
Routes as trad in Africa

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 8,454 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
17 Normal Route
1 17 50m
2 14 35m
3 10 25m
4 16 25m
5 16 30m

Long approach scramble from Eastern Side. Chimneys and squeeze through cracks. Mandatory 10m abseil to get to the start of the climb.

FA: H. Wongtschofsky, E. Wongtschofsky & J. de V. Graaf, 1946

Mixed trad 170m, 5, 2 Spitzkoppe & The Pontoks
18 To Bolt or not to Bolt

FA: R.Graf & J.Greiter, 2000

Mixed trad 270m, 8, 12 Spitzkoppe & The Pontoks
15 Rabid Raggie Trad 180m Klein Hangklip
17 Three Amigo's

FA: Adrian van Zyl, Zee van Zyl & Ryno v/d Riet

Trad 120m Klein Hangklip
5.9 Angry Baboons Trad 90m Panga
5.9 Sloe Hildren Trad 25m Panga
5.9 Hard

Hard- A steep face to the right of Couloir. 5.9

FA: unknown

Trad 10m Secret Valley
5.7 Couloir

The best route at Secret Valley.

Climb the couloir to a steep crescendo finish. 5.7 +.

FA: unknown

Trad 10m Secret Valley
5.9 Escalator

The stepped buttress to the left of Couloir . 5.9

FA: unknown

Trad 10m Secret Valley
5.3 Easy Up

The gully/corner to the left of Escalator. 5.3

FA: unknown

Trad 10m Secret Valley
5.7 Frog 1

A nice, sustained face climb to the left of Easy Up. 5.7 Reportedly a frog was first observed climbing this route, hence the name.

FA: unknown

Trad 10m Secret Valley
5.7 Frog 2

Just left of Frog I, pull up the steep wall and finish. 5.8

FA: unknown

Trad 10m Secret Valley
5.8 The Boulder

The short face climb on the boulder just below the climbs described above. This is the same outcrop where the kids gather to watch the climbing. You need a very large sling to set up an anchor over the top of the boulder.

Rating unknown 5.8+ is a guess.

FA: unknown

Trad 10m Secret Valley
5.5 Pamela's Pride

To reach this pleasant 5.5 layback corner, scramble down to the right (facing outward).

FA: Paul Dobbie & Doug Teschner

Trad 10m Happy Valley
5.8 Paul's Puzzle

This route is approached by heading back down to the left (facing outward). A short steep overhanging face 5.8+ (Belayer should be placed 20 feet below the anchor to prevent a swinging fall.)

FA: Paul Dobbie & Doug Teschner

Trad 10m Happy Valley
5.4 Doug's Delight

This route is approached by heading back down to the left (facing outward). The obvious crack on the face of the outcrop. 5.4

FA: Paul Dobbie & Doug Teschner

Trad 15m Happy Valley
5.4 Another

This route is approached by heading back down to the left (facing outward). A similar route to the right of Doug’s Delight 5.4

FA: Paul Dobbie & Doug Teschner

Trad 15m Happy Valley
5.7 Erin's Enigma

This route is approached by heading back down to the left (facing outward). Perhaps the nicest route on this outcrop follows the unprotected friction slab next to Doug’s Delight. 5.7

FA: Paul Dobbie & Doug Teschner

Trad 15m Happy Valley
5.8 Lucky Charm

This route is located on a separate outcrop near Paul’s Puzzle. A short, strenuous layback on perfect rock. 5.8 A direct start (avoiding the boulders) would be considerably harder.

FA: Paul Dobbie & Doug Teschner

Trad 10m Happy Valley
5.10c Super Crack

FA: Ken Ford

Trad 15m Happy Valley
5.6 R Standard Route
1 5.6 33m
2 5.4 17m
3 5.6 30m
4 5.5 R 20m
5 5.6 R 36m
6 5.5 R 17m

History: This climb was reportedly used as a training exercise by the Rwanda military in the pre-genocide period, and old cables and pitons are much in evidence. The line described above was climbed on May 23, 2004 by Doug Teschner, Erin Shutes, and Sive Bresnihan. This was apparently the first ascent in many years and attracted a large crowd of up to 1000 local observers.

