
Nodes in Split Pinnacle

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Split Pinnacle

The Greater Gariwerd Landscape Management Plan, Map 4C, shows that climbing is currently permitted (Nov 2022) on the following crags: Syria, Lebanon (including Hezbollah), Pine Wall and Lunar Walls.

The status of the other crags in this area, including one of the best ones between the permitted climbing areas of Lebanon and Pine Wall, i.e. The Promised Land, is unclear.

19 The Rush

Climb up the right side of Split Pinnacle through a bulge, then move left around to the front and up to a ledge. Continue up to the diagonal break that goes across the ceiling, head along this and onto the face, then move hastily to the top.

18 The Rush Variant

This starts on the right-hand side of Split Pinnacle.

  1. 20m Climb up the steep wall, then move left at the break in the ceiling and head around onto the arete, then go up to a stance below the roofs.

  2. 15m Traverse to the left over a flake to a chimney through the roof, then climb this.

15 Thine be the Glory

Three lines lead through the lower roof on the front of Split Pinnacle. This route takes the right hand one.

  1. 20m 15. Up the crack and its right wall around the roof, then up to belay as for The Rush Variant.

  2. 15m 10. Traverse left over the flake to finish up the chimney.

13 Peristalsis

This climb is on the left-hand side of the outcrop. Climb up to the ledge, then traverse right under a block and climb the chimney.

12 Yellow Bird

Start 4m right of 'Lou-Ellen the Great'. Up onto ramp then up the wall above, just right of the tree. Slightly contrived to avoid the scrub off right.

15 Lou-Ellen the Great

Walk left for 40m below the broken crag which continues from the left edge of the main pinnacle, to a right-facing corner with large boulder at base, just right of prominent overhangs. From the top of boulder, get into corner and climb it.

10 Invalid Argument

Just left of the roofs; up the crack system and then finish up right

12 Watch Me

10m further left, just before the cliff breaks down, there is a vertical crack and right-trending crack sharing a start. Follow the vertical crack.

Showing all 9 nodes.

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