
Routes as trad in Euglah Rock

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 114 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
22 Ay Carumba
Trad 25m
7 Solo Route
Trad 30m
19 Worrisome

Gear to bolts and chains shared with P. start behind eucalypt just right of block and up wide crack

FA: Robin Barley, 2009

Trad 30m
18 Old Cocks Crack

Gear to chains up left side of face

FA: Robin Barley, 2009

Trad 27m
20 Quattro

On south face, 2m left of IT starting at ground. Climb brown groove then up left side of pillar into rounded hand crack. Bolts and gear to #4.

FA: robin Barley & John Howe, 2009

Trad 30m
15 Incognito
Trad 17m
19 Cold Comfort


Trad 32m
19 Stress Factor
Trad 25m
18 Revival

Originally initialled - may still be visible. At righthand end of terrace, right from where track meets wall.

  1. From block up wall to mantleshelf on right, then into corner and up. Abseil over AT possible.

FA: Richard Curtis & Brian Birchall, 1977

Trad 30m
23 Pink Slip
Trad 30m
21 Raiders in theRain

The direct start to the crack of Pink Slip. Step off block up face past 3 bolts then into thin crack

FA: robin Barley & John Howe, 2007

Mixed trad 20m, 3
18 The Last Waltz

Climb FF for pitch 1 to ledge. from here up corner for a few moves then R to a jug at base of seam, and up on good runners

FA: Ian Brown & W Payten, 1983

Trad 30m
17 The Fantastic Four

Step off block left of revival ( under pink slip DS). Go L to base of flake and up to ledge. Continue up corner crack. Abseil chains to right at top.

Trad 30m
19 The Fifteen Per Cent

An excellent crack requiring # 4 cam. Start up FF for first pitch but from belay step left from corner into crack line

FA: Astrid Killip & Bob Killip, 1981

Trad 30m
17 Level Crossing
Trad 40m
20 The Fifteen Per Cent Direct Start

The steep start up fused line in black wall 2m L of FF. runner in roof at 6 m. Follow crack through roof and finish up Fifteen Percent

FA: Anthony Brennan & warwick payten, 1985

Trad 10m
23 Slashing Rain

MIXED route. FHs to chains with one small wire needed. Climb yellow crumbly face past bolts then left through roof and over grey rock (wire) to ledge. Small wire and finger sized cams useful to supplement last bolt which has a sleeve sticking out 1 cm.Chain belay. Start 4 m L of revival block and just to left of 15% direct start.

FA: Howe & Barley, 2007

Trad 25m
20 A spot of necrosis

Start up ring bolt route, step right to FH then right into hanging v groove. Up this to top, staying right at top of v groove

FA: Barley & Haffner, 2008

Trad 25m
20 Spot of necrosis LHV

Start as for a spot of necrosis but after the v groove stay left with small gear before steep but juggy exit and abseil as for wrongdoer.

Trad 25m
21 Wrong doer

2m right of the Vice. And left of ring bolt route. Follow vague groove up yellow rock past FHs then left through bulge to ledge, pass final bolt and climb gear crack to top.

FA: Barley & Haffner, 2008

Trad 25m
21 The Vice

Originally done up no longer existent log at grade 19. Wire protection, and clipping adjacent bolt protect start. Through overhang and up steep crack to ledge then easier to top

FA: Ian Brown & J Gouvernet, 1983

Trad 35m
Vice grips

Start in groove as for the vice but follow bolts left around roof, to arête and up. Appears to be a mixed route and possibly join with Lusty Lunge. This may be LUnge not and need deleting, no other RB routes recorded here.

Trad 25m
20 Lunge not

Start 2 m r of BOT and take central line up wall. Gear to #3 including small gear needed. Pass 2 bolts on conglomerate then face climbing on good quality rock into final crack. Chain belay

FA: robin Barley & Judy Komori, 2008

Mixed trad 25m, 5
19 Lusty Lunge

Starts as for Blood on Tracks then up and R to seam on wall. 2 BRs through steep bulge on good jugs

FA: Paul Bayne & Mary Ralston, 1985

Trad 25m
17 Blood on the Tracks

This is where the track meets the terrace. Tricky moves up vague corner 2 m r of BF. Take right crack line where the 2 converge, the left crack is Isis. Into deep crack and up

FA: ian Brown & stuart Wilson, 1982

Trad 30m
18 Isis

Start as for BOT but takes the left hand crack. Bridging back into BOT is required until crack reopens.

