
线路 in Oceania for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 345 线路.

Grade 线路 线路类型 Popularity
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Fang Buttress and Surrounds Krondorf Area Boulders Pinch Arete and Pebble Wall
V11 Brunch

Start as for Pinch Arete, traverse R across Jump to Jug to scoop and undercling, then up employing a good spotter and an accurately placed mat for the final moves

首攀: Dave Jones

攀石 8m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles The Pharos and Surrounds The Pharos Uncle Charlie
33 Punks Addiction

Joins the hardest bits of both routes and is supposedly a grade harder than each of them. At least two repeats, Chris Lindner in 2009 and Byam Keil in 2023.

Start as for Pretty in Punk, finish as for Punks in the Gym.

首攀: David Jones

运动攀岩 25m, 9
33 Somalia

Deterred many very strong suitors for many years and finally fell to the Kiwi Wizz kid

首攀: Wiz Fineron, 2012

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Ground Control Caves Top Cave
V11/12 Nutts to Butts

Upper Cave.

Links 'Fog' into 'Dead Heat'.

V11 Dead Heat

Upper Cave.

Rumoured to be a total classic at the grade - and it looks like it too. Sit-start left of 'I Feel So Holy' and motor up through the pockety featers on the steep wall to the big slopey break. Shuffle rightwards to a high-ish topout.

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Ground Control Caves Middle Cave
V11 Killer Dwarf

Middle Cave. 2016 guidebook grade

首攀: Klem Loskot, 1999

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Love Boulder
V11 Haters Gonna Hate

Sit start on slopey rail.

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Taipan Wall - North
33 The Great Affair

Demanding bouldery cruxes and intimidatingly huge dynos. According to Dave Jones, 'Malcolm only ever bolted this because he'd just done Mirage and thought he could dyno the full height of the cliff'. Start about 15m R of The Seventh Pillar, 2-3m R of Slytherin.

  1. 28m (33) 3FHs (enormous dyno at 3rd, Rainbow Rocket -style), to gain THE break about 6-8m R of the Seventh Pillar bolt ladder. Continue up the desperate looking face past 3 FHs which trend R into a thin L-facing flake. Follow this to a chain below the main roof (30m rap).

  2. 20m (32/3) This is the left-most bolted line through the major roof which extends all the way from The Seventh Pillar to Serpentine, halfway up Taipan. Another all points off dyno plus amazing water scoop/arete climbing, ending at the 3rd pitch traverse break of The Seventh Pillar. Nalle thought pitch 1 was a bit harder than this pitch, but maybe not by much!

  3. 14m (29) Quetzalcoatl last pitch.

定线/开线: Malcolm Matheson (and DS added by Nalle 2017), 1993

自由首攀: Dave Jones freed pitch 3 ~2000, Nalle Hukkatival p1 & p2 Oct 2017, 10月 2017

混合传统攀岩 60m, 3, 8
33 Sneaky Snake

The visionary black streaks and water grooves about 5-8m R of Naja. The joke used to be that Steve Monks "marked his turf" at the top of Naja after every shot; it looks like perhaps Lee did too! Start as for Naja. Up Naja for 2 or 3 bolts then traverse right via an obvious undercling flake a few metres above the low roof. Use long (2m) extenders for this section. Now follow the incredible grooves, ignore the half-height anchor, and continue up via amazing sustained climbing on slopey edges to the top of the wall in one single mega pitch. Rap anchor (55m).

首攀: Lee Cossey, 2011

运动攀岩 55m
Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Taipan Wall - South
33 Groove Train

An extension to Groovy, this was briefly the hardest route on the wall and may be the best. Climb it in 1 pitch from the ground. The sheer face above the finish of the Groovy groove is sparsely bolted (despite a dubious retrobolt by Dave Graham ... which lasted about 5 seconds after he left) up the black streak to a lower off. Can seep. Equipped by Zac Vertrees and Mike Law (with the top lower-off added by Jake Bresnehan), this was attempted by a who's who of Australian hard-men over 7 years before Ben's success.

Ben Cossey FA of Groove Train https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-PsXKda6JU

首攀: Ben Cossey, 2009

运动攀岩 45m, 2, 10
33 Trouser Snake

Just another incredible looking line on Taipan. It's the orange streak directly above Snake Flake's anchor, climbed in a single pitch from the ground.

