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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Hobart and surrounds Waterworks Quarry
17 Justin's Crack

FA: Justin Kennedy

전통등반 7m
Hobart and surrounds Proctor's Road Quarry Lower Tier Right Wall
10 Solid City
전통등반 10m
12 After Work
전통등반 10m
19 Nose Job
전통등반 7m
17 Hair Lip
전통등반 8m
Hobart and surrounds Proctor's Road Quarry Upper Tier
11 Proctoscope
전통등반 12m
13 Prostrate
전통등반 10m
Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Broken Buttress
11 Van Diemen Buttress
16 Spurline

FA: R. Alsop, M. Douglas, A. Keller, Mar 1968. Direct Finish: R. Mansfield, P. Robinson, Sep 1980. & R. Mansfield, 1968

전통등반 48m
23 Assault Course
19 Start Me Up

FA: N. Deka & S. Bunton, 1987

전통등반 30m
16 Crestline

FA: U. Aurelli, D. Cox & P. Sands, 1961

FFA: P. Robinson & R. Mansfield, 1980

전통등반 45m
22 The Good, The Excellent and The Ugly

FA: D. Stephenson & N. Deka, 1988

전통등반 30m
15 Prodigal

FA: G. Kowalik & P. Robinson, 1981

전통등반 130m, 5
21 Blind Faith
전통등반 35m
18 Tired Cliches
전통등반 20m
12 Brand New Lies
전통등반 15m
18 Rick the Redneck
전통등반 25m
Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes University Buttress
21 Two Angry Young Men
전통등반 50m, 2
16 Sisyphus
전통등반 55m, 2
19 Pete's Power Plummet
전통등반 70m, 3
18 Cleavage

Cracks left of the Triclinicity corner, to DBB.

전통등반 20m
18 Triclinicity

The clean hand crack. Either step left at the roof (grade 17) or continue direct up the crack (grade 19). Belay anchors at top.

FA: P. Robinson, K. Bischoff & Mar 1981., 1981

전통등반 20m
21 Wide Boy

FA: R. Parkyn & O. Gervasoni, 2월 2015

혼합 고전등반 24m, 2
15 Ozymandias
전통등반 65m
22 Blind Vision

FA: R Parkyn, 3월 2015

전통등반 47m, 2
22 Blank Generation
전통등반 60m, 2
17 Chancellor Direct

Start: Starts at the clean RH facing corner near the foot of Avalanche Couloir

  1. 35m (17) Up the corner and face to the overhang. Pass this on the L and continue up the line to a ledge at the base of a detached pillar

  2. 25m (16) Climb up behind the pillar, then up the crack above. At the top traverse R to the abseil anchors at the top of Carpe Diem

FA: I. Lewis & L. Closs, 1972

전통등반 60m, 2
16 Chancellor

Takes the prominent corner line immediately right of Chancellor Direct about 8m up the left side of Avalanche Couloir. Start in the big broken right facing corner as for Vice Chancellor or start up the short wall just right of Chancellor Direct to meet the big corner after 8m. This second option doesn't add much other than the possibility of a painful ground fall.

  1. 30m. Follow the corner for 15m, traverse left and up to small square ledge. Climb the awkward crack to belay on an exposed ledge on the wall.

  2. 25m. Up the clean crack above. The move off the next ledge into the crack was originally aided. At the top traverse right to the rap anchors at the top of Carpe Diem.

FFA: Unknown

FA: M. Douglas & T. Terry, 1967

전통등반 55m, 2
11 Vice Chancellor

Starts as for Chancellor in the big right facing corner between Chancellor Direct and Carpe Diem.

  1. 14m. Up Chancellor to a stance.

  2. 24m. Climb to the base of the long chimney directly above. Gain the chimney directly via a 5m double crack, then continue up to the large chockstone.

  3. 18m. Climb out around the chockstones and up the final corner crack.

FA: G.Batten, M. Douglas & R. Mansfield, 1968

전통등반 56m, 3
19 Carpe Diem

Brilliant face climbing. A double set of small/medium wires very useful. About 10m right of CD is a recessed column. Scramble up to the base with care. Up, till you can step right onto the column proper. Follow shallow r facing corner till the gear fizzles out, then reach righ to gain hidden flake. Follow this up to gain top of column. There is a DBB a few metres up and left.