FA: Ian Brown & P Colyvan, 1983

Trad 30m
19 Cry of Currawong

Start as for Blood on tracks for 8 m ( gear) then step left to gain arête. Climb arête to chains. Further gear to #3 helps supplement the bolts

FA: Robin Barley., John Howe & Mick Haffner, 2007

Mixed trad 25m, 6
16 Before the Flood

Crack line. ( initialled). Bridge over small roof and up to treed ledge. Up twin cracks.

FA: Mark Colyvan & Greg Pritchard, 1979

Trad 30m
18 Brute Force and Ignorance

Start 2 m L of before the Flood at crack through bulge. A tree originally assisted start. Up crack to ledge then thin twin cracks to another ledge. Pitch 2 10m offwidth in corner

FA: Mark Colyvan & Greg Croft, 1980

Trad 33m
19 The Orgasmotron

Up groove, poor rock, 3 m to the right of MTLG. Head into finger crack after overhang at 6 m. Up block and corner to ledge then shared finish with BFI

FA: ian Brown & paul Colvyan, 1982

Trad 30m
20 Malice Through the Looking Glass

Initialed. The fused corner 10 metres right of Bridge Over Troubled Waters. Excellent technical stemming (and spaced fiddly gear) to halfway ledge - then easier wide crack climbing above (large cams very useful).

FA: Richard Curtis & Brian Birchall, 1979

Trad 30m
22 Rape and Romance

The RP seam crack at the crux provides some real mental stimulation. One of the best wall routes at Kaputar, with a real Moonarie feel in the lower-half. Starts 2m left of Malice Through the Looking Glass. Climb flakes for 10m to seam. Fill it with as many tiny wires as you can then launch boldy up face on good holds to better protection. Finish up quality handcrack to trad belay.

FA: Paul Colyvan, Mark Colyvan & Al Stephens, 1984

Trad 35m
18 Airs and Graces

An exciting and bold arete 4m R of BOTW.

  1. 18m (18) Traverse into the start from the ledge on the right (climbing direct up the crumbling dirt not recommended!). Climb through the bulge on hollow sounding rock (poor gear) to stance and horizontal crack (good cams). Now commit to the gritstone like daunting arete above on small edges to eventual bomber wire and jug. Clean undies and continue up seam to large ledge below corner. Medium cam belay.

  2. 17m (17) Continue up double crack corner above past wide flake (loose rock) to trad belay.

FA: Ian Brown & Stuart Wilson, 1982

Trad 35m, 2
20 Slope Opera

A variant finish to A&G. Do pitch 1 then take arête at LH end of ledge with difficult moves through final bulge

FA: Mark Colyvan & Paul Bayne, 1983

Trad 42m
17 Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Initialled, with a large block sitting against cliff at start. Large fig at half height. Abseil chains at top.

  1. Straight up the line. Good pro and plenty of variety.

FA: R. Curtis, Greg Croft & B. Birchall, 1979

Trad 30m
21 Bucket Time

A scarier version of Clampdown. From ledge after shared start take the R seam that leads into BOTW

FA: Mark Colyvan & Geoff Robertson, 1987

Trad 30m
20 Clamp-down

Shallow seam/crack just right of the bolted arete. Gear is sparse down low but improves up high. Rap chain on the right at the top. This is not a 3 star route.

FA: Mark Colyvan, Paul Bayne & Justin Gouvernet, 1983

Trad 30m
20 Revisited

The excellent bolted arete right of Juicy Rumors. This is NOT a sport route - you will need a finger crack cam on the 1/3rd ledge and a 0.75 camalot for the runout to the top. There is no dedicated rap anchor - finish rightwards to rap off chain above Bridge Over Troubled Waters.

FA: unknown

Mixed trad 30m, 5
18 Juicy Rumours

Outstanding left-facing corner with fantastic trad gear the whole way. Crux is around the little bulge about a third of the way up.

Trad 30m
19 Best Foot Forward

Two climbs to the right of 'Yummikins', on dark coloured rock. Climb the obvious crack in the centre of the wall. 'Steep' featured rock, with good gear. Trad belay.

