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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
V8 Basilisco

FA: Miguel Casar

미상 Nzafi/Las Manzanas, Santa María Mazatla, Jilotzingo, EM
V9 Talón de Aquiles

FA: Bruno Garcia

미상 Nzafi/Las Manzanas, Santa María Mazatla, Jilotzingo, EM
V8 Minotauro

FA: Bruno Garcia

미상 Nzafi/Las Manzanas, Santa María Mazatla, Jilotzingo, EM
V8 Crimen perfecto 미상 El papalote
YDS_ALT:5.13 Tonanzi

Designed to be a trad route: lots of bolts, easy rappels, three or four bolt belay stations. Start just left of the lowest point on the wall. Bivy possible after pitch six. Cut under the obvious orange roof on pitch 11.

Set: Connie Rochelle & Alex Catlin, 2016

혼합 고전등반 300m, 12, 10 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.13c/d Jardineros del Espacio

Set: Ulises Fierro & Triana Martínez

전통등반 130m, 4 Corral de Piedra
YDS_ALT:5.13 Frontera Norte
스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 El Camino Real
YDS_ALT:5.13 El Mounstro 스포츠 클라이밍 20m Cañón de Huaxtla
5.13c Frio en el Pechito

Desde abajo.

스포츠 클라이밍 El Diente
YDS_ALT:5.13 Miados de cereza


Set: RAMIRO FERNANDEZ & gisel tinoco

스포츠 클라이밍 Chupaderos
5.13c La Pelona

Tiene cintas permanentes. Colmena activa de abejas encima (Feb '24)

스포츠 클라이밍 16m, 8 Santa Catarina
YDS_ALT:5.12 - 13 Cascada Blanca
스포츠 클라이밍 2 El Camino Real
YDS_ALT:5.13 Nace tierra 2013

Set: piojo & pipe

스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 4 Ixcatan
5.13c Las perlas de la virgen

Incredible climbing with a hard overhung start through nice tufas and some long moves onto more fun climbing.

bolted by ALEX CATLIN

스포츠 클라이밍 30m, 13 El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.11 - 13 No Tengo Trad
스포츠 클라이밍 2 El Camino Real
YDS_ALT:5.11 D La Cuchufleta

Set: Troll & Chafita

스포츠 클라이밍 7m, 3 Ixcatan
5.13c Arbolito Extensión

Extension of Arbolito. The extension goes into 5.13c, it's crimpy, steep, slopey and cruxy.

FFA: Alex Catlin

FA: Alex Catlin

FA: 11월 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 30m, 14 El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.13 Eleveytor
스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 El Camino Real
YDS_ALT:5.13 Machete 스포츠 클라이밍 18m Cañon de San Lorenzo
5.13c Marks 13
스포츠 클라이밍 30m Cueva del Oso
YDS_ALT:5.13 Plantiviri
스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 El Camino Real
5.13c Alan René ❤️ 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 12 Los Dinamos
YDS_ALT:5.10 D Mastografía

Inicio técnico, con salida a desplome y cazuelas , comparte seccion superior con papanicolau

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5 Paracaidista
5.13c Abducción Anunnaki

Climb the yellow streak all the way up to the roof and continue for a couple more moves to get the chains.

Set: Joel Guadarrama & el pop

FFA: Ricardo Vara

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 10 El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.13 Camaleon Calavera
스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 El Camino Real
5.13b/c La cristinita 스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5 Los Dinamos
5.13c El Visitante
1 5.12a
2 5.12c
3 5.12d
4 5.12b
5 5.12c
6 5.13c
7 5.12b

Set: Jacob Cook & Drew Marshall, 3월 2023

스포츠 클라이밍 200m, 7, 15 La Popa
5.13c Mas si osare un extraño enemigo

The classic of the crag. 45m’s of spectacular, relentless tension. No move harder then V5 but hundreds of them. Always equipped with draws and the must do of the crag.

스포츠 클라이밍 45m, 25 Jilotepec
5.13c Mantor 스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6 Los Dinamos
5.13c Reina del Sur

Really cool boulder through the roof and awesome face climb at the end. One of the best routes in San Cristóbal.

FA: Martin Siller, 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 36m, 18 San Cristóbal de las Casas
5.13c Veneno

Acceso por "Para Siempre" Access via "Para Siempre"

FA: Paco Medina

스포츠 클라이밍 40m, 17 La Huasteca
5.13c Marihuanaboogie 스포츠 클라이밍 27m, 9 Ixcatan
5.13b/c Canonball 스포츠 클라이밍 Jalpa
5.13c Trepination

Fifty feet left of the old mine.