This sweet climb is one of the best in Rwanda! It generally follows the obvious, right-of-center crack (mostly off-width) which runs the full height of the cliff. Good rock (with many climber friendly nubbins), sustained climbing, and exciting run outs make for a great outing. A classic trad route with route finding challenges, lichen, etc. Don’t miss it!

  1. Overcome vegetation to reach the crack proper. Climb the crack and face to its right, past three pitons (getting past the third is the route’s 5.6+ crux) followed by a thought-provoking 5.5 run out (80 foot ground fall potential) up the face to the right of the crack. Finally protection! Belay at a small grassy stance with two pitons for the anchor. 100 feet.

  2. Nice, but easy climbing to the left of the crack, then unpleasant bushwhacking to a nice stance with bolts and a cable. 50 feet , 5.4

  3. Up face above, eventually crossing the crack back to the left, then later back right to a semi-hanging belay with three pitons. 90 feet, 5.6

  4. Surmount the bulge above, then follow the off width crack up a thin face to a cable around a chockstone and (higher) a cable and bolts hidden inside the wide crack. 60 feet 5.5R

  5. Up the crack and face to the right with some exciting unprotected friction moves to a hidden piton on the left. Continue past another pin, then traverse left across orange lichen to a short inside corner leading to a grassy stance below a blocky outcrop. (Note: spectator children may boldly descend to this point from the top.) 110 feet, 5.6 R

  6. Climb the corner and face above to the top. 50 feet, 5.5 R

FA: unknown

Trad 150m Bigogwe
5.5 R Nkuli Dancing
1 5.4 33m
2 5.4 20m
3 5.5 R 33m
4 5.5 R 30m

Quickly viewing the cliff from the road (before you are surrounded by children), you will observe a high point of land with eucalyptus trees at the center of the cliff base. Nkuli Dancing starts 2/3 of the way (100 feet) down to the right from this apex, directly below an old bolt.

  1. Up the nice slab past three old bolts to a pleasant stance with three bolts. 100 feet, 5.4 **

  2. Climb the slab above (with one bolt to the left) toward a grassy ledge. Pass the grass at its right edge and traverse back left to an awkward hanging belay with 2 bolts. (Note: expect some kids to join you at this ledge by boldly traversing across the face from the right.) 60 feet, 5.4

  3. This is the crux pitch if you follow the standard route without the variations described below. Exposed traverse left, crossing a large inside corner, then straight up a face passing one bolt before a run out. Eventually step right over a grassy ribbon to an awkward standing belay with two pins. 100 feet, 5.5 R

  4. Up slabs to the top. 90 feet, 5.5 R

FA: unknown

Trad 120m Nkuli
5.5 R Nkuli Dancing righthand start var.

Alternatives to the first pitch (ending at the same belay stance as pitch one):

1a. Start a little lower to the right (facing the cliff) and join the regular route part way up. Nice climbing, but a bit run out. 100 feet, 5.5 R **

1b. Start closer to the apex and follow a rising traverse (with crack) right to join the regular route ¾ of the way up. 110 feet, 5.5

FA: unknown

Trad 120m Nkuli
5.7 Nkuli Dancing righthand finish var.

3a. Head right to a thin move past a pin/bolt, then continue right to a grassy ledge with little for an anchor. 100 feet, 5.7

4a. Continue right without protection to the top. 90 feet, 5.5 R

FA: unknown

Trad 120m Nkuli
5.7 X Heart of Darkness (Nkuli direct finish)

3b. Step slightly left then climb unprotected rock just right of the obvious inside corner. Unprotected moves right lead to a curved arch and a semi-hanging nut belay. 60 feet, 5.5 R

4b. Step left and up nice white rock to a dubious small friend placement, then sustained, thought provoking climbing without protection to the top. 60 feet, 5.7 X

FA: Doug Teschner & Erin Shutes, 2004

Trad 95m Nkuli
22 Planet Digit

This route is in the left-hand face of the 'Verooka Palooka' open book. Start 2m to the left of the blocks at the base of the wall. Pull up to the rail then follow the laybacks up the obvious break to a peg. Climb past this and exit to the left.

