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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
14 D Minor
1 10 25m
2 14 10m

The major crackline running up the middle of D Minor pinnacle. This climb has excellent protection but has a sad history of death and serious injury from people taking long falls off the top overhang onto the easy-angled middle section of the climb. Please take care to place multi-directional runners on the top overhangs so that lower runners are not pulled out by rope tension during a fall. Can be done in a single pitch taking care with rope management.

  1. (25m, 10) Follow the crack on fine holds until jugs lead up a steepening. Easy angled ground leads to a great belay spot under the overhangs.

  2. (10m, 14) Follow the crack through the overhangs.

FA: Ian Speedie, Mike Stone & Bruce Hocking, 1964

전통등반 35m, 2 Arapiles
13 Horn Piece

The excellent thin cracks up the middle of the front of this pillar. Very good and sustained. Take lots of small wires and cams.

FA: Chris Baxter & Matt Taylor, 1976

전통등반 33m Arapiles
11 Piccolo
1 11 18m
2 11 15m
  1. 18m (11) Climb the front of the pipe past smooth bulge to small ledge. This cramped belay is usually avoided.

  2. 15m (11) Continue up to top bulge which is easiest on right. Downclimb far side of pinnacle into Organ Pipes Gully to get off.

FA: Garry Kerkin & Ian Speedie, 1965

전통등반 33m, 2 Arapiles
10 D Major
1 10 25m
2 10 25m

Named after the key that has "two sharp pitches". It is possible to escape from the first belay through the narrow cleft to the left between Piccolo Pipe and D Major Pipe.

Start below the major line capped by a huge chockstone on the right wall of the D Major pipe.

  1. 25m (10) Bridge up slick groove splitting bottom half of the buttress and under the boulder. It's a good idea to belay on top of the boulder.

  2. 25m (10) From top of the boulder climb steep juggy buttress to chimney finish. An alternative to this pitch is to climb the chimney to the left. This is very narrow.

FA: Bruce Hocking & Mike Stone, 1964

전통등반 50m, 2 Arapiles
9 Conifer Crack
1 9 40m
2 9 40m

Very entertaining. Just be aware that at times you have to climb on large apparently detached blocks. Start 1 metre left of where the the big dead tree was until last Friday (i.e. left-hand crack on front of buttress).

  1. 40m (9) Slabby thin crack on left side of buttress to ledge. Step right and pull through bulge then straight up to huge ledge.

  2. 40m (9) Behind are twin V cracks up the right side of the buttress. It is usual to move straight up from the ledge and then move across right and climb the right-hand crack but either crack is OK. An optional third pitch is to climb the blade of rock at the end of the second pitch.

FA: Chris Davis & Ian Guild., 1964

전통등반 80m, 2 Arapiles
19 Tannin

Fantastic climbing on gorgeous peachy rock, many climbers' favourite 19 at Araps. Chains at top (32m). Videos

FA: Andrew Thomson & Dave Mudie, 1976

전통등반 35m Arapiles
8 Diapason
1 7 20m
2 6 25m
3 8 10m

The first climb done in the Organ Pipes. A very pleasant outing. Start 8 metres left of big dead gum tree.

  1. 20m (7) Follow crack, or face just left of crack, up buttress to ledge and the former location of a plaque to climbing pioneer Bob Craddock (who died in a car accident).

  2. 25m (6) Step up and right around to the front of buttress and up to belay left of big tilted boulder.

  3. 10m (8) Up short wall just left of boulder then up flaring chimney. An alternative to this pitch is to traverse left for 3 metres above the void and then climb the steep wall 7 metres left of the chimney. Optional fourth pitch is grade 10: From big ledge climb steep wall on right and finish up a crack on the left of the pinnacle. No one seems to do this these days but it is quite good.

FA: Steve Craddock, Bob Craddock & Rob Taylor, 1963

전통등반 55m, 3 Arapiles
15 Toccata
1 15 27m
2 13 23m

A stunning line on glorious water-washed rock. Protection is excellent despite how it may look, and huge camming devices are not essential. Take two ropes if doing the abseil. Start below the large smooth corner at the right end of the Organ Pipes.

  1. 27m (15) Sustained climbing up the corner to hard moves past the little roof into a bottomless chimney. Up to a good ledge.

  2. 23m (13) The lovely square-cut chimney. Rap off (45m) or walk up the gully to the top.