스포츠 클라이밍 70m, 2, 16 El Potrero Chico
YDS_ALT:5.13 Las Falsas Apariencias

Sin probar 2015

스포츠 클라이밍 Jalpa
5.13c Aguila Magnetica Azul
스포츠 클라이밍 50m, 27 El Chonta
5.13c El Valiente

Starts with Dias de Purgatorio but trends out left to the Anchors

Travesía; escalas hasta el descanso de "Días de Purgatorio" y te vas hacia la izquierda en la travesía.

Set: Urs Moosmüller & Ulric Rousseau

스포츠 클라이밍 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.13c Fantasia

Link up of the two most spectacular climbs in Arcotete. After the first crux of "Helldorado" turn left into "La Historia sin Fin". Extend and/or skip a large number of quickdraws to avoid rope drag.

FA: Paul William, 2023

스포츠 클라이밍 37m, 23 San Cristóbal de las Casas
5.13b/c Los dinosaurios están atrás 스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 20 Los Dinamos
5.13c Chanchuyeando
스포츠 클라이밍 35m El Chonta
5.13b/c Insectos de reserva

Comparte reunión con el Chivo Biónico.

Set: José Hernández

FA: José Hernández, 9 1월 2021

스포츠 클라이밍 14 El Texistle
YDS_ALT:5.13 Profesor/P 스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 11 rocatec, centro ecoturistico.
5.13c Titaniosauriomita 스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 18 Los Dinamos
5.13c Las Tres Atenciones

Extension of Amate Amarillo going up high next to the "blank stripe".

스포츠 클라이밍 60m, 29 El Chonta
5.13c Hombre de Avispa

long and sustained route with a hard crux at bolt no. 10

스포츠 클라이밍 30m, 15 Meztitla
5.13c Sn 30

Inicia por la izquierda de unas piedras grandes

스포츠 클라이밍 La Huasteca
5.13c Cavernario Galindo

va por la linea de tufas mas obvia. se recomienda preproteger la primera placa

Set: arcadi/Ulises

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 10 Quinto Grado
5.13c Cruz Triángulo 스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6 Los Dinamos
5.13c Bio Tigre

A link-up of Bio and El Tigrillo.

스포츠 클라이밍 35m El Chonta
5.13c Tufa Luna Ext.

Set: andres basich & Santiago Sanchez

FFA: andres basich, 9 8월 2020

스포츠 클라이밍 10 El Salto; C.d.G.
5.13c/d Sr. Trompeta

inicia a la izquerda de la gran tufa gigante que divide la pared

Set: Arcadi Artis

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 8 Quinto Grado
5.13c Tlacoyo de a peso

Escalas en travesia hacia la izquierda por la fisura obvia que esta en el filo del techo, terminado la fisura empiezas a escalar para arriba

스포츠 클라이밍 Texcoco, San Pablo Ixayoc
5.13c Jugo de Toronja

The right extension after the big ledge.

스포츠 클라이밍 42m, 21 El Chonta
5.13c Trikitonga

Comienza en el gran montículo de piedras. Usa las primeras 6 plaquetas de Rarotonga y continúa hacia el centro de la cueva.

스포츠 클라이밍 Actopan
5.13c Italian Variation

Climb The Sound of the First Season, climb past the bulge and follow the 4 bolts right at the ledge then back up left to the anchors of The Sound of the Second Season.

스포츠 클라이밍 40m El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.12+ - 13+ Un mundo feliz Fuera de la realidad

3rd route from right to left.follow the overhanging crack diedral into roof and gigantic tufas.

First anchor goes up to 28 meter, extension goes another 12 meters.

First anchor name: un mundo feliz. Extension name: fuera de la realidad.

80 m rope.

Open Project.

FA: Joe Bert, 3 3월 2019

스포츠 클라이밍 40m El Salto; C.d.G.
5.13c Esencia Ámbar

FA: Álvaro Basich

스포츠 클라이밍 Los Delirios
5.13c Massai Mara

Starts on the largest stalagmite at the left end of the cave and climbs out the underside of the roof ending at the highest set of anchors in the hole on the other side of the cave. Shares the anchor with Oagadougou, Chinguetti, and Vaacanda. Classic!