FA: Gerald Camp, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
23 Planet Digit Direct

Start as for 'Planet Digit' and climb straight up the face past the bolt.

FA: Stephan Isebeck, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
23 Moon on Ice

Start immediately to the left of the blocks at the base of the wall. Follow the obvious break above, finishing up the wall past the bolt.

Retro-bolted in 2007.

FA: Gerald Camp, 1989

Maint: Gerald Camp, 2007

Trad Old Shongweni
22 Challenger

Start on the blocks in the 'Verooka Palooka' corner, just to the right of 'Moon on Ice', and immediately to the left of a small tree. Climb straight up to the top past two bolts.

FA: Ian Guest, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
20 Pig

Start 2m to the right of the 'Verooka Palooka' corner. Climb straight up the face pulling through the roof above.

FA: John Rolfe & Linda Waldman, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
15 Slap and Tickle

Start 4m to the right of the 'Verooka Palooka' corner. Climb up to a small ledge with a bush and pull through the roof above.

FA: Grant Cockburn & Andrew Russel-Boulton, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
12 Pas de Deux

From the bottom of 'Verooka Palooka', traverse easily along the ledge on the right-hand face. From near the end of the ledge, climb straight up the face.

FA: A Malherbe & Gerald Camp, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
18 Girlfriend in a Coma

Start at the base of the roofs just around the corner to the right of the 'Verooka Palooka' open book. Follow the line of bolts. The top anchors can be easily cleaned from the top.

The next 4 routes up to 'Bandaloop' are all in the same 'Clockworks' open book which is located about 40 m to the right of 'Verooka Palooka'.

Retro-bolted in 2004.

FA: Gerald Camp, 1989

Maint: Gerald Camp, 2004

Mixed trad 4 Old Shongweni
17 Clockworks

About 40m to the right of 'Verooka Palooka' there is another large open book with blocky chimney up the corner. The left-hand face of this open book is a clean, orange/grey wall with a fig tree on a ledge near the top. Start near the middle of the left-hand face by a 1m high, semi-detached block. Climb the crack and then tend left up the face avoiding the broken rock on the right. Exit just to the right of the tree.

Retro-bolted in 2008.

FA: Gerald Camp, 1989

Maint: Gerald Camp, 2008

Mixed trad 5 Old Shongweni
14 Doggone

Start about 1m to the left of 'Clockworks' and about 4m to the right of the chimney in the corner. Climb the obvious blocky break and then go diagonally to the right up the good face to finish just to the right of a fig tree.

It seems that this route is just an easier variation of 'Clockworks'.

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer & Miles Holman, 1993

Trad Old Shongweni
24 Maniacal Expertise

This line takes the left-hand side of the wall to the right of 'Clockworks' and 'Doggone'. Start below the peg and climb straight up the face, exiting slightly to the right.

Retro-bolted in 2008.

FA: Gerald Camp, 1989

Maint: Gerald Camp, 2008

Trad Old Shongweni
18 Bandaloop

Start just to the right of Maniacal Expertise and climb the face past a block which appears to be loose.

Retro-bolted in 2008.

FA: Gerald Camp & Dave Robertson, 1989

Maint: Gerald Camp, 2008

Trad Old Shongweni
13 Was It That Long Ago?

Start just around the corner to the right of 'Bandaloop'. Climb the arête on the left of the small face. A short, steep section can be avoided by moving to the right, then up and back left onto the arête. The protection is good. There is an odd mix of bolts with no hangers, bolts with hangers, natural gear and chains.

One day ‘someone’ will fix it. Until then, treat it as an adventure.

FA: Gerald Camp & Luke Wijnberg, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
21 Green Streaked Nose

Climb up the centre of the face to the left of 'Big Mamma' and pull through the middle of the roof. Finish anywhere up the face above. A great move through the roof.

FA: Andrew Russel-Boulton & Simon Joubert, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
11 Big Mamma

Start in the large open book recess immediately to the left of 'Dixie' and the 'Fig Tree amphitheatre'. Climb up the back of the open book to a roof at 5m. Pull through on the right (awkward) and then up more easily. Step to the right near the top to avoid a loose block.