전통등반 45m
20 Piping Hot

Crack to right of carpet diem with roof at 20m.

전통등반 30m
18 Sphygmus
전통등반 18m
20 Clench Your Fist and Think of England
전통등반 18m
19 Falstaff
전통등반 25m
18 Canapes

1a. A tasty morsel climbing the left-hand arete. Thoughtful moves past the bolts, then over the small roof, with a trad hand crack to the DBB (17m).

1b. Extra Nibbles. (17) If you want a little more trad action, climb the alternative start up the crack just around to the left of Canapes, joining the original route above the roof.

FA: B. Bull, T. McKenny & I. Crossland, 12월 2016

혼합 고전등반 17m, 2
18 The Cocktail Hour

The arete directly off the walking track. Good but spaced protection.

FA: Tony McKenny & Bob Bull, 2016

전통등반 17m
17 Aperitif

Starts directly from the track between Bulging Buttress and University Buttress. Climb right side of arete on flakes and horizontals.

전통등반 30m
Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Bulging Buttress
22 (S.S.S.S.I.) Seriously Searching for Sanity but Suiciding Instead
전통등반 32m
25 Mildly Amused

The first 10m is gear protected, the remaining is fully bolted.

혼합 고전등반 35m, 9
22 Beaten and Abused

FA: D. Stephenson, N. Deka & P. Steane, 1989

전통등반 40m
22 Crazed and Confused

FA: N. Deka, D. Stephenson & Feb 1989, 1989

전통등반 40m
18 The Wizard
전통등반 80m, 3
21 Cold Power
전통등반 30m
20 Smokin'

Climbs the steep thin crack-line about 6 m R of Heat Pump. DBB lower-off.

전통등반 15m
14 Lignum Vitae
전통등반 100m
18 Black Magic

Climb the slab, trending left of the prow to a lightly overhanging hand crack. Follow this up and over several spears of rock to a ledge (a belay can be set-up here to split the route into two pitches). From here, head to the crack on the left and follow it up and to the right, stepping right around the corner when it ends to DBB and rap-station.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Ian Lewis, 1975

전통등반 55m
17 Magic Mushroom Variants
전통등반 50m
19 Malignant Mushroom
전통등반 50m
22 Equipoise
혼합 고전등반 30m, 1
24 Isonomy

FA: A. Donoghue & H. Jackson, 2014

전통등반 30m
16 Eye for a Line
전통등반 34m
17 Jelly Roll

Cracked face just to the right of the prow, 2m left of the tree. Great if you are a percussionist. For the rest of us, however, the tone emitted by tapping the flakes on this route is a tad scary (but the gear is good). Finishes with double bolt belay at the Black Magic step.

FA: S. Parsons, P. Bigg & Apr 1978., 1976

전통등반 35m
14 Breakneck
19 Smoke and Mirrors
전통등반 35m
13 Dal Nulla

Poorly protected Climbs the obvious corner, grovel through the mossy overhang section, finish up the dirty chimney, Bolted loweroff

FA: P. Robinson, C. (Basil) Rathbone & May 2013, 2013

전통등반 30m
17 Crucio
전통등반 30m
14 Humpty Dumpty
전통등반 30m
14 Breaker Chimney

FA: T. Terry & K. Hall, 1968

전통등반 110m, 4
13 Breaker Spur
전통등반 100m, 4
16 Indian Summer
  1. A roaming line starting up face reaching between horizontal breaks to small roof. Traverse R under roof and up to small ledge.

  2. Up broken corner crack to top of initial column, head up and R to bolt belay. (combining first two pitches is definitely possible)

  3. Diagonally L to another bolted belay and rap station.

FA: T. McKenny & P. Robinson, 2013

전통등반 49m, 3
19 Spice Trade

FA: L. Martin & T. Smith, 2014

전통등반 19m
17 Cracked Pepper

FA: I. Snape, T. McKenny (alt.) & A. Adams, 2012

전통등반 46m, 2
13 Breakout

FA: G. Kowalik & P. Robinson, 1979

전통등반 110m, 3
20 Hormesis

FA: H. Jackson & A. Donoghue, 2014

전통등반 48m
Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Teardrop Gully
18 Dave's Wall

On the wide wall, 2m right of The Bentwood. Starting low to the left, climb the left hand side of the wall. Finally move right at the top to DBB.

