
Profile Badges and Account Types

Profile Badges내용으로 돌아가기

While using theCrag you might encounter different profile badges (the coloured circle and icon around a profile picture). These profile badges are meant to help you understand what type of account a specific user actually is.

New User내용으로 돌아가기

New users are marked by a green profile badge for the first 30 days. Please be patient and kind when interacting with New Users as they might not be aware of all theCrag’s features and ways of working yet.

Supporter내용으로 돌아가기

Supporters are marked by a pink profile badge. We value supporters as they ensure the ongoing development of theCrag. Supporters have access to premium resources of theCrag and their opinion typically weighs heavier than the one of regular users in case of e.g. setting priorities for new features.

Data Contributor내용으로 돌아가기

The Data Contributor reward is similar to the Financial Supporter marked by a pink profile badge, but you ‘pay’ with your karma that you earned for edits to the index. We value data contributors as they make the quality and comprehensiveness of this climbing data resource possible. Therefore Data Contributors also have access to premium resources from theCrag.

Community Champion내용으로 돌아가기

Community Champions are marked by a blue badge. Community Champions contribute to theCrag by doing more than contributing through Karma-relevant activities over longer period of times. These might be translation, support, development or commercial activities to support theCrag to name just a few examples.

Verified Advocacy Group내용으로 돌아가기

Verified advocacy group profiles are marked in blue with a check mark. They represent official climbing advocacy group profiles. Please pay special attention to edits by these accounts. Please visit the Advocacy Groups Page if you want to register as an advocacy group.

Administrator내용으로 돌아가기

Administrators are marked by a black badge. These are the users that actually administer theCrag.

Community Managed내용으로 돌아가기

Community Managed Accounts are marked by a brown badge. As the name says, these accounts are actually managed by a member of the community and not by the respective user as such. theCrag uses Community Managed Accounts to document climbing history (e.g. document memorable first ascents of a specific climber such as Wolfgang Güllich) and significant achievements in climbing performance (e.g. hardest ascents of top performing climbers).

Inactive내용으로 돌아가기

Inactive users are marked by a brown profile badge. This profile badge is automatically activated if a user has not logged into their account for more than a year.

Multiple Roles내용으로 돌아가기

Be aware that users might have multiple roles (e.g. being Supporter and New User at the same time). In that case, the 'higher value' badge takes precedent over the 'lower value' badge (in this example it will show the New User being a Supporter and thus be pink).

Account Types내용으로 돌아가기

theCrag allows you to choose between two different account types, private and public. While we encourage everyone to create a public account as we think that publishing and sharing information is good for the community, we also understand that certain users have different opinions. Thus we allow you to set your account to 'private'.

Private Accounts내용으로 돌아가기

Setting your account to 'private' reduces the visibility of your profile to the public without reducing the functionality for you. Private profiles do not show certain aspects of your profile (e.g. country, biography) or your ascents to the general public. Your contributions to e.g. areas and forums however are public. Also, be aware that users you follow see your profile as if it were a public account. You can change your profile between public and private on your profile page.

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