FA: Peter Jackson & Bob Bull, 1965

전통등반 50m, 2 Arapiles
17 Dirge
1 17 35m
2 50m

Really nice climbing with an exciting blast up the finishing flake.

  1. 35m 17. Go up onto a terrace a few metres above ground level in the gully just right of the Didgeridoo Pipe. Follow the crack up past the left side of the overhang at 25 metres and on up the flake continuation to chains (30m to gully).

  2. 50m. Originally went to top but this pitch is rubbish so just rap off.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Chris Baxter., 1974

전통등반 85m, 2 Arapiles
11 Didgeridoo

Start as for Horn Piece on the Didgeridoo Pipe. Veers left from Horn Piece near the top, avoiding the bulging headwall. This climb originally started up a short crack up on the right side of the pipe but this is not much fun. Very sustained at the grade.

FA: Ian Speedie, Garry Kerkin & Mike Stone., 1965

전통등반 35m Arapiles
16 Libretto

Beautiful, sustained first pitch followed by a short hard section. Start below the well-chalked thin cracks taking the middle of the wall right of D Major.

  1. 25m (14) Sustained climbing up the thin cracks to the big cave.

  2. 25m (16) Move towards the front of the buttress and climb a short, difficult corner. Continue easily.

FA: Chris Dewhirst & Phillip Stranger., 1968

전통등반 50m, 2 Arapiles
18 Aardvark

Start at the top end of the chasm between the D Minor Pinnacle and the Piccolo Pinnacle, opposite Lemmington. The thin crack over low overlap then R-facing flake to chains.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Ed Neve, 1975

전통등반 18m Arapiles
14 Tremulo

Really good climbing on the first 25 metres. With the abseil anchor the awful climbing above this can now be forgotten. Start at short chimney 5 metres right of Humouresque. Up chimney then on up the narrowing line finishing with some face moves just to the left. Chain anchor.

FA: Phil Seccombe.., 1966

전통등반 25m Arapiles
18 Jens Roof

A good solution to this buttress spotted by Jen Woods, going up to and left through the overhang. The route ties together bits of four other climbs, Humouresque, Bass Clef, Bag Pipes and Low Note, into something that is much better than any of the others. Start where you would scramble up to Dirge but stay at ground level.

Go straight up as per Humouresque to the base of a chimney (Bass Clef), then follow Bag Pipes up the arete between the chimney and the smooth face to the left. After Bag Pipes heads rightwards, continue straight up as the climbing gets harder towards the overhang (small wires). Go diagonally left through roof, bolt at lip, and finish as for Low Note.

FA: Muki Woods & Ingvar Lidman, 2007

혼합 고전등반 30m, 1 Arapiles
21 The Wraith

This lovely wall was a very bold first ascent. Small wires (take extra #3 RPs) now give reasonable protection but sport climbers wouldn't want to be getting on this for their first trad 21. Start just right of Tannin. While sketching out with your modern gear, spare a thought for Ann Pauligk's 1977 ascent which was the first Aussie female ascent at this grade.

FA: Andrew Thomson & Greg Child, 1976

전통등반 35m Arapiles
15 Ejaculation

Good, varied climbing. Take some large hexes for the second pitch as the cams tend to walk their way open in a couple of spots. Start at the thin crack on the right wall of the gully.

  1. 15m (15) Excellent finger layback crack on right wall of gully. Gear is excellent but pumped desperate leaders have run it out in the past and taken large falls.

  2. 35m (15) Up the widening crack and left across the sickle into Holpyp. Up over the roof and carry on.

FA: Phillip Stranger & Chris Dewhirst., 1967

전통등반 50m, 2 Arapiles
9 Keyboard

Deep crack on left side of Conifer Crack buttress, in the gully. Take some large gear.

FA: Clive Parker & Chris Baxter., 1968

전통등반 25m Arapiles
18 Cantata

Good line up right side of D Minor Pinnacle. Start below bulging crack on arete right of D Minor.

  1. 16m (16) Climb line past bulge.

  2. 14m (18) Traverse right along the big break and take the crack up the middle of the wall. Two bulges at the top provide the excitement.

FA: Ian Speedie, John McLean. Aid reduced by Mike Stone & Keith Lockwood in 1970. Freed : Chris Baxter, 1974

전통등반 35m, 2 Arapiles
17 Discord Direct

Excellent climb for the grade. Absorbing from bottom to top.

