
Routes in Mt Crawford Area

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 655 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
Unknown year
V6 Tea Bag Bender

First move of Tea Bag Pilot Sit Start then head left and finish for Broken Flow.

Boulder 3m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V1 Simple Simon

Dyno off the 2nd hold of SF to the sloper rail just below the top.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V1 Jaws

Sit start matched in horizontal flake. Compress your way up the square arete and top out.

FA: Guy Moore

Boulder 3m Para Wirra
V5 Dark Necessities

Sit start with hands in finger crack. Follow the crack and top out up the wide flared V to the right

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
Open Project

Sit start on lower shelf on good holds. Move up to features that slightly resemble holds 'slopers' to good holds over the bulge.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V2 Ballistic Missile

Sit start matched at the end of the lower flake. Head straight up to lip via good intermediates and top out.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
VB Right Hand Dan

Stand start on large crimp in middle of slab to the right of the Dans. Head straight up on good holds to top out in the middle of the boulder. Dont forget to duck under the tree!

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V2 Slim Slow Slider

Sit Start on monster jug, move up and left to shallow jug and crimper. Move up and left to edges and top out.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V7 The Positive Aspects of Negative Thinking

A link up. Start as for 'Mock Turtles Last Stand' and finish up 'Six Impossible Things'.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V2 Slut Biscuit

Sit start as for Mumma Jugs but climb left side of arête up to small edges then right hand to sloper. Top out on arête.

Boulder 5m The Enchanted Forest
V2 If Looks Could Kill

Sit start with hands behind layback crack. Smear your way up to slab and top out on arete. Harder than it looks!

Boulder 4m The Enchanted Forest
V4 Call to Arms

Sit start under overhang with hands matched on side pull. Make a committing move to a small edge over the lip. Continue over lip using a series of edges and a rather poor sloper before making a strong top out, keeping to the left directly above your starting position.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V0 Twilight Delight

Located just behind the Mo'ai. Sit start matched on good leaning edge. Follow arête and top out.

Boulder 1m The Enchanted Forest
V1 Cracked Spec's

Sit start use the crack and the right hand side Arete only. top out and down climb on the right hand side

Set: Ryan Fitzpatrick

FA: Ryan Fitzpatrick, 13 Dec 2014

Boulder 3m Para Wirra
V3 Pink Flamingo

Sit start with right hand in small undercling and left hand in good undercling. Head up to a small edge and an even better undercling before making a huge move to the V jug at the top. Mantle out.

The line was originally done not using the chad step at the bottom. Goes at V4/5 if you do.

FA: Petey Pete

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V1 Bubble Baby

Sit start with your left hand on the tooth and your right hand on the arete. Climb the arete and top out.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V0 Total Gecko

Sit start and follow the crack to the top.

FA: Alysha

Boulder 2m Para Wirra
V0+ Diagonal Sit.

Sit Start with good RH side pull and LH on sloping arete. Make a move into the start of the crack and finish as for Diagonal Crack Line.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V2 I'm a Tetris Block

Sit start matched on the large lay-back flat jug. Climb this and once at the horizontal crack cross over, lay-back left and mantle the centre. A unique line for the forest.

Boulder 2m The Enchanted Forest
Mantle Project

Sit start matched on good edge on right hand side of lower boulder. Make a big move to good sloper, then up further to worse holds and mantle.

BoulderProject 3m The Enchanted Forest
V0+ Campus Board

Climb up and top out by utilizing side pulls and cracks.

Boulder 3m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V1 High Traverse

Use cut-in to rock to get up and start climb. Move along slopers and crimps at the top of the boulder with feet on low traverse hand holds. Follow along past weakness to a second higher weakness and top out.

Boulder 8m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V3 Caterpillar Arete

Stand start with right hand on good pinch and left hand just above it. Follow trending horizontal slopers out left and continue to trend left to top out on high left hand side of flake. Most will probably finish direct though!

Boulder 6m The Enchanted Forest
V1 Flakey Breaky Heart

Stand start matched on horizontal edge. Head directly up through jug and small edges up high to top out. Don't pull too hard on the flake or else you just might break it's heart.

