
루트들 전통등반로서 Muizenberg Trad에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
14 Hopscotch Direct
1 12 12m
2 14 30m
3 14 23m
4 13 25m

FA: P. de Tolly, M. Scott & D. Tromp, 1984

전통등반 90m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
13 Muizenberg Crag Direct
1 12 15m
2 13 12m
3 13 10m
4 13 25m

FA: A. Brown, B. Cheetham & P. de Tolly, 1986

전통등반 62m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
16 Crackle
1 16 30m
2 13 38m
3 14 30m

FA: A. Killick & C. Walker, 1967

전통등반 98m, 3 Muizenberg Trad
14 Not Just a Pretty Face
1 12 25m
2 14 30m
3 14 15m
4 14 17m
5 40m

FA: B. Cheetham, P. de Tolly & C. Louw, 1984

전통등반 130m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
16 The Elusive Pimpernel
1 16 15m
2 14 25m
3 16 20m

One of the best routes in this sector. There are glue - in rap bolts installed at the top of this route, and can be used as the rap station to service most routes at the crag - preventing the "sketchy" walk off.

FA: P. de Tolly, A. Dintheer, A. D. Tromp & D. Tromp, 1988

전통등반 60m, 3 Muizenberg Trad
16 No Name Brand
1 14 12m
2 14 15m
3 14 20m
4 16 12m
5 14 30m

This route starts to the right of The Elusive Pimpernel and has a small silver plate with its name at the start of P2. P1 starts below the higher path that gives access to most of the routes of the sector and can be easily skipped. One can easily link P1 & 2 as well.

  1. Scramble easy rock to the higher level path.

  2. Pull up to a small recess passing a small silver nameplate. Climb the recess to a small ledge. Walk 2m to the left and choose one of the sides of a small roof and climb it to a bigger ledge.

  3. Climb the set of small prows right above the end of the previous pitch and continue up to a small ledge. Climb the brown face to the right of a roof that folds over the face avoiding some poor rock (most of the rock is good though). Scramble up to a big ledge.

  4. Walk 20m to the right to a cairn to the right of a triangular pointing block. Pull up into the obvious circular break and continue up to a huge ledge.

  5. A beautiful clean dark brown wall waits for you. Scramble up diagonally right to a corner using good footholds. Climb up and once at the big roof traverse slightly left to an exposed face with good foot and hand holds. Continue straight to the top. This is a spectacular pitch for the grade. It looks harder than it actually is.

FA: B. Cheetham & P. de Tolly, 1983

전통등반 89m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
18 Dilettante
1 17 15m
2 16 18m
3 14 20m
4 18 20m

Follow the track that contours the base of the mountain until able to see an impressive chockstone in an unusual place. The route starts around 6m to the right of the chockstone.

  1. Climb easily towards an obvious undercling hold and move to the face on the right climbing it until able to get to a ledge.

  2. Climb the crack system just above the anchor of the first pitch and move left when at the same height of a dead bush. Move up the face until able to reach the horizontal rail. Jam left on an airy traverse to belay from an airy stance around the corner on a small ledge.

  3. Climb straight up the easy rock band until able to see a cairn.

  4. Around 4m right of the cairn climb up for 5m and move weirdly to the left towards two twin parallel cracks that can be seen from the bottom of this pitch. Climb up the cracks to a small roof, move right to a recess to reach another face. Climb the face up to a ledge just below an easy looking brown face.

Scramble leads to the top.

FA: R. Auld, J. Davies & W. Walkup, 1985

전통등반 73m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
16 Understairs
1 16 25m
2 14 25m
3 13 8m
4 12 25m
5 13 25m

FA: P. Anderson, R. Barlow, P. Gray & R. Gray, 1975

전통등반 110m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
17 Snap
1 14 19m
2 10 34m
3 12 8m
4 17 11m

FA: A. Killick & C. Walker, 1967

전통등반 72m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
19 Jam Up and Jelly Tight
1 18 18m
2 16 24m
3 16 24m
4 19 12m
  1. Start on the face 5 meters left of the start of Crackle. Climb up and diagonally right to step just below a short crack. Climb that crack and up bulging rock to a rail above a big hole on your left. Balance 3 meters to the left to stand in a small ledge. Climb up to another small ledge under a small roof.

  2. Climb two meters diagonally to the right until able to pull up to the face using small grips all the way to a dark brown face just beneath a small roof.

  3. Climb to the right of the roof on broken rock and up to a ledge underneath a big overhang. Climb towards the overhang and traverse left until able to find an obvious break. Climb through the break and up to a ledge using sharp good holds.

  4. Climb up to the crack (the left one of two) and jam it up to a bigger ledge.

FA: A. D. Tromp, M. Scott & D. Tromp, 1988

전통등반 78m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
19 Muesli
1 19 15m
2 16 20m
3 12 18m
4 19 15m

The top pitch is really good!