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer & Gavin Peckham, 1993

Set: Gavin Raubenheimer & Gavin Peckham, 1993

Trad Old Shongweni
22 Post Modern Fragmented Neo-Traditionalist Boulder Problem

Start below a low roof on the wall to the right of 'Big Mamma'. Pull through this roof below the small tree and finish up the break.

(People who burden us with route names like this probably need to visit a psychologist.)

FA: Andrew Russel-Boulton & Simon Joubert, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
16 Frog

Start under a small roof formed by a block about 3m up and about 4m to the left of 'Cool Jewelled Moon'. Climb left past the roof and then up the orange and black face above.

FA: Andrew Russel-Boulton, Ron Uken & Simon Joubert, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
25 Cool Jewelled Moon

Start at a perfect, rectangular, undercling pocket about 5m to the left of the 'Dixie' corner. Crank up past a very old peg to a roof. Pull through the centre of the roof and continue up the face above.

FA: Andrew Russel-Boulton, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
13 Dixie

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer & Miles Holman, 1993

Trad Old Shongweni
20 Mantis Mania

FA: Grant Cockburn & Simon Joubert, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
20 Milk of Paradise

FA: Andrew Russel-Boulton, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
13 Woops

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer & Gavin Peckham, 1993

Trad Old Shongweni
15 Rock Around the Block

FA: Gavin Peckham & Gavin Raubenheimer, 1992

Trad Old Shongweni
18 Titanium Beefsteaks

FA: Ian Manson & Gerald Camp, 1988

Trad Old Shongweni
10 Easter Bunny

FA: Gavin Peckham, Anthony van Tonder & Rodney Owen, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
25 Sister Moon

FA: Roger Nattrass, 1988

Trad Old Shongweni
16 Out of the Past

FA: Steve Salmon, 1988

Trad Old Shongweni
18 Into the Future

FA: Steve Salmon, 1988

Trad Old Shongweni
26 Barefoot in the Heat

FA: Evan Wiercx, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
19 Mr Natural

FA: Mike Roberts, 1979

Trad Old Shongweni
11 Missing Link
Trad Old Shongweni
11 Unnatural

FA: Miles Holman & Gavin Raubenheimer, 1993

Trad Old Shongweni
16 Flutterby

FA: Gavin Peckham & Gavin Raubenheimer, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
16 Tight Rope's Traverse
1 16
2 13

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer & Gavin Peckham, 2001

Trad 2 Old Shongweni
17 House Arrest

FA: Trevor Burden & Grant Cockburn, 1988

Trad Old Shongweni
15 Feeling Groovy

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer, Gavin Peckham & Ceasar de Carvalho, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
10 Fat Cat

FA: Gavin Peckham & Anthony van Tonder, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
15 Thin Blue Line

FA: Gavin Peckham & Anthony van Tonder, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
18 Spanner Near the Works

FA: Gerald Camp, 1988

Trad Old Shongweni
12 Who Forgot to Flush?

FA: Gerald Camp, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
12 Red and Grey Chute

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer & Gavin Peckham, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
17 Mutant Banana

Note: Another 'sandbag'. It was originally graded at 15. It may even be an 18. The original RD conveniently forgot to mention that there is virtually no gear. If you want to lead this excellent line, you might as well solo it. Until the line is bolted, top-roping is definitely the best option.

FA: Stewart Middlemiss & Linda Waldmann, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
15 Captain Hook

FA: Gavin Peckham, Gavin Raubenheimer & Anthony van Tonder, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
8 - 18 This Way Or That

From grade 8 fully using the block behind you, to 18 if you don't use it at all - or anything in between depnding on the extent.