Set: christian ehlert

FA: Mauricio Huerta

스포츠 클라이밍 28m, 15 Guadalcázar
YDS_ALT:5.13 Animas del Salto

a la Derecha de Sunrise, Inicio un poco desplomado con mala calidad en la roca, a un techito y salida a placa fina.

Set: Odin Sandoval, 19 9월 2020

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 25m, 10 San José Tepuzas
YDS_ALT:5.13 Off Target

Technical headwall up to super overhanging then roof.

Set: Alex Catlin, 2월 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 30m El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.12+ - 13 Macrodosis

Long and well bolted route.

FA: Luis Carlos García Ayala, 4 4월 2019

스포츠 클라이밍 31m El Salto; C.d.G.
5.13c Sapo

Starts at the left of the tufa.

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 13 El Doctor
5.13c Oagadougou

Starts at the deepest part of the cave. Longest route in the cave. Ends in the whole in the ceiling at the highest set of anchors and shares the anchor with Chinguetti and Vaacanda.

Set: christian ehlert

FA: Javier Canche

스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 22 Guadalcázar
5.13c Curcuman 스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 Guadalcázar
5.13b/c Chinguetti

Climb the large stalactites just right of the tunnel to the other cave to the lip of the cave. Resting on the large stalagmite makes the grade to 12d/13a. Shares the anchor with Oagadougou and Vaacanda.

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 13 Guadalcázar
YDS_ALT:5.13 La nota de musica

Set: Ulric Rousseau, 2013

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 35m, 16 El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.13 Rico Mcpato

La ruta mas dura de la Peña Blanca aún sin tener su FA

Set: Juan Carlos Gavilanes & Alvaro Martinez Spindola

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 28m, 11 Peñas de Tepames
5.13b/c Guerrero Dragón
1 5.13b/c 20m
2 ? 50m

L1: 8+R L2: 16+R

Termina en la rampa, justo en la base del siguiente desplome

Set: Ulises Fierro, Bruno Barrón & Triana Martínez

스포츠 클라이밍 70m, 2 Quinto Grado
5.13c Big Blue
스포츠 클라이밍 29m, 7 El Potrero Chico
5.13c Montezuma

An amazing technical test piece on small edges. A four bolt crux boulder problem leads to a good shake and an easy dihedral section. From the end of the dihedral section head out on to the face and climb up the thinning face that only gets harder and harder until a heartbreaker crux at the last bolt. Mega-classic.

Set: Alberto Sanchez, 2014

FFA: Urs Moosmuller, 2014

스포츠 클라이밍 30m, 12 La Presa
YDS_ALT:5.13 Freak bamboo butterfly

Climb the center route to the top.Hard moves off the first bolts lead to nice easy climbing through jugs,pockets and tufas.

Set: Ulric Rousseau, 2013

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 35m, 15 El Salto; C.d.G.
V9 Ashiva y miel

A la izquierda de "El rey escorpión" , Travesía en regletas hacia la izquierda, acaba en agarre

스포츠 클라이밍 Atlihuetzia
5.13c General Carranza
1 5.13c 30m
2 5.13b 36m

L1: 10+R L2: 11+R

Primera protección muy alta. Se recomienda el uso de cintas largas para las primeras 4 protecciones

Set: Ulises Fierro

스포츠 클라이밍 66m, 2 Quinto Grado
5.13b/c EL Banjo de Homero

FA: Fernande Calvan, 2011

스포츠 클라이밍 35m El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.13 Mi Primer Ombligo 스포츠 클라이밍 26m, 7 Ixcatan
YDS_ALT:5.13 Sea of tranquility

Set: Ulric Rousseau, 2013

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 30m, 15 El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.13 Ambiente Hostil Extension

A full 35m Euro-style enduro tufa route. Climbs through the right side of the big black stalactite then continues for a forearm melting burn to the very top of the wall.

스포츠 클라이밍 35m Cerro Agujerado
5.13c/d Bio Quantum

Inicia en el techo en su orilla izquierda. Se recomienda el uso de cintas largas en las primeras protecciones.

Set: Ulises Fierro

스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 14 Quinto Grado
YDS_ALT:5.13 Tufa King Pumped

Start on Bizarre Contact and continue straight in between the huge tufas. Needs a good brushing. Bouldery and pumpy in the chains...

