
Bluffs Topos

Topo #2531423775

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Area Type
1 Tiger Wall

Emergency Location: Mount Arapiles, Tiger Wall Area

Cliff Unlink area
2 Tiger Wall Boulders

Emergency Location: Mount Arapiles, Tiger Wall Area

Field Unlink area
10 Bard Buttress

Emergency Location information:Mt Arapiles, Bard Buttress Area Reason for closure, Numerous important cultural heritage sites are evidence of the significance Dyurrite for Wotjobaluk Peoples and the use of the area for thousands of years.

Cliff Unlink area
13 Castle Crag

Emergency Location information:Mount Arapiles, Castle Crag Area Reason for closure, Numerous important cultural heritage sites are evidence of the significance of Dyurrite for Wotjobaluk Peoples and the use of the area for thousands of years.

Cliff Unlink area
16 The Pharos and Surrounds

Emergency Location: Mount Arapiles, Pharos Area

Crag Unlink area
11 Bluffs

Bluff Major and Bluff Minor are the two huge blocks perched above Tiger Wall. Emergency Location: Mount Arapiles, Bluffs Area

Crag Unlink area
14 Grotto Wall Area

The buttress directly behind Castle Crag. Emergency Location: Mount Arapiles, Grotto Wall Area

Area Unlink area
15 Voodoo Area

Emergency Location: Mount Arapiles, Voodoo Area

Crag Unlink area

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