
Nodes in Cascade boulders

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Cascade boulders

Gara gorge is part of Oxley Wild Rivers National Park and access is open:

Below the bridge

How did such quality problems get ignored for so long? Great quality rock in a shade area with the shortest walk in you could ask for.

Below the bridge
The Minions Boulder

The first boulder after the gravel beach on the left, climbs are on the downstream side.

V1 Bob

This silly one

V0 Stuart

The one with the big eye


The serious one. Project

V2 Dr Nefario

Stand start with jam then wrestle up. An alternate start further back might be possible

Brisvegas boulder

5m downstream from the Minions, facing upstream

V2 Barbie Twist n Turn

Sit start on left face, up without touching the right boulder leaning on it.

V5 Shawarma

Instant classic, not exactly Sharma but still very tasty. Sit start in the corner, up through crimpy side pulls then reach to right gaston and mantle. Eliminate the face side pulls is around V5.

V1 Turbot St Exit

Up horizontal rails and mantle.

V2 River side expressway

Long, fun, just the right amount of spice to keep you on your toes. Sit start on the side pull, non trivial traverse over the water without a mat, then link through more rails into 'Turbot St Exit'


On the ... southern bank?

V1 Nepalese Peace Pagoda

Directly across the river, an easy arete, taller than it appears as the start is hidden.

V2 Hot crossed buns

SDS under massive jug and up. It sets you up for a weird crossed arms move.

V3 Max Brenner

Traverse over to the crack

V3 Lost Lamington

Start in the crack then left up the rail

V3 Botanic gardens

Old fashioned thrutching, or a fun layback with jugs. Choose wisely.

Reflections boulder
V3 Riverside rejections

Sit start the through two sets of slopers and up

V5 Riverside reflections

SDS through the sloper steps, then traverse right and around the corner to the rail and then either up or across the face

Below the stairs

Follow the track to the cement stairs then drop in just before them

Below the stairs
Gritstone tombstone

Just 5-10, right of the cement stairs, on the way towards the 'Space Mushroom'.

V3 Gritstone tombstone

Stand start with high right pinch up gritty slopers. A much harder sit start may go.

V1 Toppled tombstone

Directly 4m is an easy low problem which can be under water at the 0.2 level. Start jammed low, then jug and up

Only possibly when the water is fairly low. As you walk along the walking track when you hit the fir

Only possibly when the water is fairly low. As you walk along the walking track when you hit the first set of a dozen cement steps, drop down into the creek.

V3 Space mushroom

Sit start on ok holds, then traverse left along the holds on the rim without going up to the lip and around.

Moonscape area

This area of heavily sculpted boulders is yielding a lot of great little gems.

Blocs are listed from downstream to upstream.

Moonscape area
This almost subterranean area had been long overlooked or dismissed but yields a number of quality c

This almost subterranean area had been long overlooked or dismissed but yields a number of quality contorted unique problems. It is immediately in front about 20m as the track turns to slab, under and around the tallest boulder in the area.

V1 Cuttlefish beak

A cruisy little layback problem

V2 Hectocotylus

Sit start and slap up the right leaning short spire

V3 Octopus asylum

The left deep pit. Layback / offwidth / chimney out of the pothole.

V1 Squid

In the right side of the pit facing north, sit start and up the arete, duck under the chockstone without touching it or the back wall and up to freedom.

V2 Cuttlefish

Start jammed in the chockstone and up the back wall without touching the front wall.

V1 Sponge crab

Short crimpy problem that feels more exposed than it is over the void above 'Octopus asylum'

V1 Evacuation station

This start further back / down / under the first 2 pits. Up jam crack and then grovel through the triangular exit.

V5 Space jam

Starts 1-2m of Evacuation station on the great flake. Up flake, into horizontal roof crack and then grunt around the rooflet into the open. A stellar jamming test piece.

Ben's extra thing

Just right of space jam?

V1 Moon buggy

In a pit with a wedged tractor tire. Poor feet, good crimpers, line up the top out.

V0 Chunk mantle

Start on and mantle through the chunky knob. Beware of the slippery casuarina needles.

Lunar wall

Directly in front of where the track comes to

VB Cresent moon

Sit start and easy traverse left

V3 crimp left face

Harder than it should be

crimp right face

Thin crimps

V4 Sloper rail

Sit start left hand on the sidepull, traverse onto rail and up

V3 In plain sight

Start on the obvious head height jug. Slap up left on bad feet to the top corner, then a weird tricky mantle out.

V5 In plain sight SDS

Sit start with left hand on good arete and right spanning to poor sidepull sloper (the lowest 'hold' on the right side), slap up for jug off some pretty bad feet. Stack pads at your discretion, obviously gets easier with more pads.

V3 Erudite coprolite

Start on the sculpted under slaps, up through weird big features and high step

V3 Gravitational lock

Super delicate slab moves

V2 Gravity well

A sketchy landing over water which we built up using logs. Up the arete onto the right side.

V4 Gushing over

3 stars of fun absurdity. This needs logs to build up a pad platform. Up the same arete as Gravity Well but head left through the blunt saddle with a finish you will gush over.

Descent track rooflet

Just 5m upstream of where the track pops out

roof project

Just off to the right as the decent track drops of the dirt into the cascades is a stacked boulder forming a roof with some unlikely jugs.