FA: Digby Gotts (Direct Start)

FA: Richard Curtis & Phillip Armstrong (Direct Finish), 1980

혼합 고전등반 25m, 2 Arapiles
17 Crescendo

Essentially the right arete of D Minor. Start 2m R of D Minor. Up thin stepped line. Things ease off from about half-height before an exciting finish up arete.

FA: Tony Dignan & Kevin Lindorff, 1978

전통등반 35m Arapiles
14 C.S. Concerto

A fairly good route. Most of the first pitch is spent bridging up Holpyp which isn't bad and the top pitch is atmospheric. Start in the D Major gully.

  1. 25m (-) Climb the gully until you can climb the seam on the left wall independently of the gully to cave belay.

  2. 25m (14) Mantle onto block up a little corner and then left to arete. Up steep wall to top. Finishing up the arete is more exciting at 16 but be careful with the rock.

FA: Chris Baxter, Chris O'Brien. Murray Taylor & Keith Lockwood had previously climbed pitch 2 in, 1967

전통등반 50m, 2 Arapiles
20 Cadenza

Start at the left-leading diagonal crack. Follow it into the easy chimney on Cadenza Direct and up to the sloping ledge. Traverse 5m right to a tricky exit.

FA: Michael Stone & Ian Speedie, 1965

FFA: Andrew Thomson, 1975

전통등반 20m Arapiles
11 Piccolo Direct
전통등반 33m Arapiles
20 Tannin Direct

Makes a good change.

FA: Jon Muir, Tony Dignan & Geoff Little., 1985

전통등반 20m Arapiles
15 Hornpipe

Start at a crack just right of the second pitch of Conifer Crack. This looks ordinary but it makes for a good continuation from Horn Piece or the other single pitches that lead to the big ledge.

FA: Wayne Maher, Peter Cunningham & Peter Watling, 1981

전통등반 33m Arapiles
16 Decibel

A few good moves up the front of the D Major buttress. Start at the lowest point of the buttress.

  1. 30m (16) Up easily till face steepens, up face to crack in buttress.

  2. 20m (16) Start up chimney just left of D Major then step left above roof to front of juggy buttress.

FA: Chris Baxter & Rod Young, 1976

전통등반 50m, 2 Arapiles
17 R Stentor

Subtle line on left side of the D Major Pipe. The third pitch, up the south-east face is mostly done as a climb in its own right.

  1. 25m (18) Climb subtle seams to ledge (fiddly small wires).

  2. 10m (5) Up chimney to ledge. The front of the thin buttress to the left is somewhat harder.

  3. 15m (16) Up greenish streak up middle of steep left wall to rap anchor. A bloody good pitch.

FA: Keith Egerton, Heather Phillips & Kieran Loughran (p3 previously done by the Ottens who called it Rust Never Sleeps)., 1980

전통등반 50m, 3 Arapiles
15 R Fiddle

The left arete of the Didgeridoo buttress (the abseil route) looks good but protection is fiddly and there's a large hollow block that would ruin your day if it came off. Start as for Didgeridoo/Horn Piece.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Halvard Andersen-Dalheim., 1984

전통등반 30m Arapiles
14 Libretto - CS Concerto combo

This is a good combination at the grade, dispensing with the cruxy second pitch of Libretto.

  1. 25m (14) As for first pitch of Libretto.

  2. 25m (14) As for pitch two of CS Concerto.

전통등반 50m, 2 Arapiles
19 Wyrd

Funky climbing and route-finding. The moves up to the roof are committing. Start on the left side of the grey pedestal.

FA: Mike Law & Matt Taylor, 1976

전통등반 50m Arapiles
17 Obbligato

Start as for D Major, then take the line between D Major and Libretto.

FA: Unknown., 2000

전통등반 50m Arapiles
24 The Philosopher

Follow the seams straight up from the start of Cadenza to the break, then finish up Cadenza. Take care as gear is hard to see and place.

FA: Chris Dewhirst & Phillip Stranger, 1968

FFA: Kim Carrigan & Chris Peisker, 1979

전통등반 18m Arapiles
19 F Sharp

This good crack system is the only surviving piece of a long-forgotten girdle traverse of the Organ Pipes. Perhaps it would have had more credibility if it had started with a tyrolean from the top of the D Minor Pinnacle.

Five old carrot bolts are scattered along the beginning of the route though most are near more reliable natural protection. The good climbing is over too soon and gives way to easy moves on dubious rock.