FA: Gavin Peckham & Eric Penman, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
25 The Gathering

FA: Gerald Camp, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
12 Close But No Cigar

FA: Gerald Camp, 1989

Trad Old Shongweni
14 Hi Ho Silver

FA: Gavin Peckham & Eric Penman, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
15 High Dive

FA: F Grandin & Francis Nanni, 1988

Trad Old Shongweni
12 Tooth Mouse

FA: Gavin Peckham & Gavin Raubenheimer, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
10 Crowning Glory

FA: Greg Wooding, 2001

Trad Old Shongweni
F2 Mr Kite
1 E 12m
2 F1 30m
3 F2 12m

FA: Carl Fatti & Glyn Chapman, 1969

Trad 54m, 3 Laager Farm
F2 Horse's Delight
1 E 45m
2 E 12m
3 F1 25m
4 F2

FA: Keith Pyle & Mike Males, 1968

Trad 82m, 4 Laager Farm
F2 Can Was
1 F1 40m
2 F2 25m

FA: Tony Dick, Barry Manicom, Waves Webster, Judy Rankin & 'Pogwog', 1968

Trad 65m, 2 Laager Farm
Number Two

Mentioned by name in Carl's write-up, but no further details were recorded.

Trad Laager Farm
13 Cosmos

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer & Gerald Camp, 1986

Trad Qanda Rock
16 No Name Route

FA: Cesar de Carvalho, Jeremy Farquharson & Kevin Duffy, 1984

Trad Qanda Rock
17 A1 Lord of the Ages
1 12
2 13
3 17 A1

FA: Gavin Raubenheimer & Jeremy Farquharson, 1987

Trad 3 Dargle Mountain (iNhlozane)
13 Mr. Perfect

FA: Dennis Gramkow, Michael Steiniger & Gavin Raubenheimer, 1999

Trad Witkoppe
15 A Face Called Wanda

FA: Dennis Gramkow, Michael Steiniger & Gavin Raubenheimer, 1999

Trad Witkoppe
12 Red Banner

FA: Dennis Gramkow, Michael Steiniger & Gavin Raubenheimer, 1999

Trad Witkoppe
14 Electric Guitar

FA: Dennis Gramkow, Michael Steiniger & Gavin Raubenheimer, 1999

Trad Witkoppe
12 Septic Toe

FA: Dennis Gramkow, Michael Steiniger & Gavin Raubenheimer, 1999

Trad Witkoppe
10 Happy Wanderer

FA: Dennis Gramkow, Michael Steiniger & Gavin Raubenheimer, 1999

Trad 2 Witkoppe
10 Sep-toe-seamia

FA: Dennis Gramkow, Michael Steiniger & Gavin Raubenheimer, 1999

Trad Witkoppe
20 Energy Crisis
1 20 15m
2 15 35m
3 13 20m
4 18 10m
5 17 40m
6 17 25m

FFA: R. Barley, R. Smithers & M. Hafner, 1979

Trad 150m, 6 Wolfberg
11 Little Red Riding Hood
1 7 28m
2 10 25m
3 9 25m
4 10 30m
5 11 22m

FA: G. Ward, A. & A. Schoon, 1978

Trad 130m, 5 Wolfberg
22 Roef
1 18 18m
2 20 20m
3 19 22m
4 22 10m
5 20 20m
6 15 50m

FA: G. Fish & M. De Villiers, 1998

Trad 140m, 6 Wolfberg
22 Alone in Space
1 15 50m
2 22 20m
3 15 15m
4 19 33m
5 20 40m
6 9 5m

FFA: M. Roberts & R. Smithers, 1978

FA: D. Davies & R. Barley, 1978

Trad 160m, 6 Wolfberg
22 Celestial Journey
1 22 35m
2 20 15m
3 22 30m
4 19 10m
5 21 20m
6 20 30m

FA: D. Davies & R. Barley, 1978

Trad 140m, 6 Wolfberg
18 Knobless Robot
1 17 35m
2 18 15m

FFA: G. Robbins & J. Wright, 1988

Trad 50m, 2 Wolfberg
18 Omega
1 13 23m
2 18 15m
3 15 22m
4 10 20m
5 18 18m
6 12 24m
7 15 16m
8 15 30m

FA: P. duPreez & A. Schoon, 1978

Trad 170m, 8 Wolfberg
23 Gallow's Bird
1 23 10m
2 15 40m
3 18 30m
4 13 30m

A direct start to P1 (using the roof crack) brings the grade up to 25 (FA: C. Martinengo, 2007)

