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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
18 Battle Cruiser

Both pitches are awesome.

Start: Shares the same start as Twice.

  1. 28m (19) Climb the black streaked corner to the roof, continue through it via the LH line (crux) and up the thin crack to ledge belay L of the base of the Twice corner.

  2. 46m (18) Follow the corner of Twice for 6m to a steep diagonal flake system leading out L towards the arête. Layaway and bridge the airy flake system until it eases. Continue up R of the arête to reach U-bolt rap station. Rap down to huge Linda chock stone (50m) Another rap station accesses the LH end of 'Battle Cruiser' Ledge (25m).

FA: M. Law & D. Bowman., 1978

전통등반 74m, 2 Mount Wellington
18 Third Bird

Up the corner from the natural belay bench. Challenging, sustained, airy climbing with good gear.

  1. 48m (16) Follow the crack to the first belay ledge, 10m below the roof.

  2. 32m (18) Jam through the roof to a ledge and continue up the finger crack and above to an easier finish.

Rap from DBB anchors (2 raps).

Set: Ian Lewis & Lyle Closs, 1973

전통등반 80m, 2 Mount Wellington
20 Space Cowboy

An alternative 2nd pitch to Starship Trooper and Battle Cruiser – start from the belay ledge shared by both routes at the top of their first pitches. Climb directly above the belay into a small left-facing corner to the right of the arête. Layback the flake above to a spectacular rest below a small overhang. Move straight up the arete, or slightly easier, step right and climb straight up a short wall (crux) to join Battle Cruiser at the diagonal trending flake. Continue up the rest of Battle Cruiser to the rap station.

FA: D. Stephenson & J. Otlowski, 1989

전통등반 30m Mount Wellington
16 Faust

The big left-facing chimney.

  1. 52m 16 Up the chimney past hakea and overhang to ledge on right, then up wide crack (#4 camalot useful) to next ledge. This pitch can easily be split in two

  2. 25m 16 Up to next ledge then continue up corner to top. Descend trench to left and then rap off as per Battle Cruiser

FA: J. Moore & R. Williams

전통등반 85m, 2 Mount Wellington
20 Improbability Drive

A stellar route, made awkward by its access. Best to do a route (Battlecruiser etc) that abseils down the Linda Chimney (or just climb the chimney). Either way your heading to the large ledge 10m up and left from the Abseil point 25m up the chimney (at the chockstone).

  1. 10m 18 - Step nervously down, left, and onto the south face. Your faith will be rewarded with good gear,and a flake leading to a large ledge.

  2. 30m 20 - The crux arrives early up the hand crack, before more varied terrain is reached. Heaps of gear and great exposure make this a classic pitch.

FA: S. Parsons, D. Fife & Phil Steane, 1982

전통등반 40m, 2 Mount Wellington
20 Kacktus
전통등반 40m Mount Wellington
22 Starship Trooper

The arete left of Battle Cruiser.

  1. 28m 20 Start at small ledge 4m left of Battle Cruiser. Step left and follow thin groove with small gear just right of arete to Battle Cruiser belay.

  2. 46m 22 Step around left side of arete and follow thin cracks to the top.

전통등반 74m, 2 Mount Wellington
18 Arthur's Circus
  1. 15m

  2. 40m

전통등반 55m, 2 Mount Wellington
18 Circus Taz
  1. 26m

  2. 22m

  3. 12m

전통등반 60m, 3 Mount Wellington
20 Once

A direct version of Twice. Start 2m right of Battle Cruiser. Follow thin cracks up and through roof to belay at BC ledge. Continue up the corner of Twice.

전통등반 30m Mount Wellington
23 Oopsy Daisy

MIxed route left of Kacktus. Climb loose chimney on natural gear until top of pinnacle is reached. Step onto the right wall and follow fully bolted wall to ledge and DBB. There is a short extention to a second DBB.

혼합 고전등반 40m, 9 Mount Wellington
18 Centre Stage
전통등반 20m Mount Wellington
20 Acid Test

Located 2m R of the Butt Funky fist crack, 2m L of a deep chimney.

  1. 30m (18) Climb up the crack and wall to a hakea tree, then from the block behind the tree climb the steep crack/flake then up R on easier ground to a double U-bolt belay.

  2. 2a. 40m (19) Climb up and then R onto the buttress and follow the weakness directly up the middle of the face (well protected) to a U-bolt belay. 2b. 15m (19) Alternatively, step across R directly from belay, over the top of the chimney, and climb steep but interesting thin crack up the arête, staying out of the chimney to the R. From a ledge at 10m either move L into Acid Test or make a difficult move up and R to the U-bolt belay on Heat (45m rap to bottom).

  3. 40m (20) Up the crack on the R to the buttress above. Follow a thin line up the buttress until one can step L around the arête to a 6m long crack. At the top of this move back R and climb the excellent face above to a large ledge.

  4. 5m Up the wall above to a rap station. Three rap stations provide safe descent. The final station is directly on the wall below the start of pitch 2 and is out of view until virtually on top of it.

FA: G. Phillips & D. Fife, 1996

FA: T. McKenny & J. Nermut, 2013

전통등반 120m, 4 Mount Wellington
19 Line Tamer
전통등반 50m Mount Wellington
20 Butt Funky

An average first pitch is a necessary task to access the excellent, airy arete of pitch 2.