Start at a little corner below and right of The Wraith. Take care to set the belayer where they will not kick loose rock down the gully onto people below (or better yet, eliminate this risk entirely by starting up Low F instead).

FA: Chris Baxter & Tim Hancock, 1970

FFA: Chris Baxter, Kevin Lindorff & Mike Stone, 1976

전통등반 40m Arapiles
21 Wyrd Direct

Straightens out Wyrd with some committing climbing.

FA: Tony Marian & Hugh Foxcroft, 1978

FFA: Kim Carrigan & Louise Shepherd, 1979

전통등반 35m Arapiles
19 Cantata Variant Start

The little flake 2 metres right of the bulging crack.

전통등반 30m Arapiles
9 Bass Clef

This is quite a good chimney and the rap anchor lets you avoid the cruddy finish. Start below the next buttress right of the Didgeridoo Pipe. Scramble up 6 metres into the gully on the left of the buttress then traverse right until below the chimney. Climb up into the chimney and follow it (originally climbed up the left edge of the chimney for a bit) past the roof on the left. Belay on left about 5 metres above the roof at chains. 30 metre abseil or continue up crud to the top.

FA: Ian Speedie & Michael Stone, 1964

전통등반 66m Arapiles
16 Woodwind

The central line up the Conifer Crack buttress is unfortunately not very sustained. Also it has a habit of dealing out broken ankles to leaders falling at the end of the crux. Start just right of Conifer Crack.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Neil Barr., 1982

전통등반 30m Arapiles
21 Clear the Pipes

A direct start to the first pitch of Humouresque. Start 2m R of H. Climb to the right of the first FH to ledge. Straight up passing 2nd FH to join H at the bottom of it's crack. The first few metres of this is a lovely hand crack, and when it deteriorates into grunge you can maintain the quality climbing by drifting R up the clean thin yellow line into the last few moves of Tremulo. A worthwhile 19ish variant is to skip the hard moves at the first bolt by starting up Tremulo.

FA: Anthony Schellens & Paul Deacon, 12월 2018

혼합 고전등반 25m, 2 Arapiles
15 X Minuet

Up unprotected face two metres L of D Minor then a short crack to join D Minor.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Peter Allen, 1964

전통등반 33m Arapiles
10 G String

Start at the first belay of Conifer Crack and climb the gully between the second pitch of Conifer Crack and the Red Wall. For the connoisseur of chossy gully routes.

FA: Mike Stone & Ian Speedie., 1965

전통등반 30m Arapiles
13 Holpyp

One of the old gullies that gets few takers. The roof is exciting but is also part of Ejaculation.

FA: Peter Jackson, Ted Batty & Bob Bull., 1965

전통등반 50m Arapiles
27 Les Memoires d'un Ane

Thin and glassy. Start 2m R of The Philosopher. Climb past 2 bolts, join The Philosopher, then at first horizontal traverse right to flake (FH) then up to anchor.

FA: Jean-Marc Troussier, 1984

혼합 고전등반 18m, 3 Arapiles
12 Fugue

Another gully.

FA: Bernie Lyons & Steve Craddock., 1965

전통등반 63m Arapiles
15 Wingnuts in Heaven

The rightmost of the twin cracks on the big block in front of Toccata. Walk off behind.

FA: Doug & Tara Wingfield., 1989

전통등반 10m Arapiles
25 The Philosopher Direct
혼합 고전등반 18m, 1 Arapiles
14 Quaver

Start at a flaring chimney towards the foot of the south face. Up the chimney to a rest. Move up and L onto a mossy face and go L past a FH to the brink overlooking the gully. Then up the south wall all the way.

FA: Ian Speedie & John McLean, 1966

혼합 고전등반 30m, 1 Arapiles
22 Wyrd Left Hand Variant

Undercling past first roof and continue up crack for 5m.

FA: Chris Shepherd, Cathy Blamey & Mark Moorhead, 1982

전통등반 35m Arapiles
17 Yossarian

A hard few moves on the crux but a bit disappointing overall. Start on the grey buttress just right of Toccata.

  1. 13m (10) The buttress to a small stance about 6 metres below and left of prominent roof.

  2. 35m (17) Up diagonally right from 2-3 metres to an awkward mantleshelf then an unlikely traverse back left to a thin crack. Go up into a wider, bottomless crack just right of 'Toccata'. The easiest way off is probably to scramble around (roped) to the abseil anchors on 'Toccata'.

FA: Peter McKeand & Gordon Talbett.