FA: E. February & D.Miller, 1979

전통등반 68m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
14 All Bran
1 13 20m
2 11 15m
3 14 20m
4 14 15m

FA: G. Grens & M. Scott, 1986

전통등반 70m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
19 Mielie Pap
1 19 15m
2 18 20m
3 16 18m
4 19 15m

FA: R. Behne, D. Tromp & J. Orrock, 1989

전통등반 68m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
20 Café Latte
1 19 20m
2 20 40m
3 17 20m

There are glue - in rap bolts installed at the top of this route, and can be used as the rap station to service most routes at the crag - preventing the "sketchy" walk off.

FA: S. Larsen & A. Hall, 2006

전통등반 80m, 3 Muizenberg Trad
19 Iblekfesi
1 19 30m
2 18 25m

FA: R. Behne, D. Tromp & M. Scott, 1993

전통등반 55m, 2 Muizenberg Trad
20 Cornflake
1 20 30m
2 20 25m

FA: D. Hartley & B. Honey, 1968

FFA: M. Versfeld & J. Orton, 1982

FFA: J. Orton, 1997

전통등반 55m, 2 Muizenberg Trad
16 Tusk
1 13 12m
2 16 10m
3 14 10m
4 16 12m

Short route but good quality climbing. It would get more stars if it was longer. Good for a quick climb after work. It keeps the grade of the route more sustained by starting at the first pitch of Wasted which is a nice sustained 16.

FA: A. Dintheer Tromp & D. Tromp, 1987

전통등반 44m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
21 Joker in the Pack
1 19 12m
2 16 18m
3 19 15m
4 21 18m

FA: P. de Tolly, M. Scott & D. Tromp

전통등반 63m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
21 Wasted Direct
1 16 12m
2 21 12m
3 14 10m

Climbing diagonally left instead of going straight up reduces the grade to 19.

FA: P. de Tolly & D.Tromp, 1986

FA: E.February & M. Versfeld, 1986

전통등반 34m, 3 Muizenberg Trad
19 Starlight
1 15 18m
2 11 15m
3 19 10m
4 9 20m
5 13 15m

FA: E. February & M. Wynguard, 1974

전통등반 78m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
16 Late Harvest
1 15 22m
2 16 15m
3 14 15m
4 16 15m

A sustained route on good rock. The second and the last pitch are really good. The second pitch goes through a juggy overhang with side pulls all the way up. The last pitch follows a set of beautiful cracks.

FA: P. de Tolly & D. Tromp, 1997

전통등반 67m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
15 Pop
1 15 17m
2 15 25m
3 13 18m
4 13 30m

FA: A. Killick, A. Lavranos, D. Lewis & C. Walker, 1967

전통등반 90m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
20 Great Sloth
1 20 15m
2 13 20m
3 15 15m
4 15 12m

FA: J. Cheesmond & E. February, 1975

전통등반 62m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
26 Dancing on the Ceiling

FFA: J. Fisher, 1988

FA: G. Holwill, 1988

전통등반 20m Muizenberg Trad
16 Detergent
1 12 40m
2 11 6m
3 16 28m
4 8 12m

FA: A. Killick & J. Levy, 1970

전통등반 86m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
20 Agrippa
1 14 22m
2 20 23m
3 14 20m
4 14 23m
5 10 20m

FA: P. de Tolly, M. Scott & D. Tromp, 1985

전통등반 110m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
19 Juice Kaboose

Start just left of Neighbourhood Threat.

Pitch 1: 50m, 17 Basically the pitch goes directly up the face to what looks like a hairline crack (from the ground) several meters left of Neighbourhood Threat. Just right of this hairline crack is a flake type feature that may be where Tornado goes. After the thin section, head up and slightly left on easy ground to reach a narrow ledge. Above is a bulging brown roof, with a left tending diagonal gash on the left (which is above a block). Stance on the ledge in a position a bit down and right of the block.

Pitch 2. 30m, 19 Head up to the block and pull though into the face above using the diagonal gash. Continue up and left to narrow ledge. Pull up into the bottomless corner above (with a vegetated ledge to the right, where Life During Wartime goes). Traverse left to pull around the left side of the roof). At the next roof (with Darkness on the Edge of Town taking the left break), traverse right ~3m and then up a grey ramp to the top.

FA: Richard Halsey & G. Bird, 8월 2020

전통등반 80m, 2 Muizenberg Trad
19 Let's Get Physical
1 19 15m
2 16 38m
3 16 15m
4 19 22m

The crux pitches are five star.

FA: P. de Tolly, D. Trom0 & D. Tromp, 1989

전통등반 90m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
20 Dynamo Deltoid
1 19 12m
2 18 8m
3 11 22m
4 16 10m
5 20 15m

FA: P. de Tolly & D. Tromp, 1986

전통등반 67m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
22 Jungle Oats

A long, satisfying journey with demanding sections.