FA: D.Humphries & J.Nermut, 2014

전통등반 12m
15 Thor

Climbs the right hand side of the wide wall to DBB. Good protection in horizontal cracks.

FA: T.McKenny, B.Maddison & B.Bull, 1월 2015

전통등반 11m
13 Jon's Crack

Crack immediately right of the large wall. Fun climb with abundant options for protection. Good for someone learning to lead. Recommend rap from top, lowering will drag rope.

FA: J.Nermut, 2014

전통등반 11m
17 Out Of The Frying Pan

chimney left of FTA

전통등반 32m
21 Farewell to Arms

The obvious crack system on the south face of the first buttress, clearly visible from the track.

ACCESS: Either scramble up 60m of vegetated ledges OR (Much better) climb Sleeping Dogs at Summertime Buttress then scramble up and left to the base of the butress.

Start at the base of the buttress and climb up to the left of the prow. Move onto the left face and up the sustained, flared cracks to belay on a ledge just below the top of the buttress. Tape abseil to descend.

FA: D. Stephenson & N. Deka, 1989

전통등반 30m
22 Into the Fire

A sustained route following the prominent corners on the north side of the first buttress, clearly visible from the Organ Pipes Track.

Climb with difficulty into a shallow scoop using insecure small wires for protection (a peg was used here originally). Continue through a bulge using layaway holds to one more queasy experience, a sloping jug. Continue up to belay at a ledge.

FA: Simon Parsons & Kim Bischoff, 1981

전통등반 30m
15 Farouche

the crack right of ITF

전통등반 26m
23 Cornered

Start approximately 5m left of Wootang. Climb the thin crack line just right of the arête, protected by small to mid-sized cams (some people think these small cams are quite dodgy), then continue up the shallow corner above past 3 FH to a DBB at the ledge. A. Williams, early 2005.

FFA: A. Williams, 2005

혼합 고전등반 20m, 3
26 The Colour of Magic
혼합 고전등반 25m, 7
17 Dave's Climb

The crack climb to the niche, then awkward and thoughtful climbing to the top.

FA: D. James & D. Rollins, 2010

전통등반 10m
18 Ano's Sojourn
전통등반 10m
17 Fire and Forget
전통등반 12m
16 Funemployment

The crack 2m right from Turkey Slap. Start in the crack with stemming options, through the leftwards jag, then to the top of Turkey slap pinnacle. Extend the DBB from Turkey Slap or easily continue to the top.

FA: Chris Lang & Madi Roseavear, 11월 2020

전통등반 14m
17 You are not my Friend

Starts just uphill of the pinnacle in an offwidth crack. Climb three offwidth sections to belay in base of chimney. Scramble out.

FA: Deano & Topher, 2012

전통등반 20m
13 Sweepings
전통등반 20m
21 Cocksure propultion
전통등반 20m
18 Suzerain
전통등반 32m
18 Built like a donkey
전통등반 22m
8 Fat snatcher
전통등반 14m
17 Pretty septic
전통등반 14m
18 Sheeza
전통등반 17m
Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Step Tier
21 Left Out
전통등반 30m
24 Sucked In
20 Mothers on Adrenalin
전통등반 25m
16 Moonraker
전통등반 70m, 3
17 Moonraker variant

Alternative to the first two pitches of Moonraker. Pitch 1: Climb the crag for 10m, traverse right in the horizontal break to the cave and keep going as for Moonraker Pitch 2: Follow original variant until below the chimney, then step right to a small ledge and continue with the steep crack until you reach the original line again. Pitch 3: to rap station as for Moonraker

전통등반 77m, 3
19 One Way to the Moon
전통등반 40m
17 Xenophanes

Nice line, take a #4 and #5.

FA: I Lewis & D Hain, 1974

전통등반 81m, 3
19 Lone Stranger

FA: Kim Carrigan & Ian Lewis, 1974

전통등반 78m, 3
18 Opthalmia
전통등반 80m
16 Peacepipe
전통등반 80m
17 Sunday Morning Fever!
전통등반 25m
Hobart and surrounds Mount Wellington The Organ Pipes Great Tier
19 Static Journey
전통등반 50m
17 Choc-o-Block
전통등반 25m
19 Zoloft
전통등반 45m

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