전통등반 48m, 2 Arapiles
23 Sissy Bars and Super Freaks

Start just right of Wraith. Great moves on thin face, cruxy past second bolt. Finish straight up or traverse L to finish up The Wraith or Tannin.

FA: Ant Prehn & Jon Muir, 1986

전통등반 30m Arapiles
22 R Aardvark Original Start

The uphill arete of the pinnacle. No gear at the start. Join Aardvark to finish.

FA: Peter Lindorff & Chris George, 1974

FFA: Kevin Lindorff, 1975

전통등반 18m Arapiles
28 Cadenza Direct

Start just R of Aardvark original start. The black groove to the ledge, then the short steep thin crack above.

FA: Ian Speedie & John McLean, 1966

FA: Alec Campbell, 1966

FFA: Dave Jones & Rich Heap, 1996

전통등반 18m Arapiles
15 Sonatine

Lovely corner on the second pitch. Scramble up the gully right of Toccata under a chockstone to below an easy wall. Could also start as for Yossarian but it doesn't add much value.

  1. 13m (-) Climb up to Yossarian's first belay then move right and up to belay on the obvious block below the right side of the prominent roof. You could also do the direct start to Deflated which is just a few metres to the right.

  2. 35m (15) Difficult move up to right side of roof (RPs essential) then continue up corner.

FA: Peter Watling & Ross Digby., 1979

전통등반 48m, 2 Arapiles
14 Fiddle Diddle

Desperate for short people. Start below the gully between the Conifer Crack and Didgeridoo pipes, immediately right of Woodwind.

FA: Chris Baxter & Dave Moss., 1983

전통등반 30m Arapiles
15 Discord

As per the Old Green Guide: "DISCORD (140'):- A sustained and technically interesting climb with excellent protection. Grade:- Hard Severe

  1. 40' Move right up the ramp leading to the base of Toccata and about 15' to the left of Toccata, traverse left a few feet to a good ledge and bolt runner. Climb the shallow groove with difficulty to a resting place and a second bolt runner. Move out right and attain a standing position on top of the obvious square block on the smooth face on the right. Move back left to a good ledge and bolt belay a few feet above the last runner.

  2. 100' Step four feet onto the arête and go up to beneath the overhangs. Move back right to join the original line and fix the first runner of the second pitch. Continue in the same line, via a narrow awkward chimney, to the top.

FA: Peter Jackson & Reg Williams -Alternate leads, 1965

전통등반 42m Arapiles
14 Alychne

The Alychne is apparently a line of zero luminance (Talbett was an optometrist). This climb isn't that bad but gets very little traffic; the mossy appearance, fiddly protection and indirect line tend to put people off. Double ropes are very useful.

Start 2 metres right of the short corner, just left of an easy, grotty crack.

Up slab to a ledge at 5 metres. Up through a weakness in the bulge (crux) and on to a small stance. Traverse easily left about six metres with poor protection (many RPs) to a crack. Move up into this and then go diagonally left and finish up the left-hand crack up the steep, juggy headwall.

FA: Gordon Talbett & Peter McKeand., 1968

전통등반 40m Arapiles
17 Humouresque

The late Dennis Kemp said that this was one of only two climbs that he had done at Arapiles that he would not consider repeating. Start just R of Bass Clef, directly below the chimney of Bass Clef.

  1. 30m (17) Directly up thin lichenous seams to the base of the chimney of Bass Clef, then up right on black slab to the foot of a crack just left of Tremulo. Up this crack to a stance atop a short chimney. The abseil chain on Tremulo is just a step to the right, not that we're suggesting running away or anything like that.

  2. 15m (-) Step left and climb front of buttress.

  3. 25m (-) Up crest of buttress finishing steeply past gnome.

  4. 5m (-) The crack behind. Rope drag could be a problem.

FA: Chris Baxter & Francine Gilfedder., 1981

전통등반 75m, 4 Arapiles
17 Hindenburg Disaster

Quite dicky on the initial face and protection on the middle section is not the best. A good climb which would improve with traffic (or a concerted cleaning effort). Originally done in two pitches but much safer to do as one.

Start at the small corner as for 'Deflated' etc.

Up corner, step right onto face and up seam to small stance. Slightly left and up into shallow groove (several #3 RPs useful) and finish up right arete.

FA: FRancine Gilfedder & Chris Baxter., 1981

전통등반 45m Arapiles
22 A Concerted Effort

Beautiful rock but a bit contrived. Start as for Discord.