  1. 45m 18 The crack roughly 25m right of Third Bird. Continue through ledges and vegetation (delightful!) for 20m to belay at the base of prominent arete on LH side.

  2. 52m 20 Up the face just left of arete for 20m, then step R to stance on small ledge. Continue following arete on RH side to belay at large Hakea at the top.

  3. 10m A scramble up and right to access Acid Test rap station. Descent: 40m to double U bolt belay on Acid Test (hidden just left of Hakea), then 55m to ground.

전통등반 110m, 3 Mount Wellington
20 Hyperspace

FA: N Deka, D Bruce & D Batten, 1988

전통등반 35m Mount Wellington
18 Centurion
전통등반 30m Mount Wellington
20 Spartan Ethics

Sustained and consistent. An inverted small L-shaped roof/flake marks the start of this route.

  1. 30m Climb a shallow corner to the small roof at 5m, which is turned on the L. Ascend a series of walls up and R to a ledge.

  2. 35m Climb onto the block on the L and then up a thin crack to a small tree. Step back R and jam the crack to the top, belaying at some blocks near the Faust corner.

  3. 35m Continue up the line of shallow corners on the upper wall R of Faust to a small ledge. Head up and L over a bulge into a hanging corner and continue to the top. Descend by first climbing up the short rock step behind where the route finishes, and then heading L and down a vegetated ramp with some down climbing sections, circling around to the Battle Cruise rap station from above. If you find yourself bridging up a tree, you're on the wrong path.

FA: (1) S. Parsons, D. Bowman, Dec 1979. (2) D. Bowman, R. Wells, Feb 1978. (3) N. Deka, D. Stephenson & Apr 1988.

전통등반 100m, 3 Mount Wellington
15 Linda

Pitch 1: Ground level to obvious large chockstone (rap anchors present) Pitch 2: Up chimney and belay at base of huge corner Pitch 3: 3 variants - Direct (18) - Left of huge corner which becomes offwidth Chimney (15): Climb R wall for 5m, thenstep R up to ledge and finish up chimney

FA: J Moore & J Veasey, 1968

전통등반 90m, 3 Mount Wellington
18 High Flyers

Climbs up the hand crack directly above the bolts at the top of pitch 2 of Acid Test.

전통등반 42m Mount Wellington
18 Youth With a Mission
전통등반 Mount Wellington
21 The Spear

Exciting moments to be had on the prominent hanging pillar R of Centurion. Bridge the offwidth corner 5m R of Centurion for 8m to a small roof. Traverse R under this onto the face of the column. Climb the finger crack past a problematic niche, surmount the large flake above, and continue more easily to the top.

FA: D. Stephenson & N. Deka, 1989

전통등반 30m Mount Wellington
20 Halleluja

Starts at Phil's Crack just around right and up the gully from the start of Shrapnel. Ends by topping out on the Arena.

FA: P. Robinson, K. Robinson & C. Rathbone

전통등반 120m, 5 Mount Wellington
17 Legionary
전통등반 35m Mount Wellington
21 Cheers to Dave
전통등반 35m Mount Wellington
22 Pugnacious
전통등반 Mount Wellington
13 Starseeker
전통등반 100m Mount Wellington
14 Roast Chicken
전통등반 130m Mount Wellington
19 High Wire
  1. 42m

  2. 13m

전통등반 55m, 2 Mount Wellington
15 Asterix
전통등반 27m Mount Wellington
17 Catacomb
전통등반 30m Mount Wellington
15 Thrice

Alternative start to Faust which avoids some inital chimneying but involves some alarming flakes. Start up flakes 2m L of chimney and continue directly up the wall, eventually stepping right into Faust at the Hakea. Continue up Faust from here.

전통등반 30m Mount Wellington
23 Bumps and Angels

The thin line between Faust and Twice, up the thin seam through two overlaps. Looks bold.

전통등반 80m, 2 Mount Wellington
18 Obelix
전통등반 40m Mount Wellington
20 Circus Maximus
전통등반 30m Mount Wellington
17 Scotch Mist
  1. 20m

  2. 10m

전통등반 30m, 2 Mount Wellington
17 Circus Minimus
전통등반 30m Mount Wellington
19 Caledonian Variant
전통등반 45m Mount Wellington
18 Clowning Around
전통등반 60m Mount Wellington
17 Faith, Hope and Deliverance
  1. 20m

  2. 10m

전통등반 30m, 2 Mount Wellington
16 Caledonian
전통등반 45m Mount Wellington
18 On the Road Again
  1. 42m

  2. 13m

전통등반 55m, 2 Mount Wellington
12 The Steps
전통등반 25m Mount Wellington
20 Menhir
전통등반 40m Mount Wellington
19 The Spirit
전통등반 30m Mount Wellington
19 What a Circus
전통등반 58m, 3 Mount Wellington
20 Telopea
전통등반 25m Mount Wellington
18 Polymorpha
전통등반 35m Mount Wellington
16 The Den
전통등반 35m Mount Wellington
17 Double Trouble or Triple Treat
전통등반 37m Mount Wellington
19 Youth With a Mission Direct Start
전통등반 Mount Wellington
18 Twice
  1. Start up Battle Cruiser for 2m, and traverse up and right to belay near Faust.

  2. Step back left to belay at base of corner. Can combine with P1.

  3. Up the corner through overhangs.

전통등반 90m, 3 Mount Wellington

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