This was the first problem to be established at the forest the day it was found.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V1 Attack of the Drop Bear

Sit stand with both hands and left foot on obvious ledge. Head directly up to top out on good holds.

Boulder 2m The Enchanted Forest
Black Boy

Project line 1m right of White Boy.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V2 Boot Up

Crouch start with right hand high on crimp, left hand pulling undercling. Pull up and head directly up to the point to top out.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V3 Pim's Line

Stand start with right hand on arete and left hand edge. Traverse left and head left hand side of boulder on obvious slopers. Top out.

Set: Pim

FA: Petey Pete

Boulder 4m The Enchanted Forest
V4 I'm Done Being Human, Wish I Was A Whale!

Start under the block on two sloper edges. Move to the block and make a big move to the right to another sloper. Match this and keep traversing right to join 'Extraterrestrial'. Top out as for this line.

FA: Pete

Boulder 4m The Enchanted Forest
VB Turbulance

Sit start in crack and ledge. Head straight up. Eliminate using only the prominant crack for hands maybe around V2

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V1 Starboard

Stand start on two good edges in lower break. Head up via edge out left and high edge just below the lip and top out.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
12 Not So Deep Creek Trad 15m Pine Falls Crag
V2 Should've Checked the Map

Sit start matched on the tiny undercling at the back of the scoop, throw out right and head up on edges, avoiding the obvious platform/ledge. Top out.

Boulder 4m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V3 Bandersnatch

The obvious central line up the slab of the Tweedledee boulder following the layback crack weakness. Sit start at the base of the offset crack with a right hand crimp and the lowest left hand small sidepull. Pull on (crux) and then follow the crack/seam all the way to the top to an easy mantle. Established without chalk or a mat but one mat is highly recommended! More than that however and you will significantly lower the grade.

Boulder 5m The Enchanted Forest
V4 Earnest Croissant

Sit start on low flake/block and move through crimps to gain the high right horizontal break. Traverse right and top out as for ‘Calling All Beanpoles’.

Boulder 5m The Enchanted Forest
V2 Fontainebleau Dreaming

Stand Start matched on good sidepull in crack. Head straight up via some decent crimps to some bad slopers to top out.

Boulder 4m The Enchanted Forest
V0 Inner Beauty

Stand start on arête using right hand side pull and left hand side pull heading up arête to top out.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V5 Plenty of Ways to Skin a Cat

Sit start using a big LH sloper and a poorer RH sloper sidepull (low down on the right hand face). Pull on and slap RH to a sidepull then RH again for a triangle pinch. Bust out left to a sloper on the rim and grab the good RH sidepull. Top out.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V1 Dug It

Sit start using left and right side pulls. Head directly up to top out.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V0 UFO Mantle

Sit start with hands on right side of gigantic edge. Head slightly left and mantle out.

Boulder 1m The Enchanted Forest
V0 Chicken Scratch Slab

Stand start and climb the slab. Grade 16 slab.

Boulder 5m Para Wirra
V4 Maleficent

Sit start with LH on LH arete and RH on the good RH lower pinch on RH arete. Compress your way up to the top. Top out. Pad the landing well as a fall at the top could be deadly.

Boulder 5m The Enchanted Forest
Skull Face Open Project

Stand Start matched at the base of the skull. Move up the skull on small crimpers and make a big move to the slopey lip and top out. High Tension and Strong Crimps. V? (7/8 possibly)

BoulderProject 3m The Enchanted Forest
V1 Weapon of Mass Destruction

Start on jug flake at the bottom of boulder. head up using obvious edge to the top of the highest flake and mantle out.

Boulder 3m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V5 Six Impossible Things

Stand start with left hand around arête on horizontal edge and right on other side of arête on side pull. Traverse right along small edges and smears on overhanging slab and top out when it ends.

FA: Adam Clay

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V5 Is That Shit Or Fear?

