
Discussion: New Bug detected in log pitch fields

  • Started: 2 years ago on Mon 7th Mar 2022

Public discussion This is a public discussion in Holzegg.

started this discussion 2 years ago.

New Bug detected in log pitch fields


Found some weird bug on a route,

when I click on log pitch fields only the first pitch appears.

I thought it is related to how the grades were entered into the grade field.

I edited it and saved it in hope that it will change

but still impossible to log the second pitch. it simply never comes up.

I don't know if it is related only to this route of the bug affects all attempts to log pitch fields

I guess this related to the latest release as I see thew logbook added a title "P1" to indicate which pitch was ticked. but it seems to have killed off all other options to log additional pitches.

replied 2 years ago.

It's not bug of the software it's a bug in the data. The number of pitches was set to one. As long the number of pitches is one the tick UI does not support ticking more than one.

But you may argue that the system needs to maintain consistent data. So if a user enters grades for multiple pitches, the system should align the number of pitches and vice versa.

replied 2 years ago.

BTW, I changed the number of pitches. Try again.

replied 2 years ago.

Thanks now I realize that is what the issue was.

Didn't spot the pitch count field when edited the route.

Perhaps it is a good idea that if people add the "," for pitches that the pitch count field will change as well.

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