定线/开线: Equipped by Ben Cossey & Al Pryce late Oct 08

首攀: Lee Cossey, 2013

运动攀岩 48m
Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre 关闭的 Spurt Wall (Bouldering)
V11 Snooky Badlands

Resides on the walk-in track to 'Spurt Wall' - just before the 'tunnel' (beneath the 'Taipan' route 'Invisible Fist').

首攀: Garth Miller, 2000

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Between the Sheeps
V11 When We Were Kings

Only one of the moves on this 14 move roof traverse is hard. Unfortunately all the rest require exactly the same muscles, ensuring a month long bicep ache. Fred Nicole didn't do it! Can you?

首攀: Klem Loskot, 1999

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Lower Taipan Lower Taipan Wall
V11 Athena

~8m to the right of Zeus, start on the block with the odd pinch inside. Out left to shallow pocket, big lockoff to sidepulls and finish directly above on flat edge.

首攀: Blake Wardell, 2017

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Citadel
V11 Mad Max

Sit-start from a poor RH undercling and an incut LH 'pocket' - massive span move out right to the arete of 'Nice Max' - then finish as for this problem. Positive ape-index recommended!

首攀: Klem Loskot, 1999

V11 Project Traverse

Possibly the traverse completed by Dai Koyamada - starting from the V2 start hold - then traversing right to the finish of 'Mad Max' - unconfirmed.

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Cave Club
V11/12 Full Bean

Heads straight up just right of the start of Sultans of Swing. Pending details.

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Left Main Gobsmacker Corner
V11 Gobsmacker

Sit-start at a small, slopey undercling with not much for feet.

首攀: Julian Saunders, 2000

攀石 3m
Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Left Main Andersens Slabs
V11 Snatch

The line 1m right of Feverish starting at the good pocket. Make tenuous moves up slopey rails to a high top out.

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Right Main Seduction Wall
V11 Cruise Control
Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Right Main Andersens Consulting Boulder
V11 Forced Entry

Start left of the V4 problem on a good gaston and take a left-trending line past the mono to topout. Has seen an impressive flash ascent by James Litz (US). Originally given V13 by Sharik as the mono didn't exist and he did horrible moves crimping the very edge of the same hold.

Dynoing from the crack directly to the top is 'Forced Entry Direct' (V11)

首攀: Sharik Walker

V11 Forced Entry Direct

Dai Koyamada's addition to Andersens. Sit start matched on the left facing flake. Move up the wall and jump like mad to the lip.

首攀: Dai Koyamada

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Right Main Mandatory Choices Boulder
V11 Spider Mate

Stand start to Peter Parker.

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Lower Clicke Bad Cliche Boulder
V11 Former Glory

Sit start on the low rail and move up a series of dimples and slopers to crimps and jugs at the top. Hard for the grade - James didn't want it to be downgraded.

首攀: James Kassay

攀石 3m
Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Clicke The Ark
V11 Buandik Dreaming

Sit start on good side pull and small crimp, up through crimps before veering left as the landing falls away.

首攀: Sam Healy

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Clicke 3 Star Buttress
V11 That's Amore

Stand start on crimps, use arete to throw for good edge.

首攀: Michael Tonon

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Kindergarten 关闭的 The Kindergarten (bouldering)
V11 Point and Shoot

Sit start on underclings below the white rail 2m left of the start of STMB. Climb to a slopey pocket and underclings to make a big move gaining the slopey pinch of STMB and finish as for this problem.

V11 So You Think You Can Dance

Start underclinging the left side of the scoop feature (just left of the start of The Nevin Rule). Move up to LH incut crimp via tricky kneebars and underclings, gaston edges to meet The Nevin Rule at the high pinch. Finish as for The Nevin Rule.

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Sandinista Cliffs Sandinista Wall
33 Sparticus

Hardest route in the Grampians?

Start: Link-up of Daniel Or-Tiger into Somoza via some mind-blowing climbing. Very sustained with a bouldery crux.

首攀: Nathan Hoette, 2002

传统攀登 25m
Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Sandinista Cliffs Sandanista Area Bouldering Malapropism Boulder
V11 Schnell 攀石
Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Red Wall Area incl Echoes Block
V11 Tantrum
Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Loopeys
V11 Panoptikum

Start as for 'Passion' then traverse all the way across the crux of Klapusterperle, through the start of 'Bitch Slap' and finish as for 'Winterkirsch'. Has also been done by finishing up 'Bitch Slap' (Sharik Walker) at no change in grade.