About 20m upstream is a nice flat spot to have a picnic surrounded by problems with a good mix of gr

About 20m upstream is a nice flat spot to have a picnic surrounded by problems with a good mix of grades.

VB Crater rim

Easy warmup, up rail and rock over

VB Cracktacular

Sit start in the mud or squat if you prefer. Up corner crack various features along the way.

V0 Reverso

Sit start in the corner and body jam up bewteen the two boulders.

V3 Half Moon

Stand start. Up arete finishing on little jugs at top.

V3 Full moon

Left on the arete, right opposed on the sloper, up the face avoiding the jug to the right.

V0 Easy target

Start on the jug, into crack. Warm up and also a descent

V3 Moonrise

Step up on obvious block and trend up and L then to top.

V4 25% crack

Up the crack then delicately step past the slab to the right high side pull. Easier with long span.

V5 The Landing Zone

Stand start on some marginal crimpers, set feet and punch to top.

V2 Unlatched Lockout Leg

Up obvious features trending R and L to finish. Don't have a RUD into the water

V3 Gollum Pit Layback

Sit start under large rail above entrance. Use small feet on opposite boulder. Up layback until boulders meet & into crack/mantle/jugs etc.

V2 Gollum’s Crack

Sit start and avoid the crimpers on the face to the left & jam your way up the hand/fist crack like Gollum would want you to.

V1 Smeagol’s Crack

Sit start the hand crack on the opposite side.

VB Choose Your Own Chimney

Stand start on one of Gollum’s many faces & chimney & bridge your way to freedom while doing your best Gollum impersonation.

Moonwalker boulder
V2 Moonwalker Direct

Only use the face jug to mantle (A tall persons problem).

V0 Moonwalker

Use smears on all sides to get to jug before mantling.

Rays bloc

10m upstream of the Landing Zone

V3 Stingray

The obvious finger crack line L of Xray. SDS and up the crack.

V0 Xray

Up the left ray crack

V3 Gamma ray

SDS and up the right leaning crack, sketchy landing

V1 Moonshadow

Sit start and climb the left side of the scalloped arête.

VB Moon ray

Behind 'Gamma ray', up the right side of the scallop thingo

Moon Blade Direct

Starts on a crimper. One hard pull & it's all over.

V1 Moon Blade

Sit start at base of flake. Up, around & mantle before you reach the next boulder.

V2 Island Hopper

Sit Start in corner L of MB. Up crack & through wedge.

V3 Catfish And The Wormy Jam

Using the woody debris footer press up & lodge your torso in the offwidth. Wriggle, crimp, jam & squirm your way to victory.

The missing chalice

A large feature that looks like a wineglass shape was removed from the rock.

V0 Pony Ride

From start block chest jam up, transfer L & ride the L pony (lobe). Follow arête up & out

V3 Long Drop

From start block chest jam the void mantle & ride the R pony (or simply mantle the R lobe direct). Step up & bridge across the void out L to small chip. Reach out high & R to seam & work up to assist with the final mantle

V1 A Crack In The Wash Basin/Soft Paws

A sweet, mossy & soft little finger crack line complete with chocks.

V3 Seahorse

Start on The L side of the mantle piece, campus around & move under L lobe to L side of Washbasin. Ride the Shetland pony (small hidden lobe) then follow obvious seam around to the beginning of the mossy crack & then up as for ACITWB/SP.

V3 Crossing The Void

Same as for Seahorse but once you arrive at ACITWB/SP span across the void & out to the lobes. Once successfully across and established complete the circuit by topping out LD or BB.

V3 Horse Trader

Start on the mantel piece and make your way to the Shetland pony under the L lobe (as for Seahorse). Mantle L lobe and finish up arête as for PR.

V4 Bucking Brumby Arête

Start as for LD. Up arête using R seam, L high crimp & not much else. Dangerous landing.

V0 The Slab

Stand start. Trend R, delicate mantle to finish.

V1 Mantle Assist

Start with hands on the mantle piece and use the L lobe to help mantle the mantle piece.

V2 Rocking Horse Left

Start with hands on the mantle piece, throw a left leg over.

V3 Rocking Horse Right

Start with hands on the mantle piece, throw a right leg over.

VB Chimney Sweeper

Pick a side & press yourself up and out.

Cave project

Gara gorge is part of Oxley Wild Rivers National Park and access is open:

Scultpure garden

This area is full of large water sculpted rocks, some of which are only possible during drought.

Same approach as Moonscape area, but when you drop into the creek everything is immediately in front and to the left / downstream, while moonscape is to the right / upstream.

Scultpure garden
The moat block

About 10m north of the Palatine Uvula Bloc and slightly downstream, on the way towards the Holy Land.

V2 The Moat

Lean / jump across the water to the jug, one move mantle. For full effect do it in approach shoes, and if the puddle is dry it doesn't count

V0 Moat retreat

If you can't commit to the mantle bail right

Downstream 20m from where the track pops out is an iconic boulder shaped like the "palatine uvula" a

Downstream 20m from where the track pops out is an iconic boulder shaped like the "palatine uvula" aka the dangly thing in the back of your mouth. Uvula rhymes with groove-ula.

Showing 1 - 100 out of 270 nodes.

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