
线路 in 日本 for selected grade

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Showing all 45 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity 岩场
V0- i

7 kyuu

攀石 5m Mitake Boulder
5.6 Pumpkin Coach

Up the arete right of Cinderella, and keeping right of that climb to the top

运动攀岩 15m Maku Iwa
V0- Kikazaru

首攀: Bluemount

攀石 Polished Monkey
{FR} 4a Climb #1
未知 Samurainishii Bouldering H-O
{FR} 4a Climb #6
未知 Samurainishii Bouldering H-O
V0- Tawata Right
攀石 Gushichan
{FR} 4a Climb #7
未知 Samurainishii Bouldering H-O
V0- Tawata Middle
攀石 Gushichan
V0- Tawata Left
攀石 Gushichan
FB_ALT:4 Sunao

Step onto the boulder, then trend rightwards to the top. Name means 'gentle'.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
5.6 Another Country
运动攀岩 Jo-yama
V0- 3
攀石 Miyake-jima
V0- Return of Super Hiro
攀石 Gushichan
FB_ALT:4 Escape (7 kyū)

Start as for Mudai (1 kyū), but pull round right onto the slab, which is then climbed to finish.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
FR:4a Climb #6
未知 Samurainishii Bouldering A-G
5.6 Ship Ahoy

Climb up and left to ring anchors.

运动攀岩 4 Katsuyama
V0- 5
攀石 Miyake-jima
V0- Oyaji Coffee
攀石 Gushichan
FB_ALT:4 No Name (7 kyū)

Use the vertical flake below the lip to climb direct to the top.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
{FR} 4a Climb #1
未知 Samurainishii Bouldering H-O
5.6 Trad Corner

Better done as a top rope. The gear is not great and the rock quality for gear is pretty bad but the climb itself is good. Will most likely get bolted in the future. Bolted anchor. "

Equipped By: Tim Larick, Bo Buckley

首攀: Bo Buckley

传统攀登 15m Cape Hedo
V0- 6
攀石 Miyake-jima
5.6 Entrance

On the face around the right hand side of the arête.

首攀: Toshifumi Noguchi (野口敏文)

运动攀岩 Kitagawa
{FR} 4a Climb #1
未知 Samurainishii Bouldering H-O
5.6 The Wanderer

Climb up the face to a large flake then continue up and to the right to a large bolder that you can sling at the top. you will have to leave gear to rappel off or down climb the easy 5.6 terrain. be care full of loose rock.

nuts slings and a single rack up to trango/Metolious #8 double up on trango #4 and #5.

首攀: Matthew Lewis, 2018

传统攀登 35m Zatsun Tunnel
FB_ALT:4 Paradise Gate - Climbing Prohibited

Climb up the boulder starting from the undercling. A sit start is also possible coming in from the left at around 6A+.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
5.6 Chimney

The obvious chimney contains some in situ protection.

运动攀岩 Hiwadayama
{FR} 4a Climb #2
未知 Samurainishii Bouldering H-O
V0- One copy
攀石 Gushichan
FB_ALT:4 Hand Traverse

Start as for Ōkaku, then step down and hand traverse the lip leftwards round the corner. When the lip steepens, finish by mantelling onto the hanging slab.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
FB_ALT:4 7 kyū
攀石 Nakatsugawa Boulder
V0- Tofu Traverse
攀石 Gushichan
FB_ALT:4 Finger Crack

The finger crack that widens to hands on the slab.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
FB_ALT:4 7 kyū
攀石 Nakatsugawa Boulder
FB_ALT:4 Ankrah Slab

The shallow crack.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
FB_ALT:4 Slab (7 kyū)

Hard for the grade.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
V0- Yuhodo Center
攀石 Mitake Boulder
FB_ALT:4 7 kyū

Start sitting at the base of the arête and pull on using crimps. Swing round left onto the slab and climb this to finish.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
V0- Yuhodo Right
攀石 Mitake Boulder
{UIAA} 4+ Naka yama One
1 3+ 35m
2 2 250m
3 4+ 50m
4 2 30m
5 2 30m
6 2 40m

P1 - III+, Left and up the corner, 35m

P2 - II, Snow and rock ridge, 250m

P3 - IV+, Strait up the corner, 50m

P4 - II, Snow Slope, 30m

P5 - II, Strait up the steep rock, or around the the pinicle to the left, 30m.

P6 - II, Traverse right on the band, or strait up the corner at IV+, 40m

阿式攀登 440m, 6 Yatsugatake
V0- Hiro
攀石 Gushichan
FB_ALT:4 Mantle (7 kyū)

Mantle onto the sticking out hold.

攀石 Kasama Boulder
5.6 Crack
传统攀登 Kawamata
{UIAA} 5- MItsumata Mine Runze

Falls up to 15m

攀冰 Yatsugatake
V0- Return of Hiro
攀石 Gushichan

Showing all 45 线路.

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