首攀: Klem Loskot, 1999

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Hollow Mountain Cave
V11 Dead Can't Dance

Starts on the two 'rails' - at the finish of Cave Man - then climbs out via the famous 'pinch' hold into a gaston crux (the pinch hold of Rave Heart) finishing as for Wimmel Friedhoff.

首攀: Klem Loskot, 1999

V11 Viva Resistance

Link Body Eater into 'Ogre Thumb'

首攀: Nathan Hoette, 2000

V11 Cave Heart

X-Treme cool into 'Desire'

首攀: Ben Heason, 2000

V11 Caved Out

Starts up 'Extended World' V10, drops down into Wimmel Friedhof V5 and then finishes up 'Gastonia' V8

首攀: Ben Heason, 2000

Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Iskra Crag Lemonade Wall
V11 Parallel Lines

自由首攀: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

V11 Circuit Breaker

自由首攀: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

Australia Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths First Blood
V11 First Blood

Sit start on small side pull edges then up with difficulty compressing heinous slopers on the awesome prow/arete (slightly left of line in printed guide)

首攀: Simon Weill

Australia Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths Bakelite Concept
V11 The Bakelite Concept

The beautiful cracked face is deceptively hard. From the stand start climb the face past a very hard deadpoint.

首攀: Simon Weill

Australia Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Sundial Peak The Bleachers Quickening Boulder
V10/11 The Thiccening

Start as for The Quickening, head right through crimps from the jug.

Australia Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Valley of the Giants The Taken Boulder
V11 The Taken
攀石 5m
Australia Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Valley of the Giants Ways of Being Boulder
V11 Ways of Being

Sit start on left-hand side of boulder, moving right through undercling and various pinches, finishing with a desperate and bare top-out. Good idea to suss the finish before getting there.

首攀: Oliver Miller

Australia Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Valley of the Giants Abyss Boulder
V11 Devil in the Detail 攀石 8m
Australia Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Mt Fox Area Muline Crag
33 Flower Power

One of the hardest routes in 'Victoria'. A sustained full frontal assault on the highest part of the cave.

Start: Start just R of DF.

首攀: Nathan Hoette, 2003

运动攀岩 20m
Australia Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Mt Fox Area Mount Fox Bouldering Fox Boulders The Philosopher's Stone
V11 Kant Touch This Sit

Sit on arete and traverse up and left into Kant Touch This

V11 A Puzzle About Belief
Australia Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Red Rock Area Crag X
V11 Velour (s)
Australia Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Buandik Area Buandik Bouldering Amusement Park
V11 Happy Ending
V11 Knowing is half the battle
Australia Victoria North West Grampians Victoria Range Buandik Area 关闭的 Cave of Man Hands
V11 Hand Solo

Start in the far left of the cave and work your way right before finishing up Cold Hands.

V11 Manhandled

Hard climbing with a powerful and shouldery crux.

V11 Dos Manos

Easy climbing leads to a couple of hard moves on slopey holds.

V11 The Sound of One Man Hand Clapping

Easy climbing to a dynamic and reachy section through a blank looking roof. Cut loose and prosper.

Australia Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Camels Hump Omega Block Area Privy Block - Chain buttress
V11 Mind Wars

There you have it... the main event. LDWT into DIM. Epic.

首攀: Mark Rewi, 17 9月 2019

攀石 10m
Australia Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Camels Hump Trackside Boulders Globe Boulder
V11 Twelfth Night SDS

SDS low in the cave. Crimp and compress your way up and left on the impressive nose, to better holds over the bulge.

首攀: Fraser Gust

攀石 3m
Australia Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Mt Alexander Garden Boulders
V11 Embers

The ten-year project finally goes down! Embers takes the obvious hanging arete from a stand-start. Left hand on the arete with a crystal thumb catch and right hand on the undercling. A powerful move on poor feet allows you to gain the small crimp. From here another hard move gets you established on easier ground. Continue up the right side of the arete all the way (don't rock around onto the left slab).

首攀: Peter Reynolds, 18 7月 2019

Australia New South Wales and ACT Hunter Valley Newcastle Glenrock Lagoon Bouldering Waterfall Bouldering Area Waterfall Wall
V11 Fight Milk

Start on flat jug at the left of the wall. Reverse Butt Rodgers and continue up A Crow Left of the Murder. Rather than going right to the jug, keep moving straight up to finish on crimp rail.