  1. 25m (22) Follow the line of Discord and continue up, keeping as far to the right as possible. At headwall step right to a bulging thin crack which is followed to a ledge. The direct start (23) climbs past a bolt to join this pitch. Graham Jones March 1986. There is a carrot bolt low down which looks like it might be the direct start. There is also a FH a good deal higher than the carrot whose role is not clear.

  2. 20m (-) The crack above.

FA: Malcolm Matheson, Chris Baxter (alt) & Kim Carrigan., 1982

전통등반 45m, 2 Arapiles
20 Semi-Quaver

Fairly good climbing culminating in the left arete of D Minor. The strenuous crux past the last bolt is a little contrived though. Start at a short diagonal finger crack 3m right of the Quaver chimney.

  1. 20m (16) Up finger crack to ledge then diagonally left into Quaver. Swing up left onto slab and FH and go straight up thin centre of slab to the first belay of D Minor.

  2. 10m (20) Up arete left of D Minor - clip the first bolt from up L then drop back down and climb the front of the arete direct.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Meg Sleeman. 1990s., 1994

혼합 고전등반 30m, 2, 3 Arapiles
22 Whiteman's Country

Hardly a recommendation.

FA: Freed by Malcolm Matheson.., 1981

전통등반 10m Arapiles
22 R Friendless

Good climbing with hard start and finish but gets few ascents and is sinking beneath the moss. The finish is quite scary. Start 2 metres right of Tremulo at seam.

FA: Keith Egerton & Kieran Loughran.., 2000

전통등반 40m Arapiles
14 Cod Piece

Not attractive. Start as for Fiddle until the gully and then climb the wall 1 metre left of that climb avoiding bridging, stepping onto block or drifting into Didgeridoo.

FA: Hoskins, Pritchard & Wilkins, 1995

전통등반 30m Arapiles
16 Led Zeppelin

Essentially a nice variant finish to Sonatine, sharing that climb's crux. 35m abseil descent.

  1. Start as for Yossarian or Sonatine or other approach to the first belay of Sonatine at the huge block.

  2. 25m 16 Step off the block into a shallow orange groove (as for Sonatine, crux, RPs essential). Move into the righthand groove and follow it direct. (Sonatine is the corner on the left).

FA: Keith Lockwood, Norm Booth & Ray Lassman, 23 9월 2017

전통등반 45m Arapiles
17 Garnett-Fleischaker Syndrome

Makes a worthwhile route out of Yossarian. Right of Toccata is a crack up the left side of a short buttress.

  1. Step right from the start of Toccata into crack and up to ledge. Follow seams up and right past small and fiddly gear. Where seam blanks out, step left and continue up to base of Toccata's chimney.

  2. The wide crack of Yossarian looks rubbish. Just finish up Toccata.

FA: Wendy Eden & Kate Dooley, 21 12월 2015

전통등반 2 Arapiles
21 Pull Anchor

Climb Hornpipe for ~5m, then move left and up past a bolt (crux) and through a crack to a ledge. At the ledge move right to climb another crack, past another bolt. Ends at the same height as pitch 2 of Conifer Crack at a rap station.

혼합 고전등반 30m, 2 Arapiles
17 It Could Be Worse

How? The initial crack of Ejaculation and then straight up from the plaque.

FA: Brigitte & Jon Muir.., 1984

전통등반 50m Arapiles
10 Tremulo-Humouresque

Not a bad excursion to the top of the Organ Pipes from the Tremulo anchor. Bear in mind that it is little-travelled so treat the rock with respect and be mindful of climbers below. It's not actually the original finish of Tremulo, which continued up the gully above the anchor, but the finish of Humouresque. The climbing can be split in a number of ways, with best ledges at 30m and 40m. Continue up left buttresses from anchors at top of pitch one of Tremulo, passing the MCC gnome high on the buttress. Walk off.

전통등반 45m Arapiles
24 Abbie Normal

Start at the left side of the Red Wall. Bridge up gully (G String) to clip bolt. Up blunt arete past another bolt to join Wyrd, up corner and flake. L at bolt to jugs, up thinly past another (bolt, not jug) to rings.