FA: Geoff Weigand & John Smoothy, 1982

Trad 30m
20 Butterflies

The arête 2m R of Y. Spaced and fiddly protection

FA: Paul Bayne, Mark Colyvan & J Gouvernet, 1983

Trad 33m
17 Yummikins

Bridge your way up the black corner. The start is marked with 'Y'. Trad belay.

FA: Brian Birchall, Mark Colyvan & John Lattanzio, 1980

Trad 33m
18 Dummykins

Start up Y but at 1/3 height step left into hanging corner. And continue up the line.

Trad 33m
17 Swiss Made

Start as for Y but step left after a few metres and into prominent V corner up higher

Trad 30m
19 Better Get Used to It

Direct start to Swiss made, the high V corner. Start up steep crack, start now partly retro bolted by CTDB

Trad 30m
21 Caressing the Diamond Bird

Bolts and some gear to chains. Up yellow wall past bolts and crack as for BGUTI to ledge at 10m. Step left and follow crack in arête (gear) to big ledge and up right side of arête on bolts. Full rack to # 3

FA: Robin Barley & Peter Shackleton, 2005

Mixed trad 25m, 8
19 Tricks of the Trade

Start 5 m right of BT where 3 dead pines are on the track to the left of a low roof. Up 8 m then step right into wider crack and up

FA: Mark Colyvan & Paul Colyvan

Trad 40m
22 New Trix

Choss to roof using dead tree as for TOTT. The climbing then rapidly improves. Instead of stepping right continue straight up line on small but excellent gear. Surmount flake and continue up hand crack, stepping left to exit at top, as for final corner of DS.

FFA: David Gray & Vanessa Wills, Jul 2018

Trad 33m
22 Dumb Scare

Start 2m R of the arête right of BT. Follows right trending groove into centre of wall, onto a pillar ( stacked blocks) to ledge and then up short right facing corner to top. 3 expansion BR. Friable rock.

FA: Paul Bayne & Mary Ralston, 1985

Mixed trad 40m, 3
23 Blind Terror

An imposing black corner with BT clearly initialled at start. Described as a serious lead in the Colyvan guide. Trad belay.

FA: Mark Colyvan

Trad 40m
25 There Goes the Neighbourhood

Starts 2m L of BT, up the centre of the wall through a V notch in the low roof following intermittent crack. There is one BR just below this roof, and another just below the high bulge. Chain belay on ledge just below top.

FA: Mark Colyvan & Paul Bayne, 1985

Mixed trad 35m, 2
23 R Edge Effects

Great sustained climbing up arête and face to right, but poorly protected with minimal worthwhile gear between the BR until the last 10 metres. However it was originally climbed with only 3 BR and TheFA does not wish the route to be retro bolted. Start right of arête to first BR, then up to arête at roof. Follow arête before moving back right to face and corner , the follow corner until you can step left into another crack that leads to chain anchor shared with EOE

FA: Mark Colyvan & Paul Bayne, 1983

Mixed trad 40m, 5
21 Deaf Frights

Corner 1m R of IBE. Mounts pedestal at half height. 3 rusty BRs and a fixed wire. Trad belay

FA: paul Bayne & Mary Ralston, 1985

Mixed trad 35m, 3
17 R The Importance of reading the guidebook

An alternative second pitch to IBE, instead of heading left from the belay ledge stay right and go up the fused corner. There is some gear.

FFA: Vanessa Wills & David Gray, Jul 2018

Trad 20m
17 The Importance of Being Earnest

Starts just R of the pruned dead tree at the start of I. Faintly marked. Up trending slightly left over stacked blocks into L facing corner.( crux) At ledge with bushes step L to belay. (20m). P 2 Avoid blind crack on R by continuing left up easy angled crack.

FA: Brian Birchall & John Lattanzio, 1979

Trad 40m, 2
18 Pedestrian Crossing

A leftward rising traverse. Start up tree as for Inconsequential. After 4 th bolt on I cross to arête, across EE, traverse left around arête into corner ( GG) and continue left across face past 2 more bolts to next arête, then up to chain anchor. a #2 and 0.75 cam and extendable runners help. Abseil 20 m to ground or continue to top, joining Pitch 2 of IBE be a short corner at grade 12, gear to #3.

