the summit. There's also a more direct start about 6m further L which is a little harder and not as well protected, but with much reduced pendulum potential.

PA: John Moore, 1965

Clásica 20m Arapiles
5.4 PG Gelsa

PA: Becket Howorth, George Temple & Fritz Wiessner †

Clásica 61m, 3 Shawangunks
AU:10 Tactical Alert Stealth Hound

Start at 'Spidermonkey'.

Nice beginner trad lead with good pro following the crack just R of 'Spidermonkey'. Finish at the 'Spidermonkey' DBB. Named after KP's well-known mascot - Proude's dog, Tash. (T.A.S.H)

PA: Proude Hawkins, 2012

Clásica 15m Kangaroo Point
AU:9 Moritz

Crack 3 metres right of Max is also quite good.

PA: Ann & Roland Pauligk, 1973

Clásica 15m Arapiles
AU:10 Tullah's Pleased

Start 3m left of Tullah's Tease and up the bouldery start. Straight up through the middle of the orange face on ripper incut jugs. Stay in the middle of the face the whole way up. Protection is great all the way.

Clásica 12m Arapiles
AU:10 Queen of Diamonds
Clásica 12m The You Yangs
AU:10 Carrot Cake

Line of carrots above the "test" lower-offs

Equip: Barry Jung, 2017

PA: Barry Jung, 2017

Deportiva 8m Blue Mountains
AU:10 Threadneedle
1 10 35m
2 10 25m
3 35m
4 20m

An adventure. There are at least 3 ways of getting past the cave. The way I consider best is used in the description and the alternatives are at the end.

Start: Start at the base of diagonal ramp that 'Sluice' and other routes scramble up. For this route, it is probably easier to belay from the ground than to set up a belay at the top of the ramp.

  1. 35m (10) Follow the ramp then up the corner that is the continuation of the ramp until able to move R to belay in the large cave.

  2. 25m (10) Move out the next hole along from the one you entered by (feels ridiculously exposed) climb the pillar on the L (facing the cliff), with poor protection at first (crux). Continue up buttress to a ledge. Rope drag and communication can be difficulties. (Variants 2a. (10) Instead of traversing R into the cave, continue up the corner and move back R above the cave. Move R-wards to rejoin the route. 2b. Move back out of the hole that the cave was entered from and climb the rib to the R (facing the cliff).)

  3. 35m (-) Up a series of walls to another large cave which these days is increasingly frequented by boulderers (Ground Control Caves) so you might feel a bit over-dressed with a rope on!

  4. 20m (-) Either traverse L for 10m to rappel anchors or continue to top.

PA: Steve Craddock, Sue Priestly, John Cargill (var), Bob Craddock & Jerry Grandage Easter., 1965

Clásica 120m, 4 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre
AU:10 Traverse To Bufo

Start at 'By Ignorance'.

Not really a traverse but an easy L-tending scramble up to the 'Bufo Marinus' anchors. Often soloed to set up a top rope on 'Bufo Marinus'.

PA: Chris Meadows & Rick White, 1968

Clásica 7m Kangaroo Point
AU:9 Odlid Baggins

Nice and long for these parts.

Start: Initialled corner a few m R of 'Cypress'.

  1. 12m (9) Up corner to the ledge. The variant moves R at the flake then up the wall (15).

  2. 12m (9) The crack on the L.

PA: Stan Manley (original p1) Bill Andrews (p2 1/12/84 & p1 variant 15/12/84), 1979

Clásica 25m, 2 Summerday Valley
AU:9 Munchkin

Strenuous for the grade but has great jugs. The Shepherd guide description for Menagerie followed this line but the original Menagerie description clearly places it further right. Start at top of rise behind the largest conifer (?same place as Heavy Petting).

PA: Unknown, 2000

Clásica 20m Arapiles
AU:10 Frogs Hollow

The easy slab left of 'Milawa'. Original grade 10 start comes in from the left. Alternatively, there is a direct start at the tip of the nose, or a right hand variant start at the beginning of the gully, both of which are grade 14. Double RB belay.

PA: Andrew Stevens, 1987

Deportiva 25m, 3 Black Hill
5.4 Ecstasy Junior
Clásica 46m Seneca
AU:9 Menagerie

Start right of largest conifer. Short red groove, traverse right then up to left-facing corner. Up corner and exit left.

PA: Keith Lockwood & Ed Neve, 1977

Clásica 20m Arapiles
AU:9 Smooth Dancer

Up the left crack to the apex, continue up the crack stepping left into a wide groove.

PA: Bernie McLachlan, T. McLachlan, John Smart, Ray Lassman & Norm Booth, 1978

Clásica 20m Orroral area
III Südpfeiler

Rechts in der Südseite auf Absatz, dann rechts der Rippe folgen. An derem Ende über Reibungswand zum Gipfelaufbau.

PA: Heinz Walther & K.-H. Walther, 1961

Clásica 45m, 2 Sächsische Schweiz
AU:10 Max

Lovely short crack on the left side of the 'Hurts' Wall.

PA: Roland & Ann Pauligk, 1973

Clásica 15m Arapiles
AU:10 Climb Twelve

Start 2 m right. Up blocks to a good stance. Mantle the ledge on the right and scramble out. Now fully bolted with practice anchors halfway.

Deportiva 10m Kangaroo Point
AU:10 Tarantella

Up the right crack (the occasional summer residence of Bill Begg's pet tiger snake) to join 'Smooth Dancer'.

PA: Norm, Ray, T. McLachlan, Bernie McLachlan & John Smart, 1978

Clásica 20m Orroral area
AU:10 A Bad Dose Of Rigamortice

Start: As for Pockets Of Fun. Up to big ledge, then climb a bit Right and up to first FH a few metres up. Then up on good pockets to chains, passing another 2 FHs.

PA: Ross Ferguson & Matt Williams, 2001

Deportiva 15m, 3 Mt Ngungun
AU:9 Short Shrift

The clean square cut corner groove 5m left of 'Thanks for the Mammaries'.

PA: Ian Brown (solo), 1981

Clásica 15m Kaputar
AU:9 Jammer's Delight

Start marked. Easy corner past pillar and up L side of wall.

PA: Jeff Boyton & Andrew Hedley., 1973

Clásica 40m The Rock
AU:9 Kitty's Litter

At the LH end of the slabs is a clean streak. Up onto the ramp [FH], move slightly R then up the streak past 3 FH to DBB. There is a slightly harder start to the R heading straight up to the 2nd FH.

PA: David Lia & Margaret Shannon, 2 Jul 2017

Deportiva 15m, 4 Halls Gap Area

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