首攀: Ben Schaeffer, 2 11月 2021

Australia New South Wales and ACT Hunter Valley Newcastle Glenrock Lagoon Bouldering Waterfall Bouldering Area Tree of Life Bloc
V11 Forbidden Fruit

Sit Start 1.5 metres to the right of 'Tree of Life' hugging the roof. Right hand utilises the obvious right angle brick edge/pinch on the lip of the roof, left hand underneath in a small slot just above the flake. Launch out left via some cool moves dropping into the flake & start holds of Tree of Life. Finish as for this.

首攀: R. Hofmann, 12 7月 2023

Australia New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Gara Gorge Upper Gara Gorge South-Western Boulders Crack Boulder
V11 Ikarus

Only known repeat by Matt Wrigley.

首攀: Fred Nicole, 2000

攀石 5m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Gara Gorge Upper Gara Gorge Northeast Boulders Northeast Group Fluming area
V11 Fluming

首攀: James Scarborough, 2001

攀石 3m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Mt Yarrowyck Trackside area Trackside Boulder
V11 Vampire Dagger

SDS at pointy jug with detached block for feet, climb right and up on crimps.

首攀: Fred Nicole, 2000

V11 L'Envers du Decors

SDS. Follows obvious crack to the left and up, either staying underneath on slopey holds or trending high and using underclings.

首攀: Fred Nicole, 2000

Australia New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands 关闭的 Beulah Eastern areas Rolled Quad Boulders Power Boulder
V11 Escaped Monkey sit start

Sit start on the tiny sharp holds to join Escaped Monkey.

攀石未首攀 5m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Coast Copacabana
V11 Aquagamma

Starts matched on the lowest flat edge with a bad right smear foot and heads straight up, using edges and underclings

首攀: Tom Hodgson

V11 Siren Song

Start on the two slotted edges and do a tricky 1-2 dyno to the lip. Easy mantle into the dish. Tom Hodgson (FA)

首攀: Tom Hodgson, 5月 2024

攀石 4m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Coast Blackwall Underworld
V10/11 Sloths in the Attic

Start as for room with a view but halfway out exit straight left through some tough moves to reach the jugs. The a large throw to lip before heading straight up the headwall to walk off.

Jenny Lin

首攀: Michael Tonon, 19 9月 2015

攀石 15m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Coast Bouddi National Park Hawkes Head Cave
V11 Braveheart

Usual cave start. Traverse out left to the slotted jug (effectively reversing Mad Max) then straight through the roof on two poor left hands. Huck for glory!

首攀: Tom Hodgson

V11 Braveheart (Direct)

The most direct line for Braveheart. Start on slotted jug as per Mad Max, and head straight out the roof as for Braveheart.

首攀: Tom Hodgson

攀石 5m
V11 Chicken Run

Start as for Braveheart Direct. After gaining the jug, before Braveheart crux, bust out left to an edge. Right hand to a nothing hold then making a crux move to the slopey lip. Traverse right to finish as per other problems.

首攀: Sam Healy

V11 The Chicken That Ran Further

Starting as for Braveheart, make some tricky moves from the sit start to join into Chicken Run. Finishing for that problem. Could be 12

首攀: Sam Healy

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan Hornsby and the North Galston Gorge The Graveyard Upper Side
V11 Health Insurance Recommended

Start in the two pockets, slap up left to the very slopey scoop, and aim for the second very slopey hold on the left. Super hard.

首攀: Jarred Jordan, 2018

攀石 3m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan Hornsby and the North Ku-ring-gai Chase McCarrs Creek
V11 The Encounter

Stand start on the undercling right hand and crimp at the same height to the left. 2 hard bumps up to go for the top and over. Watch out for Eli

Yossi Sundakov-Krumins

首攀: Yossi Sundakov-Krumins, 6 9月 2021

攀石 4m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan Sutherland Bangor Blocs Blocs
V10/11 Fools Gold

A direct line up from the Goldfinger start via pocket and undercling then dyno to a slopey crimp on the lip and up the v easy top.

Chris Beers

首攀: Chris, 1 6月 2022

攀石 3m
V11 Onslaught

Start Warmup Warren and traverse right into Massive Attack.

首攀: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 5 9月 2022

V10/11 Evasive Manoeuvres

Start Massive Attack and traverse left into Warmup Warren.

首攀: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 5 9月 2022

V11 Tiny Defence

The right exit to Massive Attack.

首攀: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 26 12月 2017

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan Sutherland Villas The Villas Cliffs
V11 Hairy Joe's Banana Shack

1st problem in the little cave next to the pipes. 'Excellent' and hard.