FA: D. Davies & R. Barley, 1978

FFA: Andrew de Klerk & Greg Lacey, 1982

Trad 110m, 4 Wolfberg
13 Imposter
1 10 25m
2 13 38m
3 11 18m
4 7 22m
5 11 35m

FA: P. Du Preez, G. Ward, A. & A. Schoon, 1978

Trad 140m, 5 Wolfberg
20 North-West Frontal
1 13 45m
2 14 40m
3 12 25m
4 13 40m
5 13 30m
6 17 45m
7 18 20m
8 20 10m
9 16 30m
10 15 45m
11 15 45m
12 12 20m
13 16 30m
  1. [13] 45m
    After an awkward take-off climb up the broken face.
  2. [14] 40m
    Continue up the recess which is slightly left of the corner. Continue up to the base of an easy recess.
  3. [12] 25m
    Climb up the recess to a ledge. Note: the first three pitches are pretty straightforward and obvious and leads you to the base of an enticing looking jam crack in grey rock. DO NOT climb this, but move a long way left as per next pitch.
  4. [13] 40m
    Traverse left around the corner. Step across a gap and then walk left to the base of an easy looking recess.
  5. [13] 30m
    Move up the recess and then over broken ground to a ledge. Walk right and scramble to the top of a pinnacle.
  6. [17] 45m
    Tiles pitch - Climb right across a delicate slab, then up a corner to a small ledge. Climb up 3m, followed by a traverse to the left under a small overhang. Continue up a steep bulge (past an old peg) to a narrow ledge, then up slightly left and do a series of moves back up diagonally right to a stance. The 'Smith-Rutowitz Variation' to the original 'Tiles' pitch can be climbed as follows: 6a. 12 (20m) Walk left and climb the crack in a recessed corner to the stance. 6b. 16 (40m) Climb up on the right to the overhang above. Traverse right with hands at the level of a doubtful block to a ledge (full use of the block reduces the grade to 14). From the top of the 'Tiles' pitch or the 'S-R Variation' walk right along the ledge and scramble up between the wall and a distinct pinnacle.
  7. [18] 20m
    From the top of the pinnacle perform an awkward take-off and pull-up. Move right and reach up high from a low lay-away hold. A piton can be found here (this section is about as hard as the 'normal route' gets). Then traverse 3m left and up to a rib/face to a stance (the 'Suitcase Stance').
  8. [20] 10m
    From the stance descend a meter or so, then traverse right and up into a crack. Climb the crack to a semi-loose block and climb out on the left and up to a sloping stance. Note: the original line took the short, obvious, but off-balance and strenuous layback directly above the stance ( good cams/wires, climbing at grade 20). A slot hidden beyond the top of the layback helps one to heave up to a sloping stance.
  9. [16] 30m
    From the stance, step up and left to avoid a small overhang. Pull up a short recess. Up 4m, then follow an inconspicuous traverse right for 5m. Climb the steep slab on the right, then move left and climb a crack to a stance below a Y-shaped crack.
  10. [15] 45m
    After an awkward take-off climb the Y-shaped crack to a large platform. Move right, up an undercut flake, and then left to an edge. Climb easy ground to another large platform.
  11. [15] 45m
    Above and to the right is a big corner/recess, capped by an overhang. That is where you want to be. Traverse right and then angle delicately across the white slab to enter the recess about 15m above the level of the ledge. Move up the recess until it is possible to traverse right (before a seemingly more obvious traverse line), exiting around the corner to a stance on a large ledge.
  12. [12] 20m
    Walk right for a short distance and choose the easiest line up a very pleasant yellow face to a narrow ledge. Note: an alternative line not as far right provides delightful climbing at about grade 16.
  13. [16] 30m
    Walk left along the ledge for 10m to its left-hand end. There is a shallow recess capped by a roof up and left. Don't be intimidated - go up and left around the corner. Ascend the recess for about 3m then step left onto a corner. Traverse left under the roof and up to a small ledge. Climb up and out right on a water-worn face to a stance. You are at the top of the route.

FA: M. Mamacos & B. Butler, 1949

Trad 430m, 12 Du Toit's Peak
21 North by North-West
Trad Du Toit's Peak

Showing 1 - 100 out of 8,454 routes.

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