Set: Ulric Rousseau, 2011

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 25m El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.13 Presión de burbuja

Set: Richi

스포츠 클라이밍 28m, 9 Ixcatan
5.13c Pure pintxe sloper

Dani Andrada climbed everything in the cave in a day,including Nosferatu barefoot,then decided to bolt a new route. A massive kmpressive line out the inverted roof.Sent the same day.

Set: Dani Andrada, 2013

스포츠 클라이밍 35m El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.13 Ijyotl Iluikayotl - Aliento Cosmico( Cosmic Breath) Extension

Main line in the lip of the cave! Most dripping tuffy line! Beautiful tufa line bolted in memory of Brad Gobright and Nolan Smythe! , they are and will be true love cosmic warriors througth endless times! R.I.P

FA: Mark Grundon & Joe Bert

스포츠 클라이밍 45m Cerro Agujerado
5.13c Sueño que de Niño

FA: Paco Medina

스포츠 클라이밍 13 La Huasteca
5.13c El Chupacabras

The endurance testpiece of the cave. Climb Ataque de Golondrinas to the base of the roof. Climb through the roof using stalatgtites to a technical crux when the stalagtites run out. A steep arete leads to the anchors.

FA: Urs Moosmüller

스포츠 클라이밍 50m, 2, 23 Guadalcázar
5.13c Dial m for monkey

Looks steep and amazing.

스포츠 클라이밍 40m El Salto; C.d.G.
YDS_ALT:5.13 El pozo de los deseos

Just right of Gruñón Viejo. Had permadraws as of 3/15/2020 and looked as though you could stop halfway or continue with an extension to the top of the cave. After you reach the halfway point, you'll look up and see lots of broken off holds that continue to the top of the route.

Fun movement, but very difficult climbing on subpar rock made this an interesting sport climb. Will take awhile to clean up still, but then it should be more enjoyable.

스포츠 클라이밍 30m Cerro Agujerado
YDS_ALT:5.10 D techo blanco 스포츠 클라이밍 14m, 6 parque biotico peñas del gallego
5.13c Camino del Diablo

Perma draws most of the route. Climb up to the ledge next to the small grey tufa and follow the crack trending right. There are different variants at the end of this route. 2 bolt anchor. Continue to the second anchor and you will be climbing “Amigo del Diablo”.

FA: Kurt Smith

스포츠 클라이밍 38m, 13 El Potrero Chico
5.13c Tatooine

Comparte los primeros dos bolts, después desvía a la derecha

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 9 Jilotepec
YDS_ALT:5.13 La Guapa

Set: Marco Antonio Medina Falcón, 9 8월 2015

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 La Huasteca
YDS_ALT:5.12 D Nueva Yorch

Set: Yorch

스포츠 클라이밍 Ixcatan
5.13c/d Espacio Muerto

A soon to be classic. Technical climbing up stalagtites leads to a steep finish.

Set: Urs Moosmüller

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 13 Guadalcázar
YDS_ALT:5.13 Jericho (L2)

El nombre está en la base de la ruta. Para escalar el 5.13 tienes que ignorar la primer reunión que está a la izquierda de la ruta.

스포츠 클라이밍 unknown
YDS_ALT:5.13 Pellizco de chile

A la izquierda de la mujer, con muy pocos intentos y sin encadene. Tecnica muy rara, ojo con la caida.

스포츠 클라이밍 El Ocote
5.13c Battle Royale

FA: Kurt Smith & Ned Harris

FFA: Sonny Trotter & Al Thompson, 2005

스포츠 클라이밍 230m, 7 El Potrero Chico
5.13c Cosita Hermosa Extension 스포츠 클라이밍 Cañon de San Lorenzo
YDS_ALT:5.13 Blood Baptism (proyect)

Start at the farthest point you can walk to under the arch. Climb straight up.

스포츠 클라이밍 5 Puente de Dios
5.13c Espectro

Grieta que sale de la parte derecha de la cueva y se dirige al centro de la cueva.

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 10 Actopan
5.13c/d Fruta de Sangre

Inicia a la derecha de la venganza de los enanos, por una serie de techos tecnicos para ir apretando para acercarse al techo. Salir del techo es un paso de boulder bastante duro, luego un descanso, 15 metros de placas mas y termina en un desplome donde vuelve a apretar.

스포츠 클라이밍 38m El Ocote
YDS_ALT:5.13 Sin nombre 4

A la izquierda de marry hulk, sin ascenso.

스포츠 클라이밍 El Ocote

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