Sit start on the arête and push through some balancy moves on sparse holds.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V2 Mantle Major

Sit start with hands match on incut along weakness, move left to angular jug and mantle up.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V2 Lessons In Darwinism

Sit start left hand arête, left hand small side pull and follow the arête up along the face using slopers and good side pulls.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V2 Attention!

Sit start with hands low in trending right horizontal crack and follow it until you reach the right arete. Make a committing move to a sloper and top out.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V3 Sex After Dark

Sit start with hands on vertical small edge and make a committing move to the high flake to top out on easy holds.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V0 Divine

Start as for 'Pink Flamingo' and head left to obvious jug and out.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V5 Lefty

Start matched on the sloper. Traverse the lip left on slopers and top out. A really nice lowball traverse!

FA: thestig

Boulder Para Wirra
V3 Hookah With the Millipede

Stand start on obvious edge to the left of bulge, drop low and traverse right around the bulge until you reach 'Drink Me'. Finish as for 'Drink Me'.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V3 Mana's Mantle

Sit start on good edges 1m left of the Mantle Project. First Ascentionists used Left Foot Heel hook on incut to start. Make a big move up to a good sloper on the lip. Continue up on better holds to mantle.

FA: 2013

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V2 Laminar

Sit start on LH crack and RH crack, side pull your way to top, using cracks for foot placement.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V3 Low Traverse

Start with hand on in-cut 2m left of Sanskrit Jug. Move right into Simon's Favourite and then into So Hum and Top Out. Can now be started from a sit on LH arete for some added value.

Boulder 5m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V4 Off With Her Head

Sit start in crack and follow the crack slightly left to top out.

Boulder 6m The Enchanted Forest
Unnamed Project 2

Stand start right hand high on horizontal edge and move up slightly let of arête on thin features to top out.

BoulderProject 3m The Enchanted Forest
V4 Treevenge

Stand start on right hand side pull and low right foot. Moon kick to high left crimp and head up arête using small sidepulls and crimps to gain access to slab. Top out slightly right of left arête. A badly positioned tree is placed under your fall hence the name.

FA: thestig

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
VB Escape

Located on the Plate Glass Project Wall. 2 mover mantle. RH positive edge, LH big sidepull, feet on smears. Move RH to top then mantle it out.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V5 Moonage Daydream

Located 3m right of Butthole Surfers From Uranus. Stand-start on lefthand sidepull edge, and tiny right hand horizontal crimp. Head directly up through crimps to sloper, and topout.

Boulder Para Wirra
V0 Left seam

Up the slab keeping right of the left-hand seam

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
VB Warm Up Left

Sit start on incut just left of biggest jug break on the wall. Head straight up on big incuts to top out.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V1/2 The Mast

Stand Start with LH on 'Starboard's' RH and Rh on smaller edge in break. Move up to small intermediate crimp then to big flat jug and top out.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
13 Far Hills Trad 20m Pine Falls Crag
V3 Sanskrit Sutra

Start on the obvious chalked jug head left and up on small crimps to top out.

Boulder 4m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Through The Looking Glass
BoulderProject 4m The Enchanted Forest
V3 Testicular Trauma

Sit start as for ‘Earnest Croissant’ then make reachy moves to the low right horizontal break and top out as for ‘Calling All Beanpoles’.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V3 Cirque Du Mousie

Stand start on small edges. Make a big move to another small edge and head directly up arete to top out.

Boulder 4m The Enchanted Forest
V0 All The Boys Love Jenny Mullan

Sit start with hands in layback crack. Head up and top out on good holds over the top.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V0- Slap & Tickle

Stand Start under the arete, left of Capture the Flag, climb arete to top out.

Boulder 4m The Enchanted Forest
V4 Back to Basics
Boulder Rocky Paddock Camp Ground

aka. Pocket Project Right Hand Stand. Stand start holding right hand in pocket, left hand on good edge. Lock down to poor LH crimp, then top out.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V0 One Heart

Start matched on the left hand side of the boulder. Mantle then traverse right through the vertical finger crack and climb up the corner. A pleasant journey.

FA: Alysha

Boulder 4m Para Wirra
V0 Little Asteroid

Sit start with hands matched on the arete. Climb the left hand side of the boulder via edges and slopers and mantle the centre.