Start as for Fantasy Factory but tend slightly right though the low roof and straight to the ledge. Continue straight, passing the first roof on the left, and then directly up passing two horizontal breaks (in this section there are some ancient bolts to the right from an abandoned project). At the next ledge, continue straight up a wide recess and though a weakness at the next overlap on the left. Navigate the centre of the final face, tending right at the top to a final crank through a roof to a ledge. Abseil tat to the left.

FA: 7월 2019

전통등반 Muizenberg Trad
19 Fool on the Hill
1 15 40m
2 12 23m
3 19 23m
4 11 8m
5 14 24m

FA: B. Cheetham, P. de Tolly, A. D. Tromp & D. Tromp, 1988

전통등반 120m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
22 Darkness on the Edge of Town
1 17 28m
2 16 28m
3 22 20m

FA: R. Auld, J. Davies, D. Olin & W. Walkup, 1986

FFA: R. Behne, 1998

전통등반 76m, 3 Muizenberg Trad
17 Missing in Action
1 15 20m
2 11 30m
3 17 11m
4 12 25m

FA: A. Brown, B. Cheetham, A. D. Tromp & D. Tromp, 1984

전통등반 86m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
19 Life During Wartime
1 19 26m
2 11 23m
3 19 28m

FA: J. Davies & W. Walkup, 1986

전통등반 77m, 3 Muizenberg Trad
23 Scary Canary
1 16 40m
2 14 15m
3 16 10m
4 23 8m

FA: P. de Tolly, P. Setterfield & D. Tromp

전통등반 73m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
19 Neighbourhood Threat
1 19 21m
2 11 10m
3 13 34m
4 18 12m

FA: J. Davies, I. McPherson & W. Walkup, 1984

전통등반 77m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
19 Elemental Dear Watson
1 17 15m
2 11 40m
3 13 8m
4 19 15m
5 12 40m

FA: P. de Tolly, A. D. Tromp & D. Tromp, 1988

전통등반 120m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
21 Brothers in Arms
1 16 20m
2 14 10m
3 17 24m
4 21 20m

FA: D. Tromp, A. D. Tromp, E. February & T. Versfeld, 1992

전통등반 74m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
16 Enigma Variations
1 14 15m
2 11 15m
3 11 15m
4 16 15m

FA: Unknown

전통등반 60m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
18 Even Keel
1 13 15m
2 17 12m
3 14 20m
4 12 15m
5 18 14m

FA: B. Cheetham & P. de Tolly, 1985

전통등반 76m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
20 Global Warming
1 16 20m
2 20 25m
3 10 18m
4 16 18m

FA: E. February & M. Versfeld, 1991

전통등반 81m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
19 Marsupial

Single pitch from the ledge running across Sector D. Could be an alternate finch to Juice Kaboose.

Pitch 1: 35m, 19. Start directly a thin crack running though the lowest roof, just left of a long horizontal flake (the old route Tornado goes under the flake and out right). Climb to the roof and squirm along the top of the flake until able to pull up and left. Easily up to a steep section in dark brown rock with big holds. After this, easy ground on grey slab to the top.

FA: Richard Halsey & G. Bird, 8월 2020

전통등반 35m Muizenberg Trad
19 Fiddler on the Roof
1 14 15m
2 13 18m
3 13 25m
4 13 8m
5 19 20m

FA: P. de Tolly & D. Tromp, 1989

전통등반 86m, 5 Muizenberg Trad
21 Desperado
1 19 43m
2 21 20m
3 20 25m

FA: T. Mackenzie & L. Purdy

전통등반 88m, 3 Muizenberg Trad
19 There's Life in the Old Dogs Yet
1 15 12m
2 17 25m
3 14 8m
4 19 20m

FA: P. de Tolly & B. Cheetham, 1998

전통등반 65m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
20 Some Like it Hot
1 10 8m
2 16 35m
3 20 20m
4 19 16m

FA: J. Davies & W. Walkup, 1986

전통등반 79m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
17 Reacher

I believe we opened this new pitch. It is just a simple line just after the last pitch of Muesli. Just look at the hole in the roof that works as a nice undercling. Moving to the right reduces the grade to 16. Going to the jug on the top left after the undercling gives this pitch the 17 grade. Continue easily to the top.

전통등반 25m Muizenberg Trad
19 Home Run
1 14 40m
2 13 23m
3 19 28m
4 14 15m

FA: A. Brown, M. Scott & D. Tromp, 1988

전통등반 110m, 4 Muizenberg Trad
23 Morning After Cocktails
1 23 10m
2 15 30m
3 18 15m
4 22 15m

FA: J. Orton & A. Ross-Innes, 1998

전통등반 70m, 4 Muizenberg Trad

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