
귀하의 선호암장 추가

Add your favorite crags내용으로 돌아가기

You may add any region, area, crag or cliff as a favorite. Adding a favorite has the following advantages:

  • It puts the crag in YOUR FAVORITES in your Index menu and allows for faster navigation.
  • It automatically subscribes you to the respective area forum, so you can stay up-to-date on what is going on in your favorite crags. You can unsubscribe from the forum and still keep the crag as a favorite.
  • It helps the climbing community understand which crags are most popular. It also shows you the number of users who favorited a certain crag.

How to add a favorite crag내용으로 돌아가기

Navigate to the crag of choice and click on the Favorite button. A red heart will appear next to it, showing that you favorited the crag. The counter right of it shows you the total number of users that favorited the crag. Clicking on the number lists the users that favorited this crag.

Favoriting a crag

You may sort your Favorites in the Index menu by clicking on Reorder favorites at the bottom of the menu. Sort your favorites by dragging the grey handles (left in each line) up or down.

How to remove a favorite crag내용으로 돌아가기

Navigate to the crag of choice and click on the Favorite button. The red heart will turn grey, confirming that this crag is not in your favorites anymore.

이후계속 읽기내용으로 돌아가기

등급을 메기고 이 기사 공유하기내용으로 돌아가기

도움이 되셨으면 이 페이지 평가를 부탁드립니다. 

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