首攀: Paul Westwood, 2000

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan Sutherland Villas 关闭的 The Villas Cave
V11 Potato Salad

Direct finish to Shoosh - go straight up around the lip without using the juggy lip hold out right

首攀: Tom Farrell

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan Sutherland The Wing Cave
V11 The Hangover Cure

Climb Porn, but finish way up high and right on the jug. Let the old chalk guide you

首攀: Tom Farrell, 2011

V11 Groove Terminator

首攀: Paul 'Punk' Westwood

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West The Balkans The Frontline The Main Wall
V11 Siege From Down Under

首攀: Tom Farrell, 2007

V11 Energy Into Love

Link up. 'Pockets of Resistance' into 'American Siege'.

首攀: Chris Webb Parsons, 29 6月 2014

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West The Balkans The Frontline Front and Centre
V11 They call me Brock Landers

Sit start below Akhtar on the obvious slot and climb only the low lip left into El Kooko.

首攀: Fab, 9 8月 2014

V11 Dumbo The Flying Elephant

Dyno from the start of Diplomatic Immunity to the top of I Am Twelve.

首攀: Joe Hodgson, 2011

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West The Balkans The Frontline Frontline Right Hand Side
V11 The Vineyard

Levitate off the underclings to the jug. No crash-pad cheating now!

Start: Sit

首攀: Tim O'Neill

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West The Balkans The Frontline Area Q
V11 L'homme Obu Left

As for 'L'homme Obu' but big move right hand. Top out to the left.

George Li

Chase Gatland

攀石 4m
V11 L'homme Obu

'Rocket Man' sit start. Start up If The Shoe Fits and finish up Rocket Man.

Stephen Rawls

首攀: Fred Nicole

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West The Balkans The Lip
V11 One Grubby Little Paw In The Honey Pot

Hard slapping and compression moves with crazy toe hooking. From the hard low start of tablets rehearsed ride the lip to link into blue and green and red all over.

Chris Beers

首攀: Dan DaSilva, 2011

攀石 3m
V11 The Smiling Assassin

Start as for Grubby Paw but climb direct through to hueco without using the lip then finish with The Black Pearl. Maybe V12.

首攀: Damien Alexander, 19 5月 2015

攀石 3m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West The Balkans The Trenches The Mess Kitchen
V11 Battle of the Bulge

Start directly under the prow on pockets then straight up for a desperate top out.

Sam Healy

首攀: Ivan Vostinar, 2000

攀石 4m
V11 Get On Top

Start as for Porn Star and traverse into and finish up Bianca's Boobies.

首攀: Alan Pryce

攀石 4m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West The Balkans The Trenches The Caves
V11 Inspector Gadget

Stand start to Mr Winston. Both hands start on the block, then throw a high left foot behind you onto the scoop, and engage in flexible trickery to get your right foot off the ground. The ledge out right is off as for all problems. Finish up the Y2K exit.

首攀: Peter Jeavons, 11 8月 2018

攀石 7m
V11 Arcane Power

Mr Winston variant. from the lowest part of the head wall head up on tiny crimps.

Top is currently overgrown

首攀: Aaron Liu, 2002

攀石 4m
V11 Witchcraft

Stand start to Arcane Power. Same start as Witchcraft finishing up the Arcane Power Variant exit. Requires real magic.

首攀: Peter Jeavons, 31 10月 2017

攀石 5m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West The Fear Factory The Courtyard
V11 Where The Wild Things Are

Start under the roof over the pit of death and head toward the lip. Crux on the face and up high and left to finish. Spotter and pads are advisable.

首攀: Neil Wallace, 2015

攀石 7m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West Dural Big Wall Environs
V11/12 Big Spoon

Start down in the little cave and power your way up through the crimps and pockets, heading left and linking into Little Spoon. (Open project with proposed grade of v11/12)

Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West Jessicca's
V11 Liquid Dreams

Start as for Ladder II and when you get to the jugs, head left following the rock contours and some tiny crimps to a very slopey top.

首攀: Chris Webb Parsons, 2010

V10/11 Motivation For The Meaningless

Start as per Big Mitch then a bit left and up to little dish and a crimp then to the top break.

Top out or don't top out. You do you FA https://www.instagram.com/p/B0c2HO2jWPn/

首攀: Sage G, 28 7月 2019

攀石 4m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Sydney Metropolitan North West Marsfield
V11 Banana Split

Left variant to Prometheus. Start with the undercling and the crack, head straight up.

Sam Healy

首攀: Sam Healy, 27 6月 2020

攀石 5m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 345 线路.

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