
Nodes in Namaste Wall

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Namaste Wall

This overhanging sandstone wall has just a handful of bolted routes but they are just amazing. Orange rock, impressive huecos in an awesome setting - the approach alone is worth going there. As the canyon is already rather narrow at this wall, it stays in the shade all day and it can be a bit windy.

Don't climb if the rock or the base is wet as the sandstone becomes soft and will most likely break!

5.10d 1/2 Route

The first route on the left with huge huecos up to the first anchor. Find nice rest positions and pull big holds all the way up.

5.11b 1/2 Route with extension

The first route on the left with huge huecos. Pass the intermediate anchor and continue up 3 more bolts.

5.12b/c Huecos Rancheros

Awesome line right of 1/2 Route. A 80m rope will barely bring you back down. Watch out for the swing when unclipping the first bolt.

5.13a Twins Paradox
5.11a/b Dost Mitra

The line in the orange part of the wall with big huecos. One jug bigger than the other - find an awesome rest in a big hole!

5.12a Namaste

Easy moves but pumpy and long! What a line!! A 70m rope will bring you down to the ground.

Unfinished Project

Unfinished project at the right of the wall. Don't climb, bolts are not good

Showing all 8 nodes.

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