
Discussion: Sent away by police

  • Started: 3 years ago on Thu 4th Mar 2021

Public discussion This is a public discussion in Rocca Giannina.

Ma Gu started this discussion 3 years ago.

Sent away by police

Today, 4th of March, 2021 (10. Eruption of Etna today) we were climbing at Rocca Guannina, Cesaro, Sicily when a police car stopped at the road and waved us down. Unfortunately they left when we were half way down. Hence we can’t tell why they waved us down.

sagrnn replied 2 years ago.

We spoke to the owner of this rock. He doesn't want that people climb there anymore. He has no insurance and fear of rockfalling.

Maybe that's the reason why the police waved you down?

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Ma Gu