FA: Robin Barley & Judy Komori

Mixed trad 30m, 7
23 Gloworthy Groove

10m right of LIS, climb crumbly rock to excellent overhanging corner and shared chains. Accidentally retro bolted by Barley, who then discovered it had been climbed by Carrigan in 1997, and some bolts were removed. Studs with nuts are remnant.

FA: Kim Carrigan, 1997

Trad 20m
22 Rotten Scoundrel

Bolts to gear to chains. 2m right of LIS, climb friable orange pockets, cross right to bottomless crack and climb on good gear.

FA: Mick Hafner & Robin Barley, 2008

Trad 25m
20 Once a Sinner

Start at Unhinged and go up right past a couple of bolts to a vertical wall that takes good gear. Rappel chains down L.I.S.

FA: Robin Barley, 2011

Trad 25m
21 Unhinged

Mainly gear to tree at top. Start 5m left of Living in Sin, and climb up square recess past 2 bolts, pull out left and follow gear crack to ledge. Easier rock to top.

FA: Mick Hafner & Robin Barley, 2010

Mixed trad 18m, 2
19 Skulking through the Badlands

Right of Taking Liberties where the path passes below an orange grooved buttress. This is just before the terrace appears up high. P1 Climb left line up black groove to small triangular roof with a bolt visible at 6 m. Follow 3 bolts up friable rock until into chimney. Continue up corner to Ledge and bolt belay on right. P2 follow all gear groove to chains at summit ( may be difficult to locate)

FA: Robin Barley & Peter Shackleton, 2005

Mixed trad 50m, 5
21 Service Charge
Trad 12m
21 Mean Mistreater
Trad 55m
19 Mumbo Jumbo
Trad 50m
20 The Texas Chain-saw Massacre
Trad 50m
16 Kelvinator
Trad 50m
20 Katzenjammer Kraks

Start left of 'Kelvinator' at an incipient crack which runs up the centre of a subsidiary buttress. Initialled.

  1. 30m. Up crack (difficult to start) to below a steep corner. Near its top traverse right onto the arete and up to easier ground. Continue up and left to large ledge. Belay below large corner and wall crack.

  2. 30m (crux) up corner to where it steepens and it is possible to traverse left past wedged block, then up through overlap to top.

FA: Richard Curtis & Brian Birchall, 1979

Trad 60m, 2
26 Aslan
  1. 25m (23) Up crack starting 2m left of fig growing in corner, under steep hanging corner in the next bay right of primal scream. Climb to ledge at half height.

  2. 25m (26) continue up corner through roof to stemming corner. Small cams and RPs essential

FA: Tobin Sorenson & John Allen, 1979

Trad 50m, 2
24 Simba

P1 20 m 23 As for Aslan pitch 1, belay on ledge. P2 25 m 24. Start Aslan pitch 2 but exit stemming box on left and take crack to left of Aslan corner.

FA: David Gray & Vanessa Wills, Jun 2020

Trad 45m, 2
20 Bonzerland

The red groove leading direct to the Primal Scream crack. Either continue up PS or head right to balcony anchors on the arete

FA: robin Barley & Mick Hafner, 2010

Trad 25m
20 Primal Scream

Initialed. The middle of the 3 striking corners. Originally started as for GOW, moving right into corner up ramp ( poorly protected)'. Alternate starts can be done via Bonzerland or Drongoland to ledge. Pitch 2 up twin cracks in corner to exit left around roof.

FA: Mark Colyvan & Paul Bayne, 1981

Trad 50m
22 Great Oz Wall

Up the wall left of PS. The start has a little gear down low then is unprotected until you gain the crack. An alternate start that is still run out can be done via the first 3 bolts of Drongoland to the left. Continue up crack to twin cracks up high. Double ropes useful. Abseil chains on ledge above.

FA: Tobin Sorensen & John Allen, 1979

Trad 50m
21 Adventures in Drongoland

Start just left of start for PS and GOW at small roof, following bolts to its left. Up into crack as for GOW for 10 m then follow more bolts left to belay on arête. There is another climb above this. Makes a well protected start for GOW.

FA: Hafner, Barley, curzon & komori

FFA: 2010

Trad 30m
20 Freudian Slip

A dominating corner. Starts below first full length crack-line right of sun deck cave. Initialed.