Boulder 2m The Enchanted Forest
V2 Naloznica (Concubine)

Stand Start on left hand side of boulder on good slopers. Head up arete to the top via a dyanmic move to the horn of La Maitresse curve and top out.

Only one ascent, and grade is uncertain. If you hop on it give some feedback on the grade. V2/3

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V2 Toddler Spotter

Sit start, obvious crack and top out above.

Boulder 4m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V3 Directly Possible

Sit-start on a small, horizontal R-hand edge and a LH on arete pinch. Grab the hanging slab and move onto it (using a number of different methods), pulling up to a crimp in the horizontal seam and then to the top for an easy mantle. Edit due to broken Hold.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V0 Don't Trust Willy

Sit start on low sharp edge and climb the face.

Boulder 4m The Enchanted Forest
V3 Mantle Minor

Stand start on high and low small crimp. Move up to another small crimp and mantle out.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V2 Razors Edge

Sit start on good side pull and move to blocky ledge feature. Continue heading straight up face on good features.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V3 Logjammin'

Sit start low with hands on edge and make a strong move to a tiny rail and gaston feature. Make a bigger move to a sloping jug on the top right hand corner and top out. A powerful sequence.

FA: thestig

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V2 Amoeba

Sit start with left hand on moderate sloper and right on horizontal edge. Trend right and up using edges and good footers to top out.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
VB Slap That

Stand start use the back side of the Arete top out and down climb the slab side

Set: Ryan Fitzpatrick

FA: Ryan Fitzpatrick, 13 Dec 2014

Boulder 2m Para Wirra
V0 Power of One

Sit start with hands on obvious edges and make a big move to the top. Mantle out.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground

Start matched on sloper and traverse right. Will be very hard!

BoulderProject Para Wirra
V4 Wax On, Wax Off

Sit start at the base of the downward sloping block approx 4m left (facing the wall) of White Belt highball problem. Make a hard pull off opposing sidepulls to hit the slopey top then mantle it out.

FA: Redanon

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V3 Acro Arete

Sit start on average sloper/edges on arete. Move up to small edge on higher boulder, then up to tufa feature over the bulge and mantle.

FA: 2013

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V1 Ryker

Stand start on decent foot holds, move along sloping boulder up to opening then make a big move up and right to top out boulder.

Boulder 4m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V0 Wonderland

stand start on obvious large edge and head straight up using obvious edges. Top out to finish.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V3 The Caucus Race

Start matched on side pull heading up to another side pull and top out.

Boulder 6m The Enchanted Forest
V1 Skittled

Stand start on arête left hand on high edge right hand on low undercling and head directly up arête.

Boulder 3m The Enchanted Forest
V4 Moves Like Johnny

Sit start with hands in crack. Pull on and follow it to the top!

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
V4 Plate Glass

Stand start utilizing poor LH sloper crimp and razor RH crimp. R foot on good detached flake, then up. Mantle to top out.

Has now been done from a sit matched on the flake by Heath. V4/5.

Boulder The Enchanted Forest
VB Up In Smoke

Stand start pulling up on horizontal fault and follow the line to the top out.

Boulder 6m The Enchanted Forest
V5 Moonage Daydream

Located 3m right of Butthole Surfers From Uranus. Stand-start on lefthand sidepull edge, and tiny right hand horizontal crimp. Head directly up through crimps to sloper, and topout.

Boulder Para Wirra
V0 Right Seam

Up the slab following the right-hand seam.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
V2 Warming Something Up

Sit start on low jug 1m right of Left Arete. Make a big move up to good incut, the trend right into warm up line.

Boulder 2m Rocky Paddock Camp Ground
Walk the Plank Project

Stand Start RH on high flat edge and LH in the low break. Head straight up via small crimps to the flat jug of 'The Mast'. This may have a lower start if you have a good imagination or possibly start from the arete.

BoulderProject 3m The Enchanted Forest
13 Buckets of Grunge Trad 45m Pine Falls Crag

Showing 1 - 100 out of 655 routes.

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