FA: Douglas Hockly & Ingvar Lidman, 2002

전통등반 24m Arapiles
20 Low Note

The original approach to what eventually became Jen's Roof. Bridge up the gully left of Dirge then out right to short thin crack. From crack go right into Dirge and up this to roof on right. Hand-traverse right on the lip of the roof to where there is now a FH, then up steep jugs to chains.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Chris Baxter., 1984

전통등반 30m Arapiles
19 Low F (linkup)

A good way to do the good bit of F Sharp from the ground. Start up Dirge for 8m, move left and up Low Note to the base of the diagonal, and follow this up L into the business of F Sharp. When it gets easy head R to the chains and lower off back to the ground. It's possible to clean your own gear (with admin), but much better to have someone second it.

전통등반 35m Arapiles
11 Deflated

Dirty. This and the next two climbs were named in honour of Chris Dewhirst's inglorious attempt at hot air ballooning at 'Arapiles'.

Start: Start at the short, easy corner.

  1. 15m (-) Up the easy corner and follow the ramp to belay on ledge at top left, just right of Sonatine's belay. All very easy but a rope might be called for.

  2. 35m (11) Step up and right onto wall and then take line going straight up.

FA: Francine Gilfedder & Chris Baxter., 1981

전통등반 35m, 2 Arapiles
13 Hot Air Symposium

Good steep finish. Will clean up well with traffic. Originally started as for 'Deflated' but the direct start also described is much better.

Start: Start at the short corner as for 'Deflated'.

  1. 15m (-) Up short corner and left up ramp to ledge at top left. Or Direct Start (11): About 8 metres left of the corner, 5 metres right of chockstone at an obvious mantle move on the smooth wall. Up the smooth wall, the wall behind can help but is not necessary, no protection for first 5 metres then head slightly right to big ledge.

  2. 25m (13) Step right off detached block on right edge of ledge and up wall to finish up right-hand crack on steep wall. Left-hand crack is 'Alychne'.

FA: Chris Baxter, Francine Gilfedder. 01-08-1981. Direct Start 1 : Kieran Loughran, Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth., 2008

전통등반 35m, 2 Arapiles
10 Gasbags

Start at the right-hand toe of the wall, a few meters right of Alychne, at a seam in nice rock.

  1. 23m Up seam to some ledges. Move left back onto front of buttress. Up little buttress (there are some loose blocks just to the left) to large ledge where an obvious big block sticks over the edge. Despite the alarming appearace from below, this block isn’t going anywhere.

  2. 12m Go up from the left side of the ledge and continue up.

FA: Kieran Loughran, Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 11월 2017

전통등반 35m, 2 Arapiles
12 Bag Pipes

A pointless variation on Bass Clef. Up Bass Clef to the chimney, step left and up the juggy arete just left of the chimney until able to bridge into the prominent line on the right wall of the chimney. Up this line then step right to the Tremulo bolts.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Kieran Loughran & Norm Booth, 15 7월 2017

전통등반 30m Arapiles
23 A Concerted Effort Direct
전통등반 Arapiles
15 Didge Rhand

A toprope route keeping just right of Horn Piece offers another option for a busy day. Rig from the Horn Piece bolts - long slings or cordalette. Could be lead-climbed but it is somewhat contrived and initial slab is unprotected - no bolt please. Start 2m right of Horn Piece just left of grotty crack. Slab to bushy crack. After crack follow Rhand side of arete. Pass small triangular overhang then move R and up to anchor.


전통등반 33m Arapiles
14 Middle 8

Above 'Toccata' there is a small bowl ringed by cliffs (The Cirque of the Climbables). On the right wall there is potential for some new routes. Start in the middle of the wall on the black rock, go up then slightly right into line and to top.


FA: Greg Pritchard, Paul Hoskins & Chris Frost., 2000

전통등반 10m Arapiles
18 Dirge LHF

It is possible to do a harder finish to Dirge by heading left before you get to the chains, traversing across the blank wall to join the final flake system of F Sharp.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Ed Neve, 1977

전통등반 50m Arapiles
19 Juvenile Speed

A short, hard avoidable crux set amid a lot of easy climbing. Start as for Keyboard.

  1. 45m (12) Up Keyboard until just above tree. Walk left and climb flake line just right of gully. Step left to belay on huge chockstone.

  2. 32m (19) Step back right and up steep line through rooflet and then easily up.

FA: John Stone & Richard Evans.., 1979

전통등반 75m, 2 Arapiles
23 Quiet Time

A good pump in the Organ Pipes? Start left of Diapason, 2m right of Ejaculation, beneath obvious overlap.

FA: Hoskins, Wilkins & Pritchard, 1995

전통등반 20m Arapiles

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