  1. 34m (20) Up easily to ledge and FH at base of corner. Tricky start stemming up chossy rock (random dodgy rivet bolt) then steep sustained corner crack to hanging trad belay where it slabs off. Alternatively step left onto ledge and belay on bolts. This pitch has a lot of hollow sounding rock - take care.

  2. 18m (20) Continue up excellent handcrack corner, finishing up the right of two cracks with steep pumpy finale. Belay off rap chain to the left.

FA: R. Curtis (1, 2) B. Birchall & J. Nelson, 1979

Trad 52m
22 Joys of the Flesh
Trad 47m
20 Comic Crack

Start: Six metres right of Steel Dance pitch 2. A crack which splits a rib or shallow arete.

  1. Just right of cave, move up avoiding a small overhang on its right. Continue up line to platform, then up crack through rib.

FA: Richard Curtis & Brian Birchall, 1981

Trad 42m
18 Steel Dance
Trad 45m
22 Steel Dance Direct Start
Trad 15m
20 Too Pooped to Pop
Trad 50m
18 Baked Ochre

Into orange bay, turning roof on right past bolt, then finish as for MB to right to chains.

FA: Robin Barley

Mixed trad 20m, 3
19 Shiver Me Timbers
Trad 45m
21 Acts of Terrorism
Trad 42m
18 Body-snatcher
Trad 45m
19 Head-banger
Trad 40m
19 Skin Flick
Trad 47m
20 Firing Line
Trad 40m
20 Wasted Years

Initialed. Up slabby block to move around nose right into the line running up left of overhang, 2 m R of BS

FA: I Brown & J Gouvernet, 1982

Trad 36m
20 Taking Liberties
Trad 50m
21 Shades of Grey

Up slab to seam/crack on wall above.

Trad 32m
19 Burning Spear

Start 15m left of cave where track meets cliff, up unprotected slab into right facing corner that continues into handcrack. New anchor 2023. A carrot protects stepping down to anchor. A good spot to abseil from on this side of the crag.

Trad 30m
20 Crack the Gripper

Start 5m left of Burning Spear, around the corner. Climb crack and face past suspended rectangular block and up to ledge. Continue up crack in the face directly behind. Trad belay.

Trad 27m
17 Protocol

2 m R of DS, up slab and groove to just left of tree on ledge. Up corner below triangular roof, stepping right and up corner system to trad belay on top.

FA: mark colyvan & John Lattanzio, 1981

Trad 27m
17 Devilled Sloth

From the top of large block go up ramp to a slabby left hand corner ( poor pro) to ledge then continue up corner passing eucalyptus tree growing at half height)

FA: T Gynther & J Friend, 1973

Trad 28m
21 Hook, Line and Sinker

Up just L of Devilled Sloth for 5m to sloping ledge. L into crack and up to ledge beneath bulge. Up crack in bulge and follow it up arete.

FA: Mark Colyvan, Paul Colyvan & Al Stephens, 1983

Trad 30m
18 Harlequin

2m R of ONB. Up and over large, wedge-shaped block.

FA: Anthony Brennan, Jeremy Cook & Martin Hallman, 1987

Trad 25m
20 One Night in Bangkok

Crack R of RM to big ledge. Wall on L.

FA: Anthony Brennan & Mark Colyvan, 1986

Trad 20m
21 Rigor Mortis

Initialed. Crack on bulging wall 3m R of LWL.

Up to sloping ledge, then slight recess. Through bulge, up steep crack crack to ledge, then pleasant corner to finish.

FA: Ian Brown & Warwick Payten, 1982

FFA: Mark Colyvan & Ian Brown, 1983

Trad 35m
12 Lost World Layback

Initialled. At top of short ramp above burnt tree stump.

Tricky crack for 5m, then R trending gully. Finish up Lost Layback Crack on L.

FA: Joe Friend, John Croker & Trevor Gynther, 1973

Trad 25m
10 Bird's-nest Soup

Corner crack 2m L of Lost World Layback, which it joins at half-height to finish.

FA: Adrian Cooper & Stephen Caldwell, 1979

Trad 25m
13 Carry On

Up the twin cracks to large ledge with shrubs then up the second cliff line via any number of options.

Start: 10m left of 'Lost World Layback'. Faintly Initialed

FA: Rod McClymont & Richard Thomas, 1978

Trad 35m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 114 routes.

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